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Matthew writes...

We know that there is faerie magic and mortal magic. Mortal magic seems mostly to be used by humans. Is it less common for gargoyles to study magic than humans? If so why?

Greg responds...

Seems less common, but that may simply be because there are fewer gargoyles period.

Response recorded on November 01, 2007

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Chip writes...

Not so much a question, but an answer. Some time ago someone wondered why the Emir bothered to translate the Ancient Egyptian Papyrus of Thoth into English (or Arabic, since Avalon seemed to be translating everything for them) instead of reading it in Egyptian.

The Egyptian language has not been spoken aloud in 1,500 years. The Egyptians did not have Heiroglyphs for vowels so no one knows how the words were really pronounced. Cat and Cut, Ham and Home. They'd all be spelled the same in Egyptian and context was the only way to tell them apart.

If he hadn't translated it, the spell could have gone terribly wrong. Ironically it did anyway. Jackal-Anubis anyone?

Anyway that's my two cents, hope it helps.


Greg responds...

It very much does. Thank you!!

Response recorded on October 18, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

October 16th...

Xanatos and Owen make a third attempt to transfer the souls of Iago and Desdemona into independent robot bodies. It too fails. Later, David and Fox go out for the evening, leaving Alexander in Owen's care. Owen decides to teach Alexander his first lesson in magic. Owen transforms into Puck, then glamours himself and Alexander into dead-ringers for Goliath and Hudson. They "liberate" Coldstone from the Eyrie and take him to the Clock Tower. There, "Goliath" convinces Angela and Broadway to allow the souls of Desdemona and Othello to take up temporary residence inside their bodies. Coldstone is emptied of all three souls, and the Iago soul secretly enters Brooklyn. "Goliath" and "Hudson" then depart, leaving "Brooklyn" in charge. Iago convinces Othello and Desdemona to try out their new bodies. He then follows them to the Statue of Liberty, where he hints that they might keep Broadway and Angela's bodies for themselves. Meanwhile, Puck and Alexander enter Coldstone's body; they grab Lex, tie him up in a corner and gag him.

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simon jardine writes...

If a gargoyle saw and herd the spell in City of Stone whould he stay stone at all times.

Greg responds...

Yep. He might have a few seconds here and there, but yep.

Response recorded on August 31, 2007

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simon jardine writes...

If Latin and Hebrew are magical becose of thare age and that the spells where originaly righten in them, why dosn't the Emir in "Grief" read the Egyptian spells in Coptic (the Ancient Egyptian language).

Greg responds...

Latin and Hebrew are no more magical than modern languages, but many spells were written originally in those languages. Obviously, for whatever reason, the Emir had his spell translated into English. You may ask, why the heck would he do that? And it's a DARN good question, you know? Darn good. Darn. Good. Darn.

Response recorded on August 31, 2007

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Bazell writes...

Is there any special requirement for the learning of magic (besides the obvious time, preparation and practice)? That is, is everyone capable of performing sorcery if they learn how?

Greg responds...

Some would have a greater aptitude than others, I would think, but sure.

Response recorded on August 28, 2007

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Meg writes...

I know you've said that Demona cast a spell on the Manhattan Clan right before they woke up in the 20th century that allowed them to understand modern English. My question is, how does Angela understand modern English? I would assume that she grew up speaking Old English, as she was raised by Tom/the Magus/Katharine.

Greg responds...

Avalon compensates when it sends people to where they need to be...

(How's that?)

Oh, and by the way, Demona casting a spell is just a possible answer to the original modern English question. Not a definitive answer.

Response recorded on April 26, 2007

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Tha Ghost writes...

continuity questions:

im foggy on the episode titles because ive just watched both DVD releases but ive noticed in some episodes when the Gargoyles turn to stone any object they are holding turns to stone as well eg. Demonas gun, Hudsons sword however when Hudson turns to stone holding Merlins scrolls they remain unchanged is this a simple continuity error or was there a greater plan?

also Sevarius says that the way the Gargoyles have enough energy to fly is by storing solar energy in their stone form however Demona can fly after Puck changes her so she can be human by day, continuity error or greater design?

Greg responds...

This is ALL in the archives...

