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GATHERING 2009 - Sunday, August 23rd

GATHERING 2009 - Sunday, August 23rd

1am - Got back to my room.

2am - Went to bed.

9am - I woke up. Wow, a real night's sleep. I showered and dressed quickly, attempting to make the tail end of the staff breakfast, but got waylaid along the way by arriving guests, like Bob Kline. Managed to snag one croissant, but that's it.

10am - Gargoyles Production panel with Frank Paur, Bob Kline, Brad Rader, Pamela Long, Vic Cook, Greg Guler and Doug Murphy. More fun old stories.

11:30am - Spidey Production panel with Bob, Pamela, Vic, Greg, Kevin Altieri, Jennifer Coyle, Sean "Cheeks" Galloway, Joey Mason and Phil Weinstein. We showed the unaired scenes clip from ComicCon and the animatic for the main title. And again, more fun stories.

1pm - I finally had a break, but I couldn't resist sitting in on the Composer's panel with Carl Johnson, Gargoyles Composer, and Dynamic Music Partners (Lolita Ritmanis, Kris Carter and Michael McCuistion) the Spider-Man composers. They were WELL-prepared. Way more well-prepared than I was for any of my panels. Brought a bunch of clips and talked process. It was fascinating.

2:30pm - Writers Panel. From Spidey: Andrew Robinson, Kevin Hopps, Nicole Dubuc and Matt Wayne. From Gargoyles: Bob Skir and Michael Reaves. Michael has Parkinsons, so first Bob and later Michael's daughter Mallory Reaves served as interpreters for him. It was great having everyone there.

4pm - The writers (and Karine) had a signing.

5pm - My wife dropped my son Benny off at the con. So we hung out a bit.

6pm - Benny and I went to the Banquet. We sat with Gayle, Lauren, Ryan, Grey Wolf, Read and Abbie. Real sweet spread at the buffet. But I've forgotten exactly what. I guess I'm just not that into the food this time. Is that progress?

7:30pm - Another Q&A. This time with myself, Bob Skir, Vic Cook, Greg Guler, Nicole Dubuc, Kevin Altieri, Jennifer Coyle, Ben Diskin, Crispin Freeman, Karine Charlebois and Wendy Pini. Michael Reaves kibbitzed a bit from the sidelines too.

8:30pm - By this time, Beth had picked Benny up again. I went to the bar and hung out with Vic, Guler, Kevin, Jennifer, Wendy and Karine. Just had a coke.

9:30pm - Masquerade time. The judges were myself, Wendy Pini, Keith David, Thom Adcox, Ben Diskin, Carl Johnson and Karine Charlebois. I will attempt to remember all the awards we handed out, but I forgot to save my award sheet...

Best Junior - Ryan & Lauren as Owen & Banshee
Best Performance - Abbie as the Lady in the Lake
Best Original Character - Rika as Venus
Cutest Trio - Jade, Eric and Kyari as Fox, Owen and Alex
If I give you this, I'll have to kill you award - Zehra, Tony & Andrea as Shari & the Illuminati
Best Canon - Aaron as Upgraded Jackal
Excalibur Award - Justin as King Arthur
Gorelisa Award - Charlie as Kalia Sartre
Thom Adcox Memorial Award - Rebecca as a Star Trek Dispensable Red
Best in Show - Esopus as ... okay, this was best in show and it was really great, but I just can't remember the name of the character! SORRY!!!!

10:30pm - We all just hung out in the Ballroom for awhile. I chatted with GXB, Carl Johnson, Zehra & Sarah and many, many others...


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GATHERING 2009 - Saturday, August 22nd

GATHERING 2009 - Saturday, August 22nd

3am - Went to bed.

8am - Woke up, with five hours sleep being the most I'd had in any one night in over a week.

9am - Staff Breakfast. Usually, I'm all about telling you what I ate at every meal, but I just don't remember. Orange Juice and a croissant, I think. But also... uh... not sure.

10am - Jennifer and I were joined by Gargoyles/Spidey Voice Director Extraordinaire Jamie Thomason for our second round of auditions.

11:30am - Casting session. We only had thirteen slots for fans to participate in the play because of the LARGE pro "turnout". You see, most years I ask the pros to participate and we get one or two saying yes. But this year SIXTEEN said yes. So from a fan standpoint, we had an embarrassment of riches. Over forty people auditioned and most of those did great, so we decided to cast the thirteen slots, plus STEAL a role from Thom Adcox and give that to another fan, PLUS cast a couple of fans as understudies in case someone didn't show. (But everyone did.) We posted the cast list...

12pm - Lunch in the staff room with Marina Sirtis, Keith David, Karine Charlebois, Greg Bishansky, Thom Adcox and Keith's son Owen. It's always great to see Keith, but it was very cool to see Marina again, whom I haven't seen in years. And, man, has Owen grown!! Broccoli soup, salad, and... see, can't remember!

1pm - Gargoyles Voice Acting Panel with Jamie, Keith, Thom, Marina and Elisa Gabrielli. Fun stories told. Marina and I have very different memories about how she was cast. (I'm right, but I'd never say that.)

