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David B. Jacobs writes...

Oh, wow. I just realized that I never asked this. Which is weird 'cause I thought I had, like, two months ago.

So anyway, you've said in the past that, out of the guest heroes, you would like to use Human Torch and Hulk if you were able to get the chance. Well, what about guest villains? I don't mean Kingpin - you've already said that you'd use him if you could and plus it's ridiculous that you can't use him anyway (who comes up with those lists?) If you could guest-star villains, which would you most want to use? Doctor Doom? Juggernaut?
I want to make this very clear: I'm NOT asking if there will be guest villains/crossovers. You already answered that a million times. I'm asking which you would like to use.
Also - seriously, who does come up with that list?

Greg responds...

Lawyers make lists... I assume.

I don't have a lot of interest in guest villains, frankly. But since that's the least of my worries, I haven't given it much thought. If and when guest heroes become available, then maybe I'll give guest villains a shot.

Response recorded on August 14, 2009

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Joe Anonymous writes...

As you can see from my name I watched "Persona" quite a few times. Just bought all the DVD's this past weekend and just got done watching "Blueprints" and "Destructive Testing" and everything you're doing with this series is briliant. I hope a season 3 gets commisioned, the wait is killing me. Plus, can't wait to see what you do with Hobgoblin and Scorpion, just hope Scorpion isn't a clone...that will make me angry, and you won't like me when I'm angry..aughrghagh...getting off focus.
I do have a few questions and well, here they are.

1. Was Green Goblin at all insspired by the Joker?

2. Where did you come up with Electro's Look?

3. Who rescued Kraven at the end of "Destructive Testing"...I'm thinking he either jumped out or we just got a glimpse of Calypso's powers.

4. If you do get permision to use other heroes and villains who wouuld interest you?

5. You do like Carnage...thank God, nasty rumors. So the question is are you aloud to use him in his serial killing form (without showing it you know, hahaha...I need a life.)

6. Can you name any villains you can't use other than Kingpin and Beetle?

7. Why did Harry go to Europe and not just go to ravencroft or something?

8. When is the latest season 3 could be finished and ready for TV, if it gets commisioned...and hoping it does:)

Keep up the good work, and one more time...Please God, let there be a season 3. Thank You!

Greg responds...


1. You'll have to ask Stan and Steve. Our Goblin was inspired by their Goblin, not by Joker. I won't deny the two villains have certain traits in common -- both utilize the Trickster archetype -- but most of what they have in common is fairly superficial.

2. I described it to Vic and Cheeks. I wanted something that was reminiscent of Electro's Silver Age costume, but less cheezy. So the idea that the electricity flying off his head would resemble -- but hopefully be cooler than -- the fake lightning bolt starfish thing on his mask was intentional. Also, instead of just putting him in tights, we put him in a suit designed to restrain his power, that would again be reminiscent of the original costume, but feel a bit more real.

3. No comment.

4. I've answered this before. Check the archives.

5. No comment.

6. Uh... Joker, Lex Luthor, Vandal Savage, Ocean-Master, Ra's al Ghul, Darth Vader. Oh, wait, you meant Marvel villains? Seriously, what do you expect me to do here? List all the Marvel villains I can't use? If they're not Spidey villains, the answer is no. So for example, Doctor Doom would clearly be a no. (Not that I even bothered asking about him.) One last character I did ask about and got a no answer on was Owl. Otherwise, you can use common sense to do the research yourself.

7. Ravencroft isn't for teenagers in need of detox. Getting him away from the influences that caused him to take the drugs in the first place was an important part of treatment. Getting him out of the country, given what he was accused of wasn't a bad idea either.

8. I don't understand the question. If and when we get the pick-up, we'll start work. Then it'll be ready between eight and twelve months after that.

Response recorded on August 14, 2009

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Jason R. Carter writes...

I think I'll rephrase one of my previous questions: why does Rand put up with Sally?

Greg responds...

And I'll more or less repeat what I said before... "Dude, why do you think?"

Response recorded on August 14, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

I'm rewatching the second season of Spectacular Spider-Man (Premiere on Disney XD) and two questions crossed my mine: When Kraven was first introduced, at first the only pictures in the newspaper clips were of the Rhino, was that an attempt to mislead the viewers for a few seconds or perhaps a hint at a future plotline? Also I've noticed that Kraven is a lot more sane (and likeable) in this show than in his previous incarnations, especially with what his 'day job' is. So I was wondering, when he attempted to hunt Spider-Man, was he actually trying to kill him or just capture him? Once again thanks again for answering all my questions, I hope they weren't too much of a bother to answer or all "no comment" answers.

Greg responds...


There were pictures of Spidey fighting Rhino, but yes, we were trying to mislead the audience. He struggles with a Rhino on the veldt, and now it would seem he's going to fight Rhino in Manhattan.

"Bag him".

Response recorded on August 14, 2009

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nacnud writes...

Dear Greg,

The season Two finale of The Spectacular spiderman reported that norman was the green goblin. at one point in production, was harry ever suggusted for the role ? or was it always Norman from the start?

Will there be any direct to DVD movies or episodes that continue the Spectacular spiderman continuity?

How did you get the idea for the episode "Opening Night"? was that story ever in the comics or did you come up with the idea? if you or the team came up with the idea, then it was pure genius!

Greg responds...


We always knew it was Norman, but we worked very hard to make the audience think it was Harry. (And later Menken and even Emily.)

I hope so.

"Opening Night" was inspired by an early issue of THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN when Spidey was trapped in a prison with a bunch of convicts.

Response recorded on August 14, 2009

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Brian writes...

Is the reception of The Spectacular Spiderman season 2 on Disney XD going to implement on season 3?

Greg responds...

Did you mean "impact"? If so, then, yeah.

Response recorded on August 14, 2009

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Drake writes...

How is Professor Smythe is going to be used? Is his son-Alistair-will also appear?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on August 14, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

Hey the whole Green Goblin identity mystery was awesome! I was curious, did you get that idea or inspiration from the Hobgoblin mystery in the comics?

Greg responds...

No. I got it from the Green Goblin mystery from the comics, back in the sixties under Lee, Ditko and Romita Sr.

Response recorded on August 14, 2009

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Paul writes...

1) Did anything of note happen between Tombstone and the Green Goblin immediately following the cliffhanger ending of "Gangland"?

2) Why didn't Hammerhead interfere in the Green Goblin's criminal activities after the Goblin 'replaced' Tombstone as the Big Man?

Greg responds...


1. Not particularly.

2. Did you see Hammerhead's last scene in "Gangland"?

Response recorded on August 13, 2009

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Gargan writes...

I heard Sony has the rights to Ghost Rider. Does that mena you can use Ghost Rider in Spectacular Spider-Man if you want to?

Greg responds...

Nope. At least it's NOT automatic.

Response recorded on August 13, 2009

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