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Alex writes...

Dear Greg,
You may remember my name. I wrote to you twice concerning if I could help write the third season of the Spectacular Spider-Man. Yes I realize taht was stupid but I don't care about that anymore or if you even reply the two earlier messages. Yes I realize there won't be a third season and we'll never see possibly grestest Spider-Man TV show yet. I only have a few things to say. I want to thank you for two years of seeing this show. They have been the best two years yet. I just want to say that this is probably by far the greatest Spider-Man TV show. Why? It wasn't because of the first animated appearances of the Enforcers, Tinkerer, Colonel Jupiter, Ricochet, or Molten Man. Or the other villains I've come to love in this show (most notably Hammerhead, Electro, Sandman, Rhino, Tombstone, Green Goblin, Kraven, Silver Sable, and Silvermane). I like it because in a way I am Peter Parker. Not physically, but with his love interests. I became friends with a girl who had glasses. She recently got contacts. But yet she went to a different school in the same district. I haven't seen her in a year. I rely on Facebook or e-mail to talk to her. But yet I sometimes get the feeling I may lose her to someone else. This is in a way like Gwen Stacy. The reason why I wish there was a third season is because I want to know how Peter would finally be with Gwen. (If he would.) If I don't know what happens, then I don't know what could happen to my own relationship. I know I shouldn't rely on a TV show to solve girl problems, but I think this show could make it possible for me to go all the way with her.

Right now, I don't care if this series becomes the longest Spider-Man TV show, I just wish if the third season could at least explain how Peter would get to be with Gwen. Also I would to see Spidey fight new threats. (The villains I would've loved to see were Scorpion, Hydro-Man, Tarantula, Beetle, Green Goblin II, Hobgoblin, Prowler, Carnage, and Jackal.) If possible, could tell me how Peter would be with Gwen and if any of the villains I listed would've made their appearances or if there were others I didn't list? If you can't do it here, you may feel free to e-mail me at luckygalucki@bellsouth.net. Once again, thank you for a great 26 episode series.

Your fan,
Alex Galucki

Greg responds...

I've already mentioned that Hobgoblin and Scorpion would have appeared in Season Three. Beyond that, I'm not inclined to reveal much... and certainly not to help you "go all the way" with a girl. (Even assuming I had that kind of power, which of course I don't.)

Response recorded on August 13, 2010

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Richard Jackson writes...

Hi Greg,

I'm a big fan. I work in South Korea teaching English and I thought you would be interested in your creations' progress over here.

I did some research on the internet and Gargoyles: The Movie and some season 1 episodes were released on VHS over here. What a collector's item those would be? The official translated name of the show is "Champion Goliath", but happily enough online Korean fans just call it "Gargoyles."

Channel surfing, I did see The Spectacular Spider-Man on the cartoon channel, 5:30, Saturday morning. That's actually a good time, since Korean children have Saturday school and 5:30am would be just the right time they're waking up.

Keep up the good work and hopefully I'll see Young Justice in Korea.

Greg responds...

Very cool! Thanks, Richard.

Response recorded on August 13, 2010

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mick jones writes...

What's with the Cindy Crawford mole on Pete's cheek in SSM?

Greg responds...

It's a Cheeks signature.

Response recorded on August 11, 2010

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Bill Friedman writes...

First, thank you for making both of your shows. I loved Gargoyles, but The Spectacular Spider-Man somehow managed to be even better, and I think was probably my favorite animated superhero story ever, and I await Young Justice eagerly.

Second, I had a question. If you had known at the start of the second season that you were certainly not going to get a third, what would you have done differently, if anything?


Greg responds...

Nothing different. Nothing at all.

("Both" my shows? Only two? Been a few more than that.) ;)

Response recorded on August 11, 2010

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Dan writes...

Hi Greg!
Even though the Spectacular Spider-man has been untimely canceled do you think it's possible that it could continue in some capacity? Perhaps in a comic like Gargoyles did?

Greg responds...

Someone JUST asked this. Check the latest responses.

Response recorded on August 11, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Hello,Mr.Weisman.I want to ask some questions about Spectacular Spider-Man.

1)I know you originally wanted to use Kingpin as main crime lord in your show,but you couldn't due to rights to him tied to Fox,but you replaced him with Tombstone.But if you were allowed to use Kingpin,would he have same role as Tombstone(sending Enforcers to kill Spider-Man,creating super villains,allying with Norman Osborn,meeting with Venom,and obviously being in Gang War)?Would voice actor be different if you were allowed to use Kingpin?

2.When your show was canceled due to business and legal issues or something like that,i heard such things like "Disney/Marvel didn't care about show" or "Disney intentionally tried to ruin the show" or "It's Sony's fault that show was canceled" or similar things.Do you think that Disney/Marvel or Sony INTENTIONALLY tried to ruin the show or that they tried to save it? Do you blame them for show's fate or not?

