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Count Orlok writes...

Just wanted to thank you for answering my last question... :) ... and ask you another.
Throughout the run of Gargoyles there were numerous references to various works of literature in its many forms (classic literature, Shakespearean works, philosophy and politics, comic books and graphic novels, horror, gothic romance, science fiction, fantasy, world mythologies, etc.). I recall being an avid fan of all of these literary genres or categories when I was very young, but Gargoyles certainly helped to further interest me in them. Other than the obvious works that you've made allusions to in the series, what do you like to read?

Greg responds...

Lots of stuff. I'm listening to Charles Dickens' "Great Expectations" on CD in my car these days, and LOVING IT! (Of course, I've read it at least twice before.)

Generally, I read a lot of detective fiction, with my favorite author being Ross MacDonald. And as I've stated before, I'm a huge William Faulkner fan.

Response recorded on July 28, 2009

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Antiyonder writes...

An aspect that often attributed to Spider-Man's success is that the audience can, has or had related to him. With that said:

1. As far as Spidey's civilian life (because I have serious doubts that you have superhuman strength or can stick to walls or have a spider sense) goes, do you or have you related to him in any way?

1a. If yes, then how?

Greg responds...

1. I think Pete's an everyman in the classic archetypal sense. He has money troubles, girl troubles, family troubles, job troubles, etc. So sure, I can relate.

1a. What, you want personal details from my life? Sorry.

Response recorded on July 27, 2009

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Bazell writes...

Personal question:
Do you read nonfiction? I enjoy the polar opposition memoirs and essays provide to the wonderful fantasy that you are known for which is my other love.

Asking as one writer to another, do you keep a journal?

Greg responds...

I do keep a journal, though I'm inconsistent about writing in it.

I do read non-fiction sometimes.

Response recorded on July 14, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

Does the real Gisela have that great spirit and did she ever live in Mexico?

Greg responds...

Actually, I knew a Gisela from Mexico. She and her brother Alex went to the same summer camp, Bear Pole Ranch, as my siblings and I did.

Of course, I have no idea what YOU are talking about here.

Weird, though, huh?

Response recorded on July 06, 2009

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Harlan Phoenix writes...

So, what's Midtown High student Greg Weisman like?

Greg responds...

I know you're kidding, but I'm not quite getting the joke.

Response recorded on July 03, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hey, Greg!
I've got for you a very in-depth question: How did you get to where you are today? What kinds of steps did you take? If you could give specifics, I'd be quite happy.
You see, I myself would love to go into the business of TV and film, and I frequently identify myself with you (in a non-creepy way - I mean regarding style and that kind of stuff).

Greg responds...

I've answered this in depth and with specifics before. Check the archives for a more detailed answer.

Generally, I'd say the first things you need to do, if you haven't already are...

1. Finish your formal education.

2. Move to Los Angeles.

3. Read, write and proofread a lot. Practice. Learn that your first draft may suck, and that even your second draft may need shelving.

As for my specifics...

*Bachelors from Stanford in English with a Fiction Writing emphasis.
*Started working as a writer for DC Comics as a 19-year-old while still in college.
*Moved to New York to work in comics, cuz that's where THAT action was.
*Masters from U.S.C in Professional Writing with an emphasis in playwriting.
*Staff Assistant at Disney Television Animation.
*Eventually promoted to Director of Series Development.
*Developed Gargoyles and moved sideways to produce it.


Response recorded on June 29, 2009

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Last Gathering

The announcement has been made that the current Gathering of the Gargoyles (the thirteenth annual) will be the last in this form. I'm saddened by this of course, but even more saddened by some of the vitriol I've seen toward the constaff. So I posted this at Station 8:

Hey folks,

Thought I should speak up. In part to defend my friends, I suppose, but also just to make my position on all this clear.

I'm the person who suggested we end the thing. Me. Frankly, I was simply horrified to discover how much of their own MONEY the con staff was putting toward the convention year after year... with it costing them increasingly more with each succeeding convention and with attendance falling at a steady clip. And that's on top of the incredible amount of hard work that these people put in. There have been other individuals and groups who have run individual Gatherings here and there, but most burn out after one year and don't do it again. This group volunteered their time year after year. Stuck with it when others wouldn't. They deserve praise, not scorn.

