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I searched the archives, and did not see any mention of this.
How would you feel if your characters were used in a Kingdom Hearts game as side-characters in a world or in a world of their own?
I'd be thrilled.
I've been watching the DVDs and have recently been intrigued by the characters of Claw and Fang, mainly because we don't really know *who* these characters actually are! They are introduced to the series with their human identities hidden (both in physical terms and by giving them aliases). These guys could be anyone! (Claw especially is full of potential considering he can't speak).
I know that asking you who they were in their human forms would be pointless, so I'll try to dodge that question with some others:
1. Will their true identities be important or some sort of plot-twist? (Like the Owen/Puck connection)
2. Did you know who they really are when the show started, or is it an opening in the overall story that you included so you could work on it later? (again, I compare with Owen/Puck; you've said that you didn't know at first that the two were one and the same, but realised the connection soon afterwards).
3. If one, or both of their true identities are important, have there been any hints in the course of the series in character dialogue or situation?
4. Were they approached for the experiment in the same way that Maggie was, or was there something different in how Doctor Sevarius enlisted them?
5. Was there a reason why you decided that Claw would not be able to speak? (that is, to keep his identity secret? Or were you just trying to save money on a voice actor!)
Thank you very much for any answers you give (or decide *not* to give, I know I may be treading on thin ice asking these questions!)
1. Important, yes. Plot-twist, not really.
2. No, I know who they are now. But I didn't when "Metamorphosis" was scripted. Though I knew what direction I wanted to head with each.
3. Not really, actually.
4. More or less the same.
5. Two reasons: 1. economic as you noted, and 2. I genuinely thought it would make him a more interesting character.
im asking about the famous line of lady mcbeth one of shakespeare's charater which starts with "blood, blood, blood"
What about it?
Again, it's me. Not much happened today (there seems to be a pattern in this in my life). I've been wishing I was where you all are. But, instead, I'm here, typing to you. I was thinking about the gathering today and what you guys might be doing. So, I decided to ask you something (since that is kind of the purpose of this website). If you had to convince a person who's never been to a gathering before and you could only name three things to them that happens at the gathering, what would those three things be? What is it that you enjoy the most at gatherings is basically the question here. Since I'm asking about the gathering, I might as well keep asking. About how many people were at the last gathering you attended? (You might not read this for a few years, so answer this to the last gathering you attended, not the one that's going on right now in 2006, unless that was the last one you went to). I keep hearing about radio plays. What exactly is this? I've seen some stuff about it, but I want to know from you what it is and your opinion on it. Did you come up with the concept or did someone else?
I think it is great that so many gargoyles fans are being able to get together and celebrate a great show. I've loved gargoyles for so many years, and it would be great to meet other fanatics like me. Maybe someday... But until then, I've got my sister to nag about this stuff. She's not a hard core fan like me, but she has watched the show since it first came out just like me. We know all the dialogue to each show. In fact, sometimes we put the TV on mute and put the lines in ourselves. Other times we just mess around and make up funny stuff for the soundless characters to say. We get a kick out of that. Another memory that comes to mind is having to explain each confusing show to my sister. She's four years younger than me, so she started watching the show when she was 3 years old. She's in high school now and still I have to explain some of the more confusing shows to her.
Possession is one of my favorites and is one my sister complains of being the most confusing. I always liked the 3 episodes that came before Hunter's Moon. They were: Turf, The Reckoning, and Possession. Their story lines were great. I liked Turf because Elisa has to help Tony Dracon when they really can't stand each other, and she has a different look going on for her (plus you find out what happened to Mase Malone's step son. He went from working out in a gum with the witness protection program to being a hired thug). I liked The Reckoning because Angela and Demona finally meet face to face and know who each other are for the 1st time (that time in Paris doesn't really count). When I was younger, I had been anticipating the meeting between them since I knew that they were mother and daughter. It was a great story to tell about the two of them. Then there is Possession. What can I say, I love to solve puzzles. Who is in who's body? Good question. I love how it was all just a lesson for little Alexander. The kid has potential.
