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puck<40> writes...

Greg responds...

I once read a Star Wars novel right after the original movie came out. It stank. Kinda turned me off that whole thing.

But you never know.

;-; you read Splinter of the Minds eye? huff. See when I read this trilogy of books it turned me *onto* the other books. Timothy Zahn is really a great writer. And turned me on so much so that I read through so many of the bad ones... including "splinter" <which was released shortly after the movie, pure crap>. Occasionally I try to make my way through another one here and there..... But everything pales. PALES!!!!!! ~taunts all the star wars fans who disagree~ sheep!!!! can't any of these so called hardcore fans see that a BIG MACHINE OF DEATH is kinda boring? book after book.... ;-; so depressing. But This trilogy.... MWAHAHAHH. 9.9; sorry

erhm, heheh. ^.^ anyways.... ~wavies the books in front of Greg~ If I managed to send these.... or not even these. Just the first one to Jen, would you consider reading it? "Heir to the Empire". Made the best seeeelllleeeerrrssss list. =) Hit number oooooonnnneeee. read the reviews online of it if my sales pitch didn't sell it.

and forget about the rest of the books. <a couple short stories are superb here and there but mostly they're blah>

running off now, spanish homework to do.

Greg responds...

You don't have to send me books. (Thanks for the offer.) The truth is, I'm not interested in reading Star Wars-anything right now. That world isn't firing my imagination. The next book I plan on reading is William Faulkner's "New Orleans Sketches." Plan on starting it on the plane ride down to New Orleans. Right now that's just where I want to go.

But if I ever get nostalgic for Star Wars, I know which books to pick up. Thanks.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Green Baron writes...

Hell. Greg. How are you doing? I hope your trip to my hometwon is going according to plan. E-mail me if you have any questions about fun places to visit. I can also help you get a cheap route from the airport to your room, especially if you're staying on St. Charles Ave.

Anyway, here are my questions:

For some reaosn, I'm in an evil modd, so:

Is Demona evil?

Is Oberon evil?

Is Xanatos still evil?

Greg responds...

Define evil.

My friend, Fred Schaefer, and I are arriving on October 10th. We'll be renting a car. Hanging around New Orleans for a few days. (Fred's a native.) On the morning of the fourteenth, Fred'll go stay with his folks, and I'm gonna head to Donaldsonville for the wedding of GARGOYLES voice director Jamie Thomason to GARGOYLES talent coordinator Julie Morgavi. Then on the 16th, I'll head back to New Orleans, pick up Fred, head to the airport and then back to L.A.

GB, I'm not sure I have your e-mail address. Could you get it to me through Crzy?

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Emmlei writes...

On a 9-15 post, you said you were working on a project that may/may not go into preproduction. could you give us an idea as to what is? you've roused my curiosity.

Greg responds...

Can't yet.

Not til November at least.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

So you were the one who came up with the "Disney's Villains" idea, eh? I'd read about the plans for making it in "Starlog" once, and found the idea amusing, but didn't know that you were the one behind it. Thanks for telling us about it.

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

And yes, I'm behind a number of random stuff. Bwahahahahha!

Actually, it's not that shocking. I was Director of Series Development. It was kinda my job.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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frank writes...

Greg, I hear that your developing for Disney again, any truth to that.

Greg responds...

Yes. In fact, I'm typing this from my new office on the Disney lot. I should be here about once a week. Much more often if the show I'm working on gets a green light into pre-production.

Response recorded on September 14, 2000

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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

just read yer x-men ramble. so i thought id ramble a little ^_^ (twice in one day!! AAK!)

re: jurassic park and the lost world
okay anyone who knows me knows i LOVE dinosaurs. i love these movies because they have dinosaurs. but anyone who WATCHES these movies with me will immediately know that ive seen them at least 30 times (no exxageration) and i continually spout off the mistakes. editing errors, creative liberties and just plain MISTAKES. theres a HUGE list of them. the spelled the embryo label "stegAsaurus" instead of "stegOsaurus." they have the car fall into a revine as the t-rex pushed it over where it had torn down the fence, but WAIT? how did it tear down the fence if there is a revine? for that matter, where did the ground go that the goat was standing on? one could say that in the shot of the car going over, there is a patch of high ground on the left, but the t-rex actually pushed the car over where it had stepped out originally, hence the torn fense (am i clear on this? i dont think i sound like im making sense...) there are TONS of mistakes. but i like dinosaurs. so lets say i like the dinosaurs in the movie, more than i like the movie. i wanted to ask tho, have you read the books? dont read the lost world. it was written for the movie, and was badly done. but the original JP- was FANTASTIC. at least in my opinion. i read it 8 times. even better was Robert Bakker's Raptor Red. HIGHLY reccomend that one.

re: x-men
rogue's hair goes blonde in the end because her character in the comic book had a patch of blonde (or white, depending on what comic u read) hair on top of her head. i duno if that was originally a tribute to any other character or not. (i hadnt read the original comic. the only exposure to x-men i had was the animated serise, which i only watched a few of.)

re: comics in general
i used to read a lot of wonder woman (not the original stuff, but from about 1990-1991) and WildC.A.T.S. i LOVED the cats. Zealot was my HERO. but then the comic went all soap-opera and i was like "this sux." they broke up the original cast. its like "we have something thats doing well. lets CHANGE EVERY ASPECT OF IT, SHALL WE?" (soung familiar?) i did buy a few of Zealot's comics (#1-3 i think) and Grifter's (#8-10). grifters kinda sucked, but i liked Zealot's.

are there movies that you DO like? im guessing not many. perhaps youre spoiled on shakespear (oh thats a shame ;P) of course it may be that youve created something so great, with such attention to detail, that anything without that minute attention just doesnt do anything for you. care to comment on why youre repulsed by so many movies?

ok enough ranting for one post...

