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MAY 25

This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

May 25th...

At sunrise, Goliath, Angela and Bronx turn to stone. But the Mayan gargoyles wear magic pendants that allow them to remain flesh, thanks to a missing Mayan Sun Amulet. During the day, Elisa watches Zafiro scare farmers away from the forest. Meanwhile, Hyena heads for New York in order to break into a museum and destroy the Sun Amulet. She's spotted by Broadway and Lexington.

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MAY 24

This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

May 24th...

Goliath, Elisa, Angela and Bronx leave Avalon and arrive in the rain forests of Guatemala. There they encounter Zafiro, Obsidiana, Jade and Turquesa, the last surviving gargoyles of the Mayan Clan. Together, they fight off an incursion against the rain forest by Jackal, Hyena and loggers working for Cyberbiotics, under the management of Preston Vogel.

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MAY 23

This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

May 23rd...

Helios, Kiron, Ekidna and other New Olympians riot over Elisa's presence on their island. Taurus responds by throwing Elisa in jail with the shape-shifting killer Proteus. Goliath attempts to break Elisa out but is instead tricked into releasing Proteus. The shape-shifter imprisons Goliath in his place, then takes on Goliath's form to fool Elisa. They escape together. But when "Goliath" fails to turn to stone at sunrise and reveals his plan to blow up the island, Elisa lures Taurus to Proteus and works with the Security Chief to recapture the shape-shifter. In gratitude for her actions, Boreas releases Elisa. At sundown, the travelers immediately depart for Avalon.

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Meg writes...

Issue #4: "Masque" My long, rambling thoughts (in no particular order):

-I had forgotten that Nir Paniry was going to be the guest artist for this issue, so you can imagine my reaction when I flipped open to the first page and went "...buh?"
-Speaking of the art, I actually liked it more than I thought I would. It's heavily stylized, obviously, but something about it seems to mesh well with Gargoyles, even if it is a little overly "cartoonish" at times. (The fact that it's a Halloween issue probably helps, too.) Paniry is excellent at showing emotion, especially in distance shots; in particular, Brooklyn's grin when he tells Angela he'll get his costume on and Angela as she pulls Elisa away from Broadway and Morgan. I don't think I'd enjoy his style as much if he were the regular artist, but as a fill-in, it does very well. (And, on a personal level, Paniry draws the best Brooklyn we're seen in the comics thus far; as Brooklyn's my favorite character, that's always a plus.) The colors are okay; sometimes they mesh well with the art, other times not so much.
-Hudson was awesome in this issue. In his own way, he's mingling and breaking down prejudice just as much as the gargs at the party. And he's such a grandfather at heart, he's great with the kids. You wonder how much Robbins suspects; it was nice to see him and Gilly again.
-I love Angela's anger with Elisa. (Also love her excuse to the boys: "Girl talk!" Hee! So true.) It's appropriate and in-character; Angela, more than anyone, knows what Elisa and Goliath feel for each other, and she's very protective of her father.
-If/when the clones shake off Thailog's control, my money's on Brentwood being the first to break free; he repeats "free will" after Maggie says it (possibly in a thoughtful tone--can't know without a voice actor), and when Owen and Goliath debate Delilah's free will, Brentwood is in the background watching them. I wonder if, like in the real clan where Lex is probably the most naturally academically brilliant of the clan, Brentwood is the sharpest of the clones. He certainly speaks much more than anyone else.
-Poor Brook. I think he meant his "no point" in a different way than Angela took it; I think he was thinking of his dateless status.
-Loved Fox holding the fox-head masquerade mini-mask. Nice touch.
-Goliath's resounding "NO!" to Roebling's "So this is Demona?" is amusing, as is Delilah's response and Roebling's face. Roebling's question doesn't make much sense to me, though, as he officiated at David and Fox's wedding and has already met Demona. Also loved Roebling scampering out of there when he felt the tension between the two couples. He's fun here.
-"Post-modern tinman." HAH. Oh, Margot. Such a yuppie.
-I actually liked Angela and Brook's little moment. Angela is very much the "mother" of the clan; in addition to being protective of her father, she knows what to say to a guy when he's down in the dumps to make him feel better. Goliath might be the clan's soul, and Brook/Lex its brains, but Angela's its heart.
-I generally don't care for Thailog, but I did like his "Haven't had a good maniacal laugh in weeks" line.
-Morgan's pretty clueless about romance. I mean, he put the pieces together, but if I were Elisa, I'd be thinking that (even unintentionally) rubbing her nose in a painful, awkward breakup isn't the way to win a girl. Props to him for trying to chat to Delilah, though. Poor them! Nice moment there. He's a nice guy.
-Ah, little Terry Chung, nice to meet you....
-Maggie's come a long way from her first appearance. Like in KINGDOM, you see that she's not a fighter, but helps out in her own way. Too bad she gets a wall dumped on her for showing her newly developed backbone. You can tell Talon really loves her.
-I'm really curious as to what Brook's costume will be next issue. Probably Pepe LePew or some such, poor guy!
-Owen's free will question was interesting, and his point well-taken; if someone has free will, they have to be given a choice to decide what they want. (Although, if the clones were conditioned/manipulated to follow Thailog, that complicates that whole question.) Owen is much more practical than Goliath, as well; he realizes that, if nothing else, it will be impossible to hold Delilah/the clones if they really want to leave. What is the clan going to do, guard Delilah 24/7 as they guarded Demona? It's impractical. Goliath gets caught up in the principle of the matter (which is to his credit), but he doesn't always think through the details. That's more Brook's forte.

Overall, this is probably, to my way of thinking, the best issue of the comic to date. It seemed more pulled-together than the last issue, it's got very interesting storylines, the art compliments the story...definitely the best of the comic so far. Looking forward to #5 and seeing the resolution of this storyline!

Greg responds...

Thanks. Me too.

Response recorded on May 22, 2007

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Chip writes...

As I mentioned at the '06 Gathering (but you prolly forgot, no big) I am an Egyptology Major and my favorite episode was "Greif". Because A; it portrayed Anubis (Which is his Greek Name BTW, the Egyptians called him Yinepu or Inpu) in a positive light (and as one of the Third Race, cool to tie everything together) B; because it was a well written and powerful episode C; because it explained (Though not in so many words) the blending together of Egyptian Gods (They merge and change roles frequently) and D; because as powerful as Anubis was he could not undo death, even death he caused. Very powerful to me.

Which brings me around to my question, which other gods of Egypt (also called Neter or Netjer just like the Norse gods were called the Aesir) exist in the Gargoyles Universe? Because of the Shapeshifting Nature of the Third Race any number of gods could have fullfilled many roles (as they did in Eygptian Mythology)

Is Thoth in the Gargverse? Osiris? Isis? Set? Horus? Ra? Hathor/Sahkmet? Bes? Sobek? These are just some of my favorites, there are over 10,000 Egyptian gods.

In honesty, I don't expect you to have thought about this as much as I have, but you never know, I might just be surprised (you do that alot)

Rock On!

(OH! PS: if you need an Egyptology Consult for any upcoming issues I'm your guy!)

Greg responds...

Thanks, Chip. I might take you up on that someday. Thoth is pretty much a lock. Beyond that, I'd rather not say.

Response recorded on May 22, 2007

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Chip writes...

What role did Team Atlantis play in shaping the current Gargoyles Universe? (besides the events of "The Last") Since clearly Team Atlantis exists in both it's own universe and our Gargs-verse.

Greg responds...

Team Atlantis does NOT clearly exist in both universes. Beyond that, I'm not sure I understand your question.

Response recorded on May 22, 2007

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Chip writes...

AAAAAHHHHHH!!!! Thailog Stabbed Goliath!