Are they my friends? Of course. Are they loyal to me? I think so. I like to think I'm just as loyal to them. Are they cliquish at times. Yeah. I've noticed that too. It happens with any group of people who work very hard together to do something and, frankly, feel largely unappreciated for their efforts. They get tight.

But I don't buy the notion that this is an impenetrable clique -- especially since new members join the group all the time. I've known some of these folks for over a decade. Others, just for a couple years. And even if you aren't admitted to this so-called "Inner Circle", what difference should that make? The Gathering is big enough for multiple cliques. Big enough for you to bring your own clique. The Gathering has interesting and informative events whether or not you're in ANY clique.

When someone asks "Why would I want to give any money to hang out with people who have no interest in including me?" I think the question itself is off point. They're throwing you a convention! They're including you! Does that mean they have to personally enjoy your company? Personally, spend time with you? That's unreasonable. You may be great. You may be annoying. I don't know. But they don't have an obligation to coddle you. Just to put on a great show, which I think they've done year after year.

And you're not paying to spend time with them anyway, you're paying to attend the con. Or not. No one's holding a gun to your head, but then don't complain if the thing isn't somehow able to continue indefinitely on SOMEONE ELSE'S DIME.

Don't get me wrong. No one is going to miss the Gathering more than I. I think there's some real truth to the accusation that the thing became Greg Weisman's annual ego boost. Because without a doubt it is a HUGE ego boost for me personally. Year in and year out, I have a blast. I'm treated VERY well, and I enjoy that treatment. I'd be lying if I said otherwise.

But it's not as simple as that. For starters, the reason that the con has consistently featured me and the various series that I've worked on is because I'm willing to do the work to help put the convention together. Frank Paur, just as an example, is ALWAYS welcome, but he doesn't always choose to come. I ALWAYS want to be there. So it's something of a not-so-vicious circle. I provide the convention with contacts -- and the convention uses those contacts to hold panels on Starship Troopers or WITCH or, this year, The Spectacular Spider-Man. All of which is an attempt to INCREASE the attendance by bringing in other fandoms and exposing them to Gargoyles. It's worked to some degree, but not enough.

I've also provided contacts for shows like Darkwing Duck and TaleSpin and Kim Possible, and we've had panels on those that I wasn't a part of because my involvement on those series was nearly non-existent. But I knew those guys, so I got 'em to come. I'm sure everyone would have loved it if I had gotten, uh, say, the Avatar/Last Air Bender guys to do a panel on that show. Trouble is, I don't know those guys. So no luck.

And, hey, I did create the show that we're theoretically celebrating. I am the guy who's fought to get the DVDs and the comics, etc. It's because of the fandom that I never gave up. But it doesn't change the fact that I'm the guy who never gave up. So maybe it's not SUCH a bad thing that I've been the primary beneficiary of the con. Or maybe it is. I'm not going to worry about it.

What I am going to do is enjoy the last convention. I really think we'll be going out with a bang with a ton of special guests. And, ironically, because of the low attendance the BEST FAN-TO-PRO RATIO you'll find at any convention EVER!!! If you can't afford to come this year, we're very sorry. We'll miss you. Really. But if you can, you should try, because once again, I think it'll be a great show.

But of course I'm biased. ;)

And as Jennifer pointed out, if anyone else wants to have a Gargoyles convention in 2010 or 2011 or 2198, no one's stopping you. I'm still willing to attend, still willing to help. Or willing to stay away, if that would be best. But I'd advise thinking long and hard about both the time commitment and the financial aspect of it before jumping in. Cuz it's tough. Not for me. It's easy for me. But for whomever happens to be the constaff in any given year, it's a lot of work and not cheap.

Now, I suppose for some people, all I've done in this post is prove their point. I'm tight with the constaff. They're tight with me. All true. But they've still put out an open invitation year after year to friends and so-called-foes alike. All they're really saying is that they're done. You think you can do better? Go for it!

Greg Weisman

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Animation Fiend writes...

