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Leong writes...

I'll be blunt: Is there faster-than-light space travel in the Gargoyles universe?

Greg responds...

Yes and no.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Doug writes...

What Would Happen to a gargoyle in space?

Greg responds...

They'd explode in the void, just like a human.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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NZ Fan of Gargoyles writes...

Hi Mr Weisman.
First off, thanks for such a great show. I'm writing fan fiction at the moment, and am writing an Elisa and Goliath one. If I recall correctly you had something about them having children, or having to adopt one. I have a question about it, I hope you can answer for me.

1. If it were possible for them to have a child, either naturally, by magic or science. How long would Elisa be pregnant?

2. Anything else about the whole pregnancy thing you'd care to add.

Thanx for your time.

Greg responds...

1. This is hypothetical on top of hypothetical, but I'd tend to think that Elisa would be pregnant nine months unless there was some scientific or magical explanation why not.

2. No.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, keep up the good work if ya can!

1) If the Gargoyle eggs were put under the spell, could/would they have stayed as eggs and hatch in the 1990's?

2) If a Gargoyle were to die in his sleep (You said this was rare,) would his rock body just crumble, or stay as a statue and not awaken?

3) if hudson holds his sword, while turning to stone, will it turn to ston or not? (I am wondering this about anything they might hold)

I can't wait to see the movie/ and re runs, plus the movie 2! (the live action one, I think!)


Greg responds...

1. Which spell? The Magus? I'm not sure how you tell an egg to sleep. And that's all it was, a sleep spell.

2. Stay as a statue, but it would no longer renew and would tend to crumble over time and weather -- assuming it was left alone. Not a safe assumption, by the way.

3. I've answered this before. It has to do with whether or not Hudson's mindset at the moment of sleep is that his sword is part of his uniform or something separate.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Maverick writes...

Hey Greg,

1) Do Gargoyles use the toilet, (Excrete) or does their waste get absorbed into their stone skin and get tossed away?

2) besides the clans we know of, are there other clans on earth?

3) Besides the internet, and re-runs, is the Gargoyles (On tv) Dead like other shows?


Greg responds...

1. Jeez, how about a little decorum. (O.K., fine lets go with the stone skin explanation.)

2 & 3. Sorry, but questions on separate topics must be posted separately.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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FireBrid writes...

Does the she-gargs have any practical use off their breasts? After all they are egg laying creatures and such does not have breasts at all.

Greg responds...

Don't tell that to the Platypus.

Anyway, Gargs are there own species, and yes, females do nurse their young.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Stacey writes...

Hello! This is my first time asking a question, but I was alwayas very curious about gargoyle anatomy. Brooklyn in the character that puzzles me the most. I have noticed that his wings are the type that have little hands on the top of them. I have also noticed that the only other gargoyles that have this type of wing structure are female gargoyles. Why did you decide to make his wings look like that, and what purpose do the little hands serve?

Greg responds...

It just so happens that he and Demona have the same wing-type. Angela inherited hers from her mother. Not all females have that type. Coldfire didn't for example. Neither did Una. It's not a male/female thing. It's just one of the many minor garg anitomical variations.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Michael Norton writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Are there any aquatic or amphibian garbeasts? The thought of the former struck me as very humorous. Thnx.

Greg responds...

No. Though there may be some who are very comfortable in water.

Response recorded on February 03, 2000

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Skylar writes...

Hi again,

1.Why (medical) is Jason paralysed?

2.Is there any chance left, that one day due medical progress an operation could make him able to walk again?

Btw. : Happy Birthday!

Greg responds...

1. Spinal trauma.

2. This may sound flip, but I don't mean for it to: If Christopher Reeve manages to walk again, then Jason can too. But if our science can't solve that problem, then I'm not going to let science in the Garg Universe solve it either. Which doesn't mean, Jason can't put on an exo-skeleton right now. But if we're talking about walking under his own power... then not until we crack it here.

And thanks for the Birthday wishes. (Of course, you wished 'em back in September and it's February now, but they are still appreciated. And I am catching up a little.)

Response recorded on February 03, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Something that I've recently been wondering about Demona's genocide attempt in "Hunter's Moon". The plague that she used the Fulfillment Spell and Sevarius's carrier virus to create would have wiped out all of humanity if released, and the entire gargoyle race as well were it not for the protection of the Praying Gargoyle. Since humans and gargoyles are clearly not very closely related from a biological standpoint, a plague capable of wiping out both species must be very far-reaching in its range. So, if Demona had released her plague, would other species (say, most mammals) have been killed by it as well? Or did it only work on sentient species?

Greg responds...

I think it was limited to sentience. How that would have effected chimpanzees, gargoyle beasts, dolphins, whales, etc. I'm not sure. Hard to say what a combination of science and sorcery would consider sentient. But I think rats, cats, dogs etc. were safe.

Response recorded on February 03, 2000

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