Okay Okay, I had to start that way since I started my last review that way. No titles this time, we just jump straight into the story, which is cool with me. We've got Billy and Susan and a young Terry Chung (Which says to me that New Olympians is still a few years away, alas.)
BTW on a side note why does Billy and Susan's Mom let her kids dress up as convicted felons?
Hah! I figured that Hudson was off to see Robbins, and the panel with Gilly and Bronx lying by the fire just made me squeal with delight (where's Frank Welker when you need him?) It also make me wonder about that Adventure that you said that Bronx went on with Cagney during the events of Vendettas/Turf.
I think Robbins is going to figure out Hudson's little secret if he hasn't already.

Angela as Dorothy, quite apropriate symbolism there. Angela is still not quite used to New York life, (but she's learning fast)
I find it creepy that Lex is dressed exactly as he was in Puck's "Future Tense" world. I also get the feeling that I usually get when foreshadowing is involved...Or maybe I'm just paranoid. Yeah that's it.

"Move Girl" Talon yelled "Moving!" the [Labyrinth New Girl-Whose-Name-you-haven't-revealed-to-us-yet-which-isn't-a-big-deal-since-names-don't-matter-much-to-gargoyles] said moving out of the way hastily.

I'm not sure why, but that scene made me grin, and I gotta wonder, the clones may have been programed as 'robots', but they aren't. How did they feel turning on the Labyrinth residents who've been so good to them.

36-2. Something tells me we have a big-wig here.

BTW (Again) Elisa as Jasmine this year. Does Elisa just like the Disney Princesses? Going as Aurora next year? I think Elisa would make a nice Mulan.

Poor Morgan.

Owen has his own army. Why am I not surprised ;)

And the Climactic moment...Thailog stabs Goliath. Will he make it to surise. (I thing that this marks the first moment that Goliath has actually bled since the pilot episode)

Can't wait for issue #5

Greg responds...

Elisa does like Disney animated movies. At least she did in the 90s.

And kids dress up as all sorts of horrible things on Halloween.

Response recorded on May 22, 2007

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Jurgan writes...

A couple Spider-man (the one you're working on) questions for you:

1: You said in an interview that there was "one villain" who is off-limits to you for legal reasons. I remember hearing a while ago that the Kingpin is exclusively attached to Daredevil, whose rights are owned by Fox, not Sony, so am I right to assume that the Kingpin is the villain whom you cannot use? Kingpin got enough use in the 90's cartoon, and he was always more interesting in Daredevil than Spider-man anyway, so that'd work for me.

2: In that same interview, you were asked if you'd use movie villains, and you said you'd definitely use the Goblin, Doc Ock, and the Sandman. I notice you didn't mention Venom. Are you planning to leave him out? I'd be thrilled with that decision, since I think he's a terribly dull character, and I know he came after your formative years with comics. I wonder, though, if the execs might eventually insist on your using him, as they did with Sam Raimi.

I can't wait to see what you've got planned.

Greg responds...

1. Then I guess you're happy. Me, not so much. But I'll survive.

2. I'm not responding to this. Probably gave away too much in the interview as it is. Our big Spidey presentation will be at San Diego ComicCon, I'm told.

Response recorded on May 22, 2007

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MAY 22

This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

May 22nd...

The travelers depart Avalon and land on the hidden island of New Olympus. Taurus, the New Olympian Chief of Security, arrests Elisa - simply for being human. Boreas, the leader of New Olympus, releases Elisa but refuses to allow her to leave the island.

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Jurgan writes...

I never managed to get my thoughts in on the last three issues- the first two because I didn't have much to say about a story I'd already seen, and the third because the queue closed before I had a chance. I thought about going back, but decided against it, so I'll turn in my opinions on issue 4 on day one.

Art: Hedgecock is credited as the penciler, but I'm told someone else was behind the art this issue? A little strange. I'm one of those who liked Hedgecock's art, mostly. This issue was a little strange, artwise. That's mainly in regard to crowd scenes- small scenes are still pretty good. I'm gonna go page by page now.

Billy and Susan: It took me a minute to realize it, but they're dressed as Jackal and Hyena. Terrific callback. They're trick-or-treating along with a kid dressed as a gargoyle. Their mom looks uncomfortably at the Quarreymen who walk past. No doubt she's afraid of what Castaway will think of a member escorting a gargoyle costumed child. The other boy is called Terry- more about that later.

The kids get goodies from Brooklyn and Freddie Krueger, and then, after complaining about bad masks, meet Hudson. Susan gets in Greg's "Nice mask" line.

Yay, Robbins! I love Robbins. He apparently didn't think Hudson was in costume- and, ironically, he's right.

On the next page, we arrive at the Eyrie Building and see a big crowd scene, and here's where the art looks weird. A lot of the people look like caricatures. Also, I swear that's Mace Malone in the front, but that's obviously impossible. And we get Margot chewing out Brendan (Quarters) again, allegedly for being "cliche." I wonder, though, if it's really because she just doesn't like gargoyles and doesn't want her husband dressed up as one. Those two have had an odd relationship with the gargoyles, but it often seems like they've never met them at all.

Oh, I love the gargoyles' costumes. Broadway is a fun Cowardly Lion, and Angela is absolutely adorable as Dorothy (with a stuffed Toto in her basket!). Lexington, though... it's a great costume, but downright disturbing in light of Future Tense.

Elisa seems to have a thing for Disney princesses. Jasmine, this time. The costume works well, I think, though it doesn't have any subtext I can see (unlike her Belle costume, which symbolized her relationship with Goliath). It is a little risque for a first date, I think- she might be sending Morgan the wrong message. And Morgan's Sherlock Holmes costume is nice, but the point, Morgan, is to dress as someone different from what you really are. So we ended up going with Morgan. While Jason and Elisa had more chemistry, if the point of seeing other people for Elisa to have a normal life, it wouldn't make much sense for her to go out with a convicted international terrorist. Also, I don't think he'd be able to leave house arrest, or whatever it is he's under. Meanwhile, Angela is pissed at Elisa. Protective of the big guy, isn't she.

Thailog: Awesome as always. I love the fact that he has individual teeth now. Also, he can deflect electricity, it seems.

Judge Roebling makes a surprising return, and he's one of the few who knows what Goliath really is.

Elisa and Delilah meet up for the first time, as well as Morgan and "G." Elisa seems pretty uncomfortable for a number of reasons.

Brooklyn is lonely as usual. Angela seems to be flirting with him. I'm sure she doesn't mean it, but she's sending the wrong message. And Broadway's seen eating a lot again. I didn't like Broadway's eating jokes at first, because it seems like that was all there was to him. Now, though, we know the guy well enough that it's okay for him to be gluttonous on occasion. Just please, never have him eat his hat again. Also, I wonder if the reason Angela left Broadway is because he's indulging himself so- his plateful is rather disgusting. I know she loves the lug, but that doesn't mean she can't get annoyed with him from time to time.

At the White House: First alarm is that we meet an "Ambassador Chung." Now she says her son "Terry" is back in New York trick-or-treating. We met a "Terry" at the beginning of the issue- could he be the future star of New Olympians? He's a little young for that, but I'm not sure when NO is set. Was one of the people on the Gargoyle Task Force also called "Chung?"

We see the family Xanatos again. I can't get over how cute Alex's costume is. Alex apparently has a favorite word: "Doggie!" Last time he said it was to Bronx, but now it's just random. It also seems he's growing a lot faster than one would expect, according to Chung. That makes sense, now that I think about it- he's too young to be saying any words at all. His grandmother's genes are showing in him. Also, a little subtle bit: Fox has a handheld mask that's the same as her tattoo. Seems rather pointless to me.

Xanatos meets with another Illuminatus. "Thirty-six. Two." Yikes. Looks like people were right, and the numbers are ranks. I find it a little artificial that all the people Hacker met last time were rank 36, but it's not completely implausible. This, then, is a very high-ranking member who probably is tasked with guiding the president to making decisions favorable to the society. I guess we'll find out more next time.

