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Sarah Anderson writes...

Hi Greg!

Just so you know, Gargoyles is, to me, the absolutely finest animated series I have ever seen. (And I've seen a lot!) So thank you!

Now, one question...you've said that you don't see a lot of gargoyle/human pairings because you want to keep Goliath and Elisa's relationship unique. I get that, and I actually like the idea myself. But (yeah, a but XD), logically, don't you think out of all the billions of human men and women, at least SOME of them would be interested in gargoyles? I mean, within the fandom alone there are lots of people who think the gargoyles are very attractive, so I would think that out of the whole world, there'd be a lot of them that would be more than willing to try a relationship with a gargoyle. And I would imagine that as gargoyles interact more with humans a few would probably get "interested." Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm just thinking aloud, and was hoping to hear your thoughts (in more detail) on the points I just made.

Thanks so much!

Greg responds...

Well... I think you underestimate the reality of the situation. When watching characters (of whatever species) in an animated cartoon, everyone is made of the same ink and paint (or pixels). So the physical differences seem superficial - compared to the appeal or drama or pathos of individual characters, which in a way is how it should be.

But try for a moment to put yourself INTO that universe. Try to truly picture the physicality of the differences in a real world context. I'm not saying it could never happen. And maybe by 2198 it's slightly more likely. But generally, I think that kind of pairing is going to be quite rare. That doesn't mean intense friendships, relationships, emotions won't grow between individual humans and individual gargoyles, but I'd never see it as commonplace.

Response recorded on June 09, 2010

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Bazell writes...

For clarification: is it fair to assume that in the Gargoyles Universe, nature operates through the principle of Darwinian natural selection as opposed to other evolutionary theories? A lot of your language seems to suggest so.

Assuming so, then the Fae's ability to use magic is just an evolutionary adaptation - albeit a magnificent one. The philosophical implications of this alone could fuel a lecture. Regardless, a sub-question: are Fae suseptible to cancer?

Greg responds...

It's a fairly Darwinian Universe, yes.

Response recorded on April 01, 2010

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Random Fan writes...

Hey there! just going to get to the point. You've said that gargoyles started in pangea and where at one time a international race. What happened to american gargoyles before the manhatan clan got there?

Greg responds...

Long gone...

Response recorded on March 31, 2010

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Rebel writes...

Which part of the world did gargoyles first arise in? For example, humans apparently arose in Africa and then migrated almost everywhere else, and then evolved. I'm curious to know which continent gargoyles first came from. If you'd care to narrow it down even further, that'd be great, since a continent is a really big place.

I did a search to see if this had already been answered, but I didn't see anything. If you've answered it already and I missed it, my apologies.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 22, 2009

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Corrie "Cormak" McDermott writes...

Hello Greg,

Gosh, it's been over 7 years since I asked a question here!

First off, I'd just like to say how thrilled I am that you still continue to push for Gargoyles to reach the fans. No matter the medium! Before the comics, I lived for the "Ask Greg" section of this site, (I still enjoy reading here when time away from work and my horses allows). The comics have really been a godsend. It's always a disappointment to find your favorite show has no new material in the works, so I commend you for helping to keep Gargoyles alive and available to us all no matter what obstacle you must cross.

I'm very upset to hear about the license situation with the comic, but I have not given up hope for the future spin offs and further stories.

I'd guess you write timelines and probably have notebooks and computer documents full of continuing ideas. Have you ever thought about doing an encyclopedia/compliation with all of the characters, places and events as well as future events you have outlined? (Obviously with Disney's approval of course)

I apologize if the question has already been asked. I searched the archives and didn't see a mention. (There are alot of pages!)

Best of luck, keep up the good work and Long live the Gargoyles!

Greg responds...

I've thought often about it. No publisher has ever expressed any interest.

Response recorded on October 15, 2008

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NewGuyontheBlock writes...

Are vampires involved in the Garg universe (like the ones in Underworld Two)?

Greg responds...

According to Princess Katharine they are. But I've never seen either Underworld, so I have no comment on whether or not our vampires might or might not be LIKE the ones in that movie.

Response recorded on July 30, 2007

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Juan writes...

I Wondering (hi agian) Was there any gargoyles in the middle east particularly during reign babylonia mesotomia i dont know how u spell but where we call iraq in ancient

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 05, 2007

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dph writes...

In general, do you view the fall of Atlantis in the gargoyles universe as a good thing or a bad thing?

Greg responds...

I don't view those kind of things in black and white terms.