3.One thing has interested me in your Gang War Arc.It's about Doctor Octopus henchmen.I know that he runs powerful super villain empire and that he is sort of Big Man Of Supervillains and he has bunch of supervillains to do his job,but i wanted to ask you,did Dr.Octopus had any normal,regular thugs in his employ?.In Reinforcements when Blackie Gaxton told Spider-Man about Master Planner,he mentioned that he(Master Planner/Doc Ock) hire thugs,crooks and construction workers.Also did you planed to use or take closer look to Doc Ock's empire in Gang War Arc?

4.I have question about Silvermane's robot suit.How did Silvermane got it?I mean,he just has it without any explanation.Did Tinkerer had something to do with it or he stole some technology from Oscorp Or Tri-Corp?I loved his suit,but still interesting how he got it.

5.Is there a chance that you could make Spectacular Spider-Man continuation in Comic Book?Did you approached Marvel about it?I know you are working on Young Justice,but still if were are some chance about Spectacular Spider-Man continuation.

6.In your show Jean DeWolff seems to distrust Spider-Man and saying that he goes to far in fighting crime.Is it simple distrust or something happened to Jean in past that she doesn't trust vigilantes.The Punisher is vigilante who goes to far and kills criminals.So did Jean DeWollf had met Punisher and had something to do with each other or she just simply distrusts Spider-Man?

And i will ask some important things

7.Did you and your crew intended episodes we have now to be different or they were made how you wanted?I mean did you had many ideas for current episode or you had different ideas for some episode but those ideas were dropped and you used current ideas.For example:I read that some fans thought that Gangland would be big battle between forces of each crimelord,but in Gangland only bosses fought with each other and their bodyguards played minor role.In other words,what were your original ideas for your episodes.

8.This question is similar to question 7.Did you and your crew planed to include some storylines or characters in seasons 1 and 2,but weren't include or made?For example did you wanted to include Scorpion in season 1 and 2 in some way or another or did you planed to include villains who appeared in season 2 to appear in season 1 or vica versa?And did you planed to make some episodes in Season 1 or 2 but they weren't made?

9.And most important question:Will you reveal your ideas for Season 3 any time soon?

I'm sorry if my questions bothered you.Good Luck

Greg responds...

1. The basics would be the same, I suppose. But I'm sure there would have been differences. No way to know about the voice actor. The thing to keep in mind is that the verdict that we couldn't use Kingpin came VERY early on in the process. It's not like we had fully formed ideas for Kingpin and then slotted Tombstone instead. We wanted a crime boss, and were told we couldn't use Kingpin and so chose Tombstone. THEN we came up with all the ideas.

2. No one intentionally set out to ruin a multi-million dollar investment. I think we had some bad luck and multiple corporations participated in some mismanagement of the series (in my opinion). But no single company is at fault, and no one had it "out" for us.

3. He used what he needed to use. And given enough episodes, we would have gone into greater depth on everything.

4. Tinkerer is my bet.

5. I'd love to, and I did approach Marvel about it, but they didn't respond. At this point, I'd guess they're pretty much focusing on the new show.

6. Punisher is not an issue.

7. What you saw on screen was what we wanted to put on screen. Anything else is OBVIOUSLY groundless rumors.

8. The answer is largely no. Again, what you saw is what we wanted to produce. I had some notions VERY early on to include Kraven, Kingpin and Human Torch in Season One. But we didn't have access to the latter two characters, and everyone (including me) eventually agreed that Kraven made more sense as a Season Two villain (after Spidey was better known). But again, all these decisions happened SO early in the process that we hadn't broken down the stories yet. They were just notions. What you saw is what we wanted you to see.

9. Probably not.

Response recorded on August 10, 2010

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garg and spidey fan writes...

Long time reader first time poster. Something that I found odd in season two of spectacular spider-man was how apparently Norman set up this mentor thing with Pete up in the season opener yet we hardly saw anything of it. There was the teaser for shear strength and that thing with Pete having an osberry prototype in a later episode but beyond that there wasn't really anything else we saw with this mentor thing. I wonder why was that? Did you originally intend to have more of it as a bigger lead in for Osborns reveal as the goblin and simply found there wasn't enough room for it in most episodes, or were we going to see some of this in flashbacks in a later episode where it would be relevant to the story? I ask because it really had me intrigued when i saw this in blueprints and I was slightly dissapointed with the end result not really being much of anything. Although for the record I really loved the show over all and was dissapointed it ended when it did.

Greg responds...

I think we got less of it in than we would have liked, mostly from issues of space. Only so many minutes of screen time in so many episodes.

But it also would have had long-term implications that now we'll never get to.

Response recorded on August 06, 2010

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Akeem M. writes...

Hey Greg,
Thank you for the two Spectacular seasons of what may be the best Spidey series ever. Unfortunately it was cut shorter than it should have been because of things that were beyond your or any of us fans’ control. I have a few questions about the show.

1) What race are Miles and Aaron Warren in the show? They are clearly tanned and a darker shade from the white characters in the show. Also, they are voiced by Brain George, who normally plays South Asian (Indian, Pakistani, etc) characters. So I’m wondering what specific race you made them. And hey I might as well throw Ox from the Enforcers as well, who is also clearly tanned and his voice actor is Latino (Mexican to be specific), so is it right to assume that Ox is Mexican?