Thailog's fight with Claw looks great, but doesn't last long thanks to the clones. As I expected, once he showed up, they immediately snapped back into obedience. Thailog calls Maggie "Norma Rae." I considered that maybe Maggie was an alias and Sevarius had told Thailog her real name. I've since been told that it's a reference to something, but I don't get it.

Maggie gets herself hurt, and Derek jumps in to help. Yeah, he's not the brightest bulb in the box, but he's a good guy and doesn't lack for courage.

"Wow. Haven't had a good maniacal laugh in weeks." HAHAHA! Thailog is so great. I'm a little confused about one thing, though- in the close-up of his face, right before the maniacal laugh, it looks like he's wearing some sort of glasses or goggles. What that's about?

Derek stays with Maggie, and so Mysterious Unnamed Girl from last issue goes to warn Goliath. Hopefully we figure out her deal sooner or later- probably next issue, as part of the triumphant conclusion.

Elisa continues to be uncomfortable with Morgan, and leaves him to make small-talk with Delilah. Oh, I would love to see more of that conversation.

Goliath and Elisa have another heart-to-heart, only Elisa seems to have turned even more irrational. But hey, that's the way people are at times. She decides it was a "mistake" to go on a double date like this, "but it doesn't change anything." Bravo, Greg. I'd hate to go through all that drama last issue and then get over it so quickly. I hope we go some time before they finally admit to themselves that they're going to stay together forever.

Thailog drops in with more comedy, and Goliath just glares at him, rather than going over the top screaming. Goliath knew he was gonna come back sooner or later. But then Owen walks up, cool as ever, and demands the guns back. Because they were created by Xanatos Enterprises. He's still interested in recovering them from way back in Deadly Force. I briefly considered that he might turn into Puck. Were Alex in the castle, he could probably get away with it, but here it's unnecessary and probably impossible. It would also have confused new readers. Much better to have Owen simply being awesome as Owen.

Oh, dear, an army of commandos aiming at the gargoyles! It's not like they've ever beaten those before! It works, though, because Thailog is not afraid of them- he just doesn't want to take unnecessary risks with a fight. Another great line: "I have transcended any pleasure received from supervising the endless reconstruction of this castle." Yeah, haven't we all.

What I did not expect was Owen offering to turn Delilah over. However, he has no reason to feel loyalty to her. He also rightly points out that Goliath can't force her to stay unless he doesn't care about her right to make her own decisions. This, of course, is hampered by the fact that she may still be unable to make her own decisions. We'll see.

And then we end with Thailog absolutely owning Goliath. As soon as I saw the blade, I remembered the cover of issue 5, and I knew what was going to happen. You can't see the blade go in, but the look on G's face says it all. I don't know if he's ever taken such a vicious injury.

Great issue, except for a couple art problems. Are we going to have a massive gargoyle brawl in front of all of these people? That could put a serious damper on Xanatos's plan, as they'd have to realize that those were real gargoyles. We'll find out how all this ends come July!

Greg responds...

THailog's weapons were designed to absorb and release electricity.

Elisa ordered her costume, assuming she'd be with Goliath. Then she changed her mind about that, but it was too late to get a new costume.

Just rent the movie "Norma Rae" and hopefully you'll get it. Or not.

Thailog's wearing a black domino mask.

Response recorded on May 21, 2007

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Gargoyles #4

First of all, SLG needs to do much better quality control. David Hedgecock got the credit for the pencils when this is Nir Paniry's work. I'll get to the art in a bit.

Sarah Browne is taking her kids, Billy and Susan trick or treating.... wow, I am stunned that she is letting her kids dress as a pair of convicted felons (Jackal and Hyena). We also meet a young Terry Chung, obviously the son of Ambassador Chung, who we meet later in the issue.

Good to see Jeffrey Robbins again, when Hudson mentioned that he and Bronx had a prior engagement, that's where I thought he was going. After all, who else does he know?

Margot is, as always, a bitch. How does Brendan Quarters (after all these years, we finally get a last name... and a very waspy sounding one, like his wife's).

The gargoyles' costumes. I laughed my ass off. Angela as Dorothy and Broadway as the Cowardly Lion. Why do I get the feeling both costumes were Angela's idea? Lexington... well, I should have seen that coming, but I didn't. Future Tense Lexington is back.

Elisa shows up as Princess Jasmine, and she looks good. Looks just like her. Does she always dress as Disney princesses? Morgan looks good as Sherlock Holmes, and he makes sense as Elisa's date.

Which brings me to Elisa's choice. For years, we didn't know if she was going to date Morgan or Jason for this story. I'll admit, I was rooting for Jason for a while, because he and Elisa always had chemistry. But, Morgan makes more sense. For one thing, Morgan has less baggage, and I'm glad we didn't get another big back story in this issue. For another, Jason not being in jail, or even a hospital under police guard so soon after "Hunter's Moon" would have defied believability.

Judge Roebling looks very animated. Obviously his attitude changed, considering last time he was mostly freaked out when he saw Goliath and Demona. I'm guessing he's had quite a bit to drink.

I am so glad that Elisa did not meet Delilah for the first time off camera. Her first face to face meeting with her clone is something we had to see for ourselves. Obviously she doesn't get down to the Labyrinth too often. Good scene, there's a difference between intellectually knowing something, and actually having to face it.

Poor Brooklyn, still thinks he has a chance with Angela. Can't wait to see his costume next issue.

Ah, the White House. We don't see the President, but I didn't expect us too. Saves us from having to see a generic President, and saves us from heavily dating this comic by depicting him as Bill Clinton. Ambassador Chung, I believe, is plannd to be a major character in the planned "New Olympians" spin-off, which shouldn't take place for a few years since Terry is obviously way too young at this point.

"Thirty-Six"/"Two"... HA! I figured this was a ranking system. Xanatos, Matt and Castaway are at the bottom of the pyramid, Hacker is higher up. Now, we meet someone near the top. And he's a butler. Usually you'd epxect it to be an advisor to the President, the Karl Rove equivilant. Nope, I like this. He's near the top, and not high profile at all.

Thailog is back, and he's having a good time. I love how he called Maggie "Norma Rae". Ten points to anyone who gets that joke. Here's a hint, "You like me, you really like me!" He's got a lot of fun lines in this comic.

Another peek at "New Girl in the Labyrinth", is she going to get a name any time soon? I'm getting a little tired of typing out "New Girl in the Labyrinth". Something is up with her, not sure what, but I'm definitely getting a vibe.

I feel so bad or Morgan. I know some people see Elisa as being out of character, I don't. But I still think she's behaving like a flakey bitch. I know she's scared, but dragging Morgan and Delilah into the middle of this thing with Goliath is really unfair. I'm hoping she pulls herself together soon, because she owes three people an apology. Angela is right to be pissed at her.

Owen is cool. Love how he has the Xanatos Corporate Guard ready for action at a moment's notice. I also like how just because Xanatos' ended his feud with the gargoyles doesn't mean that Owen, and by extension Xanatos, is their friend. He's perfectly willing to give up Delilah, because she's not worth the damage to the castle.

... yep, Thailog's armed to the teeth. I need to ask Greg how he planned to get away with this on television. Obviously, since this is a comic book, no one will bat an eye. But a stabbing on an animated series... would never fly.

Great story, a lot more focused than #3 which was all over the place (but I did enjoy it). I can't wait for #5, especially to see Karine and Steph doing the art (who, I think should have been doing the art for this book from the get go). And on that note, it brings me to...

...Nir's pencils. He's not a bad artist. He's definitely better at conveying emotion on the characters, and staging scenes than Hedgecock is. I hear he's a storyboard artist, so that makes sense. That being said, and I did not care much for the way he chose to stylize the characters.

Overall, good issue. #5 can't come soon enough.

Greg responds...

I'm anxious to see the response to #5 as well.

Response recorded on May 21, 2007

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MAY 21

This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

May 21st...

