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Hello Mr. Weisman,
First off I would like to say that I really appreciate the new comic book/graphic novel. No that's an understatement, I found the book to be Incredible! My Question is; is there going to be cross-overs or mentioning of the series that "could have been"? Timedance, Pendragon, Bad Guys or New Olympians is what I mean. Or could they be made into Miniseries/Maxiseries or even a series on their own? I would definately buy that.
Thank you for your Time.
Varjo Kage
We're taking things one step at a time. But I wouldn't rule anything out.
I love it when Ask Greg reopens for questions! I know it'll be a few years before this gets read, but it adds to the vibrancy of the fandom.
Unfortunately I didn't get to the Gathering yet again- one of these days. Doesn't gall me as much as missing the last one in NYC, but at least I have my memories of the first two.
I looked through the new posts to see what others were saying about the comic. (There is less of a chance of saying something that has been said to death, but I don't want to lose the habit of checking first.) By in large the reviews are very good and I would have to agree. I couldn't get to my comic shop till Friday, but I read it and went through it with a fellow fan in great detail on the phone before sundown. (The rest of my weekly reading had to wait.) I won't say it was perfect, I had some serious concerns, but I was really happy.
First off, I must note this- The back says that the colorist is new to the field- what a fantastic start! There is nothing there that even hinted to anything novice like.
I have to be a little harder on the artist. It almost seems like the style switched halfway through. The first half struck me as more stylized, a little reminisent of craypas or those sidewalk chalk artists that wow you with what they can do. The second half was looser, even letting you see the pencil marks. My druthers would ask for the second style. The artist seemed far more comfortable with it. While the first page and sevel other panels throughout the begining were beautiful, other were rather awkward and boxy, especially in the none action scenes. (The artist drew some just plain fantastic fantastic action sceens.)
I did have a small quibble with the text...(though I feel like slime mentioning it here). Some of the lines that were lifted directly from the show didn't flow as well without Keith David's sonority. Goliath's formal speaking style sometimes needs that resonance. I have no fear of that being a problem in later books- all the sceens that started life in print read just fine while still conjuring that voice. I loved Goliath's 'discussion' with the shotgun wielding man. Though I have to ask- who has a shotgun in NYC?
Looking forward to issue 2- I do hope that independant Publisher doesn't mean Independate time frame :}
I'm not sure I understand your comment about missing Keith. I mean we all miss Keith, but if I lifted the line directly from the show -- and it worked in the show -- how could it not work here? Oh, well.
As for a shotgun in Manhattan, anyone who occasionally heads upstate to go hunting might have one.
I hear that there may be no plans to release the Gargoyles 3rd DVD due to poor sales but i think you should release them world wide so the sales will go up i suspect there more gargoyle fans in the world then there are in America.
Please Please Please Please Please Please Please can you release the Gargoyles DVDs in the UK. If I could I would buy them from America but UK is reagion 2
Luckily I can buy the comic from America
It's really not up to me. Talk to BVHE.
Hey gang,
In an attempt to get back on a bi-monthly schedule, we've invited a few talented fill-in artists to take on a few issues of the comic.
Clan-Building #3 "Invitation Only" is being penciled by regular series penciler David Hedgecock, with colors by our new regular colorist Dustin Evans.
Clan-Building #4 "Masque" is being penciled by guest artist Nir Paniry. Colorist hasn't been decided yet.
Clan-Building #5 "Bash" is being penciled by fan favorite Karine Charlebois and colored by fan favorite Stephanie Lostimolo.
Clan-Building #6 "Reunion" is being penciled by Gordon Purcell. Colorist hasn't been decided yet.
Clan-Building #7 "The Rock" will be pencilled by David and colored by Dustin. I just finished scripting it, and I'm about to start work on #8.
ALL COVERS are by Greg Guler with colors by Steph.
Clan-Building is currently scheduled to last 12 issues total.
It's all very exciting. I've seen pencils and colors from #3 and pencils and inks of #4 and rough pages of #5. All looking very sweet.
Hey Greg!
