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Faieq Ali writes...

In THE JOURNEY, Broadway said something like 'I can't concentrate on my reading because Goliath is missing.'
Did he say this because he really couldn't concentrate on his reading or because Angela was standing right next to him and she just happens to be Goliath's daughter, who obiously had something on her mind?
By the way, I think Broadway and Angela work well together as in most cartoons it is always the 'cool one' (Brooklyn, in this case) that gets the girl, and I could see that in HUNTER'S MOON that Broadway did have real feelings for her and see her as another female. Just my opinion.

Greg responds...

I agree with you. I think Broadway had a lot of reasons for having difficulty concentrating. You named a few of the best.

Response recorded on August 18, 2000

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Demona (repost by Aris) writes...

What's up, Greg? Angela was such a sweetheart and so innocent in the show's second season. When The Goliath Chronicles started with "The Journey", how come Angela's personality kind of changed? She totally ignored Brooklyn, in which she was just an "item" with him at the end of the last season. Why did you have to change Angela's personality? Thanks!!

Greg responds...

<Sigh.> Here we go again.

O.K. For starters, I didn't change Angela's personality one bit. Now MAYBE the guys who were in charge of the final twelve episodes of Goliath Chronicles did. I can't say. But I had nothing to do with any Goliath Chronicles episodes after the first one: "The Journey".

Having said that, Angela and Brooklyn were NEVER an "item". NEVER. Brooklyn certainly had a crush on her. But so did Lex and Broadway. And Broadway's feelings for her were deeper almost from the night they met. And if you caught the look they exchanged at the end of "Possessions" you would have seen that the only "item" in works was Angela & Broadway. In "The Journey" we simply made that official. That disappointed Brooklyn, but you could hardly say that Angela was "ignoring" him. She didn't even know he was eavesdropping on her and Broadway.

And none of this has anything to do with changing her personality. She's still, largely, a "sweetheart". Though she was always a warrior too. And no, she's not QUITE as "innocent" as she was -- she couldn't be after all she experienced -- but she was never exactly jaded. Certainly not in "The Journey".

Response recorded on August 01, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

I was very intrigued by that little revelation of yours about Lexington going into business with an unexpected partner. I hope that you get to tell that story some day if "Gargoyles" gets revived. I'd certainly enjoy seeing how Goliath would respond to Lex entering the business world - and Xanatos's response, for that matter. (Although we know already that Lex isn't the first gargoyle to do this sort of thing - given Demona and Thailog's foundation of Nightstone, and maybe Leo and Una's shop in London to boot).

Greg responds...

It's more intriguing then you know and will have ramifications that will extend beyond 2158.

Response recorded on July 29, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

1) What will be the reason(s) why Broadway and Angela name their children after Arthur and Gwenivere? 2) Why do they name their third child Samson? 3) Will Lex be anyone's biological father? 4) Will Samson? 5) Will Bronx?

Greg responds...

1. There are many reasons. One that I'm happy to reveal is that after Broadway's experience in "Lighthouse" and Angela's experience on "Avalon", they're both fans.

2. This may get reworked in the revised Gargoyles 2158. As soon as I have the new "future history" nailed down, I'll make a general announcement.

3. I'm not telling.

4. I'm not telling.

5. Yes.

Response recorded on July 29, 2000

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Mr. Thrugg (repost by Aris) writes...

I'll come out of the closet and admit that I'm a Trio fan, so this may be biased. I felt when Goliath, Angela, and Elisa went on their Avalon quest that the Trio back in Manhattan was very neglected(in terms of air time). This, I thought, was an obviously important time for them (even Hudson probably) as they are finally separated from Goliath. I thought the episode Kingdom wasn't enough to display the changes I felt in them after Goliath returned. What do you think?

Greg responds...

I obviously thought that we were featuring the best stories we had in our arsenal at that time. Given an unlimited amount of episodes, I would have loved to have ALSO spent more time on the Trio and Hudson. But that's water under the bridge...

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Lexy (repost by Aris) writes...

Hey dare again,

WELL I feel better..after 4 years of complaining,"WHY didnt they do more on Lex??, you pointed out that you did indeed wish you had gotton a chance to do a lil more development.

Hey, I understand. Inside and outside the Gargs universe, nothing is FAIR. I know that. But still *sighs* so much on Broadway and Brooklyn..and well, while there was indeed character development on Lex, it always did seem to me to be a bit..well negative. I KNOW, I KNOW! Its not all unfounded, Lex was going to be put through some really rocky times had the episodes gone on a lil further. But it would have been nice to get a lil more from his point of veiw. I mean, we got to know him as this cute lil innocent thinker in the first 5 ep's. Then In 6 he wanted to reach out to the world. Then after that..any episode even remotly revolving around him had the pack involved..so ofcourse he was peeved and not acting rationally. *realizes she ranted* ups..sorry

My Qs are.. 1) If you could add a few more ep's of Lex in there right now would you?

