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Derek writes...

Was it a conscious decision to not give Black Cat bad luck powers in Spectacular Spider-Man?

Greg responds...

As opposed to a SUB-conscious decision?

Anyway, yes, it was. I don't understand them. And it seemed a needless add-on to an already fascinating character. *Just my opinion.*

Response recorded on March 18, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

I just got in to SSM when Season 1 hit DVD, so I'm a bit sad to learn that S3 is basically a big *IF* at this point. I've done what I can-- I've bought the Season DVD and the other 4 DVD releases, and I'm going to watch the new episodes when they hit. Is there anything else I could do? I'd like to write a letter (postal or email) if it would help, but I wouln't know where to send it. Disney is a pretty big place, after all. Would you be willing to ask for and provide an address / email address / fax number / anything where fans could send notes of their support for the show? I think you've got an army of people watching this Q&A and wishing we could do more. Maybe if you pointed us in the right direction, we could help.

Greg responds...

I don't have that info, but you might check in here: http://keepspideyalive.ning.com/

Response recorded on March 15, 2010

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Todd Jensen writes...

In your Gargoyles/Spectacular Spider-Man crossover Radio Play, the Spear of Destiny's head was buried beneath Ravencroft Institute. While this obviously suited the needs of the story, was this also intended as an in-joke reference to Trevor Ravencroft, who wrote one of the best-known books about the Spear?

Greg responds...

It was a happy accident that I discovered when I started researching the Spear for the Radio Play.

Response recorded on March 08, 2010

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hey Greg!
Just wanted to say - please don't be frustrated and upset that I saw Season 2 on YouTube and am not watching it on Disney XD! I don't HAVE Disney XD! :(

Greg responds...

What I didn't know...

Response recorded on March 08, 2010

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Merc with a Mouth writes...

I read that Carnage will appear in Season 3 of The Spectacular Spider-Man voiced by Quinton Flynn. Is this a rumor because there was nothing about who will voice Scorpion and Hobgoblin ands they're the only villains you confirmed. Thanks Greg!

Greg responds...

Yes, it's just a rumor. We haven't even gotten a pick-up for Season Three, so beyond Hobgoblin and Scorpion, we haven't planned what villains would appear yet, and obviously we haven't done ANY voice casting for new characters yet.

Where did you hear this? Is this really a rumor or a suggestion masquerading as a rumor? If the former, assume anything else that comes from this source is, frankly, crap. And if the latter, please don't play these games.

Response recorded on March 08, 2010

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Graham writes...

Hey Greg, love the show! Anyway, I wanted to know what the guitar chords were for the Spectacular Spider-Man theme, because I searched for them online, I couldn't find them anywhere, and would love to learn the song. I really hope you guys can get the show renewed, it's the best animated show I've seen in a long, long time.

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I don't know the answer.

Response recorded on March 08, 2010

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A Big Fan writes...

Hi Greg, I have a Spider-Man question.

Do you have a storyline planned about Peter's parents, Richard and Mary, or have you not thought that far ahead?

Greg responds...

I've thought that far ahead ... and/or that far behind. 'Nuff Said.

Response recorded on March 08, 2010

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Matt writes...

What was Sandman talking about when he said "I've had bad experiences with cats" upon meeting Kraven? Something in the show that I missed or something from the comics or something you are not revealing yet or what?

Incidently, this is my first Spectacular Spider-Man question. I want you to know that I'm a big fan of this series as well, though I don't talk about it much. Great stuff!

Thanks Greg!

Greg responds...

It's a joke. Think about it, and you'll either laugh or cringe or maybe both.

Response recorded on March 08, 2010

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DarkZide writes...

Hi! I had a difficult time making out if this question already had been questioned in the archives so...

Who raised Eddie Brock? In the last episode of season 1 Eddie mentions that Pete always had his precious uncle and aunt while he had nobody. Could that really be true? Wouldn't Eddie have to be a little boy when his parents died?

Greg responds...

Foster homes. Various foster homes.

Response recorded on March 08, 2010

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Red_Aviary writes...

First, let me say that SSM is probably the best adaptation of the comic and film mythos there is. It's definitely surpassed the nineties Spider-Man show in terms of animation and storytelling - and that's the show that got me into superheroes (with Batman: TAS :D) in the first place. I wanted to thank you for your work and dedication to Spider-Man.

I have a few questions, actually.

1) Harry's mom. We barely ever see her. As far as I know, she gets very little time in the comics as well, and she was killed off early in Ultimate Spider-Man. Is she a kind of trophy wife for Norman? Does she resent him at all? Does she care at all for Harry?

2) Peter's web fluid. He mentions that it costs a lot a few times, as I recall, but where did he get the formula for it? I don't really know where he got it in the mainstream comics. He seemed to just know how to make it. But, as I'm sure you're aware, in Ultimate Spider-Man he based it off of a formula his dad had been working on. Something similar here?

3) We know Peter's a science nerd and all. And that he makes quite a few pop culture references when he's bantering. I know he's probably limited from making too many references on the show and all, and that the episodes are really just flashes of Peter's life, but... how much of a geek is he, in your version? Does he play video games or use the internet a lot in his downtime? Is he a science-fiction or fantasy novel fan or anything? And to what extent? Being a geek myself, I'm interested. >_>

4) And a big one... you've said numerous times that you're not allowed to use the Fantastic Four, the Hulk, the Punisher, Daredevil, etc. in the show. Not even a little bit. I get that, despite how much it kills me inside. But if you could, hypothetically, use them... HOW would you use them? Would the Fantastic Four be based more off of the mainstream version, or the Ultimate version? How would you go about handling Spider-Man's relationships with these heroes? Would Daredevil disapprove of Peter's activities when he's so young and inexperienced, as in the Ultimate universe? Would Nick Fury be black and the Avengers/Ultimates a government project?

I'll understand if you can't/won't answer them. I just thought I'd ask anyway. And I did consult the archives before I posted, but, well, they're big and I might have (probably) missed something. So, sorry in advance.

Greg responds...

1. We have definite plans for Emily, which I'm not revealing here or now.

2. Not saying, but there's a story behind that too.

3. I'd say you have to view his geekatude in a B.B. and A.B. sense (i.e. Before Bite and After Bite). Pre-bite - Massive Geek. Post-Bite - Not so much free time for geeking.

4. As always, my basic plan would be to go back to the original Lee/Kirby interpretations of these characters and adapt from there, pulling in whatever good ideas from more recent incarnations seemed to work the best.

Response recorded on March 08, 2010

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