2) You said you had plans for Emily Osborn as she is dead in the comics and has been dead since Harry’s birth. My first assumption is to have someone to run Oscorp while Norman is “out of the picture” as Harry is too young to be a CEO of a business. Is this the case, or were there other things behind her inclusion. She just seemed to be there in the scenes we’ve seen her in; she was either cutting food or walking away. Was she in on the identity and antics of her husband’s costumed criminal alter ego?

3) You have also mentioned you had long term plans for Kraven the Hunter in his beastly form. Since we won’t be seeing those plans come to the small screen at all I would like to ask what those plans were. Most people think that you were just going to make him human again, either via Calypso, or some other way. Were your plans for him about regretting his choice to become mutated in order to beat Spidey? Please let us know what your plans were, as it is an intriguing departure from the comics (and you tesased us about it).

4) Now, according to you in, your Spectacular universe it is now well known to the public that Norman Osborn is the Green Goblin after his “final” fight in Season 2. In the comics, the Green Goblin’s identity was a mystery to the general public in the comics until real recently in Spidey’s comic history. In fact, before Norman came back from the dead, Norman’s hobby was the leverage that Roderick Kingsley had on the Osborn family for blackmail during his stint as the Hobgoblin. I’m curious to know why you made this decision and how the Hobgoblin story would have been handled with the information that Roderick had just out in the open to everyone in New York like that.

5) Also, even though it's all moot now, I need to know, what were your major plans for the show had it continued...provided that what you answered above wasn't all of it. You don’t need to give any SPECIFIC details since aside from Hobgoblin and Scorpion showing up in season 3 and Peter graduating high school at the end of the series' run, nothing was ever really set in stone. However you did have some ideas about where you wanted the series to go, and I can assure you that the many other fans and I would love to hear any of your ideas about where you were headed with the show. And...the fact that I'm kinda desprate for ANYTHING Spidey related now that there is nothing on TV until next year....

Greg responds...

1. Yes, we were thinking Indo-European for Aaron Warren and Indian-American for Miles Warren. (The theory was that the Warren moved to the U.S. while older brother Aaron was young and before Miles was born - to explain their differing accents.) Ox is Hispanic. We never specified beyond that.

2. I'm not in the mood to reveal this at this time. (See the answer to #5 for why.)

3. Ditto.

4. Tritto.

5. I had many specific ideas, some of which would undoubtedly have changed over the course of production. But I'm just not too inclined to reveal them. It's not that I'm trying to torture you, it's just that there's no way I can do them justice in this format. I write "X" would have happened, and that one statement will get dissected across the internet. And any idea is only as good as its execution - which you'll now never get to see. It may sound stupid here, but I might have been able (with the help of Vic Cook and all my other many collaborators) to pull it off on the series and have everyone think I'm a genius. Or not. But at least it would have had a shot. I just don't feel like opening myself up to potential second-guessing based on raw notions as opposed to executed episodes.

Response recorded on August 05, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

For some reason, Man-Wolf is a very cool villain to me. I loved what you were doing with John in the show. Did you have a plan to make him Man-Wolf? It seemed like Professor Warren was going to be the perfect catalyst/enabler for that transformation.

Also, you once said that even if one didn't like the transformation of Kraven, to bear with it because you had some really cool plans extending from that. Would you be able to give us an idea of what those plans were?

Greg responds...

I had plans for both John and Kraven -- in fact those plans were connected. But I'm not inclined to go into detail on them at this time.

Response recorded on August 04, 2010

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

one last question:
In response to my appreciative ramble on your portrayal of Flash Thompson in the cartoon you answered that you had specific ideas about when and why Flash stopped liking Peter and being friends but you were on the fence about revealing them. Similarly on when he transitioned to actually tormenting Peter and whether all this took place before or after Peter’s parents’ deaths. If you have come off the fence in whole or in part I’d love to hear more.

You also said that Flash’s well timed hauling of Peter over the coals for his bad treatment of others was the reason he was went to the hospital and not to visit Aunt May. (Though I suppose he may have visited as well.) If despite all the animosity he believes he justly holds towards Peter he still came and did that, it speaks all the more highly of him. Also kudos to the animators for giving him that annoyed look that fits very well with: ‘I have to be doing this right thing here, but you really don’t deserve it’.

Greg responds...


Okay. Here's my thinking. Peter and Flash were best friends at age @4. Then Peter's parents died. Flash's dad was a soldier and then a cop (both dangerous jobs). Young Flash couldn't deal with being that close to death. He didn't want to play with Peter anymore. And in his own YOUNG mind he had to find a way to justify/rationalize his decision that wasn't about his fears. So he convinced himself that Peter was a stuck-up egghead (or somesuch) who deserved to be dumped as a friend.

By the time WE meet Flash and Peter at the beginning of their junior year of high school, Flash's mindset is fairly well entrenched and the original reason for it is lost to him. Somewhere deep down, he knows better and given enough time and episodes we would have eventually dealt with this objectively in the series. Not to be, I'm afraid...

Response recorded on August 03, 2010

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