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Bringing Gargoyles Back

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Lance writes...

Hey Mr. Weisman,

Before I ask my question I just want to thank you very much for Gargoyles I'm not sure that any other piece of fiction has stuck with me so profoundly. I thoroughly enjoyed the final volumes of the comic series though I had to stifle back tears as I realized it was over. I will never stop hoping that there will be more Gargoyles for me and my future children to enjoy.

My question is focused around the recent buy out of Marvel by Disney. I don't imagine you have many more insights into it than anyone else watching the news reports but I do wonder if you've thought of approaching Marvel now. Marvel being such a well established comic publisher may see the merit in continuing your run of the comic series. I would hate to see them take it and make it their own of course, we'd never see your true vision of it, but it would be nice to see them allow you to continue what you started. Just something I've been thinking about as I very badly want to see Gargoyles continue.

In a similar line of thought, I asked this question sometime ago and never got a response. Would there ever be a time that you would make a more detailed version of your overall plot for the rest of the series and its spin-offs available to read. The Three Brothers story was great. I'd love to read more like that. I've always feared that if enough time passed we would never get to know what else was lurking in that wonderful brain of yours regarding our beloved Gargoyles. Would you ever reach that point if things didn't look good for the series being continued that you would allow us more bits of your vision?



Greg responds...

Re: Marvel. Check the archives. I've answered this ad nauseum.

Re: My master plans. I throw out tidbits now and then and if the whim strikes me, I might give out a bit more. But beyond that, any story is only as good as its execution, so I'm not likely to just ... vomit up ... a report of my plans.

Response recorded on March 15, 2010

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Professor Mangle writes...

What does Disney's aquisition of Marvel mean for the future of Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Probably nothing.

Response recorded on February 19, 2010

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Shawntae Howard writes...

Now that Marvel Comics, a company that once published a Gargoyles comic series, and Disney have now merged into one, would there be any chance that Marvel/Disney could bring back Gargoyles in some fashion? Since one of the reasons for Disney to aquire Marvel was to gain access to a market that catered more towards teenage boys, it seems that one of the only action series it produced on it's own could find a new home under this merger.

Also, has there been any update on the release of Season 2 vol.2, perhaps the best string of Gargolye episodes made, again, particularly now that Disney is one with Marvel it could be labeled under a Marvel logo (since again at one time an actual Marvel comic) and gain more fan/dollar support that way.

Greg responds...

I have no news.

Response recorded on February 17, 2010

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Jeremy Pierce writes...

In the latest move by The Walt Disney Corporation in acquiring Marvel, Disney has shown a renewed interest in comic book and superhero literature.

Can you see this as beneficial to getting Gargoyles back as an active property? Id Disney sell-able on making a now lateral pass of the Gargoyles property as a new Marvel entity? Given your stint writing for Spider-man, could you foresee a world in which The Manhattan Clan was a full member of the Marvel Pantheon?

Greg responds...

1. Possibly.

2. I have no idea.

3. No.

Response recorded on January 25, 2010

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Michael writes...

What do you think about the Disney Marvel merger? Do you think it will change anything for you(or in other words you're struggle to get more episodes of Gargoyles made)? Do you think we will see you're gargoyles comics published by Marvel in the future?

Greg responds...

1. I'm withholding judgement.

2. I don't know.

3. No.

Response recorded on January 22, 2010

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Carl Tiessen writes...

Hey, Greg.
I know that dispite your best efforts Gargoyles failed and it left you broken. But I have faith. Do you believe that the show will ever air again?

Greg responds...

Okay, dude. Gargoyles did NOT fail. And I was not, nor have I ever been, "broken". And the show AIRS NOW five nights a week.

So given the collections of misstatements, what exactly are you asking... that can't be answered by a far less annoying trip to the ASK GREG ARCHIVES?

Response recorded on December 08, 2009

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Ken Deemer writes...

I know Disney owns the rights, My Question is -
Do you know of any developments with these charaters for another series or Movie?

I ended up watching the Show as re-runs on Disney Channel & fell in Love. I'd love to see these characters in something new!

Thanks for your Time.
Ken Deemer - A Fan of the Show

Greg responds...

No, not at this time. For a more expansive answer, please check the archives.

Response recorded on November 25, 2009

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Buffy writes...

Will there be a 4th season of gargoyles

Greg responds...

I hope so.

Response recorded on November 25, 2009

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haley J. writes...

I know that Disney isn't totally giving up on the Gargoyles franchise, but is there anything specific they are giving up on? And is there anything special in the future for Gargoyles? Because i am getting a little tired of the same episodes and comics. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Greg responds...

You're ALREADY tired of the comics? Some of them JUST came out.

Disney has no current plans for Gargoyles. The good news is SLG is still interested in making more Gargoyles and Gargoyles-related comics, but need to make a new licensing deal with Disney before they/we can start.

Response recorded on October 16, 2009

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C. Damien Belyeu writes...

Dear Greg,

I have watched Gargoyles ever since it came on back in the nineties. It was a shame to see it end with the Goliath Chronicles... Will you try to revive the show, and if you do, when?

Greg responds...

We have revived it... as comics. Please pick up the three trade paperbacks.

Response recorded on September 29, 2009

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