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Todd Jensen writes...

And the release of the trade paperback allows me to say something that I'd wanted to say for over a year, but can mention here at last.

In the spring of 2008, I learned that the solicitation for "Bad Guys" #5 involved Dingo meeting an old acquaintance on the robot-guarded island, and hoped that it would be Falstaff (because of his name). I even mentioned that hope (now fulfilled, so I can mention it here) in the Station 8 comment room.

A few days later, the Sinister Six episode of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" aired on Kids WB for the first time, and in it, Aunt May and Anna Watson went out to see a performance of "The Merry Wives of Windsor", specifically mentioning Falstaff in their conversation. I was flabbergasted with the timing - so soon after my speculation! (And then, St. John Devereaux, who was playing Falstaff, made a phone call to a friend of his named Sydney - and Dingo's from Sydney - was that an in-joke?)

It's a pleasure to be able to share that with you at last.

Greg responds...

I don't think Sydney was an in-joke, just because I didn't write that line.

But Falstaff was clearly on my mind, and when I saw a picture of Devereaux, it seemed a natural.

Response recorded on February 24, 2010

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hey Greg! I loved the Radio Play - thanks for posting it!
Now, I know that it is not canon with either series, but I still have to ask: do the ideas present in the crossover indicate your ideas for either series in any way? Now, I know that it isn't very likely for them to REALLY team up, but, for example, are the reactions of all the Spidey characters to the Peter/Liz break-up indicate of what may actually happen, or did you just invent entirely new material?

Greg responds...

Both... up to a point, i.e. I won't be held to anything that appears in that Radio Play. But I tried to characterize the players honestly.

Response recorded on February 24, 2010

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Todd Jensen writes...

Thanks for the final act of the Radio Play, Greg.

The ending, with the Illuminati getting their hands on the Spear and the Crown of Thorns, surprised me. Well, apart from the fact that a part of me thought that, in light of the Illuminati's links to the Holy Grail, it would be appropriate if they eventually got the Spear of Destiny, which turns up in the medieval Grail romances a number of times (in the role of the spear that crippled the Fisher King). And so Tombstone's an Illuminatus as well - pity that it can't be canon.

I was also surprised at Dominic Dracon's death - killing off a canonical character in a non-canonical script!

A few other highlights: more people telling Margot to "give it a rest", the "Casablanca" quote at the end, and Demona stuck at Ravencroft - though I doubt that she'll be there long.

Thanks for such a delightful piece, Greg.

Greg responds...

You're welcome!

Response recorded on February 22, 2010

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Matt writes...

My Review For Gargoyles #10, "The Gate"...

- Having the next chapter a page turn away but forcing myself to refrain from proceeding until I write up a review is really good motivation for writing said review. So even though I'm not feeling well and just want to read the next chapter and go to sleep, I'm gonna write up my #10 review instead. Who knew I could be so disciplined?

- So, lets start with the cover for this one. A cool cover, though I wonder if it is a bit bland. I'm not sure it would do a great job of catching the eye and bringing in new fans, though I suppose that criticism is moot given that it never hit the stands anyway. Being an old fan (and knowing what the Phoenix Gate is and why Brooklyn's hand is reaching for it), I thought it was very cool. Very exciting.

- Beyond the cover we find ourselves in a new adventure quite separate from the last couple chapters. A different setting, a different bunch of lead characters and, most strikingly, a different artist. Like many others I've greatly anticipated Greg Guler's art in this issue. And, to no one's surprise, he didn't dissapoint. Like Karine Charlebois, Guler's style here really echoes the TV series. This, of course, isn't a shock since Guler designed many of these characters for the series in the first place. It's impossible not to like Guler's work here since it feels so Gargoyles. That doesn't mean I don't like Hedgecock's (or other artists') work on the book, because many people know I liked Hedgecock's work a lot. But one thing I greatly enjoyed about Hedgecock is that he kept well-known characters recognizable while still maintaining his own style. With Guler, the style is the same style as the show. I think both are great, honestly. The ironic thing I noticed immediately when reading this chapter is that some characters not directly designed by Guler (such as Broadway) are spot on, while others he did work on extensively (like Angela) seem a little off at times. All of it looks great though.

- So our story starts back in Manhattan where the oh so melancholy Brooklyn endures the Broadway-Angela relationship. This must be especially tough with Lex and Hudson off in London. Clearly, Brook wants them back for their company. He seems so lonely. I wonder how much he hangs out with Goliath. Who else can he hang out with? How many times in these reviews have I said "Poor Brooklyn"?

