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Harlan Phoenix writes...

"So, I'm curious about something involving the early development of Gargoyles...particularly, the pitching process. I'm not exactly sure how to word this, as my knowledge of how the process of actually pitching a show works, but I'll try my best."

That should read "As my knowledge of how the process of actually pitching a show works is limited." My bad. Last time I post a question late at night.

I do have a question concerning Spider-Man's stand alone status but the "in the early Marvel Universe" hypothetical status it's also in in your mind. Do you have any process of rationalizing why other heroes haven't been around to stop Spider-Man's villains? (I have this same general question concerning normal comic stories, as well, but that breed of this question obviously wouldn't be aimed at you. It's just always puzzled me how exclusive to their Rogues Gallery some heroes can be the grand majority of the time.)

Greg responds...

In my mind, there aren't a lot of heroes around yet. It's early days.

Tony Stark hasn't been to Vietnam or Afghanistan yet. Don Blake hasn't been to Norway. Steve Rogers is still an iceberg. Etc.

The Fantastic Four exist, but they're mostly dealing with COSMIC level threats.

The Hulk is leaping around the Southwest, more an exurban legend than a hero.

Ant-Man is operating in his own small way. Janet doesn't yet have her wings.

Professor X has only recently founded his school and only has a couple students (Cyclops and Beast).

Keep in mind, this is only my interpretation and is hardly official. As of now, we don't have access to ANY of these characters.

Response recorded on July 30, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

How does the Green Goblin change his voice? Does he have a voice-changer in his mask?

Greg responds...

That would be telling... and I try not to tell on murderous psychopaths.

Response recorded on July 30, 2009

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Lee H writes...

Hey Greg. I love the work you've done on The Spectacular Spider-Man, it's by far the best version of the character and his stories since Steve Ditko was handling him. A few questions:

1. You've mentioned before that you try your best to avoid creating original characters, so a lot of minor roles in the show are characters from the actual comic books. Are there any you can "reveal" that people haven't picked up on? I believe you've mentioned Tiny (McKeever, from Untold Tales right?) and Vin Gonzales before, which episodes did they appear in? Furthmore, has Seymour O'Reilly ( http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/seymourspdm.htm ) appeared in the show?

2. An excellent job has been done of merging certain characters, such as Montana/Shocker, Fancy Dan/Ricochet and Bennet Brant/Molten Man (which by extension merges some of Betty Brant with Liz Allan). Was Black Cat intentionally merged with Jessica Carradine? Are there any other, more subtle, character merges in the show?

3. Peter hasn't been shown tinkering with web shooters and gadgets as much as he did in the early issues of the comics. Was this something intentionally downplayed, or just due to time constraints and what-not?

4. What do you think worked best in Spectacular Spider-Man so far? Anything that didn't quite turn out as well as you'd hoped?

Thank you!

Greg responds...


1. Tiny, Seymour and Jason have all appeared. Tiny and Jason are on the football team, though Jason was injured mid-first season and Tiny's low grades temporarily knocked him off the team. Tiny dressed as a cheerleader on Halloween. Seymour announces the games. You might also recall his conversation with Mark Allan, when the latter returned to Midtown.

Vin and Alan have appeared many times too. They're the two uniformed cops who are NOT DeWolff and Carter.

You'll see more of all five characters if we get additional seasons.

2. Yes. Probably.

3. Mostly time constraints, but we have a major storyline planned about the invention of his web-shooters. Given enough episodes, we'll get to it eventually.

4. Uh... I'm pretty happy with pretty much everything. But of course, I'm biased.

Response recorded on July 30, 2009

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Paul writes...

I asked before whether Spidey had ever crossed paths with the real Mysterio in season 2, and you asked me to define "crossed paths", by which I mean any occasion when Spidey had come into contact with the real Beck in his Mysterio disguise. So did Spidey ever encounter the real Mysterio in season 2? I guess Beck was real enough in "Persona", but did Spidey ever meet the real deal on any occasion that he met Mysterio in season 2?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 30, 2009

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Martin writes...

Greg responds
And just so it's clear, I do NOT enjoy answering nearly every post with "NO COMMENT". This isn't fun for me either, gang, but since collectively you all keep insisting on asking for Spoilers that I've already made clear I'm not going to give, you're not leaving me much choice.

