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Sevarius, Anton

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Arondight writes...

Why did Sevarius switch his employment from Xanatos to Nightstone after Loch Ness? Given what Demona did with his virus, is he still at Nightstone at the time of the comic?

Greg responds...

1. Best offer.

2. I'm not revealing that at this time. Be patient.

Response recorded on June 06, 2007

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MAY 14

This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

May 14th...

Demona starts Sevarius on a little side project: the creation of the carrier virus, CV-1000.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

May 7th...

Demona and Thailog return to Manhattan and hire Dr. Sevarius away from Gen-U-Tech. Sevarius reveals that the female gargoyle that Demona saw in Paris is the biological child of her and Goliath.

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Patrick G writes...

"The Reckoning" is one of my favorite episodes, especially because of all the great stuff involving Demona and her very complex character. I especially love the scene where she frees the clan, imploring Goliath to "save their daughter!" There's one thing that has been confusing me that I was hoping you could clear up. When Demona is trying to stop Thailog from shooting Angela, he said that she knew she was her daughter before they staged her capture, and Angela is outraged because Demona knew the whole time. However, I missed how this could have happened. I have a much easier time believing that Demona was genuinely confused in Paris, and the next time she saw her was in "The Reckoning." It seems to me to be more logical that given the order of events, Demona did indeed find out about Angela being her daughter when she told her in the jail, as opposed to finding out beforehand. How did Demona know before they staged her capture?

Greg responds...

Sevarius knew, remember (from "Monsters")? And Demona, Thailog and Sevarius planned "Reckoning"'s whole cloning thing together. SO... sometime between "Sanctuary" and "The Reckoning", Sevarius filled her in.

Response recorded on February 14, 2007

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John Bibb writes...

I recently read an article on Yahoo News (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&cid=570&u=/nm/20021126/sc_nm/health_cloning_antinori_dc&printer1) describing how a doctor named Severino Antinori announced that a human clone was going to be born this January. I noticed the name seemed VERY simmilar to Anton Sevarius, and naturally my thoughts turned to Thailog. The article said the Italian doctor made headlines in 1994 for helping a 62 year old woman have a child. I was wondering if, in 1994, you saw those headlines and named the geneticist after this guy.

Greg responds...

Nope. It is such an incredibly bizaare coincidence. As I've said before, many times, it freaks me out.

Response recorded on October 28, 2004

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SaxxonPike writes...

Did events such as Sevarius creating the mutates take place all around the globe instead of just in New York?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 07, 2004

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roxanne writes...

Why is Sevarius so freaken Crazy?

Greg responds...

He's not Crazy. He's just nuts.

Response recorded on June 22, 2004

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matt writes...

when cloning a gargoyle, is there any way to predict how the coloring will differ, is there any order to it or is it completly random coloring? i mean does Lex's parent or grandparent have the same coloring as Lex's clone or what?

Greg responds...

The color differences, according to Sevarius, are a result of the forced growing procedure. If you clone a garg and allow it to age normally, the coloring should be the same.

I believe that the color changes are predictable. They tend toward the photo-negative, I think.

Response recorded on September 12, 2003

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matt writes...

i have a suspicion that you'll prefer to keep the answers to these questions in mystery, but i'll ask anyway:

1. was the "cure" that Sevarius created in "Metamorphosis" an actual cure for the mutation?

2. was the "cure" that Sevarius created in "The Cage" an actual cure for the mutation?

3. will an actual "cure" for the mutation ever be created?

Greg responds...

1. No.
2. Not saying.
3. See above.

Response recorded on June 20, 2003

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darkfiend666 writes...

How is Servarius's name pronounced? I've heard Xanatos pronounce it like the ar is pronounced air (Ser-Vair-e-us) and Elisa pronounce it like the ar is pronounced like it rhymes with bar. Which is correct? (I like the way Elisa
says it personally, it sounds more evil)

Greg responds...

I don't remember how Anton pronounced it?

I'm fine with either.

Response recorded on May 15, 2003

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