Response recorded on March 13, 2007

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Vashkoda writes...

Your ramble on "The New Olympians" got me wondering about the magical islands in the Gargoyles Universe. There almost seems to be a theme that all islands inherently have something "unnatural" about them (and often are home to the last surviving gargoyle clans). This would include the obvious ones like Avalon and New Olympus, but you could even include Scotland/England, Ireland, Queen Florence Island, Easter Island, Japan and Manhattan itself (I might even include Atlantis since you say it exists in the Gargoyles Universe in some form). Was this a conscious theme, or did islands simply get the spotlight in the Avalon Tour due to the easy access by skiff?

In a semi-related question, one of the big mysteries that you never really touched upon in the show is the nature of the Bermuda Triangle. In the Gargoyles Universe, does it have anything to do with one of the islands named above? Your comment about being disappointed that the New Olympus shield looked like a fog bank from outside got me thinking, since that is often how people are described getting lost in the Bermuda Triangle. Yet Avalon, too, seems shrouded in mist. Any comments?

Greg responds...

It's not so much a theme -- and yet not merely a matter of convenience either -- but a factor of geography. Islands ARE more isolated, which gives rise to possibilities.

But it's not limited to islands. A remote locale like Tibet isn't an island, but might as well be, if you get the drift of my skiff.

I honestly haven't gotten to the Bermuda Triangle in my own head yet, vis-a-vis the Gargoyles Universe. For those of you who attended the 1997 Gathering, and saw the Radio Play that year (Rain of the Ghosts), you know I have another original property that covers that territory in some detail. So I haven't yet turned my attention to what approach I'd take for the Triangle in the Gargoyles Universe -- since I'd want some differentiation between Gargoyles and Rain. But all things are true.

Response recorded on September 07, 2006

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Todd Jensen writes...

A question about Elisa awakening King Arthur "early". Now, we know that Elisa awakened Arthur ahead of schedule, based on the information given in "Avalon Part Three" and "Pendragon", and that he was apparently originally supposed to be awakened somewhat later and for a different emergency than the Archmage (although we don't know what it was or how far away in time it would be).

What I'm curious about is: has Elisa thereby altered Arthur's destiny? To explain a little more about what I mean, I suppose that I'd better go into a brief "ramble".

We don't know much about the nature of fate or destiny in the Gargoyles Universe (beyond the fact that the Weird Sisters are linked to it, at least when Luna is the dominant one), but we can tell that it exists in some ways (such as Avalon sending people "where they need to be"). I don't know if it's actually supposed to be possible to "alter destiny" in the Gargoyles Universe, beyond the fact that we know that the past can't be altered (as Goliath and Demona have both learned the hard way), but since Elisa came to the Hollow Hill in her own time rather than in the past, her awakening Arthur obviously wouldn't count as changing history in the same way that somebody going back in time to, say, avert the Wyvern Massacre would. However, since the future is part of the time-stream (and I assume that the only 2198 in the Gargoyles Universe is the one where the Space-Spawn show up and take over the planet and there are no alternate 2198s where that event doesn't take place), it doesn't seem so probable that it can be altered.

On the other hand, we do know that carefully-laid plans that were devised, not by God or destiny or something of a transcendent nature, but by humans or gargoyles or the Oberati, can be changed through the actions of others. Demona and the Captain of the Guard's original plans to betray Castle Wyvern, for example, wound up having different results than those that they were expecting, thanks partly to Goliath's decision to only take Hudson with him, partly to Hakon's decision to smash the gargoyles at the castle in spite of the Captain's protests.

So what my real question is, I suppose, is this; was the original "future time" for Arthur's awakening (in which he will not be awakening after all thanks to Elisa) set by God or Fate or something of that nature, or was it set merely by people (as in, the ones who placed him in the Hollow Hill)? Has Elisa genuinely altered Arthur's future, or only altered his future as it was perceived by those who laid him to sleep on Avalon?

Greg responds...

It's a very interesting distinction isn't it? Does Destiny = Future?

Well, I'm thinking no. The future, as you stated, is part of the timestream. Actual events that happened in the future (from some kind of external perspective) are immutable.

But Destiny, to me at least, means something different. Destiny is about potential. It's not about a lock or a guarantee.

Individual characters may be loose with language, but I think that in the Gargoyles Universe, when one says a character is "DESTINED" to do X, what one means is that said character is destined to ATTEMPT X. Doesn't guarantee success. Success relies on a combination of indiviual and circumstance.

