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Weisman, Greg

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Dan M writes...

My dog's name is Norman too.

Greg responds...


My dog's name is actually Air Commander Bentley Norman. (It's a long story.) We usually just call him Normie.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Aaron writes...

Thanks for the reminder that you worked on DuckTales. I've been meaning to ask you, there was an episode where Scrooge and co. go in search of a lost play by the great bard William Drakespeare. Was that one of yours?

Or the one where Magica sends Scrooge into the future and everything has gone wrong in his absence? Shades of Future Tense?

Greg responds...

Nope. Neither of those were mine. In fact, I'm fairly certain that those were both made before I started working at Disney.

The four episodes I story edited were:

1. "New Gizmo-Kids on the Block" aka "Honey, I Shrunk the Gizmo-Suit". (I can't remember which title we ultimately used.)

2. "The Golden Goose, Part One"

3. "The Golden Goose, Part Two"

4. "Curse of the Metal Mites" (Or something like that.)

Plus I also worked on the Valentine's special (aka the 100th episode) and a bit on the Feature Film, Legend of the Lost Lamp.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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One writes...

1) What are your personal feelings regarding Demona? Do you see her as a tragic victim of humanity's fear, the weird sister's machinations, etc? Just a mad gargoyle who can't let go of the past and refuses to accept responsibility for her own actions? What's your take on her?

2) In your opinion, which character of the series is most like you? Why?

3) If you had to go through everything Demona went through... how do you think that would have changed you? What would you be like?

Greg responds...

1. She is complex. She contains multitudes. I'm fond of her in a strange way. But that fondness doesn't mitigate her actions as far as I'm concerned. On the other hand, I've always been fascinated with the idea of redemption. So who knows?

2. None really. Or all of them put together. Or Vinnie, because I'm often hapless. Without hap.

3. A puddle.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

3 questions directed towards you:

Will you ever write a book? Maybe an autobiography or production series telling about what you've accomplished?

If you should ever be asked to tell about yourself on the A&E show, "Biography", would you?

Greg responds...

1. I'm writing a book now. Don't know if it'll ever get published.

2. That's less likely. I have no interest in writing an autobiography. The latter sounds interesting, but for something like that, I'd want a publisher interested in advance.

3. Sure. I'm holding my breath.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

I am curious. You were an "executive producer" for Gargoyles, right? What does an executive producer do for an animated series? Did you work on any of the artwork? Any of the storyline? The voice actors?

What is it that an executive producer does? In a nutshell, of course, I know you're busy...

Greg responds...

Haven't I answered this a hundred times?

No. In those days, Disney TV Animation did not give out "Executive Producer" credits. I started as a "Co-Producer". Then became a "Producer". Then "Supervising Producer". Through all these title changes, my duties never changed. [Which is to say, that a title doesn't necessarily give a consistent read on an individuals responsibilities or efforts. So I can't speak for all Executive or even Supervising Producers. I can just tell you what I did.]

I came up with all 66 story springboards and supervised the writing staff. Though I didn't have the title, since my producer credit rendered it redundant, I was the Supervising Story Editor for the series. I personally wrote and story edited "The Journey". Though I did not produce the Goliath Chronicles episodes, including Journey.

I also supervised all recording sessions with the actors. I voice directed one episode (VENDETTAS).

I don't draw, but I did give notes and approvals on all designs and storyboards. I also supervised post-production. Called retakes, supervised final edits, mixes, on-lines, etc.

I didn't do any of this stuff alone. But along with Frank Paur, I was the final word on everything.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

I am curious, why did you leave Disney in 1996? (I hope this question doesn't open up some old wounds that you may have encountered.) And I wasn't sure if anyone had ever asked you that.

Greg responds...

Yeah, it's come up before. The short answer is that my contract was up. Disney didn't offer me a new contract. DreamWorks did.

