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Steven writes...

Can you publically encourage people to buy the spectacular spider man blu Ray to help get the show back as well as sign petitions to bring back the show.

Greg responds...

I am happy to encourage people to buy the BluRay, but unfortunately - and unlike YJ - simply making purchases and/or signing petitions doesn't solve the specific complicated contractual roadblock to bringing back the series.

SONY can no longer make animated Spider-Man series, since they gave those rights back to MARVEL.

MARVEL can't make the specific version of THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN without paying SONY to do it.

MARVEL (a division of DISNEY) isn't likely to pay someone else to do a cartoon based on their own (signature) character.

And, yes, SONY & MARVEL cooperated on the recent live-action SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING movie. But SONY paid MARVEL to produce that, not the other way around.

To be clear, this situation doesn't give me any pleasure. And I don't mean to rain on your hope parade. But I figure you'd prefer to know the facts.

Response recorded on August 08, 2017

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Kit Walker writes...

I'm currently wrapping a rewatch of Gargoyles' canonical seasons and preparing to continue the Weisman-lovefest with a rewatch of Spectacular Spider-Man and a thought has occurred to me: Was Coyote's continued use of Xanatos' face, particularly in his 3.0 and 4.0 versions where that face is on a screen, consciously influence by the early Spider-Slayers? Specifically, the ones that usually had J. Jonah Jameson's mug projected on a screen as they fought.

My guess would be that it's a bit of happy coincidence, as the idea's not the most unique, but since you've proven no slouch on Spider-Man lore...

Greg responds...

I don't think it was. I think the Coyote thing evolved out of what we did with him in his first appearance.

Response recorded on August 08, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

1.As a Spider-Man fan, I love stories that push Spider-Man and Peter Parker emotionally.

2. I feel that the Spectacular Spider-Man episodes managed to show that Spider-Man and Peter's choices were determined by whatever emotions he was feeling.

3. I want to know what are your favourite Spider-Man stories?

Greg responds...

1. Me too.

2. Hope so, at least to some extent.

3. I'm not big on ranking things. I love Spidey, and there have been a ton of stories I've loved, and a few that I haven't loved as much. A lot of the stories we adapted in Spectacular are stories I had a particular affinity for, like the Colonel Jupiter story and the Master Planner story, etc.

Response recorded on July 06, 2017

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Emeka Uzoh writes...

1. How did it feel adapting the early 1960s stories of The Amazing Spider-Man comic book that Stan Lee, Steve Ditko and John Romita Snr. had created as a fan when you were working on The Spectacular Spider-Man?

I am also a huge fan of your work and writing style.

Greg responds...

How did it FEEL? Um... Great!

Response recorded on July 05, 2017

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Jack Carpenter writes...

1) So aside from Spider-Man and Young Justice, are there any other comic properties you'd love to adapt?

2) Which one would you like to have the chance to do most?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. I'm so not picky.

Response recorded on June 16, 2017

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Carl Johnson writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,

I had just a couple of questions.

1. One thing about the animation industry is that once a season is over there is no guarantee that the next season will be picked up. Should some one have a plan B for another profession if the next season does not work out? Or is there plenty of work in California that if you did your job well, finding another one should not take long?

2.If someone has a animation idea they want to pitch and have all the details worked out (pitch bible, characters, story, and pilot script) how would they know when they could pitch the idea?

3. I had a question for attires for animation shows. Does it cost more to have different episodic attires for characters or do characters have only one attire to save time? I know in Spectacular, Peter had a winter attire with the jacket, or that one time he had the black shirt with brown pants during the symbiote removal episode but is there a choice on whether they can change their attire episode by episode to add more realism?

Greg responds...

1. Well, uh... There are no guarantees. I try to have other work lined up, pretty much always. And sometimes I'm just flat-out unemployed for stretches. This gig is not for the faint of heart, I guess.

2. I'm not sure I understand the question. If you're ready, pitch. But my caution would be to be careful not to poison the water. If it's a work in progress, and isn't actually very good (YET), then I wouldn't pitch. Make sure you're only showing the best possible version of what you've got. On the other hand, there's not much point in noodling forever on an idea. If it's solid, go for it.

3. Every design - and new clothes are a new design - cost time, which costs money. So, yes, in animation, we need a pretty good reason to give characters additional wardrobe. But if we need it, we need it.

Response recorded on April 24, 2017

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cristian writes...


in spectacular spider-man tv series. did norman knows peter is spider-man like the comics?

Greg responds...

He said he didn't. Do you believe him?