- Anyway, the three young gargs are hanging out and a portal opens and out pops the fiery Gate. I wonder if this is where the Gate immediately came after Goliath tossed it in "Future Tense". And if so, why here and why now? Did Goliath's mind have some influence? Or did the Gate come here and now completely on its own accord? Hard to know, though the events that happen next make me suspect the latter. Before anyone has a chance to do anything, the Gate seems to... evaporate or something and out from the ashes (how neat is that?) comes one huge flaming Phoenix. Woah! Thats a big bird. I wonder what nearby New Yorkers thought of that pyrotechnic display. I really like how the Phoenix seems to single out Brook. I wonder why, but no one gets any answers here. The bird gobbles him up as if it didn't have a moment to spare (haha). This leads to one of my favorite moments in this chapter; Broadway and Angela. Now, having the general idea of this moment spoiled to me nearly ten years ago, I've had a lot of time to imagine how it goes down. In ways I'm not too far off, in other ways I was surprised how I reacted. As I suspected, Broadway and Angela do what they can to rescue Brook from the flames and are not successful, but after he is gone and the flames have died out we get one great little panel. Broadway says, "We've... we've lost him..." And Angela responds, "Maybe forever..." How chilling that was! I'm serious, the first time I read it, I got chills from Angela's line. And I think I know how this sort of ends even! Broadway has this sad moment of fear and helplessness and frustration and Angela responds with this great line that contains this mix of pragmatism and sorrow. Like she is trying to comfort Broadway, reassure herself, but ultimately face reality all at once. Leave it to Greg Weisman to deliver such powerful moments in such little dialogue. I mean I am really impressed. A couple frames to look at and no voice actors and I still totally feel for these characters. Great stuff. Really great.

- And what about our poor Brooklyn? Well, he seems to barely have time to catch his breath before he faces danger yet again. This chapter just keeps moving forward, which contrasts greatly with the last three issues. As fun and interesting as the non-linear storytelling was, it really is a relief to get back to a more standard format. One big catch is that I seem to read through these issues even quicker. Anyway, Here we are again in the tenth century, much to the delight of many fans, I'm sure. Flashbacks and time travel and other adventures in the past really are one of the great things about Gargoyles. It is no surprise to me that nearly all the multi-part episodes contain them as they seem to be bursting beyond the seams of a normal length tale. There is so much neat stuff going on in (the year of our lord) 997 that I barely know where to start. Some of the cool things that come to mind include the use of tenth century 'slang' and viewpoints, the natural alliance of Gillecomgain and Constantine, the appearance of one of Constantine's aforementioned sorcerers, and Mary and Finella's continued life on the run. All these characters are so fascinating. I look at Finella and wonder if she has ever seen a real gargoyle before. She seems so amazed that they actually bleed. I love that Constantine is a jerk, but a smart one, he knows his enemies will seek the help of gargoyles and moves to destroy them. I like how he kills the gargoyles out of strategy and maybe a bit of evil joy, while Gillecomgain's destruction of them is pure anger and vengeance.

- And how about the gargoyles themselves? Naturally, I'm thrilled to see a new bunch of Scottish gargoyles, especially since they include females and a beast! They didn't last long though, and boy is Demona pissed about that. Of course, she hasn't been named Demona yet, right? But damn isn't she getting an awful lot of non-speaking cameos in the comic. Isn't this the fourth or fifth book we've seen her, but not heard from her? I know thats about to change, but it strikes me as interesting. Like Greg is baiting along those diehard Demona fans! Haha.

- And as for Brooklyn himself, we see here so clearly how he, more than many other Gargoyles characters can lead his own spinoff. He is a warrior and has issues and aspirations and problems and a keen mind. But most of all he has that sarcastic humor we all love him for. He really had me laughing out loud in this one. Kudos Greg! Some great lines: "Okay, now that I've set back human-gargoyle relations for the next millennium..." and "Look, I know you've never seen Star Trek or Quantum Leap, but I need you to understand - I'm from the future." Great, great stuff.

- One other scene I want to point out is the meeting between the rightful heirs of the Scottish throne. There is a lot of cool stuff going on here. You've got this new character called "The Grim". The moniker is such a contrast to how he seems to actually be. I like him. He seems wise and kind and good-natured. A really good guy in a really ugly world. I love how he knows from his own family history that gargoyles can be powerful allies. He makes me wish that his wisdom and optimism about gargoyles would lead to a good future between the species, though we know this is not to be. Not yet. The other three characters are not new at all. We've got Maol Chalvim just as brooding as ever. Findlaech, who has always been such a great mix of "look at the bright side" and "face reality". And then young Bodhe. Bodhe was a fun surprise. I was surprised he was the Grim's son, I was surprised at his relative youth next to his future friend Findlaech, and most of all I was surprised by his eagerness to follow his father into battle. This is very different from the somewhat cowardly man we know he grows to be. I have to wonder what changes him down the road?

- One final note before I wrap this review up. The "wanted posters" that Constantine is displaying all over Scotland... they seem to have been drawn by the same artists that are designing the characters in Spectacular Spider-Man. Tom especially has a strong resemblance to Peter Parker. I find myself looking for the mole... Anyway, kinda funny. I guess now that references to the other show goes both ways.

- This issue was just awesome. One of the best of the ten chapters, in my humble opinion. The art, the plot, the writing all of it was perfection. My only gripe would be the cover, but one message of this series has always been to not judge a book by its cover and that axiom certainly bears truth for me here. This chapter really leaves me desperate for more, so I'm off to read #11!

Greg responds...

If Greg Guler was consciously trying to ape Sean Galloway's style for those wanted posters, it's news to me...

Response recorded on February 22, 2010

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Todd Jensen writes...

Thanks for the second act of "A Handful of Thorns". I enjoyed it, especially all the in-jokes (Brooklyn's spin-off remarks, the Green Goblin thinking of calling up Disney about the gargoyles, Elisa repeating her "street pizza" line from "Awakening Part One", Demona's remark about the stage being crowded enough, etc.). You must really have had a blast writing it.