Response recorded on February 26, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

I guess Elisa won't be taking Goliath to '"catch a Giants game" after all since they lost to the Ravens. Ha, Ha. So, Greg, which team were you gunning to win, or don't you care?

I personally don't care much for football, I just watch it for the commercials... :)

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I didn't really care. I went to school with John Elway, so I'd been a Broncos fan for years, until he retired. But Giants/Ravens? I have no connection to either team.

Response recorded on February 22, 2001

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Baal writes...

At times, have you considered NOT working on new Gargoyles stuff and just leaving the series as is? I would understand if you gave up, tho I'd be a little disappointed (among others). It would be a shame, but thats life. Tho it seems like you've come close already with one of the spin offs.

Greg responds...

Sometimes I think it would be more healthy if I just gave up. Then if it came back it would be a pleasant surprise.

But I can't give up. Just can't.

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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Pyro X writes...


Generally, what does an Executive producer do, as in preparing a show like Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Well, I wasn't an Executive Producer. Gargoyles didn't have any executive producers.

I was a Supervising Producer. I came up with all the springboards, reviewed all premises, outlines, scripts. Supervised Voice Recordings, edit sessions, sound mixes and on-line sessions. Gave notes on all designs, storyboards and animation. I was a busy boy.

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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melcelestial@hotmail.com writes...

Seriously, how'd you get noticed by the world of your high-qualitied animations, A-Z starting from college? What inspired you to start the career as a cartoon animator? Do prefer 2D or 3D? What gave you the inspirations to start a cartoon????????

Greg responds...

O.K. First off, I'm NOT an animator. I'm a writer. And largely, at the time, I followed the work and the opportunities. I got a job in animation and followed that course until it eventually led me to create Gargoyles. But it was in that order, not the other way around.

As for 2D and 3D, I have no absolute preference. I like good animation, no matter the format. I like well-told stories. Some subject matter works better in 2D, some in 3D. And I like doing shows where the content and the format are working together as opposed to at odds.

Response recorded on February 07, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Were you thinking about Gargoyles when you had your Wheaties today, Greg?

Greg responds...

I rarely eat breakfast.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Corrin Blaquen writes...

Who are Erin and Benny's favorite characters? What are their favorite episodes?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure. And they're not here to ask.

Erin dressed up as Fox and Benny dressed up as Xanatos at the last Gathering in Orlando, so I think they might have an affinity for those two. I think they like Elisa. Erin liked young Macbeth.

But I don't know.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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JADE writes...

Hi Greg,
Did you know that your name is rooted in the name Gregory which is Latin: Gregorious. Which means "Watchman; watchful one." A man vested with authority and alertness.
English nicknames: Greg, Gregg.
Foreign variations: Gregor, Gregorius (German), Gregoire (French), Gregoor (Dutch), Gregorio (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese), Griogair (Scotch), Greagoir, Grioghar (Irish)

I just thought it was cool. :)

Greg responds...

My name is Gregory. Gregory David Weisman.

And name stuff always fascinates me.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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demona writes...

hi greg what show are u working on?

Greg responds...

I'm currently working on developing a series for Disney with Producer Tad Stones. It is currently too soon to say what that series is. We don't yet have a green light and I don't want to jinx it.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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demona writes...

at the end of the show the credits come on and i see your name what was your job?

Greg responds...

I was one of the Supervising Producers. My specific responsibilities were largely over story. I was the Supervising Story Editor. I came up with most all of the springboards, and assigned them to our various story editors and writers. I then made sure all the premises, outlines and scripts were in good shape. I also wrote and story edited a little myself.

In addition to that primary responsibility, I supervised voice recordings. I gave notes on designs and storyboards. I co-supervised post-production, including film edits, sound mixes and video on-lines.

All this after, I led the development of the show in the first place. I was hardly a one-man band, but from inception to the end of the second season, I was the only guy who was there from beginning to end.

Kinda proud of that.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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Vilija writes...