Hello. Does Greg have a MySpace page?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 03, 2009

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Just a comment on an archetype that seems to be a theme in your shows. I can't help but notice that the series you produce are populated by tricksters.

Puck is an obvious and classic example, the original trickster. Also, "Gargoyles" has Raven, Anansi, and Coyote who were also literal tricksters.

Beyond that, one of the lead villains, Xanatos, was a trickster... he even said so himself. That's an interesting choice of archetypes for the primary antagonist.

Thailog, while you've cited the bastard archetype often enough, outside of that, he seems like a trickster as well. Which makes sense since he was programmed by one. Granted, he's a more malevolent trickster than Xanatos, but he still displays those characteristics.

Meanwhile, over in in "Spectacular," you have Spider-Man as, perhaps, the most benevolent trickster you have yet to write. Fitting, he is the hero after all, and the people he acts like a trickster towards usually have it coming.

And, of course, you have a more sinister trickster in Green Goblin, hie arch-nemesis.

I know from personal experience how difficult tricksters can be to write, as I've often had to jump through hoops to do it right,

I haven't seen WITCH so I have no idea if this archetype shows up there or not. But it seems to me like the trickster archetype is a favorite of yours to write, and you do it so well.

So, does it just come naturally? Is Greg Weisman a trickster himself, or do you ever find yourself jumping through hoops as I sometimes do to create schemes worthy of the trickster you're writing?

Greg responds...

There's some definite hoop-jumping going on. Personally, I'm more of a bastard than a trickster. But I do enjoy both archetypes, so I do the work to make them worthy.

You'll notice, however, that each of the tricksters you named, with the exception of Xanatos, were based on existing sources, which helps. As for Xanatos, he was a variation on General Eiling (from Captain Atom), who was more of a bastard. And Eiling, in turn, was loosely based on Captain Kirk, or rather a dark mirror of Kirk (and, no, that's not a reference to the "Mirror, Mirror," as the Mirror Kirk in that episode couldn't fool anyone).

Thailog is more in the classic bastard mode than the trickster mode -- at least in my mind -- though I'll admit there's definite overlap between the two archetypes.

Response recorded on May 28, 2009

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Malinda writes...

I was wondering if you or someone else illustrated this show?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure which show you're referring to, but in any case, I don't draw.

Response recorded on May 26, 2009

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RTS writes...


Hi Greg.

Great work on Season 2, I might not know exactly how the system works, but I see no reason why it shouldn't be renewed. Hopefully by the time you answer this you will have good news to tell about that, but for now, a few questions regarding what's been done so far.

1) In season 2 episode 8, "Accomplices", we see Black Cat spray something onto a window before going through it, we then see the window wobble around or something after she goes into the vent. What did she do to the window, exactly?

2) Was the lead into Hobie Brown first speaking in the role of Puck something you planned well ahead of time, or did Hobie's silence become a running joke before you made that decision?

3) On the subject, any chance that you tried to get Brent Spiner to do the role?

4) In "Growing Pains", I couldn't help noticing that a certain "Greg Weisman" is named on the cast list shown at the end. I was just wondering whether you have ever performed any role in "A Midsummer Night's Dream", since it is mentioned in one of the FAQs that you've taken acting classes in the past.

5) You're the best. (This isn't a question)

Greg responds...


1. First she melted the real glass with acid. Then she replaced it with a reflective "paper" that mimicked the look of the glass. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

2. The former.

3. The role of Hobie? No.

4. Yes, I've been in "Midsummer" as Theseus and in another production as Philostrate.

5. Right back at ya.

Response recorded on May 20, 2009

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Steven writes...

Hi Greg, just want to say that the job you guys did on Spectacular Spider-Man( I remembered the hyphen ) was awesome. I've seen all the 26 episodes so I have one question.

I thought you were pretty good as Donald Menken. Definitely your best voice over work since "Nice Mask." But how did it come about that you were cast as Donald? Was it a budget thing or were you just messing around in the booth and someone thought you'd be perfect for it?

Greg responds...


Uh... yeah, someone thought I'd be perfect for it. Me. Well, maybe not perfect, but I decided I wanted to do it. (It helps to be the boss.) Definitely wasn't a budget thing. It cost MORE for me to do it.