So how good would a couple of gargoyle beasts be at looking after an egg? (At least nobody is going to try stealing it with Bronx and Fu-Dog on guard duty!)

On the more serious note, I liked your exploring of the impact of Brooklyn's Timedancing adventures upon the trio.

A great cliffhanger ending (I hope it won't offend any of the readers). I'll admit that I would expect the Spear of Destiny to be in a different location in the Gargoyles Universe - I won't say where, because it would break the "no original ideas" - but I've read enough about the medieval legends concerning that same spear to guess.

Looking forward to Act Three (I hope the weekend won't seem too slow).

Greg responds...

I'm not sure "blast" is the word I'd use for the writing process. (Too many characters; too little time.) But we definitely had a blast performing it.

I think you asked and answered your own question re: Beasts and egg.

Response recorded on February 22, 2010

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Todd Jensen writes...

In Act One of "Religious Studies 101: A Handful of Thorns", when Jameson's handing out assignments to everyone at the Daily Bugle, he sends Foswell to investigate the Dominic Dracon part of the story with the words "You know that world!" Now, while I'm not an expert on Spider-Man, I picked up from the discussions of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" in the Station 8 comment room that in the comics, Foswell had apparently lived a double life as a reporter and a crime boss. Was Jameson's line an in-joke about that?

Greg responds...

In OUR (Spectacular Spider-Man) continuity, Foswell lead a double life as a reporter and a small-time stooge named Patch. He also had (long ago) a pulitzer for an expose on the gangster Silvermane. That's what that reference refers to. Not an in-joke.

Response recorded on February 19, 2010

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Todd Jensen writes...

I read Act One of the Radio Play and enjoyed it (it might be second-best to actually hearing the voice actors reprise their roles, but I could still imagine their voices while reading it). I enjoyed the way you wove the two universes together. A few moments that especially stood out to me:

1. Peter's mention of the "Cliff Notes version" of "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

2. Dominique reminiscing about the founder of Ravencroft (these kinds of speeches by spectacularly long-lived characters are generally a lot of fun).

3. The portrayal of Dominic Dracon as still crushed by the denouement of "The Silver Falcon". (I know that this isn't canon, but I think this is exactly the way he'd have gone after the marbles disappointment.)

4. Jonah Jameson getting Travis Marshall on the phone.

5. The meeting between Captain Stacy and Captain Chavez, especially Chavez's "Twilight Zone" remark.

6. The echo of "The Mirror" when Demona's smuggler delivers part of the Spear of Longinus to her home.

7. Demona's meta-reference to the first act at the end.

I look forward to the next instalment tomorrow.

Greg responds...

Glad you like it. Tried to make it fun for fans of both shows.

Response recorded on February 17, 2010

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MARVEL-FAN writes...

Wow, I just read the first act of the Spectacular Spider-Man Radio Play. And it was very good, I really cant want for act 2. But I was wondering, if season 3 is a yes, will you make this into a stright to dvd movie? I'll buy it, if it come on dvd.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 17, 2010

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Just a couple of questions about "Opening Night"

1. How did Norman Osborn manage to contact Spider-Man so he could request that Spidey help test the Vault?

2. Well, we know where Harry was. We know why Norman was "occupied". But why didn't Emily Osborn go to the play? How was she "otherwise occupied?"

Greg responds...

1. Does it matter? Pick your poison.

2. Such a good question.

Response recorded on February 11, 2010

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AJC writes...

In the season one finale introduction, why did you decide to not have spidey speak during the battle? I loved that battle scene though. I felt like it was a thank you to all the hardcore fans who knew about this show from the very beginning and saw the first teaser trailer.

Thank you!

Greg responds...

DIsney messed up the sound.

Response recorded on February 03, 2010

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Chris writes...

Hey Greg,

Just wanted to both thank you for the sheer awesomeness of Spectacular Spider-Man, which I think is both the best Spidey cartoon ever and your own best work (not that I don't love Gargoyles, mind you), and ask a couple (non Season 3 related, I can assure you) questions:
1. In "Gangland", what recording of Rigoletto did you use?
2. There are a couple moments in the series where the Green Goblin seems to break the fourth wall: in "The Uncertainty Principle" when he turns to the camera and says, "Anyone else getting deja vu? Oh well, let's run with it!" and in "Opening Night" when he looks up at the camera and says, "I'm in a rhyming mood tonight." Were these meant to have any larger significance or were they just fun breaking-the-fourth-wall jokes?
Thanks again!

Greg responds...

1. The one provided by Sony, because they had the rights to use it.

2. Mostly they're just fun, but it's also being done to show what a Trickster the Goblin is.

Response recorded on February 01, 2010

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SpecSpidey546 writes...

You said that there's going to be new Sinister Six every season. That's great, but do you plan to make the original line-up?

Greg responds...

Not saying.

Response recorded on February 01, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Question 1: When can you tell us if there is going to be a third season or not of TSSM at the most and the least.
Question 2: Is there any other possible plot details that you can tell us about the third season if it gets comminsioned besides that the Scorpion and the Hobgoblin are going to be in it and the Human Torch might be in it.
Question 3: Can you tell us if the story on Spiderman wiki about the third series of TSSM (tv series) is true or not.

Greg responds...

