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COMEBACKS 2007-03 (Mar)

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Anonymous writes...

Are changelings called to the Gathering?

Greg responds...

Probably depends on what their status was pre-diaspora, i.e. 1001 years ago.

Response recorded on March 29, 2007

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Sean Hogan writes...

Greetings Greg,

Brooklyn seems to be the one character most synonymous with the troubled teen, teen angst if you will. Like many human teens, Brooklyn has been seen dealing with his share of depression derived from a feeling of loneliness; seen in episodes like Temptation, Journey, and episodes featuring Maggie. Even though he is surrounded by family he still feels distant, this is made even clearer when he takes on the leadership role during the world tour. He seems to feel even more alone in Journey, especially now that Angela has chosen Broadway. My questions would be:

Where do you see Brooklyn's character going from the ep. Journey? The episode seems to be setting something up...
What other issues or hardships do you see him facing?
Will his relationship with the other members of the clan change in the coming comic issues, if they haven't already?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

1. Brooklyn is having a hard time now. And things will get worse before they get better.

2. Little things. ;)

3. Everything evolves, in my opinion, and Brooklyn's relationships are no different.

If I seem a bit vague, it's intentional. With new issues coming out every other month, I hate to spoil more than I already have.

Response recorded on March 28, 2007

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DONE... for now...

Wow. They said it couldn't be done! But I did it! I caught up!!!!!

The ASK GREG queue is empty! I'm going to take a week or so off. Then we will open the queue again in time for the release of issue #3 of the Gargoyles comic book on March 28th. How long we leave it open will depend on how quickly the site floods.

I'll talk about this more when we open, but please question responsibly.

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Jonny Modlin writes...

Hi Greg, Happy New Year. Did you get Gargoyles Season One and Season Two, Volume One on DVD at Amazon.com to increase sales to get Season Two, Volume Two released? Thank you.

Greg responds...

There are no current plans to release Season Two, Volume Two. We have to continue spreading the word. I have not given up. Don't you give up either.

Response recorded on March 13, 2007

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Maria writes...

If Goliath and Elisa had chidren what would they name them?

Greg responds...

I have no response to this question. Sorry.

Response recorded on March 13, 2007

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Dusk Rider Q writes...

This is less serious than my last post.

It had occured to me the other day while watching the Green that the Guatamalan clan and all the other clans take names. Some of them such as the Griff's clan have had contact for some time with humans, but what's Zafiro excuse. Is it only a Wyvern Clan tradition, not a gargoyle tradition across cultures, to remain nameless?

Greg responds...

Only the four pendant wearers had names. Unfortunately, only the four pendant wearers were still alive.

Response recorded on March 13, 2007

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Anonymous writes...

Is there any significance to loincloth color for the gargs? Goliath and Hudson, both leaders, have brown, whereas the Trio has blue.

Greg responds...

None that I know of.

Response recorded on March 13, 2007

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Shadow Wing writes...

Mr. Weisman:

I don't have an actual question, I just want to say that the first episode of Gargoyles aired on my birthday (not my FIRST birthday, one of the ones that came later), so I wanted to thank you for the birthday present, Greg.

Greg responds...

You're welcome. And Happy Birthday.

Response recorded on March 13, 2007

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Liz writes...

I've been a fan of Gargoyles since the show first came out, and that hasn't changed. I know Broadway and Angela end up together, but early on I got the impression that Broadway sort of had a crush on Elisa. (IE, showing up randomly at her place to grab a meal or watch a movie, and so on) Was that in any way true, or was my thirteen-year-old self just reading too much into it at the time?

Greg responds...

I think Broadway really liked Elisa -- and appreciated her... uh... feminine influence. But I don't think he ever had a sexual interest in her.

Response recorded on March 13, 2007

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Todd Jensen writes...

You mentioned in response to a recent question from DPH that Oberon overthrew Queen Mab and married Titania after he fathered Merlin. Did I read this correctly? I certainly found it intriguing, since I'd always assumed that Oberon took over from Mab long before Merlin's birth. (I suppose that this also means, again if I read your response correctly, that Oberon wasn't cheating on Titania after all when he begat Merlin.)

I take it that this also means that Shakespeare's portrayal of Oberon and Titania as a married couple in Theseus's time was an anachronism in the Gargoyles Universe? (Though it's probably no worse than the fact that Bottom and his fellow amateur actors seem more like Elizabethan Englishmen than ancient Athenians.)

Greg responds...

Yes, I see the era-combining of Theseus and a married Oberon/Titania as being fairly Xena-esque in its anachronism.

Response recorded on March 13, 2007

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