Response recorded on April 08, 2009

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Derek R. writes...

Have you ever considered writing for video games? You're really good at creating unique worlds within the shows you've worked on... everything and everyone seems connected and intertwined in the new spiderman and gargoyles series. I think you could write a killer game franchise.
PS maybe pitch a gargoyles game or spectacular spiderman game... ;)

Greg responds...

I'd love to, but nobody has hired me to write one.

Response recorded on April 01, 2009

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Masterdramon writes...

Hi! Nice to see you back from your "AskGreg" break; I hope that things are going well for you.

Like many fans I have seen "The Spectacular Spider-Man" Season 2 via YouTube already (though I'll still be watching the series as much as possible on television in order to support the ratings). One of the coolest extras (without getting into too much spoiler territory) of the season was hearing you voicing Donald Menken, Norman Osborn's right-hand suit. You did a very admirable job at portraying a very flat, all-business character, which is exactly what I would expect from Menken (even though most Spidey fans probably have no idea who he is).

Given that (as far as I know) your only previous foray into voice acting was the commando who says "Nice mask!" in "Awakening Part II," how did you end up being selected for this voice role (which was obviously a lot more significant than the commando; in episodes 21 and 26 in particular the character played a vital role)? Did voice director Jamie Thomason ask you to play Menken, or did you volunteer? Or was there some other circumstance altogether?

Thank you for your time, and good luck with your work!

Greg responds...


I've done a bit more voice acting than just "Nice mask!" Some work in video games and anime, for example.

As for how I got Menken. Um... the Supervising Producer and Story Editor pulled rank and pretty much just stated that I'd be playing the part. That meant Jamie was stuck with me. He did the best he could with what he had to work with.

Response recorded on March 31, 2009

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Geoff writes...

I know people have been asking about whether or not an animated continuation of the Gargoyles show will happen, but I wanted to ask something more specific:

Have you ever thought of turning Gargoyles into an anime (possibly done by my favorite producers, Madhouse)?

And, a personal question:

Do you like anime, Greg?

Greg responds...

I like some anime.

Response recorded on October 22, 2008

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Todd Jensen writes...

You mentioned that one of your new dogs is named Hermione. Was she named after the Hermione of Greek mythology (the daughter of Menelaus and Helen of Troy), of "The Winter's Tale", or of the Harry Potter series?

Greg responds...

I don't know. She came with the name Hermione from Daphneyland, the basset hound rescue ranch.

See http://www.daphneyland.com/

Response recorded on October 14, 2008

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James Lipton writes...

I would like to thank Greg Weisman for being here today and to share with us. Many of us know Greg's work as a writer in the comic medium and his endeavours into animation. I myself am particularliy fond of his forays into the world of self expression through the form of facial hair combined with hawaiin shirts. And now the questionnaire used by Bernard Pivot:

What is your favorite word?

What is your least favorite word?

What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

What sound or noise do you love?

What sound or noise do you hate?

What is your favorite curse word?

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

What profession would you not like to do?

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive?

Greg responds...

Sorry James and/or Bernard... but I can't even summon up the energy to make smartass responses to these questions. They just don't interest me.

Response recorded on October 09, 2008

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TheRedOne writes...

Personal question about your taste in music: what's your favorite kind of music to listen to? Im a country fan meself

Also, related to music, I know that youre not a fan of Gargoyles fanfiction (which makes perfect sense since its an ongoing story) but what do you think of fan-made music videos (or even fanart for that matter)? While listening to a country station today, one of my favorite songs came on. Its called 'Put A Girl In It' by Brooks and Dunn. Since I had Gargoyles on my brain at the time, I thought it would be a perfect song to describe the Trio before Angela arrived on scene. But do you also ignore AMV's like you ignore fanfiction?

Greg responds...

I have somewhat eclectic and perhaps old-fashioned tastes. I find myself listening to standards at work online at the Lounge.

Check out: http://webclust1.liquidcompass.cc/sos4cust/SMCM/audio_player.php or http://www.martiniinthemorning.com/page.php?9

Response recorded on October 03, 2008

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Movie-Brat writes...

