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Bringing Gargoyles Back

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Mohammed Sahly writes...

Hello Gregg. Im another timeless fanatical Gargoyles fan. Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful and eye opening show. My question is : Did you have a planned finale to end the show ? or were you going to keep the show going as long as it kept picking up and take it season by season ? thanks P.S: I sincerely hope you find a way to revive this captivating and thrilling show

Greg responds...

Never the end...

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Kevin writes...

1. At the end of the Rock of Age Peredur mentioned he was going to call a meeting of the upper echelons. Up to what levels/ranks was he make up the upper echelons? Are there other echelons as well?
2. Do ranks in the IIlluminati mean anything or is it at a certain level that it's semantics in terms of their role? I only ask because Blanchefleur was a three and it seemed like she should be a two since she is the wife of Peredur.
3. Thanks for creating Gargoyles and developing Young Justice they really are unique works of art and they bring great joy to me and my friends, I hope Young Justice gets picked up for more seasons and Gargoyles comes back as well!

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

1a. You mean are there lower echelons? Cuz, yeah.

2. They mean everything.

3. Me too!

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Saarai-kaar writes...

Hello there,

I know you likely get flooded with questions/pleas for a continuation for many of your works, and with the return of Young Justice, that seems to have stricken wishful thinking to many, myself included. The DC Animated Universe (DCAU) had similar scenarios in which storylines were continued via comics in otherwise discontinued mediums, but I digress.

Onto the question: do you believe there's even the faintest possibility that any of your works could be continued via comics, novels, or anything at all?

Greg responds...

I do believe that's possible. I've been constantly trying to make it possible for decades now.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Brandon holifield writes...

Say how long till gargoyles are in Public domain and when slash if the time comes does that mean you could countinue the series?

Greg responds...

I can't remember the current laws. But I believe Gargoyles will enter public domain somewhere between 75 and 125 YEARS from 1994. The earliest, therefore, would be 2069, when I'll be 106 years old. So... do the math.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Selena writes...

Hi Greg. I just wanted to tell you that I loved your story on the Gargoyles, especially the story between Elisa and Goliah (I have always loved the story of Beauty and the Beast). Probably they are not the first nor the last to ask you this question, but I hope with all my heart that sooner or later the stories, even comic books, continue. You had so many ideas that I wanted to see them realized. I hope a day not far away will happen ...

Greg responds...

Me too.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Talos writes...

I have so far enjoyed the new Ducktales and i have been hearing a lot of talk about the disney afternoon being revived, would you be open for a Gargoyles reboot or revival series?

Greg responds...

A revival would be great. A reboot would excite me considerably less.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

I'd like to say my six year old daughter loves Gargoyles. We have the complete TV series minus the Goliath Chronicals, which I refuse to even touch. That said I do have a few questions for you.
1: How are you doing?
2: Any sign on the horizon of a possibility of a Gargoyles comeback either as a comic or graphic novel?
3: Rumor has it Disney is planning on a live action Gargoyles in the future, do you know anything about it? I think it mentioned someone from GI Joe Rise of Cobra supposedly writing it.

Greg responds...

1. Can't complain. (I mean I do complain all the time, but I really shouldn't.) I'm good.

2. Always signs. Nothing real yet. But #KeepBingingGargoyles on Disney+ and who knows?

3. I know a lot about it. And what I know is that nothing is in the works right now.

Response recorded on July 12, 2021

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Angela writes...

Hey Mr. Greg,
I was wondering if you have any news on Gargoyles. I know that a comic cinestory was supposed to come out but was cancelled. Are you disappointed or sad because of that?

Greg responds...

I have mixed feelings. I did a lot of (unpaid) work on that, so it's a bit annoying that it was for nothing. But I didn't think it was a great idea in the first place. I wasn't sure how many people - even hardcore fans - would want it.

I wish I had more news to report, but I don't. But #KeepBingingGargoyles on Disney+.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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J.M.A writes...

Hi :) It's 2018 and I still find myself in love with your animated show: Gargoyles (seasons 1 through 3) I always find myself re-watching the shows or trying to find amazing artwork of them. The show has made such a huge influence on my own art/ story writing. I wanted to thank you personally for (in my opinion) an extraordinary piece from my childhood.

Here is my question: Do you ever plan to bring back Gargoyles?

I know these kinds of questions were asked before by other fans, but they were all asked years ago and were nearly reaching the year 2020, so I was wondering if your answers/replies have changed.

I'm hoping you haven't forgotten/ let go of the show. There is so much potential left and so many unanswered questions that could be answered in the show. Personally, I feel we need a show like Gargoyles again compared to all these awful shows that kids/teens watch. Your show had such dynamics and important messaging that most cartoon T.V. shows. Plus in this day and age, I would love to see how Gargoyles could be animated (and the art remain consistant.) If you aren't bringing them back, thank you anyway for making them in the first place, and the DVD's will just have to do haha. Thank you for your time. ^U^

Greg responds...

Nothing has changed in terms of my desire to come back to the property. I'm trying to get people to #KeepBingingGargoyles on Disney+, which I believe is the surest way to get Disney to bring it back, because - of course - it's not up to me.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Matthew writes...

This isn't a question, but a word of encouragement.
Whatever happens in the future with a return of "Gargoyles", I'm very much interested and looking forward to getting back into it.
I don't care if it's comic books or TV. Having anything new is all that matters, whatever form it may be. So, I'm glad to know that you haven't and won't give up on it, and that there might be more on the way.
It's been a while since I watched the show, but I just got it on DVD since the rest of season 2 (finally!) was released.

Greg responds...

I think it holds up pretty well, as do the SLG comics. I'd still love to do more. I've never given up, and I won't start giving up now!

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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