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Makhasu writes...

In COS part four, Luna tells Macbeth "And thus you both shall live, eternally linked, sharing each others pain and anguish. With no release until one destroys the other. Only then shall both finally perish, together. What she making a prophesy of what would occur, or was she just stating the rules of their link?

Greg responds...

Good question.

Response recorded on March 07, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

You answered, when asked if Macbeth and Demona share emotional pain, "Metaphorically." I didn't quite understand that. Could you explain in greater detail?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 27, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

What does Demona think of Delilah?

Greg responds...

What do you think she thinks?

Response recorded on February 19, 2007

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niki writes...

I believe the song "Dance With The Gypsies" is played, uncredited, when
Johnny Depp and Juliette Binoche's characters are dancing with others
at a party at the river.

"Dances With The Gypsies" is performed by Stoney Larue or Bob Childers.

Can anyone confirm the song is used there?

Greg responds...

Was that in "Protection" or "Silver Falcon"? I can't remember.

Response recorded on February 12, 2007

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brian knight writes...

why have my african greys mated for three weeks a couple of times a day in november/ december and they still have no eggs is there a reason?

Greg responds...

They're hoping for a little privacy?

Response recorded on January 11, 2007

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fgdsych writes...

in wich direction would you be headed if you were going from the north pole to austrilla

Greg responds...

You mean as the gargoyle flies?

Response recorded on January 10, 2007

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erin writes...


Greg responds...

Probably. Some show. Somewhere. Did you have something specific in mind?

Response recorded on January 04, 2007

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Karey writes...

So how many children did Oberon have? If it is not too much trouble can you list the more notable ones?

Greg responds...

It's not any trouble. But I'm still not gonna do it.

Response recorded on December 01, 2006

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Dan writes...

How far does Iago's manipulation fuel Othello's jealousy?

Greg responds...

All the way to Cyprus.

Response recorded on November 08, 2006

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Anonymous writes...

What did Demona Do during world war two?

Greg responds...

She studied when to and when not to capitalize letters in a sentence.

(Haven't had a smartass response in a while.)

Response recorded on November 08, 2006

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randcnick writes...

do u now a actor named sara burnheart?she lived in the lod days

Greg responds...

I assume you mean Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923). We've never met personally, but I've heard good things. Didn't she do a voice on Thundercats?

Response recorded on October 20, 2006

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anonymous writes...

Okay, I'm not asking this entirely, nor am I expecting you to answer entirely for obvious secreted reasons. I'm not asking who....I'm simply asking what species Delilah's mate will be.

Greg responds...

Am I secreting something... (how embarrassing!)

Response recorded on October 17, 2006

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Todd Jensen writes...

I thought that I'd better rephrase my Questing Beast comment/question, since I realized that I didn't state it too carefully. What my query was about, properly, was about the Beast still being alive in the present-day of the Gargoyles Universe. As I'd mentioned before, I'd assumed until you mentioned it that it wasn't, since it wasn't on the Arthurian Survivors list, so I'd assumed that it was deceased, like Lancelot, Guinevere, Gawain, Mordred, etc.

So is the Questing Beast's absence from the Arthurian Survivors list simply a case of it not counting as an "Arthurian character" in the same way as Arthur, Merlin, Percival, Blanchefleur, etc. - being rather an animal (though certainly a very remarkable animal)? That's what I'm assuming, but I just wanted to be certain about that.

Greg responds...

I refuse to make you certain of anything in this life. I can't handle the responsibility.

Response recorded on September 21, 2006

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Ceres writes...

Ok, so I've been checking this place on and off for the last 7 years and only now have I bothered to ask a question. I figured that somebody would've asked it a lot earlier (I searched the archive plenty of times), so I guess it'll fall on my humble shoulders.

Are you ready? *drumroll*

What did Titania whisper to Fox in the end of the Garthering?

*rimshot!* Okay, okay, lame joke! For real this time!

1) When Puck decided to create Owen after seeing Vogel, how fast did that happen? I mean, did he met Vogel a Monday and by Friday Owen was already sending in his resume? Or did he wait a bit, do some type of research to sound more convincing? Did he even NEED to do research? Which brings me to another question...

2) Did Owen... or Puck, for that matter... ever went to college or its 16th century equivalent? I mean, 1000 years is a lot of time to horse around. Did he ever sign up in a comminuty college in a fit of boredom or something? I'm asking because it seems to me the Renard position required a lot of schooling. Puck is great con artist, but can you really bluff you way through a lab/a corporation for years and years? Seems you can't keep it up forever.

Yes, this is what has been nagging me for years until I finally cracked. Yay me, I guess.

