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Anonymous writes...

Can stone sleep heal damages done to the nervous system such as to the spine?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 28, 2001

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LSZ writes...

The issue of gargoyles turning to stone being a biological and non-magical process seems important to you, and it does make a more interesting universe; it was also firmly mentioned in the Gargoyles' bible..so out of curiosity, if this fact was so important, why was it never mentioned in the series itself, when other biological details like the solar and aging thing were mentioned?

Greg responds...

I probably thought of it as so self-evident that it didn't occur to me to mention it.

And/or it was nearly impossible to work into a conversation naturally.

Response recorded on June 28, 2001

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Siren writes...

I looked and looked for these questions, figuring they were asked already but didn't find them. I apologize if they was asked before...

1.)When the sun rises, do the gargoyle embryoes/fetuses turn to stone as well? Is it something right from the beginning or do they develop it in the egg through the years before hatching?
2.) Do the hatchlings use their hands or do they have an egg tooth as many birds and reptile species do? I'm sure the adults help them as well.
3.) Is the shell of gargoyle's egg hard like a birds or leathery like a reptile?
4.) Do gargoyles die in labor as humans do? Or is labor easier for them, as it is a little more round and they are usually larger.

Greg responds...

1. Yes, to store energy.

2. Hands, wings, claws, feet.

3. After the first day, it is hard like stone.

4. Labor is marginally easier. But death from laying the egg is not unheard of.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Jacob writes...

Sorry, my fault.
I asked you: "What happens to a gargoyle if he is at the north pole during the long night in the winter? does he sleep like humans?".
You answered: "Over time, he or she would adapt.".
What I really was meaning with the "long night" was the polarnight(hope it is called that in English) when it is dark for a few months.

Greg responds...

I get it. I got it.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Was there ever any gargoyle creatures like gargoyle cats, birds, besides gargoyle beasts and humanoid gargoyles

Greg responds...

No. Assuming I understand the question. Which isn't necessarily a safe assumption.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

how many eggs can a female garg beast usually lay in its lifetime?

Greg responds...

More than three.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

what is more rare among gargoyles, a gargoyle giving birth to twins or a female gargoyle being able to lay more than 3 eggs in a lifetime?

Greg responds...

Both are extremely rare. EXTREMELY.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

besides the gargoyles and the garg beast had you thought of any other gargates that once existed or perhaps still exist? like what they looked like and stuff...

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Siren writes...

On the eye color thing...
What biological and creative reason is it that females have red glowing eyes and males white?
I found this is a strange, but really cool thing on the show.

Greg responds...

Well, behind the scenes, I think it was a result of Demona having glowing red eyes in the pilot and everyone else (i.e. the guys) all having glowing white eyes. I'm not sure I remember us planning it then. It just happened. Then we strove to be consistent.

Biologically, I dunno... hormones?

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

do baby gargs need to have diaper changes?

this question is a feeble attempt to find out if/how gargs go to the bathroom, sorry, couldn't resist!

Greg responds...

I'm going to remain consistent and leave bathroom functions as a private matter.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Jacob writes...

Are gargoyles at day really heavier than at night? I ask this because I have no idea where the mass comes from when they are turning into stone. Do they pick up dust from the air during their petrifaction?

Greg responds...

I never said they were.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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matt writes...

would a biologist or Sevarius or someone be able to tell a sleeping gargoyle from a regular stone gargoyle? i would guess so since gargs don't actually turn to stone. would they be able to clone a garg from a few flakes of the sleeping gargs skin?

Greg responds...

The outer layer of garg skin is dead skin that is shrugged off on awakening, so I doubt that a few flakes would do. I guess, if they took some sort of core sample (gross), or ran the thing through a catscan or something. But a cursory exam... I don't think so.

Unless the 'regular stone gargoyle' was obviously an anatomical impossibility.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Pyro X writes...

Do Gargoyles suffer from diseases as we do?

Can a gargoyle get Polio? AIDS? Schistisomiasys? Meingitis?

Would the Dawn cure them of the disease, or would they die?

How does a gargoyle die? Sleep, Heart Attack, or from a disease?

Greg responds...

Because of their stone healing factor, Gargoyles are largely immune from most diseases.

But I can't go through a disease by disease accounting.

As to death -- most don't die of natural causes. Most don't get the chance.

Response recorded on June 10, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Why do the Ishimura gargoyles resemble the people of Japan?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure they do, except in styles of hair and clothing.

Again, one could chalk it up to artistic license. Or maybe to the "chameleon mutation gene" I've speculated about.

Response recorded on June 10, 2001

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Cotten writes...

Hey Greg,

By The Nine, you get asked alot of questions! Ok, this is a bit nerve racking here so let me think. Ok. What is the general life span of a gargoyle? As in how many years can they live if they aren't killed in battle?