Goliath challenges Odin, and the two "gods" do battle. Goliath comes close to killing Odin, Elisa, Angela and Bronx, but comes to his senses at the last moment and removes the Eye. Odin places it back in his empty eye socket, neutralizing the Eye's transformative powers. Reconciled with his former opponent, Odin rides Sleipnir up the Rainbow Bridge at sunrise. The gargoyles and Elisa spend the day in Norway. When the sun sets they return to Avalon.

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MAY 20

This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

May 20th...

Odin takes the form of a bear and attempts to battle Goliath for the Eye. He fails and so resorts to kidnapping Elisa with the help of his flying horse Sleipnir. With Elisa's life at stake, Goliath reluctantly dons the Eye himself. He is transformed into an Avatar of Odin's power. That power immediately begins to change him into an uber-version of himself. He successfully rescues Elisa and chases Odin away but still refuses to remove the Eye. When the sun rises, he does not turn to stone. He quickly becomes obsessed with protecting his friends. He even generates a storm of his own to trick Elisa, Angela, Bronx and the Sturlusons into fleeing to a nearby cave, where Goliath imprisons them.

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MAY 19

This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

May 19th...

Arthur encounters Griff and the Stone of Destiny at Westminster Abbey. The Stone transports Arthur and Griff to Manhattan, where Macbeth is waiting. Macbeth is temporarily forced to flee when Hudson and the Trio intervene. The four Manhattan gargoyles join forces with Arthur and Griff to help Arthur find Excalibur. In Central Park, they encounter the Lady of the Lake, who gives them another clue to the sword's whereabouts. But Macbeth uses a Will-o-the-Wisp to listen in. He becomes determined to find Excalibur first. The quest takes them all to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, where Macbeth accidentally brings a giant stone dragon to life by removing a copy of Excalibur from its grip. Arthur destroys the dragon and finds the true Excalibur inside the stone beast. Macbeth swears allegiance to Arthur. Just before sunrise, Arthur knights Griff. And after the sun sets, Arthur and Griff depart on a new quest - to find Merlin. Meanwhile, Goliath, Elisa, Angela and Bronx also depart Avalon and are drawn to Norway by the power of Odin, who appears to them in the form of an old man and tries to get Goliath to trade the Eye of Odin for a coat to keep Elisa warm. Elisa and Goliath agree to pass on his offer. But Elisa is on the verge of hypothermia. She takes shelter with local farmer Erik Sturluson and his son Gunther.

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dph writes...

My Review of Comic #3

I enjoyed some of the old characters make appearances.

1)'Nice Mask' - Is that a reference to a certain line spoken during Awakening Part 2?

Nice to know that Jeffery Robbins hasn't quite put together 2+2 in regards to Hudson yet. The line "we all wear masks" seems very appropriate.

It was nice to see our favorite bickering couple, but Margot not knowing what a cyborg is seems odd.

2)Is Angela's choice of clothing a reference to The Wizard of Oz?

Broadway sorta looks like Leo in his get-up, but I guess more importantly he looks like the Lion from Wizard of Oz. Elisa Maza as Princess Jasmine is something to think about. I'm sure that there's more symbolism behind that choice than I can think of at the moment.

It's nice to see the battle between Thailog, Talon, and Claw.

It's interesting that Judge Roebling remembers Goliath.

Elisa meet . . Deliliah.

3)Why are the guests seemingly try to make Alexander quite older than he is?

Ambassador Chung and Son Terry - that's a reference to future plans for New Olympians. Nice way to introduce references to them for future development.

4)if this question will be covered in the next issue of the comic, please ignore it: Who is David Xanatos speaking to in private?

5)Aside from David Xanatos hosting a party, is there any particular reason that Thailog chose this particular time to 'liberate' the clones?

Morgan talking to Deliliah. What could they possibly have in common to talk about?

It's nice to see that Owen was prepared for seemingly the worst. It's also nice to see Owen's diplomatic skills at work.

It was the worth the wait to see more future seeds for stories thrown out with this issue.

Greg responds...

For the record, this actually seems to be a review of issue #4.

1. Yep.

2. Um... yep... Angela as Dorothy. Broadway as the Cowardly Lion.

3. I'm not sure I understand the question. Alex looks older than he is.

4. See issue #5

5. I'll let the rest stand on it's own.

Response recorded on May 18, 2007

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dph writes...

Where was Thailog during present-day events of City of Stone?

Greg responds...

I'm not saying.

Response recorded on May 18, 2007

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dph writes...

Was either Fang, Claw, Maggie, or Talon in Manhattan during present-day events of City of Stone?

Greg responds...

I'm not saying.

Response recorded on May 18, 2007

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dph writes...

Banks (and other businesses) usually have security cameras running during their normal office hours and throughout the night recording footage in case of a robbery. During City of Stone, assuming nothing happened to those cameras, the cameras would have caught people turning to stone on film. What happened to those video tapes showing evidence of Manhattan's human population turned to stone?

Greg responds...

Lots of cameras. Lots of explanations.

Response recorded on May 18, 2007

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dph writes...

Could you give us approximate dates for the present day events of City of Stone?

Greg responds...

November 9-12, 1995

Response recorded on May 18, 2007

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MAY 18

This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

May 18th...

In Manhattan, Macbeth and his flunkies, Banquo and Fleance, prepare for the Harmonic Convergence. And on Avalon, King Arthur decides to leave in order to find Excalibur. He arrives in London.

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Question about the gargoyle clans

You have said the Wyvern Clan was about 80, before it split, when the last rookery was laid. Is that 80 adults, or 80 total members, including children?

The reason I ask is this: that last rookery was 36 eggs, which means there were 72 gargoyles and garg-beasts of egg-laying age. If 72 of the 80 clan members were of egg-laying age, then ALL the children and older gargoyles in the entire clan (like Hudson and the Trio) only added up to 8 at that time. This seems very strange to me. Did something happen to them?

I know that you don't like numbers questions, but this seems important.

Greg responds...

80 total members including children, but not including eggs. Having said that, it's really just a rough estimate that I will not be held to later. You're assuming that none of the 72 are dead. They ALL led a violent life in a dangerous time.

Response recorded on May 17, 2007

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Gerin writes...

I have two questions about statements that Goliath makes in "Awakening":

1) In Part I, Goliath states that Demona-to-be is his best warrior. Is his assessment correct, or is he trying to flatter her, or is his judgment clouded by the relationship?

2) In the final showdown in Part V, Goliath tells Demona: "There is good and evil in all of us, human and gargoyle alike. You should know that more than anyone."
That sounds as if Goliath had a specific incident in mind that should have taught Demona this, but I've never been able to figure out what Goliath is refering to. Is it a story that's never been told? Is it a story that popped up during the series and I just didn't catch it (and if yes, which one)? Or does he refer to nothing specific?

Greg responds...

1. I think any statement like that is perhaps arguable, but if she's not his best, she's probably damn close to it.

2. He did have a specific incident in mind. Her betrayal of the clan that led to the massacre.

Response recorded on May 17, 2007

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Hey gang,

Just picked up a copy of Gargoyles #4. I'm pretty happy with it, but there were a couple of productions errors that I'm not-so-happy with.

First and foremost, the credits are in error. The interior of the book was pencilled and inked by guest artist Nir Paniry, not by our regular penciller David Hedgecock. I think Nir did a terrific job, and he deserves credit for his work. My apologies go out to both Nir and David.

Second, the Gargoyles logo and the title of the issue "Clan-Building Chapter Four: Masque" were somehow DROPPED off of page five of the book. (There are two empty black-spaces where they were supposed to go.) It's not as serious an error as the credit snafu, but it's something else that myself and the team regret.

We'll try to make sure that nothing like this happens again.

Bookmark Link

MAY 17

This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

May 17th...

