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Rose writes...

Hi Greg,

I searched the archives a little and I did not see this answered specifically...(if I’m wrong please link me)

When in the tv series did Goliath realize he had feelings for Elisa? I know he was always gradually falling for her (unbeknownst to him for not) since he first met her...but what do you think?

I always imagined it was well before he realized the physical connection in the mirror...maybe by deadly force when he realized he might lose her and lost his mind about Dracon.

Thanks for this amazing show and for your answer!

Greg responds...

I don't think he realized he had romantic feelings for her until "The Mirror".

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Mara A. Cordova writes...

... Did Demona ever know that Broadway shot Elisa accidentally?

Greg responds...

Not that I know of.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Selena writes...

Hi Greg. I just wanted to tell you that I loved your story on the Gargoyles, especially the story between Elisa and Goliah (I have always loved the story of Beauty and the Beast). Probably they are not the first nor the last to ask you this question, but I hope with all my heart that sooner or later the stories, even comic books, continue. You had so many ideas that I wanted to see them realized. I hope a day not far away will happen ...

Greg responds...

Me too.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Matt B writes...

I was wondering about Jean Dewolff's change from captain to patrolman and Italian American (I think) to Native American. I like the changes but am curious about the thought process behind them.

Also, what people was Jean from?

Also, does she know Elisa Maza? I'm guessing that Native American NYC cops are a small sorority.

Also, Jean and a few other characters (EG Gwen, Captain Stacy) die in the comics. I won't ask names because of spoilers, but were you planning on some character deaths if the series had continued?

Thanks, and i hope you get to follow up on SSM and Gargoyles someday. I really mss those shows. At least YJ is coming back!

Greg responds...

1. We had long-term plans for Jean, which necessitated her starting as a patrolwoman.

2. We were looking to increase diversity in the show, and the name DeWolff suggested a nice fit with Native American.

3. Never worked it out. Guess I'd lean toward Inupiat and French Canadian/Cree (Metis) ancestry, which matches her voice actor, Irene Bedard. (Or so Wikipedia tells me.)

4. Let's assume that in the Gargoyles Meets The Spectacular Spider-Man Meets Young Justice Universe that they do.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 12, 2021

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CJ writes...

Elisa has dressed up as both Belle and Jasmine for Halloween. Does that mean their respective movies exist in the Gargoyles universe as we perceive them, and if so, does that mean they cannot be real in said universe?

Greg responds...

Basically, yes.

Now, the legends those movies are based on is something else. All things are true. Few things are accurate.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

We know Elisa is a detective, but what section? I know there’s homicides, narcotics, cyber crime, cold cases, sexual cases, domestic and even organize crimes,etc. But in which department Elisa belongs?

Greg responds...

Hm. I thought of her as a precinct detective, handling whatever cases happened within her precinct, like the detectives of Barney Miller and Hill Street Blues. I might need to someday do some research on how the NYPD operates (or operated in the mid-nineties). If every detective specializes then it seems she's in organized crime.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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EXALT writes...

I've recently rewatched Awakening, and the scene where Goliath tells Demona that she can't kill an enemy unless it is "in the heat of battle" sparked a question in me: as of Phoenix, which members of the Manhattan Clan have actually killed someone?

Greg responds...

Most have, in battle, in the tenth century. Angela hasn't. Egwardo hasn't. Nashville hasn't. Maybe Lex & Broadway haven't. But that seems unlikely/unrealistic.

Oh, and if you're counting her, Elisa hasn't.

Response recorded on October 29, 2020

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Todd Jensen writes...

I thought you might be amused to learn that not long ago, the Titan Comics "Doctor Who" comics did a story where the Doctor (the Christopher Eccleston version) and his friends were tracking a living gargoyle (actually, a human who was turned permanently into a gargoyle - long story) through the woods at night, and encountered a young woman also searching for the gargoyle, who was wearing a red jacket, black t-shirt, and blue jeans. The jacket had a different design than Elisa's, but the overall look of her outfit was close enough to make me wonder if it was intended as a "Gargoyles" tribute. (Then again, Ellen Yin's similar outfit in "The Batman" turned out to be - apparently - a coincidence.) I hope it was intentional - meaning that someone working on that comic still remembered "Gargoyles" after all these years.

Greg responds...

That'd be nice. Also, the ninth doctor is my favorite.

Response recorded on March 09, 2020

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Jean writes...

Hello Greg!

Quick question-Does Elisa have any martial arts training? (outside of self defense training from the Academy)

Thank You,


Greg responds...

Not particularly.

Response recorded on April 28, 2017

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Jean writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman!

I, like many others on this website, am a HUGE fan of Gargoyles- caught me when I was a nine yr old and never let go. I've been binge watching the show recently, and a few questions came to mind. I searched the archives but didn't find any answers. I hope I'm staying within the guidelines. If I'm not, I sincerely apologize.

Without further ado, my questions are:

1.What sports does Elisa like? (outside of Football or Baseball that is- she briefly mentioned going to a Giants game at the end of "Awakening" pt 5, and you stated in the archives that she is a Mets fan.)

2. Is she a causal fan of sports, or a serious fan?

3. Are there any particular teams/players she likes? (outside of the Home team, that is)

Thank You!

Greg responds...

1. She likes football and baseball and basketball.

2. Casual.

3. She's a New Yorker. Take it from there.

Response recorded on January 12, 2017

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