Response recorded on April 12, 2017

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Emeka Uzoh writes...


rephrasing the question, How did you manage to relate to Spider-Man/Peter Parker? that I asked you earlier. I actually wanted to ask you what traits of Spider-Man/Peter Parker's character do you find that you have within yourself?

Greg responds...

He worries about money.

He worries about girls. (I don't do that anymore. Happily married for over twenty years, but I haven't forgotten what that was like.)

He worries about letting down the people in his life.

He worries about stopping super-villains. (Um... well, actually, I do worry about that. Though maybe that's not time well spent.)

Response recorded on April 11, 2017

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Brodie Marschall writes...

Hey, Greg,I've got to tell you something, Josh Keaton, the voice of Spider-Man in Spectacular Spider-Man reprised the character in the Marvel Super Hero Squad video games and Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, And he was going to reprise his role in The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, But he was replaced by Drake Bell from Ultimate Spider-Man.
What do you think of this?

Greg responds...

I think Josh is great, and my ideal Spider-Man. So I'm happy whenever he gets to do anything (but especially Spider-Man).

Response recorded on April 07, 2017

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Marquis writes...

John Semper, script writer of Spider-Man the Animated Series from the 90s, has crowdfunded an audio drama epilogue for the show with much of the original cast. Since he's somehow allowed to do that, I wonder if you've ever thought about tying up some of Spectacular's loose ends through a full-cast audio recording of your own?

Greg responds...

I have no idea if he's ALLOWED to do that. Or if he just did it. You'd have to ask him. Personally, I wouldn't risk the lawsuit. And the spectre of getting permission, even for a non-profit venture, from both Sony and Marvel/Disney is nightmarish to me. In addition, since I have no ownership in the property, I'd want to get paid for my work. And finally, I've had my fill of crowd-funding for a lifetime.

Response recorded on March 29, 2017

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Emeka Uzoh writes...

How did you manage to relate to Spider-Man/Peter Parker?

Greg responds...

He's everyman. He's easy to relate to. He has powers AND responsibilities. Doesn't everyone?

Response recorded on March 29, 2017

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Lloyd keh writes...

Its brought a joy to my heart seeing Young justice get renewed for a 3rd season, the fans really acknowledged this series a lot ! You also took a big part in YJ return. GgvvvvvvvvbbbbbbbYou gave 3 ways we could help The series get renewed for a 3rd series. Netflix also took part in this great return so I was Wondering How can we get spectacular spiderman to return for a 3rd season. There's been multiple petition People have created and multiple I've signed (including the one on change.org). There's also been a hashtag #MakeSpidermanSpectacularagain & people have been influencing others to buy spectacular spiderman on blu ray & I myself have bought it and been doing the same.. I just wanna know if we are taking a step in the right direction & if we are, is marvel and Disney seeing this? I mean they should be seeing all this. It's been going on for years and last thing , how do u feel about this whole spectacular Spiderman thing ?

Greg responds...

I'd love for Spectacular to come back, and stranger things have happened. But if I'm being honest, I don't see a clear path for it. Buying the BluRays definitely helps - or at any rate doesn't hurt. But Marvel has its own animation studio now (owned by Disney) and is understandably NOT inclined to PAY Sony (which controls the rights to Spectacular) to produce a cartoon based on their signature character. I'm sorry. Believe me.

Response recorded on March 28, 2017

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RexBlazer1 writes...

Out of curiosity, are you aware that, in the original comics, the initial intent for the Venom symbiote was that, instead of going to Eddie Brock, it would go from Peter Parker to a WOMAN who had a grudge of her own against our friendly neighborhood web-slinger?

From what I've heard, the initial idea was that the woman would be pregnant and in labor. Then, her husband would try to wave down a taxi, and the taxi driver, who is paying more attention to Spider-Man in action instead of the road, accidentally hit and killed the woman's husband. The woman would then give birth on the spot, but the child would be a stillborn, and she'd lose her sanity because of the sudden loss of both her husband and her child, sending her to the Ravencroft Institute. She'd eventually regain her sanity and be released, but would still blame Spider-Man for the loss of her family. The symbiote would be nearby and sense her mutual hatred of the web-slinger, and bond with her to form Venom.

The reason Marvel didn't go this route, from what I hear, was that they felt their readers wouldn't consider a woman to be a physical-enough threat to Spidey. (Never mind the fact that a woman with the Venom symbiote would be, by definition, physically STRONGER than Spidey). Thus, they went with Eddie Brock, whose grudge was based on things that happened because of his own stupidity.