The gargoyles, Mazas and were-panthers converges on the ancient ruins of Kara Digi. There they discover that Fara was largely manipulated by the Spider-Trickster Anansi. All concerned join forces to defeat Anansi. Fara and Tea remain were-panthers but are reconciled and vow to protect the jungle. Just before sunrise, Goliath finally acknowledges Angela as his daughter. After sunrise, Elisa tells her mother everything about her life with the gargoyles. At sunset, Elisa and the gargoyles once more return to Avalon. Diane Maza phones New York, informing her husband of Elisa's situation. Peter Maza contacts Matt Bluestone and Talon. Matt contacts Brooklyn, Lex, Broadway and Hudson.

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Adam writes...

Hi Greg. I have a question about Demona's clan that she gathered after the massacre at Wyvern. In the archives, you said that that clan had at most 20 members and most were male. You also said that you were not sure if they had a rookery. But did they have any gargoyle beasts? Thanks.

Greg responds...

I didn't see any, but maybe.

Response recorded on May 16, 2007

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TiniTinyTony writes...

I searched the archives and didn't find an answer so I'd figured I ask.

When Renard offered to take the Gargoyles and Elisa back to Manhattan and relieve them from their fated quest, hypothetically do you think bad things would have happened as a result? Would Tom end up having to go out and find them again once the threat of Oberon appeared and end up on the quest again anyway because Avalon would send them where they need to be?

Greg responds...

I'm not too big on hypotheticals. You can answer that question to your own satisfaction as well as I can.

Response recorded on May 16, 2007

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MAY 16

This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

May 16th...

Goliath, Angela and Bronx awaken on Avalon and depart the island with Elisa. They land in Nigeria, in time to hear Elisa's mother, Diane Maza, tell the story of the Panther Queen before the Feast of the Panther Queen. The Maza reunion is interrupted by poachers, led by Tea, whose former love Fara Maku turns into a panther before their eyes. Tea shoots Fara, who escapes into the jungle. The gargoyles and the Mazas take down the poachers and attempt to protect Fara from Tea, who turns out to be another were-panther.

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MAY 15

This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

May 15th...

St. Damien's Cathedral is condemned as unsafe.

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Anonymous writes...

What years were Titania and Oberon's children (with each other) born?

Greg responds...

I'm not answering that at this time.

Also, it may be an immature prejudice, but I'm always going to be less likely to reveal things to an "Anonymous" poster. I know that makes little sense, as I don't know the identities of most screen names, and anyone can post any name with near impugnity anyway... and yet...

Response recorded on May 14, 2007

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Brigadoon Traveller writes...

Okay, in anticipation of my copy of Gargoyles #3 (still in the post) I wrote a review of Gargoyles: Nightwatch over at Amazon; I thought I might as well post (an edited) version here.

"And so it begins - Gargoyles chapter 2; or is it chapter 3? I've lost count." ~ Brooklyn "Hunter's Moon III"

And so it begins again indeed - after a 10 year absence the Gargoyles are back and their adventures continue in these brand new canon adventures.

And what a way to come back - I have to say that I was at first a bit unsure about the series continuing in comic book form (one aspect of the show that I loved was the voice acting; I had some reservations that the stories just wouldn't play the same without the talents of Keith David, Salli Richardson, Marina Sirtis and the rest of the gang).

Onto the story - at first again I have to say that learning that the first issue or 2 would cover "The Journey" disappointed me as it meant that I had to wait longer for new stories. However, regardless of that this first issue "Nightwatch" shows "Gargoyles" in a medium new to the series, and like the world that the gargoyles themselves have now found themselves in

But even so we get wonderful new of scenes that were dropped from "The Journey". I loved the scene with Art and Goliath; seeing the response to the gargoyle threat by the common man on the street is something that I think TGC lacked greatly (especially considering that the Quarrymen in TGC were all basically hired muscle).

The other new scene between Chavez and Matt; it's nice to see the clock tower being rebuilt and Chavez in a cast and crutches; like Elisa with her crutches (in 'Enter Macbeth') and Owen with his stone fist these continuities are central to "Gargoyles" and I'm glad that they aren't explained with any back story.

New York is reeling from the revelation that these nocturnal gargoyle creatures are no longer myth or urban legend, but in fact real living creatures; previously the gargoyles have long stayed hidden from local inhabitants and the media (though not without close calls - often with precarious results) but are now thrown into the limelight as New Yorkers try to make sense of their new neighbors. And from the ashes of the feud with the Hunters grows a new threat - the Quarrymen headed by ex-hunter John Castaway.

This issue sees Goliath voice his fears for his clan and their future in a world filled with humans prejudiced against his race; I like how you nicely juxtapose Goliath's worries with Castaway's recruitment hate speech. Hopefully you can incorporate some life into Castaway's Ku Klux Klan, unlike TGC certainly failed to do. I actually am looking forward to what plans you have in store for Castaway and the Quarrymen. However, even in this the first issue, we can see the Klan being fleshed out; Castaway aims his racist views at a frightened populace - directed at faces we can recognize as background characters from the original series (such as 'Billy and Susan's Mom' from "Thrill of the Hunt"). These people (unlike the mindless thugs of the Chronicles whose only real reason to join was to "pummel some gargoyles") have real fears and worries that Castaway plays.

If that wasn't enough the gargoyles now have to live an uneasy truce with a former foe; David Xanatos has invited the gargoyles back to their ancestral home Castle Wyvern. But can the clan trust him not to destroy them whilst they sleep? And how will he react once the Illuminati Society learns he's harboring Manhattan's Most Wanted? All budding questions that set up future stories for us to wait for. Nice.

Greg Guler gives us a gorgeous front cover. The interior artwork, despite the negativity that has been surrounding it, I thinkis growing on me. When I first saw the preview pages of this issue online (I think almost a year ago) I was shocked at the art. I didn't like it then. But having seen it for real and having re-read the issue several times, I'm starting to like the art. It's unique and different from the series but in the same vein it manages to capture the original feel of the series. On some pages some of the characters do look off-model and completely different; but did not the animators make mistakes at least once in most episode? I'm sure they must have.

The Hedgecock/Terrell duo paint a gloomy and oppressive world which couple's stunningly with Goliath's depressive outlook on his clan's future. The gargoyles look stunning, majestic and seemingly blend beautifully into this bleak world that they now have to adjust to.

Despite being a re-hash of the first half of your final episode, "Nightwatch" plays out as a brilliant introduction to the Gargoyles universe; I really cannot wait until I get the rest of the issues.

"Nightwatch" and jump starts Gargoyles with a jolt! It brilliantly sets us up with the well awaited return of our favorite winged heroes. In the nonchalant words of Travis Marshall: "Welcome Back!"

Greg responds...

Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. Hope by now you have issue #3, because issue #4 is out in just a couple of days!!

Response recorded on May 14, 2007

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Purplegoldfish writes...

Now you can't get rid of me...
So, watching through my tapes of the later episodes, and I just watched "The Green," one of my favorite world tour eps.

I remember when I first saw the scene after Goliath's and Elisa's argument, when Goliath turns around to glare at Elisa, and thinking 'What was that all about?'
I never felt he did that because he was simply angry at her for her point of view. All the other arguments that we've seen the two get into usually ended with either him agreeing with her, or just shrugging her off (or screaming in her face heh)-typical male ;)

So the way Goliath just stops in his tracks and slowly and deliberately turns to stare at her for a good five or six seconds suggests more to it-as if a realization about her just hit him.

So here's my theory: I think it just kind of hits Goliath how human Elisa really is. There's not just physical differences, but cultural ones as well. He realizes they're going to clash on many things because of their respective instincts and upbringings. Maybe he's thinking of his growing feelings for her-perhaps there's some human prejudice mixed in with those feelings as well-as if he realizes their vast differences and wishes for a moment that she were born a gargoyle and not a human.
And the way Elisa looks back at him suggests that she probably knows what he's thinking and is most likely sharing those same thoughts.

So am I on the right track or totally off?

Greg responds...

Well, I don't agree with your premise. I don't think that's even vaguely an angry look.

Response recorded on May 14, 2007

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Gantros writes...

