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Anonymous writes...

Who is presently the president of the USA in the Gargoyles universe? Is he a member of the Illuminati?

Greg responds...

Presently, to my knowledge, George W. Bush is president.

Response recorded on October 10, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What exactly were the sirens in the Gargoyles Universe(GU)? Halflings? Children of Oberon?

Greg responds...

I'm not telling you.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Seeker of Knowledge writes...

In the Gargoyles Universe, are vampires afraid of crosses and other holy symbols, as they are in in Transylvanian myths?

Greg responds...

You were just waiting for this weren't you: All things are true.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Artemis writes...

Hi Greg! First time poster here. I want to thank you on writing such a great show!! I only started to watch it a little over a year ago. I've only seen about 70% of the episodes, because of it's late airtime and the fact that I have older siblings who what dibs on the tv. What I really want to ask you is how did you come up with this whole series? It's really incredible how it all ties in, considering its complicated plot. My teachers have always told me that I have a gift for story telling, but most of its all been fan fiction. I love to write, but the only reason I do fan fiction is because I can't seem to make up my own characters. So how did you come up with all these complex characters? Did you have to sit down for hours to think of characters, or did they just suddenly come to you one day? Anything you're willing to tell me will be greatly appreciated. I don't care if writers don't really make it on their first story, I know that (I'm only 17, after all). I just want to write share with some people something that I can truly call my own. Thank you! (Next time around, I actually will ask questions regarding the show)
=^..^= <---Meow!

Greg responds...

Well, let's start by acknowledging that I wasn't working in a vaccuum. From day one I had a staff of people working with and for me on the show.

Special credit needs to go to Michael Reaves, Brynne Chandler, Gary Sperling, Cary Bates and Lydia Marano who were all huge participants in the process.

Lots of time was spent talking, batting ideas around. But honestly some things just came so easy and naturally that I still believe that the Gargoyles Universe is out there broadcasting history to me.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Tynne writes...

Does Bigfoot/The Sasquatch (or to be more specific, beings who inspired legends of Sasquatch) exist in the world of "Gargoyles"?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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Aris Katsaris writes...

<g> You've recently received a lot of timeline questions, perhaps encouraged by the fact you've recently indeed given more specific timeline information about things and events... So I am a bit embarrassed that my first question after a long time is also a timeline one...

Anyway... :-)

Since Count Dracula exists in your universe, what year do you place the events that are described in (or which inspired) Bram Stoker's original novel?

Most modern adaptations of Dracula place them in 1897, the year of the novel's publication... but I had always thought that 1890 was a more reasonable date, since the story's epilogue starts with "Seven years ago we all went through the flames"...

Greg responds...

That makes sense to me. But I'd have to do some real research into Dracula and Vlad Tepes, etc. before I pinned anything down for the GU.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Ricky writes...

I am a firm believer that ATLANTIS once existed. It sink deep into the Atlantic Ocean and has never been seen since. Edgar Cayce predicted that the western portion of ATLANTIS would surface in 1967 or 1968 and in 1968, then a huge stone road or wall was discovered off Bimini. It is commonly known today as the Bimini Road. Cool hunh?

It is theorized that ATLANTIS was powered by mystic crystals that eventually destroyed the fable island that Plato said was larger than Africa. He positions the fable island outside the Pillars of Heracles, which are known today as the Striats of Garbiltor. (Excuse the spelling)

Are you a believer?

Greg responds...

Well there were a bunch of crystal's in Disney's Atlantis movie and in Team Atlantis.

Are you asking me about within the Garg Universe or in my real life?

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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JEB writes...

Are the Space-Spawn from within our galaxy (the Milky Way) or do they hail from another galaxy? If the latter, do they rule a substantial portion of their home galaxy?

Greg responds...

At this time, everything I've created for the Gargoyles Universe takes place within the Milky Way Galaxy (at least through 2198).

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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JEB writes...

Did humans really build the great (known) monuments of the ancient world by themselves in the Gargoyles Universe? I refer to the Egyptian and Mayan pyramids, Stonehenge, etc. (Personally, I'd prefer to think so.)

Greg responds...

Not saying at this time. Plus there isn't just one answer to a question that large.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Is the supreme God of the gargoyles universe something like the Source of the DCU?

Greg responds...

I don't know what the Source is. But I will say (again) that I'm not going to define GOD in the Gargoyles Universe. I don't want to name Him, define Him or give Him limits. I'm not even fully comfortable with using the pronoun "Him".

Response recorded on July 27, 2001

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