1. No idea.

2. "Can"? Yes. "Will"? No.

3. I just went to check Wikipedia and saw no story about the third season. But any story that said anything more than "We don't yet know if there will be a third season." is most likely false.

Response recorded on January 28, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, I checked the archives and I didn't see these questions asked, but if they were and you have answered them already, sorry. I had some questions in regards to "The Spectacular Spider-Man". Please keep in mind, I'm asking you this on September 1st, but it'll be a while before this reaches you, so if any of these are answered in between the time it takes these questions to reach you to be answered, sorry for the repeat questions.

Warning, SEASON TWO SPOILERS herein:

1.) Now that Disney and Marvel have merged, does this mean you CAN use forbidden guys like Kingpin, The Incredible Hulk, Ant Man or anyone else like that? I hope so. I'd imagine the X-Men or Daredevil or any Marvel characters Fox owns might be tricky, but still, you never know, right?

2.) Now that Sony has given the Spider-Man TV rights to Marvel and Disney, do you think when (not if) you get a third season, you might be more restricted by Disney or less restricted on what you can and can't do on the show?

3.) Why is the Rhino an American? I know on the show he's Alex O'Hirn, but in the comics, he's a Russian named Mikhail Sytsevitch. Why was the nationality changed? I find it weird Rhino's a Russian but never has been on any Spider-Man cartoon series.

4.) You listed Ian Bassett as the voice of Cletus Kasady/Carnage for the Gargoyles/Spidey crossover, so I guess you do like Carnage after all. Stupid internet rumors and false reports. Would you be interested in having Mr. Bassett reprise the role of Carnage on "Spectacular", or maybe have him as another voice if he's available?

5.) Do you know when Season Two comes out on DVD? Have you been told yet?

6.) Can Doctor Octopus improve his harness now that he's bonded to it? Like can he add some kind of security system to keep Spider-Man from stealing his power packs, like he did in "Gangland"?

7.) This isn't a question. I just want to say that I hope you guys get a third season and that I hope to see multiple episodes with all of Spidey's returning and new foes in season two (Scorpion, Doc Ock, Mysterio, Hobgoblin, Electro, Lizard, Rhino, Sandman, Tombstone, etc., etc.).

8.) Last question: If Disney and Marvel can work out a way to have Spider-Man on Cartoon Network's "The Super-Hero Squad Show", what would you think of Spidey being on there if he's allowed to appear? Do you think Josh Keaton could guest voice on there when he's not busy on a third season of "Spectacular"? I know this is speculation right now, but even so, I just wanted to know what you thought.

Thanks so muc for reading, sir. Best wishes with the series and I hope you guys get a pick-up for season three sooner rather than later. 'Nuff said.

Greg responds...

1. You never know.

2. I wouldn't think there'd be any change. We've been on Disney for almost a year now with no change.

3. It felt like we had enough Russians. I actually wanted to make him South African and black, but Marvel nixed that.

4. Ian was a member of the Gathering Players, not a pro. He did a great job, but I don't even know if he lives in Los Angeles.

5. I don't know.

6. Eh...

7. Me too.

8. I'm fine with it. And I'd never begrudge Josh the work.

Response recorded on January 28, 2010

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hey Greg!
I am really upset that I couldn't make it to the Gathering (no seriously, I am - and it was THE LAST ONE??? ;_;), but unfortunately, plane tickets ARE kind of expensive.... And I'm somewhat broke.... (No seriously, I really DO wish I could've gone! I don't care that I would've been a newbie there! I ACTUALLY wanted to go!)
What I most regret missing is that Spidey/Gargoyles crossover. I would've LOVED to be able to see that! (In fact, it was when I heard about that that I was convinced I wanted to go.) But then, just last night, I thought of this: Is there any chance that you could post the script here on Ask Greg?
I understand if you can't, but I would REALLY appreciate if you did, and I'm sure a lot of other people would too.
Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

Already done.

Response recorded on January 27, 2010

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The Fox Bandit writes...

I see there are two other questions about Disney buying Marvel - but I'm going to ask two other related questions:

(1) Were you aware ahead of time that Disney would be purchasing Marvel?
(2) I'm sure the legal complexities involved in this transaction are very... well, complex... as they interface with your show. However, to your knowledge, how does Disney's purchase of Marvel impact the possibilities of using previous off-limits characters on Spectacular Spider-Man? (Especially Kingpin, but also other characters you said you wanted to use on rare occasion, such as Human Torch.)

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. No idea.

Response recorded on January 22, 2010

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Paul writes...

Did you ever seriously consider leaving Venom and/or Mary Jane Watson out of season 1 of The Spectacular Spiderman? I heard that you didn't want to use one of them (but I forget which) in the first season.

Greg responds...

Seriously, WHO did you hear this stuff from?

Response recorded on January 21, 2010

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Joltman writes...

Now that Disney is buying Marvel, do you think will affect, positively or negatively, The Spectacular Spider-Man's future?

Greg responds...

I really don't know.

Response recorded on January 21, 2010

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RSG(again) writes...

I also was wondering if you get the go ahead to produce a 3 season do you already know the fate of gwen stacy? like you have it all planned out on what will happen to her?

Greg responds...

I know what I want to do next with her.

Response recorded on January 20, 2010

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Tomi writes...