I've been hearing about the Team Atlantis voice track that featured Demona and has been played at Gatherings. I've been unfortunate at being unable to hear it myself. Do you intend to post it on the net? If it's a matter of attracting people to Gatherings, you could commission the comic artists to create something like a Powerpoint slideshow or simple storyboards set to the voice track that's exclusive to Gatherings, while those of us that can't afford to travel to the Gatherings can hear it on Station 8 or wherever.

Greg responds...

I could "commission" the comic book artists... with WHAT money exactly?

The fans are working on putting together an animatic of the vocal track. If you're an artist and are interested in helping out, contact Vashkoda at the Station Eight comment room.

Otherwise, I don't see what incentive I have to take a Gathering exclusive and make it non-exclusive. I realize that some fans can't afford to attend the Gathering, and I'm sympathetic, but that doesn't change the fact that there SHOULD be some perks FOR attending. This is one of them.

Response recorded on May 14, 2007

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Aldrius writes...

Me again. (You remember me of course. *Shifty glance* *Ahem*)

My question is this, how do you think the environment of the comic book will allow you to address the... uh... 'issue'(?) of Lex's sexuality. Will it be easier to reveal than in the TV show? Not as easy? As I'm betting on the former, will it still be difficult due to disney's need to check every issue?

Or is it just something that we'll all find out when the time comes?

I hate yes/no questions, so I'll submit a bit more intellectual question asap!

Greg responds...

As I've stated before, I will attempt to write Lexington with consistency -- but not explicitly.

Response recorded on May 14, 2007

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MAY 14

This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

May 14th...

Demona starts Sevarius on a little side project: the creation of the carrier virus, CV-1000.

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MAY 13

This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

May 13th...

Thailog has reached full gargoyle adolescence. A discoloration of skin and hair is the only side effect of the accelerated growth.

Attracted by multiple reports of gargoyle sightings in Manhattan, the Canmore siblings begin making inquiries and creating the false identities they will need to find Demona there and destroy her.

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Dr.Don't writes...

In "Revelations" we learned that by joining the Illuminati they get good dental care. So the question I'm asking you is this: What other benefits are there to joining the Illuminati? How about the Quarrymen?

Greg responds...

1. You'lll have to wait and see.

2. How about 'em!

Response recorded on May 11, 2007

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Jonny Modlin writes...

Hi Greg,
Where is Buena Vista Home Entertainment located in? Thank you.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 11, 2007

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Kaylle writes...

Way back in October 2005, the day they released the cover art for the second DVD set, I watched a bunch of episodes instead of doing my homework and typed up my musings on them (mostly on Hunter's Moon and the Goliath/Elisa relationship) in my livejournal. Today I'm *still* trying to avoid my homework, and the queue is open again, so I thought I'd dig up those old musings and get your opinion on them (I may have posted something like this in the CR once as well; my apologies if you happened to catch it there). So here they are. I wrote:

"At the end of HM3, Elisa and Goliath finally get some "resolution" to their relationship. The infamous kiss it took us (and them) 65 episodes to get to. I hate to call it resolution at all because it doesn't really resolve anything; their relationship is still in a pretty uncertain place and kissing hardly changes that. But it's the first time they both admit what's going on between them and do something, however small, about it. And it provided some small measure of satisfaction for the fans, who were just beginning to realize that was all we were going to get. I remember being so hopeful, so excited, 13 years old, watching in awe as finally, *finally* the two of them "got together." I hadn't realized it was the season finale, although really it was pretty obvious (I didn't know cartoon shows *had* season finales). And I certainly hadn't realized it was, for all intents and purposes, the end." [Of course, I know now what I didn't know in October 2005-- it wasn't the end! We have a comic book!]

"But I digress. Anyway, I noticed two things today. First, in HM1, during the scene on the subway: after he dispatches the muggers, Elisa goes to Goliath, lays her head down on his chest, and says, "Nobody messes with my best friend." I always thought that was kind of a dangerous thing to say in public, although sweet. But I noticed today the way that Goliath reacts to it. Maybe I never noticed before, or maybe I just don't remember, but he reaches to touch her hair and then stops himself, grimaces, and pulls away. It happens so quickly it's easy to miss it. But something about that aborted gesture of affection really intrigues me.

"Did he stop because he thought she wouldn't appreciate the sentiment? Haven't we seen him touch her that way before? It's hard to remember because the two of them get so very few explicitly affectionate moments. There aren't a lot of episodes that deal with them. (The most obvious is The Mirror, but that was so long before this that it's hard to use it as an indication of their relationship now. Although there is that moment, while Demona and Puck are spying on them via the mirror, when Elisa sort of nuzzles her face into Goliath's shoulder. I'd love to know what the conversation was that led her to do *that*...) Their relationship is very clear to the viewer, but it's also very understated. Any romantic moments like that are part of some larger scene, some larger conversation, etc. (I was half-convinced, when I was a kid, that it was because Disney didn't want to deal with the xenophilia aspect. Now I can see that it's in character for them to act that way; both of them know what's going on but they can't admit it, can't act on it because they're certain there's no future in it. But when you're 12-13 years old you miss some of the subtler points <g>.) So, while I can think of romantic moments between Goliath and Demona, MacBeth and Gruoch, etc, Goliath and Elisa are much more subtle than that.

"So then I went picking through episodes looking for Goliath/Elisa moments. (Aren't they cute in Eye of the Beholder, dancing in their Halloween 'costumes'? Even the trio notices. "They should have Halloween more often.") As early as Awakenings 5, we see Elisa take his face in her hands. The closest embrace I can find is in Heritage, after Elisa's disappearance. They both look pretty happy to see each other there, and she doesn't show any reluctance to touch him or be held by him.

"So anyway, it could be because he thinks she won't appreciate the gesture. She has shied away from discussing their relationship in the past. Or it could be because they're in a train full of people (although, again, she's pretty much given them away to everyone on the train already).

"Or it could be because he doesn't want to let himself touch her? Because letting himself caress her hair (the gargoyle equivalent of a kiss, even if Elisa doesn't necessarily know that) means pretending, if only for a moment, that they have a relationship? And because he can't stand doing that to himself over and over again? Something to think about, anyway.

"The other thing that I noticed was that, although Goliath saw Elisa kiss Jason and heard what she said about her feelings, she doesn't know that. As far as she knows, nothing between them has changed since HM1. Obviously they're both happy to see each other after Jason rescues her (although Goliath is probably "happier" than Elisa is; at least, she didn't think he was dead). But nothing has happened, to her knowledge, to bring things between them to a head. So why does she finally decide to admit her feelings to him? Her dialogue doesn't really tell us anything, either. He says, "So... Things have come full circle," and Elisa replies, "Somehow, they always do. You know how I feel about you, right?" She brings it up apropos of nothing. (He doesn't seem startled by it, either. Why is that? I sure as heck was!)

"Is it her relationship with Jason? The realization that, even when presented with someone human who seems to be everything she's looking for (at least at first), she still wants Goliath? When offered the normal life she thinks she wants, she still chooses Goliath and the clan, and all the uncertainty and upheaval they imply. Is that it? Of course, they've had a traumatic couple of days, and that could be a reason all by itself."

At that point I decided that I'd spent way too much time analyzing things and that I really ought to be doing work, so I stopped. But I'm still intrigued by it all. I guess if I had to distill it down into a few questions, they would be:

1) Is there a reason for Goliath's gesture (or lack thereof) on the train, or am I thinking too hard/paying too much attention to tiny details?

2) Does Elisa know that touching hair is the gargoyle equivalent of a kiss? (Maybe not in so many words, since I doubt the gargoyles think of it in terms of how their gestures of affection are equivalent to human gestures, but does she realize the sort of underlying meaning of a touch like that?) And if so, how does she know? Just from observation and intuition? Did someone tell her?

3) Why does Elisa finally speak up at the end of HM3? What changes her mind about keeping quiet?