2:30pm - Spidey Voice Acting Panel with (again) Jamie, Keith and Elisa. Plus Dee Bradley Baker, James Arnold Taylor, Ben Isaac Diskin (what's with all these three name guys?), Steve Blum, Daran Norris, Deborah Strang, Vanessa Marshall, Josh Keaton, Andrew Kishino, Phil LaMarr, Crispin Freeman and Eric Vesbit. More fun stories. Jamie and I disagreed about how many characters we auditioned. And once again, I'm right. It's a blessing and a curse, as Monk would say.

4pm - Radio Play Rehearsal. We barely had time to do one full read through of the ridiculously long and over-stuffed radio play. There was really no time to direct the actors at all, beyond telling them to project louder, though Jamie and I tried to give an occasional pointer.

5:30pm - Radio Play. Gotta say, thanks to my shameless pandering in the script and the amazing talent of my cast, we really had a phenomenal success with the three night mess of a bloated script I wrote. Got lots of laughs, even a few gasps. Pros were spot on, of course, including some Gargoyles folks who hadn't played their characters in years. But our fan cast was great too.

Here's the cast list:

“Religious Studies 101: A Handful of Thorns”
(Radio Play)
NARRATOR - Greg Weisman
GOLIATH - Keith David
LEXINGTON - Thom Adcox
ELISA MAZA - Zehra Fazal
BROOKLYN - John Clemens
BROADWAY - Crispin Freeman
ZAFIRO - Joshua Poole
MAY PARKER - Deborah Strang
OBSIDIANA - Elisa Gabrielli
HARRY OSBORN - James Arnold Taylor
J. JONAH JAMESON - Daran Norris
MARY JANE WATSON - Vanessa Marshall
ELECTRO - Crispin Freeman
VENOM/EDDIE BROCK - Ben Isaac Diskin
GEORGE STACY - Lucas McClain
BIG MAN - Keith David
CALYPSO EZILI - Jennifer L. Anderson
ASHLEY KAFKA - Elisa Gabrielli
LIZ ALLAN - Kaitlyn Robrock
SALLY AVRIL - Jennifer L. Anderson
GWEN STACY - Sarah Williams
GREG BISHANSKY - Greg Bishansky
KENNY KONG - Andrew Kishino
NED LEE - Andrew Kishino
VULTURE - Seth Jackson
SHARI - Zehra Fazal
FANCY DAN - Phil LaMarr
GULYADKIN - Dee Bradley Baker
HOMUNCULUS #1 - Dee Bradley Baker
HOMUNCULUS #2 - Phil LaMarr
HOMUNCULUS #3 - Steve Blum
HOMUNCULUS #4 - James Arnold Taylor
HOMUNCULUS #5 - Thom Adcox
SMUGGLER #1 - Andrew Kishino
EMILY OSBORN - Kaitlyn Robrock
TINKERER - Thom Adcox
ANGELA - Sarah Williams
PUMPKIN BOMB - Nicki France
THAILOG - Keith David
MARIA CHAVEZ - Elisa Gabrielli
FREDERICK FOSWELL - James Arnold Taylor
ALAN O’NEIL - James Arnold Taylor
ROSIE THOMPSON - Vanessa Marshall
MARGOT YALE - Marina Sirtis
JASON IONELLO - Ben Isaac Diskin
BRENTWOOD - Fox Anderson
CHAMELEON - Steve Blum

Thanks to the entire cast. You guys were amazing, and totally saved my butt.

7pm - Once the play was over, all the tension and adrenaline that it had generated over the last week or so melted away, leaving me nearly comotose. I went to dinner in the hotel with my wife Beth and my son Benny. I didn't eat much. Clam Chowder, a roll, a coke and a shrimp cocktail. I was all but passing out. Fortunately, I got a second wind... and I'd need it.

9pm - Blue Mug w/Thom Adcox and the staff of Blue Mug Productions: Mara Cordova, Kalia Sartre, Jennifer L. Anderson and Boswell Bosley. I had to duck out for awhile, and I hear Edmund Tsabard showed up and pretty much insulted everyone in the room. (So what else is new?) I came back, by which time Edmund was gone. I picked up my water glass to take a drink, and someone told me that Thom's chihuahua had sipped from my glass. Someone else pointed at another glass and said that was the one the dog had lapped from. I shrugged it off and sipped from my glass. Then Jen told me Edmund had used that glass. I did a spit-take. I mean do you know where Edmund's mouth has been?!!! I hate to do anything to promote anything that reprobate is working on, but the work of the rest of the Blue Mug staff is so good that I'll ignore his contribution and recommend BlueMugProductions.com to all of you (who are 18 or over). I've seen the work, and it's really good!!! By the way, whomever took my Vox-made macrame Greg doll and put an eyepatch on it to turn it into an Edmund doll: UNCOOL!!! I don't even see the resemblance anyway!

11:30pm - After the mug, a few of us -- Jennifer, Mara, Eric and Tony -- went upstairs to the staff room. I had a virgin jello shot. Black Cherry!

More tomorrow!

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Akeem M. writes...