2) If so, what would you have liked to have shown us about his character? There is such a wide rang of fiction on Lex..I know you dont read that stuff. But ppl seem to be so confused weather to take him as misunderstood or ..supten else..

*arches a brow at you* YOU just love that stuff dont you? *shakes her head as your evil laughter echos through the room* *l*

Greg responds...

Uh, what "stuff" do I love? I'm confused.

1. Not if they were at the expense of what we did do. But I'm not denying there's more to explore there.

2. Him. (I don't know how to answer this here. Maybe I don't understand the question.)

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Aris Katsaris (repost by Aris) writes...

Outside the case of Goliath and Elisa, Brooklyn's attraction to Maggie seems to be the only case where we saw hints for an attempted interspecies relationship... Since (if I remember correctly) the rest of the Trio didn't seem particularly interested in Maggie, and we certainly know that it was not 'true love' on Brooklyn's side... what does his attraction to Maggie signify? By that I mean, is it that her mutation gave her a form which was closer to his gargoyle standard of beauty (so that he pretty much considered her a gargoyle)? Or is Brooklyn more likely than his siblings to pursue *any* sentient female, regardless of species? :-)

Hmm... that was a rather muddled question, wasn't it... Ah well...

Greg responds...

I think she looked gargoylean to him. (Making allowances for his assumption that there were no other (Non-Demona) female gargoyles left.)

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Nate writes...

I was wondering if Broadway was the best warrior/fighter of the trio from purely a skills POV? I say this because Iago was "disapointed in Brooklyn's fighting skills" in Possesion. Its also not hard to tell that Broadway is the strongest of the trio, which suggests that he would make the best fighter (whether or not its because of an unfair advantage he was born with). Was he possible spending more time training back in the pre-massecre (sp) days while Brook or Lex were off learning to read? Learning to read doesnt happen overnight. He must have been doing somthing during all that time, and I'm sure he didnt spend all of it eating. ;)

Greg responds...

I wouldn't take Coldsteel's words too seriously. He was operating Brooklyn's body at the time. I think he was just making excuses.

Brooklyn, Broadway and Lex each have different fighting styles. They're all accomplished warriors. Broadway does have the advantage of bulk and strength, but I doubt he trained more than wanna-be-leader Brooklyn.

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Lexy (repost by Aris) writes...


Just got done reading your commentary on, "Thrill of The Hunt". Loved it! hmm did that have anything to do with the fact it was on Lex?;) Anyway, You sorta answered a Q that I had written down at work today. Here is my Q.

As you just mentioned, Fox and Lex are almost instant a allies due to Alex. My Q's are.....

1) Were you planning on Lex and Alex's relationship to play a major or minor role? What I'm trying to ask is, were you just planning on having it be a nice side thing like a few shots of Lex playing with Alex or whatever..or were you going to make acutall episodes around it..was it going to play a big enough role to call it a role? *kicks herself* IM saying this all wrong!! *sighs*

2)Would Lex and Alex still be buds as he grows up?

3) What role do you think best describes Lex and Alex's relationship overall from his childhood to adulthood? IE: Alex trusts him as a confidant? Would Lex be more of a buddy? Mentor?


Greg responds...

1. Yes. I had at least one story in mind where Alex is kidnapped by Raven. Lex would have been very involved in saving him. That story became an episode of Goliath Chronicles -- one which I don't like much, but which wasn't as annoying as some of the stories that followed.

2. Yep.

3. Older Brother.

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Lexy (repost by Aris) writes...

Nope..still not done yet..

Ok, I put this in a separate post _just_ in case.

1) Could you tell us what the episode, "Ransom" would have been like if you had had more control over it?

I put this in a separate post cuz..as you may notice you have answered this one from me before. I admit that. Its just that when you did it was awful vague. I was just wondering if right now you could tell us something more besides, "It was pretty much the same plot except the kidnappers were from Avalon." Ok they were from Avalon?

2) Would we have seen these characters in any episodes after Ransom?

We never saw Puck in TGC. But im SURE Alex getting kidnapped would have warrented a Puck episode;)

3) Would Puck have been the first one to know and not his parents?

Everyone got together trying to figure out how to go about getting Alex back

4) In the ep you had planned, would it have been more of a Puck/Lex teamup?

5) Where would've the mystery characters from Avalon taken our lil prince?

U know..Q's like that?


Greg responds...

1. Is that quotation an actual quotation or a paraphrase? I can't imagine that's what I wrote. It certainly was never going to be the same plot. It was a Tricksters story. Initially it was to include Owen/Puck, Raven, Anansi and Coyote. Plus Lex and the Family Xanatos. I think as time has gone on, I would have dropped Anansi and Coyote from this one. Focused more on Raven as the Trickster/Villain. Saved the multi-Trickster episode for another story.

2. In that season or ever?

3. Uh, I don't pretend to have every little detail worked out. I never actually wrote the story, I simply proposed it. They took a kernel of it and turned it into Ransom.

4. Probably.

5. Don't know.

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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