Thanks for listening to me ramble on a bit, and for taking the time to answer our questions. It's only out of love that we analyze every aspect of things :)

Greg responds...

1. I think all your thoughts are right on target, and the gesture (or lack thereoff) was certainly intentional on our part.

2. She does by now, yes. Whether she did then... I'd have to look again.

3. Events. Momentum. Passion. Change. Or whatever you decide.

I liked your ramble, btw.

Response recorded on May 11, 2007

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Derek writes...

Considering the Labyrinth clan is being "raised" by the mutates will they have more "humanly" customs than Gargoyles custom's i.e will they use rookeries, will they mate for life. Are these gargoyle customs taught or genetic?

Greg responds...

A little of this and a little of that. As for the rest, we'll have to wait and see.

Response recorded on May 11, 2007

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Brigadoon Traveller writes...

First off I want to say that I am enjoying the continuation of Gargoyles in the new SLG comics. My copy of #3 is still in transit (and has been for the past two weeks - hopefully it'll have made its way across to this side of the Atlantic once you get this - the waiting is agonising!) once I get my copy I'll be sure to post a review of it here first thing. I have to admit that at first I was a bit wary about the series continuing as a comic, as I'm not really much a of a comic book reader (but then again I'm not much of an animation buff either). But nonetheless the series is really going quite well so far and I am looking forward to the new spin off series "Bad Guys".

Anyway onto my question; when you first announced the release of the SLG comic along with the set-up of Creature Comics, you gave us some of the events leading up to the sign up with SLG. When you hit your first hurdle with Disney (i.e. lack of money) you mentioned that you guys at Creature Comics (after becoming CreatureComics.com) were prepared to release stories using your own original properties.

My question is how far did you guys get with the production of these properties (if you did at all)? And how much did Gargoyles play a part in influencing any of the characters and worlds you came up (assuming you got that far)?

Anyway thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

We didn't actually DO anything. We didn't have time. However, the properties we were considering mostly came from a backlog of original ideas that I have in my file cabinets. Influences? Myriad, including lessons learned on Gargoyles, but none were set in the Gargoyles Universe, as I don't own that.

Response recorded on May 11, 2007

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Tony writes...

1) Is it too late to reconsider the decision to have the "Bad Guys" comic in black and white? I know the economic decision behind it, but I find that certain comics and webstrips that have action in black and white are very hard to follow. I just hope the action isn't hard to follow in "Bad Guys". I believe this spin off will become a great success, and I'd love to see it at full potential which would be having it in color.

2) What is the potential price point for the "Bad Guys" comic?

3) If the first six are successful, will possible future releases remain in black and white?

4) Is the plan for "Pendragon" also black and white?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

1. Action can be hard to follow in B&W or in color. But if we do our job right, that won't be a problem. In any case, color interiors are not an option economically for the title.

2. I don't know.

3. For the forseeable future, yes.

4. Yes, with color covers.

Response recorded on May 10, 2007

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Adam writes...

Hi Greg. I have a question about Bronx. If Bronx had had a mate before who was the same age as him, would they have had an egg in the rookery that became the Avalon clan? I have looked through the archives and found conficting answers. Bronx hatched in 978, would/could he and a mate have an egg in 998 or would 1018 be the eariest (same as the Trio). Since gargoyle beasts age faster than gargoyles and can potentially lay one more egg, I would think that 1018 would be the eariest for Bronx and a potential mate. Thank.

Greg responds...

I don't have my "Gargoyles Math Book" with me, so I'm not 100% sure of this answer, but I think 1018. In any case, Bronx did not mate prior to the massacre.

Response recorded on May 10, 2007

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

I love the "you did check the archives?" pop up.

Greg responds...

I'll take your word on that...

Response recorded on May 08, 2007

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

I read the new issue the day it came out, but it took me this long to read through the other posts about it... it was made somewhat harder to catch up since my home computer gave up the ghost (loveable hubby has been running an ~unupdated~ virus protection for 5 years), and my company blocks s8 for some unfathomable reason, (EBAY I get, IM I get, but s8? I can go to girl-wonder.org with no problem so it isn't a bulletin board thing, and it's not like I can say I have a 'work related' reason calling for access to the site).

Now that I've read and read I can say I am mucho happy. There had been some small concerns I had reading issues 1 and 2 that I assumed would go away with new material, and they did. I'm still not in love with the art, but it is consistent, emotive and reminiscent of the cartoon, and those things are actually more important. And the coloring is great. You know, actually, the art really is growing on me...

The writing was top notch- I'm back to imagining it with the voices running through my head. We got new characters and development on the old ones. The flashbacks were well constructed- besides not being boring to a longtime fan, they gave personality to the newish character telling it. Even Margot Yale is transitioning more and more from being the Yuppie punchline to being an important character, and her being on the taskforce may well be a highlight.

When I first saw the 36/32 greeting I thought it was an FBI thing, upon repeat I figured it was Illuminati related, and the idea that Matt has really progressed in the society leads to so many interesting ideas and conflicts.

I was surpised to see 'the talk' come so soon. It's only been 2 'episodes' since she happily kissed Goliath, and those two involved a date. But something about the art made it feel that enough time passed to make her think these things, and her conversations with Jason and Morgan really sold the idea that these concerns would be foremost in her mind. We got a good dose of Jason's nobility and self pity, and I really liked getting to know Morgan; how he innocently blurts out his surprise that she could have been silently dating a guy for two years and then tries as politely as possible to cover it.

Great art moment when the distance between Goliath and Elisa is both figurative and literal on top of the castle. Great "Wha?!" moment when Elisa talks about Goliath's options being limited and the next page showing Demona. Of course she meant, and he understood, Delilah, but it was a fun mess with your head moment. More fascinating is Delilah's response. It was subtle enough that it doesn't have to be the meat of this story, but it is definately going to come up. When she says "if that is you wish" you know she has a lot to learn about free will and self determination, probably even more than the other clones.

(Yeah. "Send in the clones!" Way hoaky. I would not have said that in their place...if only because I would have already said it too many times and have incured a promise of punishment from the other Labrythians if I were to ever do it again;)

I'll send a much shorter letter for the letter column, but it does bring about the question: why no e-mail address for the letter column?

Thanks and I'm waiting with bated breath for #4 and Bad Guys!

Greg responds...

I don't need an e-mail address for the letter column when I've got ASK GREG...

I'm glad the "mess with your head" moment worked for you. I try.

Response recorded on May 08, 2007

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Hey gang,

This coming weekend, May 11-13th, I'll be in Chicago attending AnimeCentral.

Check out their website: http://www.acen.org/

And if you're in the area, please stop by and say hello. It's a big con, but I may get lonely...


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Antiyonder writes...

On a much lighter note, I thought I'd comment on the Kim Possible you wrote. I saw it on Disney Channel.com, and am going to record it when it comes on (I'll be gone this evening). Overall, it's a pretty great episode, better than Queen Bebe (Not that I dislike that episode).

Recently my stepsister had a baby last summer, she's really adorable. So, I can really understand the Stoppable's feelings towards Hana. Right up there with Alexander Xanatos (as a baby).

To bad Ron had to go through all of that flour and of course sugar. Would his preference of Roman Numeral be a reference to the "Bricks of Fury III" in "Team Impossible"?

After some have pointed it out, I did catch the Gargoyles reference in there. That being the statues coming alive. Two questions on that:

1. Did you put any Gargoyle references in Queen Bebe? I would guess no as no one pointed it out, but you never know.

2. Any idea if Hana could say harassment?

I recall hearing that Queen Bebe was changed quite a bit from how you wrote the episode, did Big Bother turn out better in your opinion?

Greg responds...

1. Not that I recall.

2. Maybe someday we'll find out.

Queen Bebe turned out great I thought, it's just very different from what I wrote. But I'm the first to admit that I didn't quite have the voice of the show down in that one, so I understand why I was rewritten so heavily... (particularly considering that the whole Smashmouth subplot was something that came up AFTER my work on the episode was completed).