I have heard a rumor that if Spectacular Spiderman continues, Tony Todd would possibly play Hobgoblin. Have you ever considered this possibility yourself?

Greg responds...

Where did you hear this rumor?

Response recorded on January 20, 2010

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RSG writes...

I was just wondering if you get the go ahead to season 3 will you announce it on that same day? and if so how will you announce it?

And a side note I'm buying the season 1 DVD for support

Greg responds...

That's up to the companies involved.

Thanks for buying the DVDs.

Response recorded on January 20, 2010

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hey again Greg! Got a few more TSSM questions here.
1) You have said in the past that you have a general map for the entire series. But of course, since there's no finite end, I was wondering how far your ideas stretched. Since you've set 5 seasons as your goal, is that where your plans end or do you have plans stretching into the possible DTVs/Season 6?
2) Regarding the potential DTVs, would you be allowed to get away with more things in there? I mean, you obviously manage to get away a lot in the series itself ("Don't get your goop in my hair!"), but there are some plots, like Kraven's Last Hunt, for example, that they would NEVER pass for TV. But would you be allowed to tackle these darker plots in DTVs, or would they still be censored to the same level?
3) Also regarding DTVs, how many do you think you'll aim for?

Greg responds...

1. The latter, but they are vaguer the further out you go...

2. I have no idea, but I would think so.

3. No idea.

Response recorded on January 19, 2010

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Anton writes...

Greg wrote:

"We have a Radio Play (that has nearly killed me to get ready in time) that presents an ORIGINAL Feature-Length crossover between Gargoyles and The Spectacular Spider-Man, with EVERY voice actor guest performing with fans."

Question, is it canonical to either side?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 19, 2010

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Jim writes...

So now that you've released the cast list/title of the Spidey crossover radio play, I have to ask: Is "Religious Studies 101" out of the running for arc titles?

Greg responds...

Probably, but not because of the Radio Play.

Response recorded on January 18, 2010

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Clark Cradic writes...

Have Peter and Aunt May ever seen the Cat Burgler after Uncle Ben's murder? I assume they would have been there for the his conviction.

Greg responds...

I imagine they went to his trial -- or more likely his elocution.

Response recorded on January 15, 2010

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Aidin writes...

Hi Greg,

I didn't know it until a few weeks ago, but I'm a pretty big fan of your work (Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, The Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot, The Batman, Men in Black: The Series, Gargoyles and the Spectacular Spider-Man).
I was very excited last year when The Spectacular Spider-Man premiered on the CW, and I thought the first season was beyond fantastic.

I have a few questions for you and I hope you don't answering them.

First off, I've noticed that there seems to be a lot of doubt and uncertainty regarding future seasons, is there anything we as fans can do to help?
I'd hate for tSSM to die like the last spider-man series I enjoyed (Spider-Man Unlimited; which while heavily panned I enjoyed greatly.)
(Then again my opinion may be tainted being that I just a younger kid while that was still on the air;but I digress)

How long does it take to produce one episode, and a complete season?

What kind of animation is being used? Traditional pen and paper? Computer? or Hybrid?

Why is the airing of season two in the US being delayed? I just noticed that the next episode has been delayed until October 5th; which adds two months in between episodes.

What is your stance on creating original characters for the series? I do believe that every character has appeared in the comics in some form, and I'm just curios as to see whether you'd consider creating any new characters.

Will the series get any "darker" in tone and style as in progresses? Or will it remain mostly up-beat?

Would the series adapt the One More Day/Brand New Day (the greatest Spider-Man FAIL ever in my opinion) If the series were to continue that long?

Next to last, I'm starting to view tSSM as a series not unlike Batman Tas; that being said, do you thing tSSM could become the starting point for animated series based on other Marvel comics Characters; not unlike the way Batman Tas "spawned" Superman:Tas, Batman Beyond, Static Shock, Justice League, etc.?
So Basically, Is tSSM to Marvel as Batman: tas was to D.C.?

And lastly, I've read several times that there won't be any cross-over with characters from other parts of the marvel universe because you don't have the rights to them. IF you had access to any Marvel character(s) in the Marvel Universe, would you have cross overs and what kind of cross overs would you have?

Greg responds...

You hope I don't answer them? Hmmm....

1. See the archives.

2. It takes between eight to ten months from start to finish to produce an episode, add a week or two per additional episodes and you'll get the total time for the season.

3. It's cel animation, but with computerized color and a few toon-shaded computerized elements, like vehicles or the occasional building.

4. I think they saved the later episodes for sweeps.

5. We made the decision early on not to have any original characters.

6. It is what it is.

7. I liked Mr. Negative a lot.

8. I'd be all for it, but no one's asked me.

9. Check the archives.

Response recorded on January 06, 2010

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Anicomicgeek writes...

Hey. I wanna start off by saying I love our work, Greg, especially on Gargoyles and Spectacular Spider-Man. Anyway, I know why you decide to diversify the cast and think it's okay.

So, it may be a stupid question, but was Jean DeWolff one of the characters whose race you'd changed? I mean, her skin seems darker, so I thought I should ask.

Greg responds...

We made DeWolff Native American.

Response recorded on January 04, 2010

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Natan writes...

Hi Greg!
I'm a big fan of Spectacular Spidey, and just like everyone else here, I really hope the show gets renewed and lasts for a really long time.