Anyways, I've rambled off a lot of stuff, and I should let you go answer other people's comments and questions. Thank you for your time and I hope your having a great weekend at the 10th annual Gathering of the Gargoyles.
What do I enjoy most? There's a lot I could say, but certain friends would cough loudly and force me to admit that it's the 72-hour non-stop EGO-BOOST!!!! (I mean, really, who am I kidding?)
But there are a lot of specific things I love about the Gathering. You asked for three, so...
1. The Radio Play is always a real blast for me. I like the whole process: auditions, casting, rehearsal and performance. As for what they are, it's not too complicated. I bring a script. Sometimes Gargoyles, sometimes something else (often the something else is some unproduced script). We hold VOICE auditions for the various parts. Casting is usually done by myself, Thom "Lexington" Adcox and Jennifer Anderson. Then we gather for a rehearsal. And then we perform for the con. There are no props, costumes or make-up. We just stand-up and read the lines ... like a radio play. (I didn't come up with the concept of a radio play. I'm guessing radio did that. But I am the guy who came up with the idea of doing it at the Gathering, starting in 1998.)
2. The late night chats. The Blue Mug (though not always Blue) is always a lot of fun, but even informally, it's hard to top the good times of hanging with folk, just talking. Each Gathering is really a family reunion, complete with new additions to the family showing up every year.
3. The talent and intelligence of our fans. Whether it's the radio play, the wonderful Art Room, the Masquerade or just listening to them talk in panels, I'm always blown away by what our fans can do.
4. Also eating. I love eating.
Again, if you don't remember my last post from yesterday (which is likely, there are a lot of people who like to talk to you) I was not able to go to the Gathering of the Gargoyles this year. I'm posting what is happening to a person who can't get to the gathering. Besides spontanious cries of wanting to be at the gathering and break downs every now and then, things are pretty much normal. My sister gets a kick every time she hears my little outbreaks.
Today there was no school, so I stayed home and pondered with my sister about the gathering and past experiences we've had due to gargoyles. I reminded her about the gargoyles games we used to play and we both laughed for a long time as we reminisced. We were bored so we looked through some old board games that we might enjoy playing. As we did, I started thinking about how fun it would be to have a gargoyles board game. You know how Monopoly has different versions? There could be a gargoyles monopoly, or the game Life could throw its hat into the ring. I know it is unlikely, but wouldn't it be cool?
While conventions are on my mind, I just wanted to put out there that Pirates of the Carribean 2 is having its premier tomorrow at Disneyland. I thought it was really funny that the premier for that is at the same time as the gathering. What a conincidence, huh? They should've done a joint thing, with pirates and gargoyles at the same time. That would be the best. I know that the gathering doesn't have to do with Disney promoting the Pirates of the Carribean movie, but just imagine with me...
I can only imagine the great time everyone is having right now, getting to the gathering. Okay, I lied, I can't imagine because I've never been to one. The closest thougts that I have to a gathering are the few scenes that were shown on the DVD for the 1st season of gargoyles. I really liked that. It was kind of a bummer to see that there was nothing on the gatherings on the second DVD. Oh well.
Well, we're almost half way through with these journals (at least I am almost through). I only have Saterday and Sunday to record, and maybe Monday if you're lucky (hahaha). It's funny how I don't end up writing about my day, but more about jibberish.
One more thing, I saw the new episode of WITCH tonight and it rocked! You're doing a great job with that, along with all the other talents working on the show. If only those talents could go towards another gargoyles show....
Thank you for your time and patience. I also hope you have a great time at the convention.
There is a gargoyles board game. I've got a copy. Plus there was the Gargoyles Video board game that came with the video release of "The Heroes Awaken".
Hey Greg,
I've been a longtime Gargoyles fan since it first aired when I was in High School. Being both a comic book geek and a literature geek, I've fondly remembered the show for as long as I can remember. I remember when the episode revealing Owen in Puck (I believe it occured after the World Tour), I was in shock for days and geeking out with my friends about it.