Hi Greg! Happy Christmas! My question this time's on Christmas presents.

What does Goliath want for Chirtmas this year?
(Does he celebrate Christmas? If not, what does he and other gargs celebrate? Winter Solistce?)

How about Demona? (Santa knows she's been naughty, though.)

What'd Elisa like this year?

Thank you, .... Wait! Today's winter solistce! Have a good one. (and a good holiday.)

P.S. What're you wishing for this year?

Greg responds...

I'd lean more toward Solstice than Christmas. And I don't think Goliath is very interested in material possessions.

Demona wants the same old thing. A human-free earth, and all the power, with no guilt.

Elisa -- I think she'd like a quiet night at home with Goliath.

And me? Well, I wanted the video to Ferris Bueller's Day Off. And I got it. YEAH!

Response recorded on January 17, 2001

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Corrinne Blaquen writes...

Greg, have you done any voices on Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

I was the second commando, who said: "Nice Mask" in Awakening, Part Two.

Response recorded on December 21, 2000

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demona writes...

hi greg are u working on any other shows?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 21, 2000

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puck40 writes...

And since this is off topic of the last question...

Which do you prefer, Mc Donalds or Burger King?

Greg responds...

Soft spot for McDonalds. I like it better overall, I guess.

Truth is I like almost all fast food. Always have, always will.

Response recorded on December 21, 2000

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matt writes...

i heard that you are friends with Douglas Bader, the pilot in "M.I.A", is this true? if so, what does he think of you putting him in the series?

Greg responds...

What's true is that I met Douglas Bader once, when I was a boy. My family went to Disneyland with him and his wife. He was a friend, or at least an aquaintance of my father's. He was also one of my father's heroes.

Sir Douglas has since past away, so I've no way of knowing how he feels about being in the show. But I'd hope he'd see it as the tribute it was meant to be.

Response recorded on December 01, 2000

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Yttrium writes...

Do you have a favorite episode? If so, which one is it?


Greg responds...

I've answered this many times before.

I do love them all (though there are things in EVERY SINGLE one that drive me nuts -- and more things in some than in others).

But I have a special place in my heart for the multi-parters and "The Mirror".

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

You mentioned in one of your recent posts being of a nocturnal disposition. Is this one reason why the gargoyles in the series are nocturnal as well - that you chose to make them awake by night as a reflection of yourself? (Although it does strike me as ringing true to the kind of atmosphere that gargoyles have about them).

Greg responds...

More the latter. But I suppose it's one reason why the series has always been so personal to me. (One of many, I guess.)

Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

Hi Greg. You're right, the birthday question belonged to another category. So now that you yourself are a category:

1) How was your birthday?
2) How was the New Orleans wedding?
3) How is/are your new project(s) going? Can you tell us what they are?
4) When will you remind your kids how great "Gargoyles" is and make them watch it with you again? ;)

Greg responds...

1. Great.

2. Fantastic.

3. It's a little premature. Definitely by the Gathering.

4. I try not to hawk my own wares too much with my own kids. It's a bit too pathetic. They do like the show, but they like a break from it now and then. We did just watch Silver Falcon though.

Response recorded on October 26, 2000

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Selen writes...

sorry i know i just wrote you but i really need this question to be answered. i,for some strange reason, believe that some of these things in gargoyles exsist. like:Avalon,Weird sisters,gargoyles,good and bad witches and wizards. do you believe or are you just another person that says its only a cartton!!! it dont matttter to me but i gotta know.

Greg responds...

To me, it's more than a cartoon. I believe in a lot, but live my life in the here and now.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Lexette writes...

Hi, Greg. I'm a first time questioner. This questions about you, actually. I just wanna know who your fav gargoyle is and why. Also, what's your fav episode?

Greg responds...

I don't have a favorite Gargoyle. I like them all.

I largely feel the same way about the 66 episodes I worked on, but I'll admit to having a soft spot for "The Mirror" and the various multi-parters.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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