First off just let me say that I'm very excited about the new comic and can't wait for the next issue. Hopefully you remember me from gatherings past, there arn't very many heavy metal gargoyles in the fandom. You may still have my album as well! I'm doing my best to spread the word about it as well. I only have one question, The story "night watch" is suppost to pick up where the show left off. At the risk of revealing how out of the loop I am, where exactly is that point? Perhaps I need to look back at season three or something.
please contact me at: Kineticguitarist2005@yahoo I'd love to show you my band sometime!
Thank you once again
Slash T.
Nightwatch picks up where SEASON TWO left off, i.e. at the end of Hunter's Moon. We're not counting the Goliath Chronicles. Not even my episode "The Journey" as the first two issues of the comic readapt that story.
And of course, I remember you Slash. Haven't seen you in years though. We'll you be at G2007?
First off, I was looking through questions and comments that you've answered on this website last night and I noticed that a few people mentioned that you don't like to get questions about different subjects all in one writing, but to post them seperately. When I read through the rules on the first page, I didn't see this mentioned, but if you did say something about this in the rules and I'm missing it somewhere, I appologize for my last journals that I wrote. They had different subjects asked about in them, and I didn't know that you prefer not to get them that way. I hope that it didn't complicate your answering questions, I certainly didn't want to do that. Again, I'm sorry. I won't do it again, and I'll understand if you don't answer some of my questions on those posts.
Today is Monday so I had school again. It's half way over, so I'm glad. Today in class, one of the other students (one of the louder ones I might add) kept going on about how she got to go to the premier for the Pirates of the Carribbean 2 movie at Disneyland. She had pictures and autographs for anyone who would pay attention to see. It's funny, she said she waited 11 hours on Main Street to see the stars of the movie. I was thinking how cool it would be to go to the one for the 3rd movie, but then I realized that they had this last movie the same weekend as the gathering this year. I really hope that they don't have it at the same time as 2007's gathering, because I'd really love to go to both.
Since I'm talking about Disneyland, and you work for disney and all, I think I'll end this journal with questions about Disney for you (because I don't want to detour to other topics and make it longer than it needs to be). Have you been to Disneyland? It's a great place, I think. My family and I have obtained family passes for the place a couple of times in the past. I'm Disneyland sick right now because we haven't been in a year or so (I know it sounds stupid that I should complain about this, because other people only get to go once in their lives). One memory I like best of Disneyland was the year they were building California Adventure next door to it. We had season passes that year, so we got to see California Adventure being built from the ground up as we went to Disneyland over the year. I've heard from people before who work at Disneyland and they say they hate it. One must wonder why? I guess you'll never know unless you work there. Is it the same for people who don't work at Disneyland, but still work for Disney? I mean, do you ever get tired of working for Disney? I think that is why the others hate the place now, they had too much of what is supposed to be a good thing.
I also want to say that I saw your name at the end of the WITCH credits tonight. My sister saw it and pointed it out and said that I over react to seeing names that I am familiar with. I always get excited when I see a name or hear a voice that had to do with gargoyles. You all did a great job with that show, and I hope you continue your ideas on through this new show (and into other new gargoyle developments).
Well, I guess this is it. The Gathering of the Gargoyles is officially over with today. No more me rambling on and on about.... well, nothing really. I did enjoy taking the time out to put up these posts. I hope that next year I get to put up posts of what happened at the 2007 gathering and not what is happening in my normal life.
I hope you and everyone else had a great time at the gathering and has a safe trip back to your homes. Thank you for listening (actually reading), and letting me, and everyone else who puts up posts, take up some of your time. It is appreciated.
It has been a pleasure and a privelege to write to you.
I do not work for Disney right now. Used to. But not at the moment. I have been to Disneyland. I'm a born and bred Angelino, so I've been going there since I was a kid.
