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COMEBACKS 2007-11 (Nov)

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Alexsandria writes...

Hey Greg
I was woundering since the Winx Club season is over why not reshow W.I.T.C.H on Fox and see how it the audience take it, Besides girls will need to watch something and what better show than W.I.T.C.H its almost like Winx Club. It just an idea to think about

Greg responds...

You know it's totally not up to me, right?

But beyond that, Disney owns WITCH. It seems unlikely they'd let Fox air it.

Response recorded on November 15, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

November 15th...

While Elisa again tries to convince Goliath to abandon the castle, they are attacked by a Steel Clan Robot. Goliath destroys it, but Owen uses the opportunity to acquire some of Goliath's genetic material.

The Pack attempts to rob a bank. The gargoyles try to stop them. Goliath is badly injured - allowing the Pack to escape. Hudson informs Goliath that he needs to choose one of the Trio to be his Second-in-Command.

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Thoth writes...

When does Bad Guys #1 come out?

Greg responds...

End of November or beginning of December, 2007.

Response recorded on November 14, 2007

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
I was curious, you said you don't have any definite ideas on what characters like Katana, Nashville, Artus, and Samson look like. Do you go out to sites like deviantart and look at the fan art for these characters or do you purposely avoid those sites? Just curious.

Greg responds...

I do have definite ideas, I'm just trying not to FIX ideas in my head that would inhibit a character designer. But no, I try to avoid fanart versions of the character on deviant art or anywhere.

Response recorded on November 14, 2007

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quplah writes...

how do I build a gargoyles fpr the four corners of my house?

Greg responds...

Start by contacting an expert.

Response recorded on November 14, 2007

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Jonny Modlin writes...

Hi Greg,I love Gargoyles. I have Gargoyles Season 1 and Season 2, Volume 1 on DVD with 39 episodes. When is the rest of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 going to be on DVD because I am anxious, worried, and have been waiting very patiently to complete the entire series of Gargoyles on DVD? Also when will Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 get released on DVD?

Greg responds...

So... Jonny.... at this point I have to assume that you're either not bothering to look at the answers to your multiple inquiries on this topic... or you're intentionally ignoring them. So I'll return the favor.

Response recorded on November 14, 2007

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Rosalyn writes...

Hi,I love Gargoyles. When is Season 2 :Volume 2 of the show going to be on DVD? Also the rest of the series? 'Cause I'm really anxious.

Greg responds...

You'll know when I do, I swear.

Response recorded on November 14, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

November 14th...

After another shift, Elisa returns to the Clock Tower just before sunrise, where she's confronted by Demona and witnesses her change into a human being. Demona challenges Elisa to save the gargoyles. Meeting the challenge, Elisa shows up at Belvedere Castle at high noon to confront the trio of villains. Elisa fights the human Demona, while Othello and Desdemona internally challenge Iago. Othello wins control of Coldstone's body and turns against Macbeth, who is forced to flee with Demona. Coldstone, fearing for the safety of his clanmates as long as Iago exists within him, departs Manhattan. Back at Macbeth's mansion, the Weird Sisters reassert their control over Macbeth and Demona, revealing that they were behind the theft of the three magical objects.

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Latest Update

Okay, here's what I know as of right now.

First off, the reprint of Gargoyles #6 should be in stores tomorrow (11/14/07). You SHOULD be able to exchange first printing copies for the reprint if you'd like. Notice the emphasis on SHOULD. Let me quote a recent e-mail from SLG publisher Dan Vado in answer to my question as to whether local stores know about this:

"The store issue is a tough one. They have been as informed as they possibly can be, that is we paid to have notices sent to them, there will be an item on their invoice and there was a mention in the weekly newsletter from Diamond Comics as well as from me personally in my retailer newsletter and on a retailer message board. That being said, I was on a conference call with two retailers yesterday, two who buy direct form me regualrly and are among those stores I would count as hard core supporters, and they had no clue they were getting new copies this week or about the replacement issue. So, as I have been mentioning to fans, the best thing to do if the retailer looks at them like they were crazy is to not bother them or get angry with them, just tear off the cover [of their old printing copy] and send it to us [at SLG] and we will replace the book directly. This is why we have not sent copies to Amazon yet and why it has not been on our website yet."

So, not a perfect world, but I really do think it's as good as it gets given the situation.

Next up, Bad Guys #1. This SHOULD be out by the end of this month. Unfortunately, because of Thanksgiving, that's not a lock. But if it's not out the last week of November, it will be out the first week of December. (In any case, it's ALL finished -- and approved.)

After that, expect Gargoyles #7 approximately three weeks after Bad Guys #1 hits the stores -- which SHOULD still put it in December -- unless Christmas messes that up, in which case it should be out the first week in January. The book is also ALL finished, but has not yet been approved.

After that, the Gargoyles Clan-Building Volume #1 Trade Paperback. Galleys are being reviewed now, but it should be out in late December or early January. We may delay it a week or two so that it isn't coming out the EXACT same week as BG1 or G7. Then again we may not.

After that, um, I guess Bad Guys #2, which is currently being finished by Karine.

After that Gargoyles #8, which is being pencilled by David.

After that Bad Guys #3, which is being scripted now by me.

After that Gargoyles #9, which has ALREADY been scripted by me. Uh... how did that happen?

Anyway, that's all I know at this time.


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Ice Tyrant writes...

Hi again. Last time when I asked a question, I wasn't really that curious, I just kinda threw in the question so the message wouldn't be totally meaningless. So anyway, not sure if you remember this scene or not.

In Thrill of the Hunt when The Pack is fighting Goliath and Lexington, Goliath pulls off the circle thing (>_>) on the fire hydrant to push away jackal and Hyena. How could he have known that those Hydrants would make water come out? Maybe he figured out in previous episodes? Not that there are many previous episodes to that one... (That's the earliest I've seen so far.)

Greg responds...

Well, there are five episodes previous, but one has to assume that at some point, he saw that those things were full of water.

Response recorded on November 13, 2007

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