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COMEBACKS 2007-02 (Feb)

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Makhasu writes...

Can Demona or Macbeth sustain permanent damage? Like scars, lost limbs, etc... They're in impeccable shape for people who've been, as you said in one answer, "stabbed, shot, etc."

Greg responds...

The question isn't can they, but HAVE they.

Response recorded on February 27, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

Did Luach have any children in the Gargoyles universe? Historically, he did. And his descendants tried to seize the throne in the 1100s.

Greg responds...

He did, yes.

Response recorded on February 27, 2007

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Hey gang,

I'll be appearing at Wonder-Con this coming weekend, March 2-4, 2006 in San Francisco.

I've got a couple panels on Saturday the 3rd at 3 and 4pm. One's an animation panel moderated by Shan Muir and featuring many animation pros, and the other is a spotlight panel moderated by Dan Vado of SLG.

For more info, check out: http://www.comic-con.org/

If you're in the neighborhood stop by, say hello, introduce yourself, get something signed or whatever!!


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Makhasu writes...

Does Demona still think that Macbeth was planning to betray her in 1057?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 26, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

What was Macbeth and Demona's relationship like when he was king? How well did they get along?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 26, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

What do Macbeth and Demona think of that golden age during his reign as king?

Greg responds...

Macbeth probably sees it as a glorious time, capped by betrayal.

Demona probably sees it as part of an elaborate scheme to lull her into a false sense of security.

Response recorded on February 26, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

Does Demona know that Macbeth is no longer actively hunting her?

Greg responds...

Are you so sure he's not?

Response recorded on February 26, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

How did Canmore find out about Macbeth and Demona's link? How did those rumors get started?

Greg responds...

Think about it. Macbeth ages nearly twenty years in one night and suddenly has a gargoyle ally... Plus a few people knew about the "bargain" including Bodhe. Word was bound to get around. Not necessarily accurate word. But word.

Response recorded on February 25, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

Did Demona's low opinion of humans change at all during Macbeth's golden age of rule? She and her clan's treatment was very different from what it had been before, and his reign is the only time we ever see Demona truly happy and content.

Greg responds...

I think it did -- at least briefly but certainly superficially.

Response recorded on February 25, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

Have you changed any of your original plans for future plots recently? Are there any answers you've given on Ask Greg that are no longer correct?

Greg responds...

I'm sure there are a ton of answers that are no longer correct. Heck, I'm sure that there were a few answers that were incorrect back when I first typed them.

I have made a conscious decision not to change anything "revealed" at ASK GREG, simply because I've revealed it already. If I still like the idea and it still feels right and makes sense for the characters and I haven't thought of a better notion then I'll just use what I have and live with the fact that the fans won't be surprised by anything (except perhaps how the idea is executed).

But having said that, I have always maintained that nothing is truly canon unless it appears in an official "episode" which at this point for me includes the 65 tv eps of the first two seasons of the show and the two issues of the SLG published comic. (Soon to be first three issues.) I also feel pretty secure about events in issues 4-7, which are all fully scripted. I don't anticipate anything changing them, but until they hit the stands, they are NOT canon. Call them canon-waiting-in-the wings. Whereas ASK GREG material is canon-in-training at best.

Response recorded on February 25, 2007

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