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In Gargoyles 2158, you said Deliah will be uncomfortable about having human genes from Elisa. How will she even know she has this since Gargoyles are raised communally?
It's Gargoyles 2198 now. You might check that archive. Beyond that, I'm not going into any details about Delilah at this time.
I have a question regarding Gargoyles 2198. You mentioned that the Delilah from that time period would know that she is descended from the Delilah of 1996. Since Gargoyles raise all the hatchlings as children of the Clan, how would she know? Wouldn't the generation gap be far enough that the members of the Labrynth clan would not care or even know?
You'd think.
You said in the archives, in regards to the Guatemalan gargoyels, that "while the pendants are keeping them flesh by day, they age at the same rate as humans." If Zafiro II has the saphire amulet, how can he be the same age as Samson and Delilah if the pendant makes him age at the rate of a human, which is twice as fast as that of a gargoyle?
As more recent archives will indicate, I've since gone with the notion that the pendants magically compensate, and the pendant-wearing gargoyles age at a normal gargoyle rate.
Hi Greg, I'm glad the forum's back up because I have a question that's been nagging me. On the GARGOYLES 2198 CONTEST RESULTS Ramble, you said that, because Delilah II is part human, she feels "like she's not truly a part of either (species). Upon learning of her "heritage", humans seem to react with fear and even disgust. And Delilah has never been confident that the gargoyles she was raised with don't feel the same way." If Gargoyles raise their children without knowledge of biological parents, Delilah shouldn't know she's part human, as it would require her to know she's a biological descendent of the first Delilah. If gargoyles raise their children collectively, how does Delilah know she's part human. Does the Labyrinth Clan have different customs, having been originally led by Talon, a mutate that was once human and thus having founded the Clan on human customs? Or does Delilah notice qualities about herself that are human qualities and subsequently realize she's part human?
I'm mostly inclined to leave this to your imagination for now, but suffice to say the Labyrinth gargoyles are aware of their history and origins, making some things obvious -- independent of immediate bio-parentage.