Look, Greg, you gotta understand us (the fans). These season 3 questions are probably coming from people who have already seen season 2. Plus, you revealed two big villains for the 3rd season (and you revealed it waaay back, I think in an interview with Spidermancrawlspace, even before the show started on KidsWB). Two teases, and now, with the show's fate in the air, we want more. But I agree with you, we should stop with this. it must be frustrating for you to see every 3rd question be something like "will Venom return and Chameleon too" or "Will you kill off Gwen". HE'S NOT GONNA KILL OFF GWEN, ATLEAST NOT IN SEASON 3 SO BACK OFF. Now I was about to ask you something, but what was it.... oh yeah:

I read your interview where you say that if the show gets 4th season, there will be Spider-Mobile. Is this still valid?

Greg responds...


And believe me, I get it. But at some point, the message needs to sink in that I can't and won't spoil Season Three, right?

Response recorded on July 30, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

Are you allowed to create show only characters for Spectacular Spider-man (not counting background characters like the couple) or does the agreement with Marvel prevent you from making your own characters for the story?

Greg responds...

There's no contractual rule saying we can't create original characters, but we made a CREATIVE decision early on to NOT create any original name characters.

Response recorded on July 29, 2009

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Spiderman Fan writes...

Hey Greg. You've done a great job with Spectacular Spiderman. I liked the twist with Black Cat's father murdering Uncle Ben which leads me to my questions:

1. I know you can't / won't reveal Season 3 but do you think Spiderman knowing Cat's relationship with Ben's muderer was a wise decision? The reason I ask is Black Cat's identity is basically shot since Spiderman could easily deduce her identity with a simple google search on The Cat Burglar.

2. Was the revelation Black Cat's father murdering Uncle Ben a calculated one (meaning Spiderman will use the info in a future episode)?

3. In Opening Night, it almost seems Cat's dad knows Spidermans identity based off his reaction in the air vent. This is my interpretation and perhaps am reading too much into it. Without revealing any spoilers, do you plan on having the Cat Burglar Cat's Dad) in future episodes?

Greg responds...


1. Obviously, I think it was a wise decision, or I wouldn't have done it.

2. We have plans.

3. No comment.

Response recorded on July 29, 2009

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Daniel writes...

Hi Greg,

I love 'The Spectacular Spider-Man', especially with what you and the crew did with the Green Goblin. Season 2 finale was Excellent!
The show itself has capture that old school Spidey feel and the only Spider-Man related comic book that captures this feeling, IMO, is the Spider-Girl series by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz.
That brings me to my questions:

1) Have you ever read a Spider-Girl comic?
2) If you have read Spider-Girl, what are your thoughts on the character and her world?

Greg responds...

1. Yes. But just a few issues.

2. There seems to be a lot of fun stuff there.

Response recorded on July 29, 2009

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Nelio writes...

Not so much a question but praise / comment.

I'm not the biggest Spidey fan in the world, I was a little skeptical about watching the Spectacular Spider-Man. However after your announcement about it getting a second season, I decided to give it a chance.

I'm glad I did. The show is great. First I love the character designs, especially Parker. Not sure if you played a hand in their creation, but I like Parker in particularly because of the few idiosyncrasies with his face such as the mole. I was curious though about the triangle nose "slit" he seem to have. Is that supposed to be just a nostril or some type of disfigurement due to an injury, or something like that? I personally hope it is one of the latter as I feel having an injury like that brings some insight to the character.

One thing I must mention is the level of complex interaction going in the show. It's very good, and something I wouldn't expect from a cartoon. I dare say it has complexities of that of a prime time drama. I also love the long fight scenes.

While I'm mostly like you Greg for Gargoyles, I have to admit in the two other cases I've seen you work (7 episodes on The Batman and now Spectacular Spider-Man), I'm very happy with he quality of story you provide us with. Thank you very much.

Greg responds...

The mole is a "signature" of our character designer Sean "Cheeks" Galloway, who -- no surprise -- has the exact same mole.

There's no injury to Pete's nose.

Thanks for the kind words.

Response recorded on July 29, 2009

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rick writes...

first off, in 2005-07 i wasn't a real big fan of marvel until spidey 3 came out then i loved it again i cab probaly name every characters comic, animated series, movie, etc. but after spierman friend or foe came out (game) i was kinda fallin behind. then i saw the spectacular trailer for spiderman and i loved it, the action even the animation i really don't get why some people don't like it. anyway i have a question and opinions on some of the characters.

question: have you ever played any of the games because i noticed spidey called goblin emerald elf just like in the first movie game.

vulture: when i first found out he was the first villain i was asking myself why? but you really did a great job with him it's everything he should be plus more.