But Big Bother is MUCH closer to what I wrote initially. So obviously, I can take a bit more personal pride in that one. And I do think I had the voice of the show down better in this one.

Response recorded on May 08, 2007

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Antiyonder writes...

Most of us have been talking about the yet to be released Volume of Gargoyles, whether it's in the comment room or submitting in the Ask A Question. I do agree that that the Disney blaming has gone overboard at times (I'm guilty of it as well). I can't speak for everyone of course, but I'm going to do my best to describe why we tend to blame the company so to speak (I know you don't mean any offense). Since, you have more business experience than some of us, your POV would be helpful.

1. Again part of the reason why we aren't seeing anymore DVDs are lack of purchases from the previous sets. Yes part of it is due to lack of sales, but also lack of advertising. It's not just DVDs, but with say network television (Not just with Disney). Aside from quality there are many reasons a show would turn up with low ratings, like:

- Lack of commericals, hence the viewer doesn't know it exist.
- The show is aired so much that the viewer gets tired of it, or so little they don't have a chance to draw in fans. Odd thing about that is that a particular program is aired constantly when it only has 13/26 episodes, yet when/if it has 65-78 episode, then it's not aired so often. Should be the other way around.
- The show is aired in a timeslot that most people don't watch.

It just seems like the higher ups don't really understand their audience, or they do but don't want to take responsibility. After all, admiting to a mistake is viewed by some to be a sign of shame and humiliation rather than being responsible.

1a. Also, with the comics, I heard sales lowered for #3. That's due of course to lack of a consistant release. My question is if Disney will acknowledge that lower sales are due to delaying approval, or will they assume that the comic itself is the problem. You can count on us hardcore (in my case semi-hardcore) fans to stick with it to the end, but as has been said in the comment room newcomers or casual buyers are going to be put off by the delays if it keeps up. Regardless, I'm trusting that the situation should improve.

2. Then there's the concept of money. It seems like the higher ups in the business never heard of the saying "You have to spend money to make money". It just seems like with any product (DVD, Comics, etc) they expect to make a fortune by investing a few cents (not literaly mind you).

2a. I know that companies like Disney are in the business to make money and I repsect that. The problem is it seems their ambition is more of an obsession. For instance, I know that you're sure as heck not doing all of this work for free, but for you the money isn't a one-tracked mind thing. Same could be said of folks like Bruce Timm, Paul Dini, Tom Defalco, Peter David, Steve Loter, Mark McCorkie, Bob Schooley.

I really hope this came across as a constructive complaint, rather than a mindless hatefilled rant. After all, I'm not always good at using the right words, to voice my opinion.

Greg responds...

You're preaching to the converted, but there is an element of naivete here. Marketing costs money. Disney has LITTLE evidence that they can make much money off of Gargoyles relative to what they could make off of, say, Power Rangers. So they are less inclined to spend the FINITE amount of money they have to promote a product which will without a doubt be profitable, but which without a doubt won't be AS profitable as others they might release. That's called "Opportunity cost".

Gargoyles was a good bet for them, when (a) it seemed that the fans would do all the marketing work for them... making the release very inexpensive and (b) the sales seemed relatively high... making the profit margin relatively high. But when the fans do NOT do the marketing for them and when the sales aren't high, then Gargoyles seems like less the good bet.

Again, I'm not saying that the marketing SHOULD be the fans responsibility. I'm simply saying that if the fans do not take responsibility, then no one will.

Companies don't have obsessions. People do. Individuals run companies, which is why as companies have employee turnover, the character of the place and the opportunites shit and alter. But comparing Peter David with "DISNEY" is truly comparing apples and ... I don't know... steam engines.

So in the end, yours is NOT a "constructive complaint". (Though it's not a hate-filled rant either.) It's just a complaint. Period. And you're entitled to complain. Believe me. But now that you've complained, the question is both individually and collectively, what's your NEXT move? Just more complaining? Or do you want to find a new way to help us SPREAD THE WORD?

Response recorded on May 08, 2007

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Moeen writes...

Hi Greg,

First off, many thanks for helping keeping Gargoyles alive. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but given that it takes the equivalent of two or three bimonthly comics to complete the equivalent of an episode, it would take about five or six years to complete a dozen episodes. At this rate it would be years before we even manage to scratch the surface of the storylines you have planned. Comparatively much slower that the TV series. If the comics prove successful (as I'm hoping they will), would it be possible to pick up the pace a bit? :-)

(Of course I'm grateful to have new storylies at whatever pace, so thanks for the comics.)

Greg responds...

Anything's possible, but to go monthly would mean that the book would have to do substantially better financially in order to pay substantially more to the creative staff. BUT with the addition of Gargoyles:Bad Guys, we will at least be putting out some Garg material EVERY month.

Response recorded on May 08, 2007

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Revel writes...


Just wanted you to know that it was worth the wait and all the years of fun, cons, and promoting to get the comics. From what it sounds like you are enjoying writing them as much as we are enjoying reading them and may many more come! You would be upset by how difficult it is to even find a comic shop around here, hell up at my college there were two within walking distance. But we remain ever vigilant. This next time I'm going to take the poster SLG gave us at the con to see if they will hang it in thier shop, that's the least I can do.
So thnaks again Greg, and thanks for sticking with us as much as we stuck with you.

Greg responds...

It's all mutual, dude!

Response recorded on May 08, 2007

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Charisma82 writes...

Hey! I'm taking a break from Gargoyles and going into Buffyverse…

I just finished reading your Buffyverse top 40 for Angel's last season and it got my mind thinking back on the show. I was wondering which show you preferred more, Buffy or Angel? Me, myself, and I loved Angel. When I was younger, I watched about 1 or 2 seasons of Buffy on reruns. I stopped watching it and never really went back to it. I remember liking the first season I watched (which was when Buffy was in her last year of High School), but was a bit more disappointed in the season that came on after that. I happened to be talking to a friend about the show later on and she told me that if I liked the character Angel (which was one of my favorite characters in Buffy), I'd like his spin off show. Spin off show? I'd never heard of it. When I found out, Angel was in its 4th season, and I didn't really think of watching it, until… I found the reruns! I've seen all of the Angel episodes and I think that they are WAY better than the Buffy shows I remember. What I liked the most is how the characters totally changed from when they started the show to when they ended it. Who would've thought Cordelia from Buffy would ever end up the Cordelia at the end of Angel? And the same with Wesley. Then the show added some regulars on. I really liked Doyle and was sad to see him go. I also liked Gun, Fred, and Lorne. It was also interesting when they threw Spike into the mix in the last season. I have to agree with you that Angel's last season was one of great exits. Cordelia's death was terrible for me because I had grown to like her character a lot. I really like how Angel and her part for the last time. I wonder to myself sometimes that if Angel had to pick between Cordi and Buffy, who would he would choose. He never got into a real boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with Cordi like he did with Buffy (which is probably for the best). I myself have always hoped he would pick Cordi since the two of them had grown closer to each other as great friends and then to something a bit more. I know that Buffy will always be one of his loves, but hey, you can't blame me for wanting to see him with Cordi. Anyways, back to the deaths. I was sad when Fred died and there was no way to bring her back. I was crushed when Wesley died and it made it even sadder when Illyria pretended to be Fred for him. I would have really liked to know what happened to the rest of the gang (though it is pretty obvious). I kind of hope at least a few of them made it through the final fight in some way. That's hoping for ya. I'll never forget one of Angel's last lines though. "Personally, I'd like to take the dragon." HA! Out of all the sad moments in that episode, that got a good laugh out of me. Well, I know I've rambled on long enough. Just thought I'd put my 2 cents in about Angel. Hope it didn't bore you too much.

Thank you for your time and patience.


Greg responds...

Episode by episode, there were some shows I liked more than others, but I basically LOVED both Buffy and Angel. No preference, per se though between the series.

Response recorded on May 08, 2007

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