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Melissa writes...

Hey Greg,
This question might sound confusing but I'll try my best to make it comprehensible.
I don't expect you to remember, but you responded to a question (by Charles) on July 30 about Elisa and Goliath's double date. The question was mainly about Elisa's response how Goliath had chosen to take Delilah. You responded by saying "Elisa was pressuring him. She had to live with the consequences of her choice."
So my question is: I always was under the impression that E & G mutally decided to go on this double date. But by the way you responded, it sounded more like Goliath wanted to date Elisa but she rejected the offer. Was this the case? Am I totally off? If you had any input on this, it would be greatly appreciated.

Greg responds...

The notion of "dating" doesn't really come naturally to Goliath.

As I've said before, after years of pussy-footing around, we'd have finally made E&G have an actual DISCUSSION about the status of their relationship. Goliath would "allow" Elisa to drive the conversation, but they would BOTH come to the inevitable conclusion that any relationship between them would be impossible. (Of course, they were kidding themselves.)

Elisa would then attempt to proactively prove that they were moving on to a more common sense approach to romance by having both of them date within their species. She would accept a Halloween invitation to go out with either Morgan or Jason. (To this day, I still haven't decided which.) She would pressure Goliath to take Delilah. Delilah is eager, and for obvious reasons, physically attractive to Goliath. But I'd say Goliath was reluctant for equally obvious reasons, but he agreed to appease Elisa. Then we have this whole action story going on, of course too, which I won't get into here.

But anyway, the result is that they both realize that they are meant for each other. They have to apologize to Morgan/Jason & Delilah, with mixed results. And they then have to figure out just what their relationship, now that they know it's inescapable, is going to be.

How's that?

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

This is something that I recently thought of, in light of your comments about maces being a gargoyle's natural enemy. According to what I've read and heard, "maza" is actually Spanish for "mace". While I don't think that that was a consideration in making it Elisa's surname (given that you said that you went for it because you were under the impression that it was a Sioux word for "iron" - but later on found out that it wasn't), I did find it amusing and ironic, and thought that you might be interested in learning this as well.

Greg responds...

I WAS told that "Maza" meant "iron" in Sioux. But now I'm not sure if that information was accurate. Does anyone know if "Maza" means "iron" in any Native American language or dialect?

But yes, the irony is kinda cool. The only one who can break through Goliath's considerable defenses is the woman with the mace. Further proof that the Gargoyles Universe exists, and I'm only tapping into it. And further proof that I screwed up by making the weapon in "Vendettas" a battle axe and not a mace.

Response recorded on September 02, 2000

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Anonymous writes...


Greg responds...

Elisa was seriously injured in an episode called "Deadly Force" which was at one time available on Video. You'd have to scrounge around to find it now, I think.

I don't think it was ever adapted into the comic.

Response recorded on September 02, 2000

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Frank writes...

Why doesn't Elisa change her clothes?

Greg responds...

She has 102 black t-shirts. She changes three times a day.

Or were you looking for a real world answer? We couldn't afford to redesign her every episode. And the more different looks we gave her, the more we were inviting animation errors.

(No one mentions why Owen seems to wear the same suit every day?)

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Maria writes...

You had mentioned that gargoyles don't generally kiss. They use a caress which in some ways for them mimics the kiss. But, considering the fact that Elisa surprised him by kissing him, what would be his reaction later? Would he ask questions about it and she would explain that she kissed him because she loved him? And, would he become curious enough to try kissing her? Would he enjoy it?
I can almost envision a silly face showing that he liked it, kind of like in the scene in Tarzan where Jane kisses an unsuspecting Tarzan. But then, that might not even happen. But it might be cute and inoccent if it did.
Anyway, thanks before hand for replying, and my apologies for some of my earlier more stupid posts. Just curious about that stuff mostly, I guess.

Greg responds...

By the time Elisa kissed him, Goliath had witnessed plenty of kisses. He knows what it means. And after trying it, I'd guess he liked it. If the right person kisses him. Which she did.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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shaun writes...

Is there somethimg between Goliath and Elisa,does the rest of the clan know about it?

Greg responds...



Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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aXvXia writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,
in 1994, when the gargoyles series came out i was seven, and waaay to little to understand all of it. A few months ago i was flipping thru channels and i heard Keith David's distinctive voice and i got goosebumps as a wave of old memories washed over me. I was hooked....again.

Now for my question about elisa, so you know where to put it:

in 1996, how old was she? i mean, i know her father left home in his village in 1960, so she cant be over thirty-five, and she's got detective status, so she's no younger than 22.

i know you didnt design the character completely, but do you have a better- educated guess than me?

Thanx, and say hi to Erin for me!

Greg responds...

I know her exact age. Unfortunately, that info is at my office and I'm home right now. Please submit the question again.

[Seven in '94. That means you're only 13 now. Man, do I feel ancient.]

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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Ambrosia writes...

This question might be silly or irrelevant but...
In Eye of the Beholder and The Journey, Elisa (surprise) wears something other than her bomber jacket. My question is... where is her scar from being shot? Does she have one? or is it lower? or was it just too small for the animators to draw?

Greg responds...

It's smallish. And I think it's between her breasts, but I'm not sure.

I'm too much of a gentleman to ask for a peek.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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TK writes...

Hello Greg,
ok firsts thank you for answering my questions

and now to the questions

Goliath always tries to tell Elisa how he feels ,right. She always puts her hand on his mouth,to stop him.

Why does she not want to hear it?
Why doesn't he just tell her anyway and push her hand aside?
Is it out of respect?

Thanks a ton! Greg!

Greg responds...

1. She generally knows what he's going to say, and she's not ready to deal with that.

2. Yes, respect. And some fear of rejection.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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LSZ writes...

If these questions have been asked before, they aren't in the old or new archives, though I'm sure at least the first has been asked before:

1) How long were Goliath, Elisa and Bronx away from New York on the World Tour?
2) What was Elisa's explanation to Chavez and her friends?
3) How many places besides the ones we saw did they go to?
4) Care to name some of the unseen ones?
5) Is there any significance to the carved face on the skiff?

Greg responds...

1. Less than a year, though I haven't made precise calculations. Coincidentally, I plan on making precise calculations within the next three months. Ask me again later.

2. To Chavez, it was "personal time", and not much more. Which didn't sit well with Maria, but Elisa was still one of her best detectives. To Matt she told the truth (and he helped defend Elisa to Maria). What other friends were you referring to.

3. At least one, Tibet. But that's probably it.

4. Tibet.

5. Yes.

Response recorded on August 19, 2000

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