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Charisma82 writes...

Greg Weisman: "I'd like to see a music video from Goliath's POV -- but featuring Elisa -- of "Amazing".

As per request:


I hope it's the right "Amazing." Thank you for your time and the suggestion.

Greg responds...


I'll be honest, I don't actually remember asking for this, so I'm not sure if it's the "Amazing" I was thinking of, but boy it's perfect, isn't it? Anyway, whether or not I was smart to suggest it, you did a fantastic job.

Response recorded on April 08, 2014

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FireBlade writes...

Hi Greg!

I am a long time Gargoyles fan. I grew up with it actually. I've always loved it's depth, characters, story, and emotions. Honestly? Cartoons now-a-days don't even compare.

Anyway, I digress;
I was re-watching the show the other day and a question struck me... Can Goliath and Elisa have kids? I mean, Goliath is humanoid right? So, is it possible?

I hope it is because Goliath has gone through too much tragedy in his life to not be able to have a family with his soul mate I think.

That said, I haven't read the comic but I heard someone say that they break up in it... Is this true?? If it is, I just might cry....

Anyway, even though the series is long over, I still want to compliment you on such a fantastic masterpiece. It is a classic that will endure for a loooonnnggg time. :)

Thanks for your time! I know you are very busy.

Greg responds...

ASKED AND ANSWERED. Check the archives and/or ask the fans at http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/index.php to point you in the right direction. And by all means, check out the trade paperbacks from SLG. I think you'll truly enjoy them.

Thanks for your kind words.

Response recorded on March 19, 2014

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Dattaboy/JGL writes...

Hey Greg hope your novel is turning out well I look forward to reading it.Anyway, these questions are about the mutates, clones and Labyrinth Clan.

1). For the most part how do the majority of mutates and humans view the Gargoyle clones? Is it more of a blessing more bodies or a burden because of the lack development and free will?

2). By 2198 how do the mutate members and the gargoyle clone members view each other is it animosity different origins possibly beliefs, respectful because of shared location or have they established a unique culture that blends the various backgraounds of the groups making alot more differnt than your typical Garg clan?

3) You mention that by 2198 the two different clans in NY would have different priorties which is why they did not merge. Is there any animosity from the two clans because of different origins?

4). We know Talon and Maggie can have children but could different members of the mutate group have kids with another like Claw with Lisa despite being mixed with different species DNA?

5). How does the current Manhatten Clan view the Labyrinth "Clan"(not yet a Clan I know) Do they feel like they need to show the Clones and Mutates, Gargoyle customs or is it more like let them find their own way and we'll give advice as needed kind of deal?

Greg responds...

1. A mixed blessing, I guess.


3. I wouldn't say animosity. But they don't always see things eye to eye.

4. We don't know that. We know Maggie's pregnant. Anything beyond that is a SPOILER REQUEST. (Also, I'm not sure I understand your question... are you trying to mate off Claw with Elisa?)

5. More the latter.

And RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, BOOK TWO: SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM is going very well. In fact, I've finished writing it and sent it off to my editor at St. Martin's Press yesterday! Thanks for asking (and for giving me any excuse to pimp it!)

Response recorded on October 18, 2013

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Merlin writes...

Since virtually every wardrobe change in a cartoon requires a new character model turn sheet, what did your character designers draw for scenes like when Fox was naked on the rooftop in Eye of the Beholder or Elisa was naked under a blanket in Heritage?

Greg responds...

It was a long time ago. But if you're asking if I have naked production pictures of them, I'm sure the answer is no.

Response recorded on October 15, 2013

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Mac Ewing writes...

You have said before that humans and gargoyles are incapable of reproducing together, which I must add is a nice touch. Many xeno-based series throw biology to the wind.
But despite the fact that they couldn't be fertile, do you think that Goliath and Elisa ever got together, just for the heck of it?

Greg responds...

If you're asking if they are or will ever be intimate, I think either (a) I'll leave that to your imagination or (b) SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on October 07, 2013

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Regarding Stargate: The Hunted.
I would have watched it. (I think I tried the first ep of the cartoon that did get made. Whatever it was, it wasn't Stargate.)

You said "Besides, night looks cooler om action animation than day does." That reminded me how day shots in Gargoyles used to jump out due to their rarity. Though I must add that one of the best tv action sequences anywhere is Elisa evading and taking out the goon squad while running through Central Park in the morning. (I also thought of B:TAS, but who doesn't think of Dark Deco when they hear nighttime and animation?)

One thing intrigued me; you made the large alien (name escapes me at the moment) only 12- a member of a long lived, quick growing species, but still a child. I would think living thousands of years would lead to an extended childhood, not quick growth. What made you choose that? (If you don't recall, what are your current thoughts on it?)

Greg responds...

I'm a little lost. Are you referring to Ohnu? If so, I think the idea was to keep the cast young and inexperienced. And I liked the idea of a man-child.

Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

After "Revelations" do Elisa and the gargoyles now believe in the existence of the Illuminati?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Jessy writes...

Does Elisa know about Puck being Owen? She was asleep during the better part of the Gathering, and as far as I recall she wasn't in Possession at all. Was it considered relevent enough to tell her or did it slip their minds because it was none of their business?

Greg responds...

I'm sure she knows.

Response recorded on November 19, 2012

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K. W. writes...

Hi Greg,

I had a quick question. The gargoyles in your gargoyles universe go to sleep during the day and have no control over it. I've learned that Elisa and Goliath become an official couple, but I am curious about the couple seeing much of each other.
If Goliath is "forced" to sleep during the day and Elisa works most nights. When does the couple get to spend time when they are not on duty protecting the world? Wouldn't this put a strain on the relationship emotionally?

I didn't see this question anywhere. Forgive me if it has been asked.

Greg responds...

Keep in mind, Elisa sleeps during the day too. Granted, she has more flexibility, but how is this really any different from any two people working the nightshift. For that matter, how is it that different from any two people who both have dayshift jobs. I'm not staying there's no stress or strain involved, only that it doesn't seem that atypical. There's plenty of stuff that DOES make Elisa and Goliath's relationship atypical, but this seems like the least of their worries.

I mean I would think it would be harder for a couple when one works dayshift and one works nightshift. Then it REALLY seems to me like they'd never see each other.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Sarah Anderson writes...

Hi Greg, thanks for taking the time to answer questions! :-)

In your gargs timeline, who dies first, Goliath or Elisa? And are they still a couple until then? Lastly, will you give a clue about what you had in mind for their deaths?

(Sounds macabre, but I was curious... ;-P)


Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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