The humility spell affects clothes and whatever at the moment they consider "part of their uniform". So Hudson's sword is inconsistent, depending on his mindset at sunrise.

Puck's magic compensates for Demona.

Response recorded on April 25, 2007

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Ryan writes...

In response to a question Todd Jensen asked in July of 2003 that you responded to December 14 of 2004, about the spell of the Magus being broken when the castle rose above the clouds... it seemed to me that the only way this would make sense is if it WAS in fact necessary for the gargoyles to be in the castle when it was above the clouds for the spell to break. Maybe the terms of the spell were something to this effect, implying that the gargoyles home had to rise above the clouds? and in order for it to be considered their home they've got to be there? I mean, otherwise, seems pretty arbitrary just to include a clause about some random castle in the Grimmorum.
If the spell would be broken when the castle rose above the clouds no matter where the gargoyles were in relation to it, this creates a number of problems. a) assuming that Xanatos did not somehow magically assemble the entire Caslte Wyvern atop the world's tallest building in a single afternoon, wouldn't they have woken up at some point during the construction? b) if you're going to say, "well no, the entire castle had to be assembled for the spell to be broken"... I say to that.. what constitutes the "entire" castle? It also seems entirely implausible that they would be able to assemble the whole thing exactly brick for brick... probably some got worn away, stolen or whatever over 1000 years or so. and the caslte isn't a perfect replica anyway unless of course Prince Malcolm installed the elevators and the secret motorized compartments for storing laser guns back in 994 AD.

At any rate, it only really makes sense if somehow there was in fact some truth to Xanatos' lie, and that the gargoyles DID in fact need to be sitting on top of Castle Wyvern for the spell to break. Maybe after being frozen for so long they're considered part of the arhitecture.

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, what's the bone of contention here?

Response recorded on September 28, 2006

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Ra writes...

I was wondering, I have been looking around for my answer, and I couldn't find but ONE part of it.
I'm simply wondering if you could post the magic spells that are spoken in Latin here. I'd love to see them. Like when Magus turns the clan into stone, or the spell to part the mists into the Isle of Avalon etc. The only one I could find in this page was the spell to make the Phoenix Gate work.

"Deflagrate muri tempi et intervalia!" Which means, "Burn down the walls of time and space!"

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

I can't remember off the top of my head all the spells we used, and I'm not going to go script by script through 65 scripts to find them all...

But here are the two you specified...

Dormiatis dum castellum super nubes ascendant.


Vocate venti fortunate,
Ex ricae Oberonis,
Et hic navis frugum regate,
Ad orae Avalonis.

Response recorded on August 25, 2006

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matt writes...

about the Humility Spell the Roman Magus cast on the Gargoyles species...

1. were any gargoyles aware that this spell was being cast? did any gargoyles object to it?

2. would this spell been possible without The Phoenix Gate, Eye of Odin and Grimorum?

3. is this spell common knowledge to gargoyles today? for instance, if Elisa asked Goliath why his clothes, etc turn to stone with him at dawn, would he know the reason?

4. does the spell cover gargoyle beasts as well?

thanks Greg!

Greg responds...

1. Some were aware. I'm not going to start telling the story here in this format however.

2. No.

3. I think it's inconsistent common knowledge. But, no, I don't think Goliath is aware of it. Not sure though.

4. In theory, but in practice... not much to cover, you know?

Response recorded on January 12, 2006

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LEET HAXOR writes...

1.In Hunter's Moon why did Demona use a carrier virus to spread the detergent? Why not a bacteria seeing how they are more resilent abd there has been more research in using bacteria to produce certain compounds while viruses generally seemed to be used to insert genes.

2.How exactly did Demona hope to stop the carrier virus from mutating the chemical that it was suppose to carry especially since the component like the detergent would have killed the hosts and thus the virus thus there would have been a lot of selective pressure for the virus to not kill the host so that the virus could reproduce more in the human?

Greg responds...

1. Maybe Demona isn't as up-to-speed as you are.

2. Uh... huh? Magic?

Response recorded on November 02, 2005

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Steven writes...

Greg, what is definition of 'magic'?

Greg responds...

Check a dictionary.

Response recorded on September 14, 2005

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Xander writes...