My question is, IF the show is not renewed, or IF the show ends earlier than you anticipate - will you continue the show in comic book form (similar to how you did with Gargoyles)? Or maybe continue the show with a series of straight to DVD movies?

Thank You!!! Best of luck with the show!!

Oh yeah - I was at the Spidey panel for Comic Con - great stuff.
Unfortunately I couldn't make it to The Gathering - is this a yearly convention also, or is it just a one time thing?

Thanks again!!!

Greg responds...

The Gathering WAS an annual convention, but it's over now... at least for the foreseeable future.

As for continuing Spec Spidey, it's not up to me. But I'd love to.

Response recorded on December 18, 2009

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amazing spider-man writes...

1.What type of animal is Kraven? I thought lion but he then I saw stripes on his face so is he a tiger or a combination of both?

2. You notice his animal form looks like Scar from Lion King? Was that intentional(since it's a Disney show) or no?

Greg responds...

1. Watch the episode again. He lists the animals he's been "built" from.

2. You'd have to ask Cheeks if it was intentional on his part. It wasn't on mine. The idea was to key off his original costume and the animals he was genetically borrowing from.

Response recorded on December 17, 2009

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Josh writes...

Could you be more polite? I admire you, but every answer that you give to someone, you clearly seems irritated... we are fans.... just that.. we like what you do... by the way congratulations... i loved the first and second season from SSM.. maybe a third in the next three months?

Greg responds...

Okay, let me be frank. I find your post irritating. I do. I find a LOT of posts irritating. I try to be civil AND polite, but I also try to be honest, and I won't deny that sometimes my irritation is palpable. And frankly, though this isn't per se my intent, I'm okay with that.

And, yes, I get that people who post here tend to be fans, but there are certain categories of posts that do get on my nerves. These include (but are not limited to):

1. People asking questions that I've already answered ad nauseum, because they are too lazy to check the archives -- but feel I'm supposed to just put up with it, as if somehow I'm supposed to be okay with the fact that they're wasting my time even as they refuse to spend any of theirs.

2. People who seem to be asking me to confirm that me or my team screwed up in some way. (Especially when the real story is that their tastes and ours simply don't coincide.) I'm fine with someone who says, "That's not to my tastes." [For example, the previous poster wrote that she doesn't like it when characters break the fourth wall and address the audience directly. Personally, I think it's fun. But I have no problem with her having different tastes than I do. She wasn't telling me it was a mistake. Just that she didn't like it. Which, of course, is her 100% prerogative and just fine.] When someone instead says (even a more polite version of), "Admit it, Greg, that sucked," I do find it annoying. [I'm supposed to change MY tastes to match theirs? I don't think so.]

3. People who state something as fact that is either (a) dead wrong or (b) really just their opinion. Even if I AGREE with them, I find this approach grating on principle.

So yeah, sometimes answering questions here grinds on me. It does. THAT is a fact. But I keep at it, because I value the fans and want to at least try to give something back in some small way. If my means of doing it isn't to your liking... don't read it. That's not defiance. It's just common sense. But telling me to be more polite makes me want to tell you to be less presumptuous. And how does that make you feel? (My guess is, it makes you feel about how I feel right now. Irritated.)

Meanwhile, thanks for your kind words about Spider-Man. Of course, there's no way you'll see a new season in the next three months, or even in the next eight. But here's hoping that sometime in the next year...

Response recorded on December 17, 2009

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Halo Child writes...

Greg what happened? Why did they stop airing the rest of TSS-M season 2? Why? The Gang War and the Return of GG arc will make it to Disney XD in October. Does this mean that we have to wait until November for season 3?

Greg responds...

November of what year?

Response recorded on December 16, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hey Greg!
What's Dr. Bromwell's first name?

Greg responds...

I forget.

Response recorded on December 16, 2009

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Spawn Guy writes...

Hey Greg,

I've always wondered how building a writing team works exactly. Obviously Sony liked your pitch for Spectacular (and I'm very glad they did)and we wound up with great efforts from Matt Wayne, Kevin Hopps, Andrew Robinson and Randy Jandt. But did you hand pick these people or were they provided for you by Sony? Or did they have their own takes on Spidey that convinced you that they, out of the many people who must have been vying for a spot on the show, had the right stuff for the series? And you guys had a pretty solid rotation system, so how does whatever selection process used differ from freelancing for a show?

Greg responds...

Hmmm.... the order of things...

I think it started with Randy, who had been my script coordinator on many previous series. We offered him the job of apprentice writer, a union position that would allow him to be a script coordinator but also take the next step up and write one script per season.

My next hire was Kevin Hopps, who was brought on as a staff writer. Kevin and I go way back to my Disney days. He's given me work; I've given him work. He's great and someone I can count on.

The rest of the "staff" was in fact freelance. Andrew Robinson was an obvious choice. He had done great work for me on W.I.T.C.H. I didn't know Matt Wayne, but my boss Michael Vogel was big on Matt's stuff... so I gave him a try (with great results).

Having chosen these writers, we did start something of a rotation.

I wrote the pilot and reserved the twelfth (origin) episode for myself. Then staff writer Kevin, was followed by freelancers Matt and Andrew for episodes 2-4 and 5-7. Randy took episode 8, a middle episode that would give him a chance to get acclimated on the series. 9-11 were taken by the "rotation". I did twelve. Kevin did 13.