So how is everything going? Good I hope. Only one more day of Gathering of the Gargoyles. I'm sure everyone is having a great time out there at the gathering. Everyone must be really busy trying to get to everything there. Just curious, but how many sessions are going on out there? Do people have time inbetween sessions to do anything else? Did you do any sight seeing in L.A.? I hear that next year the gathering will be in Tenessee near the Smokey Mountains. That would be so cool to go to. There must be a lot of sight seeing to do for the next gathering, that is if you have time to get away from the convention. I've been to Tennessee once up in the Smokey Mountians. I barely remember it, but the few pictures I have in my mind are of very beautiful scenery. I can picture the mountains with dark clouds around the top of them. Maybe I can get a plane ticket and head out there next year not only for the gathering, but to recharge my memory of the scenery. I think that if there was another gargoyle clan out there in the U.S. (besides the Manhattan clan), they should be located in a place like that. The mountains would be great cover, and there are little towns all around in there that they could protect if they felt the need to. I'm really hoping that I can convince someone to go with me now that I'm getting myself psyched for the Smokey Mountains.
Since the gathering is almost over for 2006, I might as well get your opinion on it. Did you think that the turn out was better or worse this year than other gatherings? Did a lot of voice talents from the Gargoyles show come to the convention? By the way, how many of these gatherings have you attended? I know that this one in 2006 is the 10th annual one, but did you go to the first few, like the 1st or 2nd gathering? Who exactly started these gatherings (don't just say fans, please)? Do you think that more talents from the show will come to next years (2007) gathering?
Well, now that I've questioned you out, I might as well mention a few things that happened today since this is sort of a journal of what's going on during the gathering. Today is Sunday, so of course church. After that, we (my family) had tacos and I slept for a couple of hours. I woke up to find nothing great on TV or on TIVO. Later, my parents and I watched some murder mystery movie where some woman was being tricked into thinking she was crazy by her husband and best friend so they could get rid of her and get all her money that she'd made. It was interesting. Not as good as it would have been to be at the gathering (I had to throw that in there).
When I mentioned church, it got me thinking. I know religion is a touchy subject for a lot of people, but I was wondering if any gargoyles were religious in some way. If they are, do they practice human religions or do they have one of their own? I could see a clan living in a big church building with the stain glass windows and such, with them posing on top on the steeple or roof during the day and then protecting the town at night. I can just imagine the picture in my head. It would look rather gothiky though.
Now that's my ramble/journal for today. Just one more for tomorrow. I'm sure you'll miss my long talks about nothing (probably not). I hope all is well, and thank you for your time.
Turn out for 2006 was high for a Gathering. Having the con in L.A. always helps, because we can get a TON of special guests (because they're all local) that we couldn't afford to bring to a more distant location. Someone from the Gathering would have to give you exact figures, but I believe the attendance was probably our second highest ever - second only to G2001, which was also in L.A.
We did have quite a few voice actors, including Keith "Goliath" David, Thom "Lexington" Adcox, Brigitte "Angela" Bako, Elisa "Obisiana" Gabriellie, Morgan "Petros" Sheppard, Jim "Dingo" Cummings and others. Plus quite a few voice actors from WITCH and other shows as well.
I've attended all TEN Gatherings. It might seem like quite an achievement, but really it's all thanks to the fans, who pay my way for every non-L.A. convention and put me up (and put up with me) at the L.A. cons. There are a handful of fans whom have also been to all ten conventions. They are my heroes.
"Who exactly started these gatherings (don't just say fans, please)?" - Okay, I won't say fans. I'll say FAN. May "Elisa Maza" Li (I hope I'm spelling that correctly) was THE fan that got the ball rolling by almost single-handedly organizing the first Gathering in NYC. Burned her out so much that she didn't attend again until this past year, when she was given the Fan Guest of Honor award. Of course since then there's been a long list of people who have contributed. I'd list 'em, but I'm sure I'd forget some people, and I don't want to offend.
For info on Gargoyles religion -- which is both Animistic and Monotheistic -- check the archives under GARGOYLE CUSTOMS.
I know this is mostly for Gargoyles but...will Season One of W.I.T.C.H. be coming out on DVD? Is it already available? I missed this first season and would like to get caught up...
I'm afraid I don't know. I hope it does, because I'd like to see Season Two on DVD.