Here's the article describing it, just scroll down the page and you'll find it:

Not to mention, as a result, it came to be something of a self-fulfilling prophecy, as Spidey doesn't have a lot of MEMORABLE female villains. In fact, the only one I can think of is Felicia Hardy aka Black Cat, who is very on/off when it comes to villainy, and is TECHNICALLY a clone of Catwoman when you think about it.

Still, imagine how things might've been had they gone with the female Venom route.

Greg responds...

It's interesting, but I'm not too enamored of the scenario you described. Again, her hatred of Spider-Man is largely irrational. She could hate the cab driver. God. Whatever. I prefer things being more personal. On the other hand, the goal of having more and more powerful female villains is one I'm whole-heartedly behind.

Response recorded on March 23, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg! I hope you are doing well and I want to congratulate you for Young Justice season 3 being commissioned. I cannot wait to see it. Here are my questions:

1. How long was your timeline for Spec Spidey, if you had one? I know you had eventual plans to go into Peter's college years and beyond if you had the chance, so I was curious if you had stories, characters, and events such as deaths, graduations, etc. planned out? I'm not asking what stories you wanted to tell but I am curious if you had a long outline, similar to Garg and YJ.

2. Why did you make MJ and Gwen friends in the series? It was a change I loved and considering where Pete and Gwen end up in the comics and where Pete and MJ end up, I thought it was a brilliant idea.

3. For YJ and Spec, was Jamie Thomasson a comic book fan? I ask because I wonder if him being a possible comic book fan helped him cast parts in the show easier. Did he only rely on your scripts or also on other source material?

Can't wait for YJ season 3 and hoping for Garg comics! And I still hold out hope you can write Spider-Man again in another form! Take care Greg and good luck.

Greg responds...

1. I did have one. But I don't remember how long it was, and I don't have access to it here at my Warner Bros office.

2. I didn't come up with it. They were on and off friends in the comics.

3. You'd have to ask him, but I don't recall him being a hardcore geek like me.

Response recorded on March 16, 2017

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Vincent writes...

Do you know if Tom Holland, or any of the cast/crew of Homecoming, or if Feige are fans and have seen Spectacular Spiderman?

Spectacular was an excellent adaptation which really captured the spirit of Spiderman. I love it so much and hope Homecoming does something similar to it.

Greg responds...

No idea.

Response recorded on March 03, 2017

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Kolty writes...

So in Young Justice, you cast Bruce Greenwood as Batman, but not John DiMaggio as the Joker. Any reason on ditching that match-up? I find it amusing.

Greg responds...

I don't know why it's amusing. We weren't/aren't in continuity with the Red Hood movie. But we felt Bruce was right for our Batman, and that John's interpretation of Joker wasn't right for our version of the character. Love John's work, however, as any fan of The Spectacular Spider-Man must know.

Response recorded on February 21, 2017

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Josh writes...

I was one time rewatching all of The Spectacular Spider-Man episodes and I noticed in the episode Identity Crisis smaller fronted overlapped letters on the word Kevin Michael Richardson on the closing credit. Was that some kind of goof/glitch and if so how can it happen out of curiosity or perhaps are the letters supposed to be some kind of word maybe? I wish if it is some kind of glitch that it could be fixed someday because I seemed to be triggered by OCD/intrusive thoughts/unwanted thoughts on it lately which seems to make me have anxiety feelings.

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you're talking about. How were you watching the episode?

Response recorded on February 15, 2017

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R.I.P. Miguel Ferrer

Just a few words about Miguel Ferrer, who passed away yesterday. I won't pretend I knew him very well, but he was always a pleasure to have in the booth. He was the voice of Silvio "Silvermane" Manfredi on The Spectacular Spider-Man, and Bo "Bibbo" Bibbowski and Tribune #1 on Young Justice.

Did I forget anything? Oh, yes. His brilliant portrayal of Vandal Savage in Young Justice, making him one of the most interesting and complex hero/villains I've ever had the pleasure of working on.

His talent - both in material I was involved in and in the many, many things I simply watched as a fan - was immense.

He will be missed.

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James writes...

Hey Greg,

I have some more questions about S2 Ep1 of Spectacular Spider-Man.

1) Did you voice anyone else other than Menken?

2) How did Xander Berkeley land the role of Mysterio?

3) What inspired your version of Mysterio?

4) Where did the idea of the little purple bat things come from? Who voiced them?

I liked the Star Wars reference when Spidey said "May the Spidey Sense be with me."

Greg responds...

1. The truck driver, maybe. I'd have to look at it again.

2. I suggested him. He and voice director Jamie Thomason and I had worked together on GARGOYLES, in which he played Coldsteel, so we knew he'd be great.