This has always bothered me as i happen to love languages. What is the incantation and translation used to open up the firey ball for the Phoenix Gate? and is it in Latin or another language?

Greg responds...

It's an ancient dialect of Latin. I call it that, since despite our best efforts we seem to have gotten the proper latin wrong.

"Deslagrate muri tempi et intervalia!" translates to "Burn down the walls of time and space!"

Response recorded on May 19, 2005

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Question writes...

<Shaman: It is all around you, a dimension parallel to this one, a world of the mind and the heart. >

Since it's called the DREAMtime can regular people access the Dreamtime without Shamans by just falling asleep since it is a dimension of the mind and the heart.

<Shaman: Ah, you have returned. Why not bring your other guests into the light? Ah, you are from the Dreamtime. >

What exactly is the connection between the Dreamtime and Avalon. The shaman says the gargoyles and elisa are from the Dreamtime so is there some kind of connection between the two or was the Shaman just mistaken.

Greg responds...

1. Frankly, I'm not sure we got the entire Dreamtime thing right, though we tried. I'll be honest, I'm not too clear on the Australian Aboriginal concept. So any answer I give is based on my limited, very limited understanding of it. One shouldn't regard me as an authority on the subject.

In theory... I guess, anyone should be able to access the Dreamtime. But that doesn't make it easy to do without training. Is this in fact the plain of dreams that we all visit nightly? Not sure. But the idea intrigues me.

2. My gut reaction is that the Shaman was mistaken. But I'm also open to the notion that there is a connection between Avalon and the Dreamtime. I like the ambiguity.

Response recorded on May 05, 2005

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John writes...

Hi Greg,

After watching Temptations again (in english... YEEEEAH) I still can't figure that spell thing out. So, I can, but the one thing still puzzles me:

Elisa re-used the spell to act as if it destroyed itself, or better put, as if it was never cast. However, the spell is not broken. It acts like Goliath would, but it is still there. So, here comes my question:

Will you ever use the fact, that the spell was never broken again? Will it be mentioned again in future EPs? Or will it even be broken?

Of course all this are "masterplan" questions, but maybe there's something you had in mind with it...


Greg responds...

I pretty much see it as a dead issue. Elisa created a condition that nullified the spell's effects without actually cancelling the spell itself -- and then destroyed the page, so that no one else could counteract her cleverness.

If someday I came up with a dead brilliant idea, I'm not morally opposed to resurrecting the notion. But it would have to be more interesting than "Goliath is again under someone's control".

Response recorded on February 08, 2005

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Stanley writes...

Sorry if these has been answered already, but I've been wondering about them for a while, mostly becuase I know that you mentioned that the stone form of the Gargoyles is something that should be highlighted as biological, not magical.

1. How is it determined what inanimate objects in contact with the gargoyles turn to stone when they sleep? Their clothing turns to stone with them, but Hudson's sword remains a sword. I also remember in "Long Way to Morning" Demona's gun also turned to stone.

2. Sevarius surmised that the Gargoyles get the energy they need to use their wings by storing solar energy in stone form. Then since "The Mirror", how does Demona recharge on solar energy? The same question goes for the gargoyles of "The Green".

Greg responds...

1. The new search feature works great. It hardly took me ANY time to find the following in the archives...

"Response recorded on April 22, 2004"

This is in the archives over and over. At the time of transformation, if Hudson is thinking of his sword  as part of his uniform, it will turn to stone  with the rest of his  clothes  per a spell cast during the time of Caesar Augustus. If he's thinking about it as a separate weapon (or whatever) it won't. He doesn't even have to be conscious of the decision.

2. Magic compensates.

Response recorded on August 04, 2004

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Kameron writes...

Hey Greg, I'm a fan of Gargoyles and I just stumbled upon your website. So to get to the point I was wanting to know if you could tell me all the encantations/spells used in the show. I find them all really cool. I especially like Puck's spells (most likely because he's my favorite character).

Thank you very much!

Greg responds...

You know, I'd just have to go through all my tapes and/or scripts and transcribe them. And since it's been nearly two years since you posted, and I'm not even sure if you're still checking the site, I'm gonna pass on that chore.

Besides, just watch the eps and you can do it.