So, to your original question, has Elisa altered Arthur's destiny? I'd have to say... "MAYBE!!!!"

I mean actually, I know the answer to that question, but I just don't feel like answering it now. What I mean by "maybe" is that she certainly may have. She may have created a new destiny for him. She may have spoiled plans for the old destiny. And yet he may find his way back to that old destiny. Or what he does accomplish may not be exactly the original destiny, but winds up doing the same thing or sowing seeds for others to reep. Any or all of the above.

Response recorded on June 02, 2005

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Puck Robyne Lover!! writes...

Can you give me a family tree of oberon and titiania's children across the centuries? I can't figure out if Puck is Alexnder Xanatos is pucks nephew or not. I would really like to know about Puck's/owen's secret love that you mentioned earlier too.

Greg responds...

I'm not going to reveal anything new at this time, but I will summarize what I've already revealed:

Lord Oberon is the son of Queen Mab.

Lord Oberon married Titania (who became Queen Titania after Mab was overthrown). (Note: Oberon intentionally did not take the title of King. Retaining his "Lord" title is his semi-skewed attempt at being more... egalitarian.)

Oberon and Titania have two children together: one male and one female. I know exactly who they are, but I'm keeping their identities and personas secret for the time being.

Oberon also has at least two sons by mortal women: Merlin and the changeling boy from Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

Titania has one child with the mortal Halcyon Renard. This is Janine Renard, a.k.a. Fox.

Fox married David Xanatos. They have one child: Alexander Fox Xanatos.

Puck, a.k.a. Owen Burnett, is not directly related to ANY of these individuals.

Response recorded on November 18, 2004

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Enigma writes...

I have a language question. The gargoyles (Manhattan Clan)come from medevil Scotland, right? Well, English 1000 years ago wasn't the same as it is now. It actually bears little resemblence to old English, so how could the gargoyles understand our English (Modern English) when they woke up in NY in 1994?
When you really think about it they should be speaking Scottish since they're from a time when people in Scotland spoke Scottish, not English.
So either way you look at it there should have been a lot of communication problems at first. (I can accept we can understand everyone in Scotland 994 since you'd have to use subtitles otherwise. Thanks :)

Greg responds...

You are essentially correct, although I'd use the term Gaelic, I think, rather than Scottish.

The "behind the scenes" answer, as I've mentioned before, was that we chose Scotland in part because it's a place where people CURRENTLY speak English, so we felt we could skate past the language question without too much of a problem.

The "in universe" answer, which I've also mentioned before, came, I believe, from Michael Reaves, who suggested that a spell was cast (perhaps by Demona before Goliath & Company were brought to the top of the Eyrie Building) to bring the Gargoyles up to speed language-wise without any of them realizing that they'd been effected.

Response recorded on October 22, 2004

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JEB writes...

Random question - which is longer (page-length-wise), the Gargoyles Timeline or the Gargoyles Encyclopedia manuscript?

Greg responds...

The Timeline, last updated 6/27/01, is currently 221 pages long (not counting all the handwritten margin notes done since then).

The Encyclopedia, last updated 9/16/98, is currently 350 pages long (not counting all the handwritten margin notes done since then).

Response recorded on May 11, 2004

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The Cat writes...

Hey Greg,
It's The Cat, again. Technically I've already asked this question, but it has more to do with when the gargoyles learned how to read than anything else.

It has been asked already, but your answer is not correct.

You aswered that Demona learned from the Archmage. Goliath learned from Demona. Lexington learned right before they were turned to stone for a thousand years. Brooklyn learned right after the spell was broken and of course Broadway and Hudson learned together from Elisa and the rest of the clan.

It is not correct in the fact that English was not a language back in 994A.D., much less a written language. So, here is your answer revised a bit for all those people that have to learn this in History class and then wonder how it could be possible for the gargoyles to have learned to read English if it wasn't a language.

Demona learned how to read English sometime while the others were in their stone sleep, after all life must really get boring having nothing to do and being a live for several centuries( do ya'll people really think that she'd kill humans all the time?) Goliath, Brooklyn and Lexington most likely learned how to read right after the spell was broken. After all the language Goliath and Lexington learned how to read was most likely Latin given the fact that that language was the only one besides Greek and Hebrew that were written down at the time.