Greg responds...

Re: J.Park: I haven't read the books.

Actually, there are a lot of movies I like. I recently listed a whole bunch.

I also like The Bishop's Wife (the original), Groundhog Day, Miracle on 34th Street (the original), An American in Paris, Highlander (despite myself), Sliding Doors, The Croupier, etc.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

for the "Greg Wiseman section"

Greg, i recently read in the archives that youre colorblind. Amazingly i know a LOT of colorblind people. (i hear its common among men, perhaps as much as 1 in 10 men has it. i actually learned the reason behind this in my bio class when we studied genetics. colorblindness is a recessive gene that rests on the female chromosome. women rarely get it because they get two femal chromosomes, or X's, and its unlikely that theyll get TWO X chromosomes with the colorblindness gene. men, however, only need ONE X with the colorblindness gene, as the male Y chromosome cant counteract the gene.) ANYWAY, this brought up two points:

a) there is a way to "cure" colorblindness. i dont know if youve ever heard of it. apparently, they put a red contact lense in one eye (specifically the left or right, but i cant remember which) and it allows you to better distinguish color. not that you would see color "normally" but you would have better definition.

b) you know it goes the other way too. i read an article in Discover magazine (i spend too much time with that magazine) about a type of person who has OVERstimmulated color perception. whenever they see a certain letter, its a certain color to them. (as in "all my E's look green." tho not everyone associates e's with green, this happened to be the case with one person.) or they associate music with physical touch-type feelings. or smells with colors and so forth. this kind of person is rare, but they exist, and most of them (according to the article) said its wonderful- they feel sorry for those of us who dont have this sensation.

ANYWAY, sorry, i felt the need to ramble. ^_^

Greg responds...

a. Yeah, my brother, who is also color blind tried it. But I think it says it made his eyes look funny. And we've both adapted fairly well to this minor, minor disability. So frankly, I'm too vain to want to change the color of one of my eyes for the sake of better definition.

b. Wow. Cool.

Ramble anytime. That's why we're here.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

HIEE! its me, Kelly, from the gathering. (the one "with the great voice") ANYWAYS ive been reading the archives since i got BACK from g2k and noticed that some got cut off at the bottom from way back when *pokes gorebash* so i dont know if this has been asked. and i may eventually find the answer in those long... loooOooOooOnnnNnNgg archives, but:

we see what elisa looks like garg-ified and fox odin-ified.. how do you picture yourself (either way) as an altar ego? or do you have an altar ego? or is each of the characters in some way an altar ego?

Greg responds...

Yeah, they're all me. And none of them are. Spike once drew a very cool me-as-Goliath picture. But I don't view myself that way.

I have alters, I guess, for Star Trek and even a few things that I've created. (Particularly things that I created as a kid.)

But with Gargoyles, the whole thing is me. Sorta.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In "Awakening Part Four", when Hudson and Bronx are watching television, Bronx is up on one of the couches in the room. Just what is the clan's policy regarding Bronx on the furniture? Is he generally allowed up on it? (Of course, then again, if Bronx wants up on the couch, who's going to tell him that he can't get on it? :)

Greg responds...

My dog Norman has his own barca-lounger in our den. So who am I to tell Bronx where he can sit?

Response recorded on August 21, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

First off, congratulations at getting so many of the April questions answered in one night! (I have to admit, the dent that you made in the queue impressed me to such an extent that I don't mind the fact that you didn't get to finish April).

Now to my question.

I understand that you were the initial writer for the pilot episode of an animated series called "Roswell Conspiracy: Aliens, Myths, and Legends", but that they later on had somebody else rewrite the pilot. (I saw the rewritten pilot, but nothing else of the series; my local television station dropped the series after that for a wrestling program :( ). At any rate, I thought that I'd ask you a bit about it.

I've heard it claimed among some Gargoyles fans when they were discussing the series that you were the one who originally came up with it but were taken off it afterwards. Is that correct, or were you merely the one assigned to write the pilot?

(While it's hard to judge a series from only one episode, I will admit that the pilot did appeal to me on a certain level, largely because I liked the idea in it of various races of secret alien colonists on Earth being the originals of such mythical beings as banshees and werewolves).

Greg responds...

1. I was removed after writing the bible and pilot. My version of the pilot, which was performed at the Gathering 1999 by "The Greg Weisman Players". The version you saw used much of my material, but was a fairly total rewrite.

Response recorded on August 19, 2000

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