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Aaron writes...

Har har, Greg. ;) Now, what is the Magus' real name?

Greg responds...

You mean given name?

Response recorded on March 11, 2000

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Bud-Clare writes...

What is the Stone of Destiny? Until now, I never gave it any thought, dismissing it as just another magical artifact... except no other magical object shown on Gargoyles had the ability to talk. What makes it so special?

Greg responds...

Frank Welker.

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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Jackal's Love writes...

Okay, I realize this is a very insignificant question, but it has been driving me nuts for quite some time. What is wrong with Banquo's eye? If memory serves me, it's his right eye that is sometimes drawn open, and other times closed, like it's been injured (at first I thought it was missing). Is there any reason why that I'm just missing? Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

Banquo is Popeye's second cousin once removed.

To be perfectly honest, I think the model sheet showed him squinting, and the animators assumed that he was missing an eye or something and gave him a permanent squint. But from scene to scene the squint shifts. We didn't notice the problem until after "Lighthouse" and it was too late to fix it.

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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Kenneth Chisholm writes...

Thank you for being open to questions again.

One thing that annoyed me in the episode "Outfoxed" was that every one kept saying "wiped out" around 4 or 5 times regarding CyberBiotics failing. That repetition really felt juvenile and beneath this series. What happened? Did the writer forget a certain reference guide called a thesaurus?

Greg responds...

Jeez, Kenneth, you'd be a fun boss.

Anyway, I suppose you can blame Cary a bit, but every script went through me, so I'll take the heat. I don't remember this little detail, but for all I know, Cary may have only used the phrase once and I might have added in the other times. I don't remember. Sorry if you were disappointed.

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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Joxter the Mighty writes...

Hi Greg! Someone once asked "Do gargoyles leave marks on hardwood floors" to which you responded "There's a smart-ass response in here somewhere, but I just can't find it." The smart-ass answer of course being something like "Doing what?" And now, I shall atempt to rephrase that question...

1) Since gargoyle claws leave marks in stone and steel, and it seems their feet have similar talons... Do gargoyle feet leave marks on hardwood floors when walking across a room with a hardwood floor?

Greg responds...

It's not that I didn't understand the question. It just struck me, no offense, as too silly to answer in any straight way.

And the funny thing is, it still strikes me that way.

But I liked your smart-ass response.

Response recorded on February 23, 2000

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how can i find information about licensing and appearance opportunities?

Thank you
Peter GardellA

Greg responds...

I don't know. Call Disney.

(We are talking about Gargoyles, right? Or did you want to make an appearance and/or get a license?)

Response recorded on February 23, 2000

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Blade writes...

I've always though Demona was a very strong Gargoyle. Could you tell me how much she can bench? I know its odd but I've always wondred. Maybe around 500lbs?

Greg responds...

I have no idea how much weight I can press, let alone Demona.

Response recorded on February 23, 2000

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Doug writes...

What Would Happen to a gargoyle in space?

Greg responds...

They'd explode in the void, just like a human.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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FireBrid writes...

Does the she-gargs have any practical use off their breasts? After all they are egg laying creatures and such does not have breasts at all.

Greg responds...

Don't tell that to the Platypus.

Anyway, Gargs are there own species, and yes, females do nurse their young.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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lisa writes...

what did titania whisper to fox?{one day we'll find out}

Greg responds...

From whom? Titania or Fox?

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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