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Greg Bishansky writes...

For GargWiki purposes, what are the dates of the events of Bad Guys #1 and #2?

Greg responds...

Strangers: November 5th, 1996 & January 5th, 1997.

The Lost: November 8th, 1996 & January 5th, 1997.

And while we're at it...

Estranged: September 28th, 1980; December 22nd, 1996; December 31st, 1996 & January 5th, 1997

Response recorded on July 11, 2008

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,

This is something that has been in the back of my mind for a while, and I don't want to solicit any ideas, I am just seriously curious, do you ever plan on showing the gargoyles reactions to 9/11? I am assuming based on the precedent set already that it did happen in the Gargoyles Universe.

Greg responds...

It hasn't happened yet, as it's still only 1996/1997 in the Gargoyles Universe. For the answer to your question, browse the archives. I've addressed it in detail many times.

Response recorded on June 11, 2008

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Phil writes...

Got Bad Guys #2 today and really enjoyed it. I'll have to read it again before I do any kind of review, but I have a question.

Toward the end we see Shari hanging out in the Labyrinth as "Fred" wanders through. Without making suggestions that may be construed as ideas, what is the time frame for this scene? Am I correct in assuming its sometime before Halloween?

Since we're on the subject, I'd like to fill in the Bad Guys timeline:
1) What date did Hunter recruit Dingo and Matrix?
2) What date did Hunter recruit Yama?
3) What date did Sevarius spring Fang from the Labyrinth?
4) What date did the Redemption helicopter get blown out of the sky?

Any other Bad Guys-related dates you'd like to provide would be greatly appreciated.


Greg responds...

1. Tuesday, November 5th, 1996, 7:00pm AEDT
2. Friday, November 8th, 1996, 7:07pm UTC+09
3. Friday, November 8th, 1996, 9:27pm EST
4. Monday, January 5th, 1997

Response recorded on June 06, 2008

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dph writes...

Thank you for sharing with us a year's worth of Today In Gargoyles Universe History. It was very interesting. I have one question about an event not on the calendar so far. What year did the Pack first start airing on television?

Greg responds...

Ahh, DPH, bad luck. I'm answering questions from a Spider-Man episode #10 mix, and I don't have access to my timeline here. Try again later, as my Magic Eightball would say.

Response recorded on May 07, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

I meant to post this last Thursday, but it wouldn't have been answered then anyway, so I guess it's ok.

So, the Vernal Equinox of 2008 has passed. In Gargoyles history, ow many eggs would be in the Manhattan Clan's rookery as of the day I'm writing this?

Greg responds...

Are you so sure any hatched?

Response recorded on April 22, 2008

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Todd Jensen writes...

I noticed that you're nearing the end of the "This Day in Gargoyles Universe History" feature; you began (according to the archives) on April 7 last year, and it's March 21 now. So there's less than three weeks left until it comes to an end.

I'll miss it. I enjoyed that feature, especially your inclusion of real-world history connected to events in "Gargoyles" (such as the lives and deaths of various people in 11th century England such as Canute, Edward the Confessor, and Harold Godwinson, the Parisian catacombs, and the Kennedy assassination). And it even introduced new information that often got our attention (Gruoch's suicide, for example, or Quincy Hemings getting his present job just one day after the Kennedy assassination - you just know that's going to encourage the conspiracy theories!).

At least we have the whole year's cycle now (or will, in another eighteen days). I'd like to thank you for this feature at "Ask Greg".

Greg responds...

You're welcome. It's been fun. We'll take a rest from it for a few years, and then maybe revisit the feature.

Response recorded on April 16, 2008

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

April 5th...

Duchess Emma of Normandy (Katharine of Wyvern's aunt) marries King Aethelred the Unready of England.

NOTE: THIS WILL BE THE LAST TDIGUH for now. I've now gone through one entire calendar year. Though I'm constantly adding to the timeline, it would become a fairly repetitive exercise in the short term. Maybe in a few years, we'll bring the feature back. Hope you enjoyed it.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

April 1st...

Forty-five members of the Paris orchestra meet in the catacombs in full tuxedo to perform a concert.

Dr. Anton Sevarius recruits two homeless men off the streets of New York.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

March 29th...

Harry Monmouth is born.

Scarab Corp. donates the R.E.C.A.P. robot to the N.Y.P.D. Matt Bluestone begins studying the manuals so that he can be certified to use it.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

March 28th...


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