Excuse me Mr. Weisman,
I want to be a comic book writer after my upcoming four years in college and a dream I want to hopefully make a reality is work for Creature Comics because I love your series, I love what it says on the creature comics site in the section"what does creature comics do?"
because that's exactly what I want to do when I become a comic book writer.
please sir tell me what I should do so if I were to show you my material some day, that I seem like a chance and not crash and burn.
At the moment, CreatureComics.Com is less of a company than a partnership. Me and Marty and Greg. There are no jobs to be had. Although we have grand schemes of doing more work, at the moment the only CCC project is the Gargoyles comic book, and for better or worse, I do ALL the writing on that.
So CCC is NOT where you should be looking to break in. And for legal reasons, I won't even look at your stuff. That's not personal, it's policy.
But you could try breaking into the business the way I did, which was by sending a letter (or submission) to DC Comics (or Marvel or whatever company is putting out stuff). You could try to find an artist to partner with and self-publish to get some attention. Go to comic book conventions and talk to pros and especially publishers and editors.
Good luck.
Gathering Journal - Pretrip or "The trip that almost wasn't"
One note, I do make mention of when I was writing the journal, just as points of reference, so if I don't mention when I catch up to the present that I stopped to write my journal, it is an oversite.
Anyways, in my own words, my experiences.
Here am I, at 6:51am, Saturday morning, writing my journal entry the story of how the events leading to the day I arrived. Jet lag caught up with me, otherwise I would be asleep at this point. Anyways, back to the story of how I got here. Sometime in September 2005, I sent my payment for the registration costs for the Gathering through the post office. A few weeks passed by, and I didn't hear a thing back, so I emailed Patrick and nagged him once a week for a few weeks to see if my payment had arrived. Patrick asked me to stop, so I did and thanked him for his patience. I got really tired of waiting, so I finally paid online with the promise that whenever my gathering payment (I used a cashier's check) arrived from the post office, they would send me a check back. Three months after I sent my payment through the post office, I got the letter back, because I put the wrong zip code in. (In polite company, I can not say what I think of this . . blu . . mistake by the post office in taking so long to get me returned mail back.) I sent it in a new envelope and paid to have it delivered in 2-3 days so I could get my money back (banks are funny about cancelling a cashier's check). Thankfully, I got my check from the gathering and deposited it, thus passing obstacle #1.
Obstacle #2 was acquiring the plane tickets. I learned expedia.com and my local bank (Harvest) transaction processing systems don't exactly work well together (it's a technical issue). So I resolved to buy my tickets in person during spring break, which I did. (Murphy's law & I are acquitances so I didn't want to risk making a mistake scheduling my flights going through an airline.). That cleared obstacle #2.
Obstacle #3 was finding a roommate. I found that difficult being a new person to attend. Then, there's the paradox: I didn't want to book a room without a roommate (fear of getting stuck with a bill by myself), but nobody wants to sign up with anybody unless they already have a room booked. Finally, out of desparation, I decided to book a hotel room myself, only to discover that all the rooms reserved at the Gathering Rate were booked. Then panic sank in. Fortunately, I was able to share a room with A Fan and everything was set except for Obstacle #4.
Obstacle #4 was the scariest/most dangerous obstacle of them all for me. What was it? Telling my dad that I was going. (my mom died passed away in January 1995 after battling cancer for years). As some people in the tgs cr, I have frequently referred to him as "the moron". We don't have (and haven't) had a good relationship in years. We have virtually nothing in command except we're related by blood. So two weeks on the Sunday before I was to go, I worked up my courage to tell him and told. I have never ever seen him so upset and I was scared/terrified. Initially it was about the money. I'm a college student graduating in the fall without a full time job at the moment. Then the issue became about other things. Thank goodness for good stepmothers, that's all I'm going to say. The Saturday before the trip, I lost my checkbook and spent the next few days hunting for it, only to discover it was in my brother's couch in his home. (My brother and I are extremely close and have been for several years - this despite a 12 year age difference). Thursday, while packing, Murphy's law struck and I got only a few hours of sleep.
To be continued with Gathering Journal day 1 - what happenned that Friday . . .
Wow... obstacles indeed. Glad you made it though!
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