3. The comics and the core idea of the character.

4. The Homunculi seemed to fit Mysterio's M.O.

4a. Thom Adcox, Dee Bradley Baker, Steve Blum, Phil Lamarr, Cree Summer and James Arnold Taylor. I loved those little guys and wanted to do a spinoff series with them.

Response recorded on January 20, 2017

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James writes...

Hey Greg,

Spectacular Spider-Man is the best Spidey adaptation ever in my opinion. I have a few questions about S2 Ep1 "Blueprints".

1) Who was Eddie's roommate?

2) Where did Eddie live? Was it a dorm on campus?

3) How was it having Stan Lee making a cameo?

4) What all does Liz Allan's father own? Liz says he owns some hotels and in a previous episode they gang ate at his restaurant.

5) Where was Miles Warren before he returned to NYC?

I have more questions so I am going to submit another discussion because of the 5 question rule.

Greg responds...

1. Oh, I used to know this. I really did. But its been so long, I can't remember. It was a character from the canon. I want to say... Josh something. But honestly, I can't remember now.

2. Dorm on campus.

3. F---ing AWESOME!

4. The restaurant was IN one of his hotels. He owns hotels.

5. Elsewhere. (Never bothered to figure that out.)

Response recorded on January 20, 2017

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Victor Valente writes...

Hi Greg,
So a new Spider-Man series was announced yesterday at the New York Comic Con. Are you taking part in this project in any way? If your not, is there any way you could get aboard it because that would be spectacular.
Thank you so much for your time.

Greg responds...

No. And no. I'm busy on Young Justice S3, and in any case, Marvel would have to want me on it. They certainly know how to find me. There's clearly no interest in putting me and the character back together at this time.

Response recorded on January 18, 2017

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Mair writes...

Hi Greg,
First of all I just want to say thank you for every piece of writing you've ever done. You're a genuine source of inspiration to me and i'm continually amazed by the depth of your storytelling.

You've talked in the past about your decision to keep Emily Osborn alive and around in Spectacular instead of being a missing mother. I was thinking recently about how it's not uncommon for writers to imply that Norman's treatment of Harry to the idea that Harry's birth caused or bought about Emily's death.
You're Norman is probably the most explicitly cruel of all the Norman adaptations towards his son, and yet he totally lacks this excuse. I was wondering if that was something you where conscious of when writing the Osborns?

(P.S Spec!Norman is probably my favourite version of the character. He's cold, clever, charming and creepy, but most of all he's an unnervingly believable bully.)

Greg responds...

I never really bought into that as an excuse for Norman. If he had been a decent man up to the point of Emily's death, then he would have treated his son with decency. But he wasn't, so he didn't. So it didn't bother me to "lose" that particular motivation when weighed against other concerns.

Response recorded on January 17, 2017

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Chris writes...

After re-watching "Spectacular Spider-Man" episode "Gangland", I was left wondering... Where did Silvermane get that impressive armour.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 12, 2017

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Windona writes...

Hey Mr. Weisman, a few random questions about Spectacular Spider-Man (even though it's been a while)

1) Did Gwen ever meet Harry's parents? (I ask because she has a way different reaction than Peter about them in Final Curtain, leading me to wonder)

2) I noticed when watching that Norman Osborn's treatment of Harry has multiple signs of emotional abuse (and of course, was revealed to have physically hurt his son in the s2 finale). Was this something intentional/clear, or just 'let's make Norman Osborn's relationship with his son like this' without thinking 'we want to make Norman explicitly emotionally abusive'?

I just want to say, thank you for creating a lot of wonderful characters, and doing them justice. Harry Osborn has always been one of my favorite, and I feel like not everyone appreciates the complexity of his characterization/does it well. (Though this is probably true of many characters that pass from writer to writer)

Also, since I know you like to include a level of real science (a level since sci-fi and fantasy inherently require breaks from science), 3) Did you ever read up on epi-genetics? It's really cool!

Greg responds...

1. Yeah, she's met them.

2. Like somehow we didn't NOTICE that he was abusive? No.

3. I haven't. At least not yet.

Response recorded on December 22, 2016

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writes... writes... writes... writes... writes...

Why didn't SpecSpidey or YJ have "Previously On" segments? Was it a network or production decision?

Greg responds...

I'm vehemently against using them. I learned painfully from Gargoyles that they actually have the opposite effect then one would think.

Instead of acting as small reminders or hints, they convince people that they've missed too much to join the series now. They were never necessary. Everything you truly NEED to know to enjoy a given episode is spelled out in one way or another within the episode itself.

Response recorded on December 16, 2016

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