Another question(actually the one above wasn't really a question, hmm, I've really got to work on that)

In the episode, A Lighthouse in the Sea of Time, The Scroles(I'm unsure if I spelt that right and I don't have a dictionary at hand right now) of Merlin were written in Ancient Celtic, but how could that be? Celtic wasn't a written language. Or it could have been and I just haven't covered that topic in my history lessons yet. But I don't think it was a written language at the time that the scrolls were written.

Well, I know this is a kind of multi-topic letter, but I was going on the topic of written languages more than anything. See ya.

Greg responds...

I don't think I was asked when they learned to "read English", I think I was asked when they learned to read.

Of course, we generally cheated on language issues. Michael Reaves had a magical solution to this, which I like and have commented on before.

As for the Scrolls, I'd have to do more research to answer you in the kind of detail your post displays.

Response recorded on April 26, 2004

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Zarok writes...

Hey Greg
I've just finished reading your "Roswell Conspiracies" bible, there are some really great ideas in it. The ban on faster than light travel is somewhat revolutionary and unique in a show like this. It's a shame that it didn't work out but it did get me thinking about outer space and aliens in the Gargoyles universe so…

1) Do the "Greymen" exist in the Gargoyle universe?

2) Did the "roswell incident" or some version of it occur in the Gargoyle universe?

Greg responds...

All things are true. One way or another.

Response recorded on March 26, 2004

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Anonymous writes...

1.Are Thor's sons alive? I mean they were said to survive ragnorak.
2.How about Vidar and Vali?
3.What about Odin's wife? Is she alive?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to start rattling off a laundry list of Norse Gods and figures.

I have basic ideas about how Norse mythology fits into the Gargoyles Universe, but I won't pretend I've yet had the opportunity (or need) to go through each and every "character" and figure out where he or she or it is currently hanging.

Response recorded on February 23, 2004

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Emma Rooney writes...

Where do you get all the information about Gargoyles from, without calling/visiting the sculptor?

Greg responds...

The sculptor?

Mostly, I make it up. Or rather, I made it up some time ago and I either type it up from memory or I refer to my old notes.

Or maybe, as I've suggested before, I'm just psychically tapping into the Gargoyles Universe -- if that doesn't sound TOO pretentious.

Response recorded on February 12, 2004

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Anonymous writes...

Since the Illuminati are going to be the villains for Pendragon, New Olympians, Bad Guys and Gargoyles were you planning a crossover for all four series?

Greg responds...

This is all so hypothetical. All series are set in the so-called "GARGOYLES UNIVERSE" so you would see characters running in and out of everywhere. So I guess the answer is technically yes. But deciding whether or not there'd be a true cross-over, i.e. a story that started with a Part One in one series and ended with a Part Two in another would completely depend on outside criteria, like whether the network would allow something like that.

Response recorded on November 14, 2003

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phil seiler writes...

hi greg i want know why they put gargoyles on churches

Greg responds...

You mean within the world of the show or otherwise?

Among the possible answers...


Design flourishes.

Superstitious totems.

Symbolic protectors.

Living creatures who have lived on that spot for centuries before the church existed...

Response recorded on October 21, 2003

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Wolfram Bane (wolfram_bane@hotmail.com) writes...

Weisman, Greg

Given the 'everything is real' concept, does Greg Weisman, gargoyle scholar, exist within the Gargoyles universe?

Greg responds...

I never said that "everything is real".

The Weird Sisters believe that "All things are true".

There's a huge difference in my mind.

As to whether there's a Greg Weisman in the Garg Universe, I honestly haven't given it any thought. Which in and of itself seems strange, don't you think?

I've thought about me being transported to the Garg Universe. And after seeing "Galaxy Quest" (directed by Dean Parisot, a dad in my kids' Indian Guides and Indian Princess Tribes), I thought about what would happen if the gargs actually showed up at the Gathering, but I haven't thought about whether or not I have a parallel version over there.

And now I can't because you just submitted it as an idea.

Oh, well.

Response recorded on October 15, 2003

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Gipdac writes...

In the gargoyles universe;
1) How large was Atlantis?
2) Where was Atlantis originally?

Greg responds...

1. I haven't given this a lot of thought at this time.
2. I have given this a lot of thought but do not want to reveal it at this time.


Response recorded on September 26, 2003

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LK writes...

This could be a delicate subject:

Although the World Trade Center is gone, <:( ,
will it still exist in the "Gargoyle universe?"

(or will this even be an issue?)

I apologize if there has already been a 9/11 "ramble".

I couldn't find anything in the archives.

Greg responds...