in survival of the fittest i was only expecting vulture but when i saw the enforcers i was in a state of shock to see they were in a series. after spidey 3 i went out and bought spiderman essentials and thank god i did because i now know characters like blacky gagston (sorry if its spelled wrong, frederick foswell and both his alter egos, and enforcers or i wouldnt have known about them. more to the point these were really great adaptations of them and the fight scene was perfection. thanx

hammerhead: one word, brilliant this is how i always pictured hammerhead. a deep voice, a henchman for a crime boss but still is his own man, he was pulled off so nicely.

electro: me and my friends always mde jokes about his outfit, like how stupid it made him look but we still liked the character nonetheless. but this electro brings it to a whole new level, he is easily one of my top 5 favorite villains in the show.

lizard: i always liked dialouge in comics but for characters like liazrd, manwolf (even though he had no dialouge)and other monsterous characters like that i didn't think it suited themi mean i would like to see a few words coming out of his mouth but not a shitload (sorry for language)and not to mention the way he looks does resemble the comics but it is more ripped up and his silentness just made this character more frightening and AWESOME!!!

shocker: i saw the commercials and i just was in amazment of how awesome the episode looked and when i saw it it didn't disappoint. it was excellent. shocker though at first when i found out it was montana (here we go again, right) i was a little confused but after the episode it made more sense. montana suits your series' shocker.

sandman: flint marko was awesome and so is sandman, incredible job, this sandman was 10 times better than the movie version (not saying i hated it) and maybe even the comic version.

rhino: again better than the comic version. he reminded me of the hulk. and that is how it should be. although did you ever think of using ultimate rhino's look?

bigman/ tombstone: i was expecting fosswell but tombstone worked out great. in this he's more than just a henchman and thank god for that. also, i got kinda tired of kingpin in 90's series, not that i don't like him just he was in every episode. i do hope to see kingpin in this though.

green goblin: my favorite character right next to venom on this show. this goblin is exactly how it should be, just an excellent choice and steve blum is perfect.

doc ock: when i saw his look i had my doubts but it grew on me and soon he bacame one of my favorie villains on the show. his attitude, his action scenes, and the fact you made him master planner just like in the comics is awesome. and the battery pack or whatever it is called is another great improvement.

chameleon: not a huge fan of the chameleon but this version is just speechless. he is a cool villain in the show not best but cool.

Black Cat: 100 times better than the 90's version, exactly how she was in the comics, but will we ever see felica hardy out of costume?

sinister six: PERFECT!!! first six with ock, rhino, sandman, vulture, electro, and shocker was the best one. and the second one with sandman, rhino, vulture, electro, mysterio and kraven was cool and all that but when mysterio and kraven were introduced i was expecting the ock, mysterio, sandman, electro, kraven, and vulture version, will we ever see them?

Venom: Awesome job with black spidey, but why was his costume changing every episode. the symbiote going through his thoughts and memory and stuff was awesome(i use this word entirely to much) and venom was just too great to be true but it was and i loved it. eddie being his friend like in ultimate and the symbiote being an alien like in amazing was a great mix. my favorite character on the show.

Mysterio: awesome adaptaion of him.but that cheesey accent is really wierd.

Tinkerer: another character that was brought from a "whos that" level to an "oh him"
level, nice!

Kraven: i liked the mixture of sergei and the wolf looking creature, extremely cool but i do hope to see more of his human form.

Calypso: not really much to say but was a nice cameo and hope to see more of her.

colonel jupiter: just another great improvement w/ a character on this show. he was incredible.

silver sable: cool character but why was she going out w/hammerhead and why silvermane's daughter?

New enforcers: shocker, ox and the new and improved fancy dan, ricochet. a nice adjustment and creative decision to make fancy dan ricochet.

Silvermane: i wished there could have been more with the character but he was still awesome while he lasted, espescially w/ the suit.

Molten man: the last villain introduced throughout the two seasons and yet another great improvement on your show...how r u doing it.

that ends this i hope for at least 65 episodes but if it is doing good would you consider doing more

Greg responds...


I'll try to cover all of your questions, but in any case, thanks for the kind words...

I'm not much of a gamer.

We're pretty happy with Rhino's current look.

We've seen Felicia out of costume and probably will again.

We'll go through a different variation on the Six each season.

Spidey's symbiote costume changed as the symbiote took more and more control over his mind.

Silver Sable seemed a natural fit as Silvermane's daughter. (How many silver types can we have running around without connecting them up?) As for her relationship with Hammerhead, we liked the backstory and dynamics that created for four characters (Sable, Hammerhead, Silvermane and Tombstone).

Response recorded on July 29, 2009

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