For season two, I added Nicole Dubuc (another W.I.T.C.H. success story) as a freelancer to give us a another voice. While Nicole got acclimated, we began with the same Kevin, Matt, Andrew rotation for episodes 14-16. Randy did 17. Then we had planned to start the rotation again, with Nicole added in. (So the PLAN was to have 18-21 be Kevin, Matt, Andrew, Nicole). But by this time, Matt was getting pretty busy on other series. So Nicole also jumped in and took Matt's spot in the rotation, and 18-21 became Kevin, Nicole, Andrew, Nicole. We then started a new rotation without Matt. And Kevin, Andrew and Nicole took 22-24. I had reserved 25 for myself. And Kevin again finished out the season with 26.

That's the way I like to work. Have a small "staff" (mostly freelancers for budgetary reasons) that do multiple episodes. That way the writers really learn the show. We all break episodes together, helping each other out pre-outline. It really becomes a team.

Response recorded on December 11, 2009

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Akeem M. writes...

Hello once again, I just wanted to ask you did Chameleon know that Norman was the Green Goblin when he was hired? When Norman was unmasked, Chameleon had a look of shock that seemed like "THIS is what I was hired to pose as him for?!" before he turned to look at Harry. Or was his look just "The cat's out of the bag"?

Greg responds...

I don't think he was told or knew when he was hired, but I'm guessing he must have figured it out sometime before the mask came off.

Response recorded on December 11, 2009

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Mr. Nobody writes...

My post had a typo. It supposed to say and not an. I'm sure you'd figure it out but just thought I'd let you know anyway.

Greg responds...

THanks. My post has a typo too.

Response recorded on December 09, 2009

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Mr. Nobody writes...

If Spencer an Alistair Smythe appear what race will they be?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on December 09, 2009

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James writes...

If we get future seasons of The Spectacular Spider-Man, do you plan for the Spider-Slayers to appear at some point, or are they too redundant of Scorpion?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on December 08, 2009

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Akeem M. writes...

Hello once again sir, I have some small questions yet agin for the Spectacular Spider-Man series.

Roderick Kingsley is a CEO of a perfume company rather than a fasion designer, what inspired this change in occupation? If is something that will come up with his Hobgoblin stint, feel free to reply with "No Comment".

Same with Morris Bench, he's a demolitions expert rather than a crewman. Same rules apply, if it something that will come into play as Hydro-Man, just say "no comment".

Greg responds...

If you reread Kingsley's VERY first appearance in the comics, the answer should be fairly obvious.

As for Bench, yes, it's something that will come into play.

Response recorded on December 08, 2009

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Alex Galucki writes...

Dear Greg,
My name is ALex Galucki, I am a thirteen year old from Georgia (USA). I already watched all of the epiosdes of the Spectacular Spider-Man Season 2 from both Disney XD and Youtube. And let me just say that it blew my mind away! It was that awesome! This is by far my favorite Spidey series! I thank you for making a great series.

Anyway, I know there is a chance you might be doing a season 3. And I have some good storyplots for a possible season 3. Which leads to my only question; could I possibly send you scripts for the episodes of season 3? If you say yes, please e-mail me at luckygalucki@bellsouth.net. If you say no, that's alright. I mean they're just ideas.

Alex "Lucky" Galucki

Greg responds...

Sorry, Alex, but no. I don't look at unsolicited submissions or ideas to protect myself from lawsuits.

Response recorded on December 08, 2009

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spidey450 writes...

Can you make Venom's Voice a little deeper and scarier ?

Greg responds...

We're very happy with Venom's voice as it is. (And by the way, it's pretty deep and scary now.)

Response recorded on December 07, 2009

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Phil writes...

Dear Greg I have a lot of questions around Spectacular Spiderman

There are plans for other villains appearing in the third season?

Other characters such as Ben Reilly, Captain America, etc?

When you think that the third season for this year or next?

What will happen to harry who is now discovered that his father?

And Peter and Liz?

The Hobgoblin's costume will be the same as the Green Goblin only color it orange?

If the fox loses the rights of the Kingpin, as I see it happening, could have a place in the series?

And finally, thanks for making this great series I hope to continue to develop even more

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. See the archives.

3. Huh?

4. I'm not spoiling.

5. Ditto.

6. Don't know yet.

7. See the archives.

You're welcome.

Response recorded on December 07, 2009

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randomspideyfan writes...

1.How much of the 90's Spidey series have you seen?

2. Do you like it?

3. Isn't Dr. Ashley Kofka originally from that show because I don't recall her being in the comics. If she is then that means you've seen its Venom and Carnage story arc correct?

Greg responds...

1. Very little.

2. I haven't seen enough to judge.

3. She's originally from the comics. I have no idea if she's in the 90s show, and, no, I haven't seen their Venage arc, though I think I did see the one scene (as a clip) where Carnage first appeared.

Response recorded on December 04, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

Hi again, Greg! Thanks for answering the Goblin mystery question...although it just made me realize how stupid I was for not remembering that...lol....this ain't a question, I really want to say want an AMAZING job you've done with this show, every idea, every twist, is just spectacular (no pun intended) I really hope there is a season three, I can't wait to see what ideas await! Thanks again!