Greg responds...

Oh, so you DON'T want to know what Titania whispered. Cuz I was just about ready to tell...

1. I think there must have been a period of observation.

2. I doubt he went to community college. Magic allows for all sorts of short-cuts.

Response recorded on March 07, 2006

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Gathering 2004 was a blast

Went out to have breakfast at the diner with everyone and we parted ways. Lynati and Emambu are heading down to Pittsburgh and Aaron, Mara, Revel and Spacie have a very long haul to Houston.

Had a great time, but am depressed cause I hate this part... a lot.

I suppose I should now start my con journal.


Getting to this Gathering was planned out several months in advance. Revel decided he was going to drive up with Spacebabie and would pick me up since it was in Montreal and I was on the way. Then this expanded into my brother coming, as well as Aaron and Mara... which was going to be a very tight squeeze. Then Emambu and Lynati joined in with Emambu's car... which helped a lot. It became a two car caravan with walkie talkies to stay in contact.

Wednesday, August 4th.

Spent the entire day getting ready, packing and cleaning up the house for my six guests. Constant phone calls to see where they were, plus plans to briefly chill with my friend Ron and his girlfriend Natalie who are flying back to Israel on Sunday (so this would be my last chance to see them). Ron and Natalie were at a concert in the city, and would not be in till late, and Revel said the caravan to the Gathering (here after referred to as the Rogue Squadron for reasons you'll see later), wouldn't arrive till late... Alex and I had bets as to who I'd see first.

I get a call from Ron that he and Natalie are at the train station so I go pick them up, we chill for a bit watching a re-run of "That 70's Show". Then I get a call from Revel, they're lost in Croton, and it takes a bit of doing but we manage to talk them to my street and drive way.

Gods, except for Mara I have not seen any of them in over a year. It was great, and my kitchen was very, very crowded. We eat, we chat, Revel and Spacebabie set up the inflatable bed in the dining room for themselves and drift off to sleep while the rest of us relocate up here to check e-mail, chat, watch AMVs, etc, etc, etc. At some point I dropped Ron and Natalie off at Ron's house.

We finally manage to get to sleep at around 3:30 am, with plans to be out of the house and on the road by noon.

That does not happen.

Thursday, August 5th

We try to get up early, but considering this crew (I am very guilty of this as well) we don't all end up up till at least 11 am. Then it's a while to get everyone showered and dressed and out. Plus we need to go to the hardware store so Lynati can pick up some wiring for her wings. Afterwards it's to the gas station for gas and some sodas.

Finally around 2:30 we are on the the Rogue Squadron is on the road. We head south to cross the Tappan Zee Bridge and head north... Montreal is well over 300 miles away, but traffic is light and we're making good time, we figure it shouldn't take more than a five hours to make the drive. Plus we have the walkie talkies to keep contact between the two cars. I'm riding in Revel's SUV (which is gold and named Hyena) and Aaron is riding in Emambu's car... dubbed affectionatly The Mafia Cruiser. We're constantly in contact and only have to make one stop in this back water town. These are the parts of New York state I never see. There is a town in NY called Troy... and there's another one called Coxsackie... we had a lot of fun with that name.

Finally we make it to the border... which had hundreds of cars all moving at a snails pace... and why, because the Canadian border controllers are on strike... but since it is illegal for them to strike, they are slowing things up as much as possible. We sit there for about 90 minutes. Finally, we get through and everyone stops to use the bathroom... and funny enough, once we crossed the border the temperature just dropped that very instant... so out come the trenchcoats. Nice to have trenchcoat weather during summer time and at a Gathering.

We get back into our cars and start heading north another 40 miles to Montreal... where we enter what we called The Death Star Trench The high way was reduced to one lane surrounded by these concrete barriers... and Aaron grabs the walkie talkie and starts quoting from the original Star Wars movie all sorts of lines from when they are flying through the Death Star trench, and we're quoting follow up lines... this goes on for several miles, and I have to say it's a good thing no cars broke down because we'd have been fucked, there is no where on either side to pull off. We figured the Canadian High Way unions do the same thing as ours'... they waste money.

Finally we make see the Montreal skyline, which has the weird search light shining all over the place, so in the geek moment, I use my Frodo voice and way "We made it to Mordor. It's the Eye". It takes us a bit of time to find the hotel because none of the signs are written in English. Which leads to one of the great weekend quotes from Aaron.

Montreal is like Broadway. It's large, slightly confused, boring and can't read or write English.

But we finally find the hotel, which was easy to find, and check in, there is a crowd of people and Sapphire comes up to say hi... and I regret to say that I did not recognize her without her glasses, with longer hair, and with her tattoos covered... Sapph, if you read this, I'm sorry.