Well, that's about all I can ask. Hope to see you again. It has been two years, right. Time for me is illrevelent.

Greg responds...

About two hundred chronological years, though that's pushing it.

Response recorded on June 10, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Did gargoyles originate from Asia? Afterall half of the eight clans originated there and in east Asia there is about three clans presently living there meaning that there might have been a large abundance of gargoyles clans living there and also the people in Ishimura don't fear the gargoyles meaning that gargoyles must have lived there quite along time for the humans to get use to them.

Greg responds...

I'm not saying at this time. But in any case, you're logic above doesn't wash.

The survival of three clans in Asia hardly proves anything, as each clan survived for very specific reasons. And every one of the seven old clans have been in place for centuries. And at one point or another, all got along with humans. The Ishimurans managed to maintain the relationship, but it hardly suggests or guarantees a geographic origin in Japan.

After all, two clans also survived in Great Britain -- a much smaller area than all of Asia -- so by your logic, we might assume that Gargoyles originated there.

But I'm not confirming any of it. Asia, Britain or somewhere else? I'm not saying now.

Response recorded on June 10, 2001

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Scott Iskow writes...

1) Can gargoyles experience any of the sleep disorders defined by humans?

2) Does a gargoyle somehow feel (or otherwise notice) the difference between being unconscious during the night and being in stone hibernation during the day?

3) Can gargoyles oversleep or stay up past their bedtime?

Greg responds...

1. Not exactly, but perhaps others or related problems.

2. Yes. Two different things. This is something Michael Reaves and I specifically discussed very early on. Should the Gargs turn to stone when knocked unconscious? We agreed they weren't similar states, really.

3. Not by much.

Response recorded on June 09, 2001

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Scott Iskow writes...

If a gargoyle took up smoking, would he or she experience health problems over time, or would the rejuvenating effects of the sun negate the damage?

Greg responds...

To make a point, I'm going to say that smoking would have long term dilitorious (did I spell that right) effects.

Response recorded on June 09, 2001

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Tomoyo writes...

I have read that the gargoyles are reptils, but Bronx is a gargoyle too. Bronx could be a reptil too, but, does this mean that Goliath, Demona, Brooklyn..., are from the same specie than Bronx?
The same if the humans are from the same specie than the dogs.

Greg responds...

Gargoyles and Gargoyle Beasts are neither reptiles nor mammals (including dogs), though they share qualities of each.

They are gargates.

Response recorded on June 09, 2001

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wingedbeast writes...

In response to your question about a gargoyle using some form of timetravel to poof into a daylight situation, you said that it was something of a pavlovian response. Does this mean that Gargoyles can, if they chose to exert however much effort it took to do this, change their sleepcycles or their sleepques?

Greg responds...

It is briefly possible. Not over anything resembling a long haul. Their biological internal clocks are fairly tyrannical and attuned.

Response recorded on June 09, 2001

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matt writes...

in the London clan the feathered wings were the most common, and in the other clans the Goliath and Demona type wings were quite common, among the clans we've not see (Loch Ness, New Olympus, Xanadu, and Korea) are Lexington's wing type the most common? or are Desdemona's?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to tie my hands by quantifying that at this time.

Response recorded on May 30, 2001

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José Mº writes...

I have seen that the gargoyles when the sun go down are lives, and a little stone skin fall from their skin, are they more small??

Greg responds...

No, they're shedding a thin layer of dead epidermus. Each day they regenerate while in stone.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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matt writes...

warrioress's question reminded me of one i've been meaning to ask, i read somewhere that because of his smaller profile Lex and other gargoyles with similar wings can actually glide faster... any truth to this? i guess they should get an advantage cuz they can't really use their hands when gliding...

Greg responds...

Don't know.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Josh Goldberg writes...

Can Demona get pregnant by a human at anytime? That is, is she fertile as a human at the same times as she is fertile as a gargoyle, or is she fertile like a regular human? What's Demona's fertility cycle as human and garg? (Garg's are only fertile every ten garg years, right?)

Greg responds...

Garg's are only fertile every TWENTY years.

Human females, or so I understand it, are generally VERY fertile one week a month. Potentially fertile the week to either side. And even possibly fertile at all times. At any rate, it's sure as hell safer to think that way.

Demona is a human when she's human. A garg when she's a garg. But she's extremely unlikely to get pregnant at any time. Cuz she's Demona.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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matt writes...

oh, and if i remember correctly, you said that March 21 was not only the Spring Equinox, and the possible hatch date for gargoyles, but its also your son's birthday, so, Happy Birthday Ben even though its belated by now... talk to you later!

Greg responds...

Ben thanks you.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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