Sadly, as I live in far Eastern Canada (New Brunswick), I won't have a Gathering 2006 report. If I had the money for such a trip, I would absolutely love to attend one of the Gatherings. Maybe someday!
So, a couple of questions:
1) The first is regarding Volume 2 of Season 2. I picked up Vol.1 as soon as it was released and devoured the episodes within days. From your comment about Vol.2, I'm worried if we'll ever see its release. Would it be safe to assume that Volume 2 would be the final set for the series? I remember you listed how, ideally, you'd like to release the sets but I can't remember their set up.
2) An additional question regarding Vol.2. I loved the Gathering feature in the first season collection. Do you think that, should Vol.2 be released, that another Gathering feature (perhaps of 2004 or '06?) could be added?
3) Since "The Journey", the first and only episode you were directly involved with TGC, would it be safe to assume that it may be included in a future DVD collection? The rest of TGC, I understand, would not, but just the one leaves me curious.
Lastly, I'd like to say that I picked up the first issue of the Gargoyles comic and enjoyed it greatly. In many ways, it felt as if I was watching the show all over again. My only complaint, which I'm sure will disappear once the first 2-issue arc is completed, is that it feels a lot like a re-hashing of "The Journey". Did you want to alieviate concerns about whether that episode was canon or not by telling your own version of the story? I'd be curious to hear some comments on that if they haven't already been answered.
Thanks for all the fond memories, Greg. To me, Gargoyles was far too short but clearly has a power all on its own to last longer than any spell an executive could cast upon it.
(Also, if someone could maybe e-mail me either to answer some questions that Greg doesn't necissarily need to answer...or maybe inform me when these questions are answered, that'd be fantastic. My e-mail, done in long hand to avoid spam, is nick underscore piers at hotmail dot com.)
1. I'm not sure I understand your question. I'm still hoping that BVHE will release Volume 2, but frankly I'm not holding my breath. Beyond that, THEY may want to release the Goliath Chronicles, but that's not something that I'm going to fight for.
2. No way to know. But there is a "been there, done that" feeling that even I get, extras-wise.
3. I have no idea. It wouldn't be included in Season Two, Volume Two, as it was part of Season Three. My feeling is that now that the Journey has been adapted into "Nightwatch" and "The Journey", i.e. the first two issues of the new GARGOYLES comic, I don't feel the need to have it out on DVD. But that may just be me.
4. It's not a rehashing, it's quite consciously an adaptation -- though an adaptation that restores scenes that were cut from the televised version, cuts narration that was added to the episode (and not by me), reorders scenes back to the way I originally wrote it and adds some flashback material to help bring new readers up to speed. The main reason to do this was because I felt STRONGLY that I needed to find a good entry point into the universe for new fans and/or old fans who haven't been obsessively watching and rewatching the episodes for ten years. Also, I felt that this was a good story that deserved better treatment, and ALSO I felt that since I would finally be doing MY third season of the series in comic book form, I wanted to start it with the story that began that season. And, finally, yes, I see "The Journey" as canon. Now, it's clear. Canon consists, in my mind at least, of the 65 episodes that make up the first two seasons of the series and the two published issues of the SLG comic book. Other stufff, like Goliath Chronicles (including now "The Journey" as televised), the Marvel comics, the Disney Adventure comics and whatever else might be out there is NOT canon. And any hints or flat out spoilers I've given or revealed in ASK GREG or at Gatherings or wherever is AT BEST, canon-in-training. It reveals my thought process more than final product. So it's not real til it's real.
I have a W.I.T.C.H. question. You've often said the the one-word episode titles on Gargoyles were the ones you came up with. I was wondering if the current "A-B-C" episode naming scheme on W.I.T.C.H. was your idea as well.
It was. Helps keep me amused.
Hey Greg,
In midst of all the Gathering and comic book excitement, I have a question about WITCH. The second season is just getting started, and I'm enjoying it so far. I appreciate that there aren't any huge jolting differences between seasons one and two, and that leads into my question.