Hello again sir, I was wondering if in Spectaular Spider-Man if Peter has had tests or anything run on him after he was bit by the genetically modified spider. If I remember correctly, it seems to be common knowledge that Pete was "bit by the science bug", and something like that I would imagine would need to be examined by the doctors. I may be looking too deep into this, but It never hurts to ask... Maybe the bite didn't really affect him for a couple of weeks (when they were testing him) and the doctors thought nothing of it?

Greg responds...

The bite seemed to have no immediate repercussions, so no tests were run.

Response recorded on August 18, 2009

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raymond writes...

hey greg, spectacular spiderman is my favorite show ever!
if you ever make a season 3, will kingpin be in it.cause in season 1 when i got suspiciuos and guessed who the "big man" was i thought it was kingpin(until i really found out)
best of luck for a season 3!

Greg responds...

Check the archives for the five hundred previous times I've answered this question.

Response recorded on August 18, 2009

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Thailog (from Wikia) writes...

Oh, darn it. Two months (and one day) of waiting and I realize I didn't phrase one of my questions clearly enough. I'm apologize. When I <a href="http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=11312">asked</a> how Sandman, Rhino, and Vulture escaped in "Reinforcement", I should have been more specific and added "from Ryker's Island." Although your answer has some great information, so thank you for that.

So now, how did Sandman, Rhino, and Vulture escape from Ryker's Island in the beginning of "Reinforcement"? I'm curious because in "Group Therapy" their escape was nothing short of conspicuous, while in "Reinforcement" three inmates slipped away before anyone realized they were gone. I gather that Beck's duplicate was proving the hologram for Toomes. But how did Toomes slipped out unnoticed? And how could Sandman and Rhino escape their special confinements TWICE? And having said that, how on earth could Norman Osborn get a contract to build the Vault after two super villains had escaped their supposedly special containment cells?

And finally, yes, I would love to know if Mysterio was a robot all along, but I guess I'll have to wait for Season Three. ; )

Thank you for all your answers, btw. They're all great.

Greg responds...

Mostly, I'm content to leave all this to the audience's imaginations.

As for Osborn getting the contract, he could point to the effectiveness of the cells themselves and blame the prison, it's buildings and its policies, thus requiring the construction of an entirely new building to house the growing super-villain population.

Response recorded on August 18, 2009

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Renee writes...

Since you have done The Spectacular Spider-Man, is there any chance that you might do another Marvel super hero or would you like to?
If so which one would like to do?

And I would just like to say that you did an amazing job with Spectacular Spider-Man and hope that Season 3 comes through. Absolutely the best Spider-Man series I've ever watched. I even like it better than the movies. Great job!


Greg responds...

There are MANY Marvel (and other) super-heroes, I'd love to do. Too many to list. But mostly I'm hoping for more Spidey right about now.

Response recorded on August 17, 2009

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Light writes...

When season 3 of Spectacular Spider-Man will be ordered, will you reveal more villains or will we not know which villains to expect when season 3 will air?

Greg responds...

I'm sure there will be some spoilers and some surprises.

Response recorded on August 17, 2009

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ColdFusion writes...

Yay! SSM season 2 has started! I love how REALISTIC this show continues to be. The attention to detail is so appreciated..
though I must say I was surprised to find out that Pete doesn't stay warm enough from all the activity of superhero-ing, that he actually needs some long undies. I mean, when kids ice skate or build snow forts they tend to overheat and take their coats off.
Then he plunged into the water (is that the East River?) and suddenly I was fearing for Pete's life.. (though having him catch a cold is a bit cartoonish, do people still believe cold gives you a virus?)

Particularly well-executed was Mysterio's whole thing. I mean, after the Chameleon's tricks were revealed to careful viewers, I was surprised that Mysterio's magic looked so... legit! I was SURE you weren't going to fall back on sci-fi "holograms".. and then it turned out they were projected on mist! That totally works with only a little disbelief-suspension.

And then in Kraven's episode, I mean, FINALLY. I've been wondering for YEARS why nobody ever traced Spider-Man's origin, since a spider-themed guy just happened to show up after special spiders were engineered. I can't wait to see what comes of it.

Keep up the awesome work.. in general.. or if the show gets picked up for a third season. :)

Greg responds...

Cold lowers your resistance. I think that's well-established medically.

Response recorded on August 17, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Why can't the gene-cleanser cure Electro?
His abilities came the electrical shock of genetically altered eels and rays, like how Peter got his powers from a gentically altered spider's bite. So why can't it cure him?

Greg responds...

Neither Curt Connors nor myself can quite figure that out. But we're working on it.

Response recorded on August 17, 2009

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Big Fan writes...

Hey Greg big fan, Awsome work on the Spiderman series it truely is the best. But my question was about the gargoyles series. I recently revistited the show and watched it from beginning to end and i was seriously impressed. I know that disney has the rights and all that, but have you ever tried/considered to re-pitch the series to them? perhaps thats simply not how things work but i find it dificult to see how such a powerful storyline couldnt be profitable.

Greg responds...

I've pitched and repitched Gargoyles to Disney many, many times. No luck beyond the DVDs and the comics we have now. But I haven't given up.

Response recorded on August 17, 2009

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