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Oberon writes...

In the Gargoyle Universe are Prospero, Caliban, Ariel, and Miranda still alive? Secorax? Setebose?
What race is Caliban?

Greg responds...

I'm not revealing any of this at this time.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Vasy writes...

The gargoyle universe has norse gods like odin

and oberon and avalon from celtic culture, and banshee

From egypt the is the god of death and such

in central africa there is anansi

from america india there is coyote

1.Does the gargoyle universe have any gods from india in the stroies.

2.if so when do the stories take place....

3.Who are the gods in your stories

Greg responds...

Eventually, all things will be incorporated one way or another. Sort of a unified field theory for myth & legend in the Garg Universe.

Response recorded on November 15, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Since you plan to include Dracula, I have to ask you: Have you read about the historical Vlad Dracula the Impaler? And do you plan (as you did with Macbeth) to have his story incorporate more real history than we usually seen in the vampire stories about Dracula?

This guy seems to be one who was actually *worse* in real history, than he ever was in fiction... *shudder*

Greg responds...

I'm leaning toward a history-based Dracula and then taking it forward from there.

Response recorded on October 26, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

You mentioned here recently that if the series had continued, or if it were to be revived, you'd eventually do an episode based on the Faust legend.

My question about this: would this story be a bit of a problem from the S&P level, in view of the fact that a focal point of the Faust legend is his deal with the Devil, something that could be drawing very close to elements of a living religion? Of course, you already were able to use the Golem in "Gargoyles", and had plans to make use of the Holy Grail, so it's certainly likely that you have a means of making Faust and Mephistopheles's bargain workable in the Gargoyles Universe without bringing in explicit Christian elements, but I thought that I'd ask about this one anyway.

Greg responds...

Where there's a will, there's a way. Assuming I can get back on the air at all.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Ruthlis Ahbanden writes...

1. Did Robin Hood exist in the Gargoyles Universe?

2. If so, do you see him as a normal human, or someone with some connection to magic?

Greg responds...

1. In one form or another.

2. Not saying.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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Ed writes...

Did the mediaeval witch-hunts ever actually kill any witches? Were there even very many around to be killed at that time?

Greg responds...

Maybe. Probably.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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Ed writes...

In the Gargoyles universe, whatever happened to Atlantis?

Greg responds...

Not saying now.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Does the survival of the Loch Ness Monster have anything to do with the fae or the Lost Race?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 05, 2000

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Kayless writes...

October and Halloween are approaching so I thought I'd ask some Werewolf questions.

1. Wolf is a genetically altered Werewolf. The Eye of Odin briefly turned Fox into a Werefox. Yet we never saw a true Werewolf despite Princess Katharine's hint; 'silver be for Vampire's and Weres'. Did you ever intend on featuring one in your stories or did the aforementioned characters fill your personal quota for Werebeasts?

2. Are the Werepanthers (can't remember their names) vulnerable to silver like Werewolves? They didn't seem like true Werebeasts to me due to the fact that they changed into full panthers and not hybrids, as is customary with most Werewolf tales.

3. Is it possible for a Gargoyle to contract Lycanthropy? (Mighty inconvenient since Gargs are only active at night)

4. Or a Fae? (Highly unlikely but you never know)

5. Or a New Olympian?

6. What is cause of Lycanthropy? Is it a curse based on Fae magic like in 'Mark of the Panther' or something else?

7. Is it something you're born with or something you contract? Or possibly both?

8. What would a Werewolf change into? A full wolf or a bipedal hybrid?

9. How much control do they maintain over their altered forms? Are they savage beast like the creature Fox turned into, or do they retain their lucid thoughts?

10. Do they change ever night, during the full moon, or at their leisure?

That's probably enough Lycanthropic related question for now.

Greg responds...

1. Eventually.

2. Maybe.

3. Why not?

4. Doubtful.

5. Possibly.

6. Lots of causes obviously.

7. Ditto.

8. Can't give you one answer.

9. I'm not going to get that specific now.

10. Depends on the cause.

Response recorded on September 27, 2000

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Justin writes...

You mentioned that you consider vampirism to be a curse.
What if a gargoyle were to be cursed? Vampires can't be in daylight or they will die. But a gargoyle/vampires gotta sleep! So what chnages would happen?

Greg responds...

NOt answering that now.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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