You went to college with Heather Langenkamp and dated her? That's cool, I never knew that. But I guess you learn something everyday, right? :)

Anyway, how was she? Did you had a good experience with her?

Greg responds...

She was a very nice person. I like to think we had a good time. I know I did. But I don't want to make it sound like more than it was. For all intents and purposes, we only really went on one real date. We hung out a bit -- did a couple scenes together in drama class -- but we were never exactly an item.

Response recorded on September 29, 2008

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On September 4th, 1988, I went on a first date with this amazing woman. We went to an apartment warming party for my friend Mike Ryan. My car -- actually my sister's car -- had it's horn literally hanging from the bottom of the engine by a wire, so I had to ask her out AND ask her to drive. (Who knew she'd like that?) At the party -- where she knew no one and I knew everyone -- she fit right in. My friend Cameron had just purchased a new camcorder and was practicing with it. Years later, he would give me a copy of the tape -- a tape of our first date -- full of fades and truck ins and other first-timer camera tricks. After the party, we dropped me off at my place, and I invited her upstairs. We talked for hours and hours. I did EVERYTHING they tell you not to do, including talking about multiple past relationships. And yet somehow as morning came, she still liked me.

Beth and I have been together for twenty years now, and... thank God... she still still likes me. After two apartments, we're on our second house, our third cat and our fourth and fifth dog. Plus, you know, the two amazing, amazing kids.

We have many anniversaries in my date book. Engagement. Finding out she was pregnant with Erin. Finding out she was pregnant with Benny. Our wedding, of course.

But this is still my favorite anniversary. This is where it all began.

I love you, Beth. Happy Anniversary.

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Anonymous writes...

did you ever get bored of cartoons and stuff and thought of doing something scientific?

like having stuff with a chick?

Greg responds...

I can't tell if I'm being dissed here. "...something scientific"? "having stuff with a chick"? What does that mean?

As to whether or not I get bored with "cartoons and stuff", the answer is no, though I'll confess that I'd love to be doing live action -- for the money.

Response recorded on August 22, 2008

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Jon writes...

I have heard that season three of Spectacular Spider-Man is running trouble, and you might have to leave if season 3 dosen't start production. I'm starting to worry. Please tell me, on a scale of one to ten (ten being you're staying, one being you're leaving)ehat are the odds of you staying? I know season 3 will probably come at some point (I hope) but you and the crew aren't there, it won't be the same.
thanks alot,

Greg responds...

I can't give you numbers. They still haven't picked us up for Season Three, and today we had a farewell party for the majority of the crew (that is the majority that still remains -- many have already been laid off). This includes our character designer Sean "Cheeks" Galloway. After a few more weeks, we'll be down to myself, Vic Cook and our post-production team. We're hoping when we get a pick-up that we'll be able to bring the whole crew back more or less intact, but we already know that a few individuals on our staff already have new jobs and probably will not be coming back. Vic and I and our post-team are on until early January. One would hope we'd get the pick-up by then, but if it doesn't come soon I'll HAVE to look for a new job. Preferably a new job that will allow me to come back and do Spidey if/when (probably WHEN not if) it's picked up. But beggars can't be choosers, you know, and I have a mortgage to pay and kids, dogs and a cat to feed.

By the way, after losing all our pets over the last year, we have two new (not young but new) Basset Hounds, Murray and Hermione, and a new cat (Emmy).

Response recorded on August 21, 2008

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Rose92 writes...

I hope there's going to be a live-action movie of Gargoyles, question for you, Greg. Are you a director or something?

Greg responds...

Not in the sense you're suggesting. I've voice directed, but mostly I'm a writer-producer-story editor-development guy.

Response recorded on June 17, 2008

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alex and Jemaa writes...

wats your name >?

Greg responds...

Gregory David Weisman

Response recorded on May 28, 2008

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Darren writes...

Which cartoons did YOU watch when you were younger? Did any of these inspire you?

Greg responds...

I'm SURE I've answered this before, but...

I watched TONS of cartoons when I was a kid. And I'm sure MANY influenced me. The ones that seemed to most spark my imagination included...

THUNDERBIRDS (does Supermarionation count?)

That's really just a partial list.

Response recorded on May 07, 2008

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