But I'm glad you liked the spells and Puck.

Response recorded on June 02, 2004

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matt writes...

i must thank you for the awesome revelations abouit the Praying Gargoyle you gave us at G2K2! definitly one of my favirote talismans!
some questions:

1. how did Demona learn of the Praying Gargoyle?
1b. how did Demona learn it was buried under Paris?
1c. how did Demona know it had regenarative powers on holy ground?

2. how long does it take the Praying Gargoyle to rebuild itself after being smashed?

3. is it a coicidence that the Praying gargoyle has these regenerative powers that are awfully similar to a gargoyle's "concrete cure-all"?

4. what is the Praying Gargoyle made of? stone? stone skin? something else?

5. until "Hunters Moon" did anyone of the Manhatten Clan know anything about the Praying gargoyle or that it even existed?

6. do the London, Ishimura or Mayan Clans have any knowledge of the Praying gargoyle before 1996?

i could go on, but thats enough, for now, thanks Greg! you rule!!!

Greg responds...

1. Honestly don't know at this point.
1b. See above.
1c. See above.

2. 60 years.

3. No.

4. Very astute question. Ingredients include an Atlantean Crystal, Gargoyle Skin and some powerful magic mojo.

5. I don't think so.

6. I'm not committing to an answer to this question until I figure out the answer to question 1.

Response recorded on May 06, 2004

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Arystella writes...

Hi Greg!
Me again! I hope I'm not being picky or anything, but I wanted to ask you a question about Hudson's sword. . . sometimes when Hudson turns to stone, so does his sword, but other times it doesn't.
Why is this?
(What sorcerey is this!?)

Greg responds...

This is in the archives over and over. At the time of transformation, if Hudson is thinking of his sword as part of his uniform, it will turn to stone with the rest of his clothes per a spell cast during the time of Caesar Augustus. If he's thinking about it as a separate weapon (or whatever) it won't. He doesn't even have to be conscious of the decision.

Response recorded on April 22, 2004

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julio writes...


Greg responds...

Demona said it was not forever? When?

As far as I know, it doesn't work because, (a) Elisa commanded Goliath to not let it work and (b) the page that was used to control Goliath was destroyed so that no one could countermand Elisa's command. Technically, I believe the spell is still in force.

Response recorded on April 14, 2004

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Dani writes...

Hello Greg

1) The eye of Odin awake the possessor's hidden personality?

2) Does Goliath when putting on it become an abatar, but that it would pass Lexinton, Broadway, Hudson or Brooklin if they put it to him? Would it pass them the same thing or another thing?
Please give me your opinion Greg.
I hope you understand me because my English is not very perfect because I am Spanish.
Thank you for your attention.

Greg responds...

1. It emphasizes it, brings it to the surface, etc.

2. I'm sorry, but I really don't understand what you are trying to ask. Are you asking if the others would manifest the exact same thing as Goliath did? If so, the answer is no. Everyone is unique.

Response recorded on March 24, 2004

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Arystella writes...

Do you happen to know the spell that Demona cast in Hunter's Moon? If not, and you all didn't make one up, well, I and a whole lot of other gargoyles and Gargoyle fans would love it if you could.
Thanks :-)

Greg responds...

I don't think we bothered researching any more Latin then we absolutely needed to. (And it seems we didn't do a great job on the Latin we did research.)

Be my guest.

Response recorded on February 24, 2004

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Todd Jensen writes...

This is, admittedly, a slightly silly question, but - does the humility spell that the Roman Magus put on the gargoyle race apply to gargoyle beasts as well, or exclusively to gargoyles? (Admittedly, it's likely to be a moot question, since I've never seen any sign of gargoyle beasts wearing clothes - and I certainly wouldn't advise trying to dress up Bronx in anything).

Greg responds...


I guess it might apply to a collar or even a leash, but that would have to come from a beast who really liked his collar.

Response recorded on December 05, 2003

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Lauryl writes...

What's the incantation for the Phoenix Gate? Thank you.

Greg responds...

Deslagrate muri tempi et intervalia.

The above is from memory. But I think it's right, i.e. what we used on the show. I've been told that the Latin is wrong, however. <shrugs>

Response recorded on November 21, 2003

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