I don't know anything about your predecessor on the first season, or why you were brought in to replace him or her for the second season. I'm curious about how you went about taking over an existing property like this and making it "your own" without alienating those who were involved with or were fans of the first season. And how did your experience with Gargoyles vs. The Goliath Chronicles affect the way you approached this task?
You've experienced this situation from both sides now, and I'm looking forward to (someday) reading your reflections on it.
The first thing is RESPECT. I try to respect the work of those who come before me. The WITCH comics and the previous episodes.
The second thing is MARCHING ORDERS... what do my bosses want me to do. In this case, I was told (in so many words) that the first 26 episodes are canon for the second season. The comics are NOT canon, but there was a definite desire to bring the series closer to (at the very least) the spirit of the comic books and to the stories and characters told there.
The third thing is DETAILED RESEARCH w/lots of NOTE-TAKING... Read all the comics that were available to me at the time (in English). Watch all the episodes. Take loads of notes. Look for hooks in those stories. EMERSION.
The fourth thing is ESSENCE. I try to find the essence of what the series is about, who the characters are, etc. That's what I need to respect the most.
The final thing is WEAVING the tapestry, taking all of the above into account. This is actually the fun part of the job for me. All these characters, all with agendas of their own. All these stories to tell. WITCH season two is over now -- and it doesn't look like there will be a season three -- but when I finished, I easily had enough stories to keep it going for years.
How will the others in the clan react to Lex being gay? Angela and the other boys may be more accepting, but Hudson and Goliath struck me as "old school" in terms of acceptance. (well, not Goliath as much. He is dating a human for christs sake!) Just curous.
You're assuming that for Gargoyles, "Old School" means homophobic. I don't accept that.
In fact "Old School" for humans wasn't homophobic either. Homophobia is a relatively RECENT phenomena, as far as my (very limited) research has revealed.
In a word, the comic is phenomenal.
I should point out that I was in the show's target demographic during its first run (not so much anymore, just graduated college). I was skeptical about how it would work as a comic book, but that all melted away when I bought Gargoyles #1. It was pure joy.
First off, I think that translating "The Journey" as the first several issues works extremely well. For the first time, I feel like we're finally seeing what's going on in your head, without the watchful eye of S&P censoring what we see. We all knew that something like the "monster-loving whore" commen was missing in "The Journey;" you can't really show racism unless you can show the bigotry that goes with it. And Elisa's response is very Elisa-esque.
Finally seeing the Matt/Chavez scene was a treat for fans who could only read it here up until now. And for that matter, I think we all knew that Elisa wore something sexier to bed than that old-woman nightgown.
What looks good in comic form: The Gargoyles escaping from the clock tower. Castaway blowing up his statue (which thankfully doesn't look like Goliath anymore). Sunsets. The recap spread on page 12-13 is gorgeous, and makes me wonder if we'll see something analagous to Keith David's narrative intro in each issue.
I might (and I stress MIGHT) go so far as to suggest after just one issue that the comic format serves Gargoyles better than animation. Of course, there are drawbacks. We lose the magnificent voice work of some of these actors. We lose the Keith David-narrated show opening. We lose the ability to show some of the character's aerial moves in action. But the advantages are huge. Storylines aren't constricted to 22 minute, and S&P isn't compromising the story you're trying to tell. In fact, because it's completely common for a comic franchise to have more than one title in print at once, I feel like series like Timedancer and 2198 were made for this kind of thing.
Anyway, that's just my two cents as a fan. The comic format seems very natural for Gargoyles, which is a relief. Clearly, I'm looking forward to new stories in #3 more than anything else. All in all, thumbs up on the comic.
I'm personally LOVING doing Gargoyles as a comic. I miss the voice work too, but I do feel that our series' voice work was so strong and distinctive, that if I do my job right (writing the dialogue) that you can almost HEAR the voices (and the music) in your head. That's my goal anyway. That and doing radio plays at the Gathering, (hopefully with some of the cast present).
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