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Bringing Gargoyles Back

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Jim R. writes...

I agree with Chris Maune's post. Gargoyles on the Cartoon Network would be a great thing! It would give a chance for some healthy "American animation" to replace some of that mindless Japanese anime that is polluting the minds of our younger generations in the Toonami block. Kids these days just don't know good cartoons when they see them...

Greg responds...

If you say so.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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Chris Maune writes...

As you have mentioned in your responses before, Disney would never sell the rights to Gargoyles to another network (and I am not saying I would want them to), but would they let another network air episodes of a Disney produced Gargoyles?
You have mentioned before that Toon Disney does not currently have the budget to air original series and it does not look to me like the current Disney Channel line-up has anywhere Garoyles would really fit in. It seems Gargoyles would fit in well thought in something like Cartoon Network's Toonami block (I know you said before Gargoyles on Cartoon Network would never happen, but that was almost a year and a half ago). Since Disney let USA air Gargoyles before do you think there is any chance Disney would allow Gargoyles to air on Cartoon Network now (and vice-versa that there is any chance Cartoon Network would air a Disney produced series)?
I was wondering if there was a chance if it would be any help to petition, etc. Cartoon Network's Toonami, or somewhere else, to order episodes/new episodes of Gargoyles to air from Disney. (I would come to The Gathering if I could, maybe in a couple years when I have some money)
Also, I wanted to apoligize for not labeling my last post Gargoyles 2198 Contest.
Thank you!

Greg responds...

Actually Toon Disney will soon be airing their first "original" series, i.e. non-rerun series: TARZAN. Based on the movie, it's an action show with humor. If it does well, that may open up opportunities.

But I don't see any real chance that Disney will allow another corporate entity to air original episodes based on characters that are their property. Briefly letting the reruns go to USA is one thing. Taking the chance that someone else will have a smash with their property (thus making them look foolish) is something else.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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Matt writes...

Hey, is there any chance of the gargoyles show being brought back to life?


Greg responds...

Yes. See the archive entitled: "Bringing Gargoyles Back".

Response recorded on February 26, 2001

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Baal writes...

At times, have you considered NOT working on new Gargoyles stuff and just leaving the series as is? I would understand if you gave up, tho I'd be a little disappointed (among others). It would be a shame, but thats life. Tho it seems like you've come close already with one of the spin offs.

Greg responds...

Sometimes I think it would be more healthy if I just gave up. Then if it came back it would be a pleasant surprise.

But I can't give up. Just can't.

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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Vic writes...

If the Gargoyles property was bought from disney by some other company, if they asked you to work on it, would you? Would there be certain stipulations?

Greg responds...

Yes, of course I would. But that's NEVER going to happen.

Response recorded on February 07, 2001

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SEM writes...

Given what you learned from STARSHIP TROOPERS and MAX STEEL -- if you were told that you could do GARGOYLES again but only if it could be done in 3D Animation would you? Do you think GARGOYLES could even work in 3D?

(I know it's a hypothetical, but this was the main selling point that got VOLTRON back on the air after 10 years as VOLTRON: THE THIRD DIMENSION for 26 episodes.)

BTW for the person who asked what program MAX STEEL is rendered in -- I know Netter Digital (now defunct) used Lightwave, and that Foundation Imaging used Lightwave for season one (as well as for the work they did on STARSHIP TROOPERS). I presume its still being used for the current season but not sure. Lightwave's major competitor is a program called Maya.

Sorry if I wandered too far off topic, Greg, but since I knew this came up thought I'd answer it for the archives.

Greg responds...

Yes, I think Gargoyles could work in 3-D. And if that was my only option for bringing it back, I'd jump at the chance.

If I had multiple options, however, I'd use the animation style that best suited the subject matter of the series.

Response recorded on February 07, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

I was just wondering.
1) In the event Gargoyles makes a come back would you try to re-do the episodes from "TGC" that still held basic ideas that you wanted to work with?

I read that some of the episodes were actually supposed to happen, but that they were made differently.

2) Or would those episodes just be considered spilt milk?

Thank you

Greg responds...

1. One way or another, yes. But they were so different, you might not even be aware I was REDOING. For example, if I hadn't told you about the connection, would you recognize "TimeDancer" in "Runaway".

2. Yeah, that too.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Greg James writes...

Hi there

You have a lot of questions to answer already so I'll try to be brief but I doubt I'll succeed.
How did the Gargoyles series come to Disney? Did you aproach them?
Also, Disney has cancelled some fantastic shows in the past, what was the reason for them cancelling Gargoyles, and will it ever come back in series or movie form?

On www.imdb.com there is a Gargoyles movie with the date 1999 on it but no other info? Which one is this?

Lastly, I think we should storm the Disney execs and get them to release the Gargoyles series and movies on Special edition DVD'S! Sometimes I just can't understand their thinking!


Greg responds...

I was already working for Disney as a development executive when my team and I created and developed the show.

As to why it was cancelled and whether it will come back...

I've answered that so many times. Did you even glance at the archives?

Briefly, it was cancelled because the syndication package was complete and the third season (on ABC) performed poorly in the ratings. And I do hope it will come back and am working conscientiously to bring it back.

I don't know what imdb.com is. So I have no response to that question.

"Storming" isn't such a good idea. But petitions wouldn't hurt. But I'll tell you, the best thing you can do is to attend the Gargoyles convention this June in Los Angeles. If we get a high enough attendance, we'll invite the Disney Execs and let them see first hand what a huge following the series has.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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demona writes...

if the show where to come back on the air would u be appart of the show ?

Greg responds...

I got that.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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demona writes...

what i ment was S.O.G.(save our gargoyles)? sorry did'nt finish last question

Greg responds...

I got that.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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