Well, probably when you posted this there wasn't. But you might have looked to see that a few dozen people posted this question before you did and that ultimately I would get to it before I got to yours. Oh, well. Check the archives again, and I'm sure you'll see an answer.

Response recorded on August 29, 2003

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Benjamin Gilbert writes...

Right off the bat, I should let you (and everyone else) know that I have some reservations about asking this question at all, but... the question seems important, somehow. The whole "gargoyles protect" thing, I suppose.

I was watching Awakening the other day, and there's a prominent shot (I don't remember in which part) of the World Trade towers. They were central to The Mirror, and probably were shown in other eps too.

1. In your mind, did the September 11th disaster happen in the Gargoyles universe?

2. If so, in your mind, is there a story there somewhere? (Not that you could tell it on the air, necessarily.) I mean, do you have thoughts about what the gargoyles did, or what Xanatos' reaction was, or suchlike? How do your particular set of extraordinary people react in those extraordinary circumstances? Or have you not thought about it?

3. If no to #1, would the WTC towers still be there in future episodes, or would they quietly vanish from the Manhattan skyline?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.
2. I've occassionally thought about it. But not in any real depth. Avoidance, I guess. I don't think I'd tell a story about it. The series "Without a Trace" just did a two-part episode that was very well-handled dealing with the aftermath of 9/11. And yet, there were moments where I couldn't help thinking it was still exploitive. And I like both the series and the episodes. I don't see how we could possibly, in the context of a fantasy-action show like ours, do justice to the magnitude of that event. So, yes, it happened, and, yes, it effected every one of our characters. But I doubt I'd ever address it on air, unless I (or someone on my staff) came up with just a brilliant take on it. But that seems unlikely.

3. N.A.

Response recorded on June 02, 2003

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Galvatron> I think you are confusing Greg's words and intent... His take is after all something like "Everything is true for a given value of 'true'"...

He never said that Muslims, Jews and Christians are *correct* in everything they believed. That might indeed be offensive - but it would also be impossible to pull off, since after all, they believe in some contradictory things as well.

From what I understand, Greg said that these guys worship what they perceive as Infinite and as Creator. That's factually correct in our real world. And then he went on to say that such an Infinite and a Creator exists. Some of the more specific beliefs may well be wrong.

Pagans believed in Zeus or Odin or Osiris or many others gods. And Greg says that, yes, Zeus and Odin and Osiris also exist. But some of the more specific beliefs about them may also be wrong.

So your claim seems to me to be nothing more than "Odin isn't portrayed as Infinite!". To which my response is: "He was never supposed to be, not even by the Norse themselves."

Now if Greg went on to portray the afterlife exactly as Christianity portrays it, *that* might be a bit exclusive... But it seems to me that he's going for a diversity of afterlives, a bit similar to what Terry Pratchett did...

(Weirdly enough however I *was* annoyed by the intrusion of monotheism and dualism in shows like Hercules & Xena which previously featured polytheistic pantheons. But that was more because it seemed to me to subvert the very theme of the heroism of "Man vs gods" and turn it into "The Real God[tm] vs the many false gods"... Greg portrays a universe where all these beliefs can pretty much coexist. The producers of Xena, on the other hand decided to portray a universe where they must fight to the death - the introduction of The One God immediately made the lesser gods something evil which needed to be destroyed. Bleh! )

Sorry for the rant, Greg! :-)

Greg responds...

No prob.

But I do think both of you have sort of missed the point. Personally, I believe in both God and evolution. I'm also a bit of a pantheistic pagan, and I don't find any of these notions mutually exclusive. But that's me.

What I believe I've always said about the show is that whatever you believe created OUR universe also created the garg universe. If that's one or more of the above (plus or minus) something else, fine.

Response recorded on May 30, 2003

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Justin writes...

Dear Greg,

You said that, and Goliath has also said that, "Long ago there were clans all over the world." Well that is a pretty vague statement. I do understand it was intentional but the idea has bothered be for close to six years now, where were these clans? Were there any in the americas? Africa? Italy? Moscow? I really would like to know how far the species migrated.


Greg responds...

What part of "all over the world" don't you understand?

If you want me to list every clan location... well, I won't. I'm not going to go through an Atlas and start choosing spots.

The Americas? You know it. Africa? Sure. Italy? Absolutely. Moscow, specifically? I don't know.

They are an old race. Now on the verge of extinction, but once upon a time they were (briefly) the dominant species on the planet. They spread out.

Response recorded on May 27, 2003

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