We check in, and immedietly my keys are handed to a bellboy... which I snatch back, I will find my room myself, and I don't want to have to tip him. We put our bags in our room, and come back down. Here we run into Seth/IRC Goliath... and a bunch of other people, I'm blanking out on names, I'm sure someone will remind me.

Hudson, Chris Rogers and his crew arrive and we immedietly start talking Gathering 2005. And at the time, Chris asks Aaron to be his Treasurer, and Aaron says yes. And for those of you who don't know, Aaron and I had a pact after Gathering 2003 that if either of us ever seriously considered being on con staff again, we'd commit ritual suicide. But the pact was broken, and I did not feel like ritual suidice anyway.

We all hang, and finally the G2004 staff and Greg Weisman arrives. Greg gives me some good natured ribbing for last year, which is fine, I have a sense of humor about it, and it is funny. Ironically enough, I was more at ease with Greg this year than at previous years, because there was still the celebrity Gargoyles creator thing going, but this year we were like old friends instead of series creator and series fan. And Greg is just one of the greatest people in the world any way. It was great to see him again.

It was really great to see Crzy Jen, cause I was always disappointed that she couldn't make it to Gathering 2003. It was really great, and finally as one con chair to another I went up to Karine to tell her it would all be over soon... I said it humorously though... but seriously, Karine did all this and was five months pregnant. Talk about an iron will.

The con staff goes to bed and the rest of us hang out with Greg Weisman in the lobby for about another hour. And afterwards we decide it's time for bed, had a long drive and we all need sleep.

To Be Continued...

Greg responds...

"I dropped Ron and Natalie off at Ron's house"

You mean you're still allowed to drop people off?!!!


Sorry, G. Couldn't resist. ;)

Response recorded on March 06, 2006

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Angie writes...

It seemed that Brooklyn was chasing any female that could talk or had wings (maggie and angela)in "The mirror" was he atracted to Elisa as a gargoyle?

Greg responds...

Wasn't everybody?

Response recorded on February 15, 2006

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J writes...

How did the Hunters replace the hatch on their airship that Goliath flung off? If they didn't replace it, wouldn't that have caused some problems when their airship was submerged underwater in "Hunter's Moon Part Two"?

Greg responds...

I guess they had a spare.

Or maybe duct tape. Yeah, duct tape.

Response recorded on November 02, 2005

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Diandra bellerose writes...

can you compare anansi the and Raven the tricksters?
if not tell me why.

Greg responds...

I can compare them. So I guess, I don't have to tell you why, right?

Response recorded on October 21, 2005

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ALB writes...

Hi Greg - How can I go about possibly getting a signed poster off of you? I don't even know if this would be possible... or if there's one floating around somewhere... but it would be the best gift ever for someone who is a HUGE fan. :)

Greg responds...

So you want me to provide a poster, sign it and then send it off to you?

And JUST you... not everyone in the fandom, right?

Because we both agree that doing this for everyone in the fandom would be too much for me. So it's fair if I only do it for you...

Hmmm, let me think about this...

Uh. No. :)

Response recorded on October 05, 2005

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phillip hannah writes...

are there any real gargoyles

Greg responds...

Sure. Look up.

Response recorded on August 26, 2005

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Diana writes...

Crossovers are starting to become a big thing now. If you had your choice, who would you like to see in a crossover with the gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Uh... the New Olympians...?

Response recorded on July 20, 2005

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Saiyuki writes...

Aren't you get bore sometimes to answer question about Gargoyle?

Greg responds...

Sometimes. This question's kinda boring.

Response recorded on July 06, 2005

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toaine johnson writes...

I would like a picture drawn of goliath breaking out of the stone not the beginning process the close to the end my email address is roscoe83@blackplanet.com asap thank you

Greg responds...

Sounds good. When you get it, can you send me a copy?

Response recorded on June 22, 2005

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Anonymous writes...

What did Titania whisper to Fox in "The Gathering"?

Greg responds...

Part One or Part Two?

Response recorded on June 03, 2005

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The Hunter writes...

What was that Titania whispered to Fox .

.p.s. I am a mind reader which means I can read minds so you'd better answer the answer to me or I'll just read your mind . You'd better give me the answer by September 21 , 2003 .

Greg responds...

I didn't even read the post until May 26th, 2005. But okay. Since you asked so politely. I'm currently thinking of the answer. I'm thinking of it really hard. Go ahead. Read my mind.

There. How'd that work for ya?

Response recorded on May 26, 2005

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