Greg responds...

You're very welcome!

Response recorded on December 04, 2009

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Kyle S. writes...

Do you have any restrictions on New York locations you can use in Spider-Man? Obviously, you probably can't make any references to Ground Zero/World Trade Center, but I don't recall ever seeing the Statue of Liberty. While on the other hand we've seen Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, Grand Central Station, Flat Iron (disguised as the Daily Bugle), etc.

Greg responds...

We licensed the Flat Iron. Other buildings we can use as part of the scenery, etc.

Response recorded on December 04, 2009

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BackLash writes...

Hello again,

1. Considering he was J. Jonah Jameson in one of the previous two Spider-Man series he took part in, did Ed Ansner try out again for JJ?
2. Without spoiling anything for S3, what's up with Miles Warren's brother Aaron? Was he created for the show or was he in the comic? I don't remember him from the comic, but then I didn't know Mr. Devereaux was from the comic either so.
3. Was Mayor Waters in the show a homage to the one from Spider-Man: Reign?

Greg responds...

1. Nope. But I always knew I wanted him for Uncle Ben.

2. Aaron Warren was in the comic, as, yes, Pete's high school science teacher.

3. I'm not sure "homage" is the right word, but that's where we got the name.

Response recorded on December 04, 2009

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David Sky writes...

This time I'm sure I have come up with a question unasked. Did Eddie like Gwen? He captures Gwen in the season one finale with the words "we know who you love the most" to Peter. Peter pleads with Venom with the words "c'mon bro you've always liked her.let me save her." Did Peter mean like as in LIKE? Furthermore Venom replies along the lines of "Oh you'd like that wouldn't you? to get to be the hero" which seems to imply the bitterness he has of Gwen's feelings towards Peter. Remember also that Eddie offered to take Gwen to the dance. Eddie obviously was aware that Gwen loved Peter each and I think that made him jealous. Am I right?
Or am I reading too much into all of this?
At any rate Gwen is my favorite character in the series. Her cutest moment is when she giggles at the rumor of Peter being Spiderman.

Greg responds...

Pete just meant like, not LIKE.

As to Eddie's feelings, I'd rather leave that to everyone's individual interpretation.

Response recorded on December 03, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Greg writes...
"Norman's survival was a purely creative choice. Don't you get tired of characters "dying" and then inevitably returning. To me, it cheapens the very concept of death. So I didn't want our series to try to fool you on that subject (for more than a few minutes). You'd know right up front that he was alive and well, even if the cast all thought he was gone. That way no one feels cheated, right? I mean face it, if he had eventually returned would you really have been stunned? "

I am sooooooooooo happy you said that, Greg, 'cause that is EXACTLY how I feel! That the constant revival of dead characters diminishes the concept of death and takes all the meaning out of it! And you're right - really, NONE of the revivals in the comics came as a shocker (some as a temper tantrum, but none as a shocker).
Which is why I completely, whole-heartedly agree that to prevent that, there needs to be some level of foreshadow shortly after they died (even it's something as simple as "they couldn't find the body").
So yeah, just writing to tell you how happy I am that you said and ecstatic to see you're above that.

Greg responds...

Thanks. I try to be above most stuff. But the air is so thin up here...

Response recorded on December 03, 2009

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Martin writes...

Two Spidey questions:

1) Does Norman know who is Master Planner?
2) I'm sorry, but aren't you like, pissed off because there are no news about season 3?

Greg responds...

1. At this point, I doubt it's still a secret.

2. Sure, as if that helps.

Response recorded on December 03, 2009

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BlkAngl Bradshaw-Koo writes...

I just wanted to say that I like the new Spectacular Spider-Man Animated Series concept. At first, I was skeptical; being that I am a fan of the 90's cartoon Spider-Man, but I like it..and so does my son. Secondly, I personally do not care for the idea of Peter Parker in a romantic relationship with Gwen Stacey. She's too drab for him. Yes, they are kind of cute together in an all too predictable way. And so, makes for boring T.V. drama. I'd prefer it if Gwen ends up with Harry instead. That would actually make for a more interestingly dramatic twist. The concept of Peter with Liz is not so bad. But being that this versions Mary Jane Watson is soo much more intriguing, I would love it if Peter ends up with her; or at very least, Spider-Man with Black Cat. Either or is fine with me. ^_^ I just hope that Mary Jane does not suddenly turn into a scaredy cat type. (Shudder...) ~_~
Thank you for your time in reading this and allowing me to submit our comments. Best wishes on your journey. Peace. - A Fan ^_^"

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 02, 2009

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Jose Aranzamendez writes...

I made some mistakes when I asked a question earlier.I'm reasking the same question again with corrections

What will happen to Gwen Stacy in Spectacular Spiderman?Will She die just like she did in the comics?Or will she live and become Peter Parker's girlfriend?I curious because I'm a big fan of Gwen Stacy and wish she never died in the original comics.I hope that you will not portray her death in this excellent cartoon adaption.I'm getting tired of Gwen Stacy always dying in many new Spiderman comic series and adaptions;I would like to see something different for a change.I would like Gwen Stacy to live and actually marry Peter Parker!I also would like to see Peter Parker have aa wonderfully successful happy marriage with Gwen Stacy!

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on December 02, 2009

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