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Jim R. writes...

Here's one of my favorite smart-ass responses:

Anonymous writes...
do you know where i can find a picture of some neat looking gargoyles? like the ones out of a comic book.

Greg responds...
Nope. Have you tried comic books?

Greg responds...

Yeah, that one's okay. I just wish I was wittier.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Revel writes...

Okay, after going through the smart ass archive I know I definitly want to meet you in LA
My favorite was the guy swooning over Angela and your drawn out response.
-Sure, more power to you........Poor slob
My thoughts exactly. There's a world outside them for walls!

Greg responds...

YES! Walls do deserve their own world.

Oh, wait. You meant "four walls" not "for walls". Sorry.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

Here's one of my favorites from the "Smart-ass Responses" section, as per your request:

<<What Would Happen to a gargoyle in space?

Greg responds...

They'd explode in the void, just like a human.>>

Greg responds...

I don't know. That just doesn't seem smart-ass enough to me. Almost to direct an answer. But thanks.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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matt writes...

Greg, i love those smart-ass responses and it would be hard to choose one favirote, but i always thought that this one was pretty good:

-How do gargoyles view homosexuality?
-On cable, like the rest of us.

i also liked:

-After clones, superviruses, and mutates what could Sevarius possibly cook up next?

you sound like Xanatos in "The Edge" when he thinks he's lost his. i think you still have the edge in smart-ass responses, you are hilarious!

Greg responds...

Thanks. I think the cable line is pretty good. "Breakfast?" seems a bit feeble though.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

So, are you in the mood yet to tell us about Lexington's mate? :)

Greg responds...

Knight to king's bishop four.

Response recorded on February 26, 2001

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Cameron writes...

Where can I find pictures of the middle age Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Where?

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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I'm losing my touch...

I'm feeling like my smart-ass responses just haven't been very sharp lately.

So appropos of nothing, I'm taking a poll.

If you've got a few minutes, go through the smart-ass response archive and copy and paste your favorite one.

Maybe if you guys point out the "classics" to me, it'll help me redefine my mission on this score.

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Sapphire writes...

Hey Greg what would your other self be doing right now in the gargoyles universe?

Greg responds...

Writing about all you nutty humans, I guess.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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matt writes...

hey Greg, what did Titania whisper to Fox in "The Gathering II"? how much would i have to pay you to send the answer to my email address? :)

Greg responds...

Why would I tell you and no one else?

But how much are you offering?

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

One question that I found myself reminded of because of your piece about "you have to both see and hear magic in order for it to affect you" in "City of Stone". Now, I very much liked the concept because of it giving established rules for how magic works in the Gargoyles Universe, helping to give it its feeling of verisimilitude. But at the same time, I've occasionally wondered about just how universal that particular rule is.

First off, faerie magic clearly doesn't always follow this rule. In "The Mirror", Puck was able to transform humans into gargoyles and gargoyles into humans when they weren't able to see or hear him. In "The Gathering Part One", Oberon was able to put the whole city to sleep even though, again, the affected people were clearly not all seeing and hearing him. Of course, the above rule probably was only meant to apply to human magic anyway, so these exceptions don't count.

But the area that I do sometimes find myself wondering about is the Roman Magus's "spell of modesty" that you mentioned, back in the days of Caesar Augustus. Because it affected every gargoyle on the planet, including their descendants. But nearly all the gargoyle clans that we know of are from areas that weren't part of the Roman Empire: Britain (which was partly conquered by Rome, but only after Augustus's lifetime), the Far East (never a part of the Roman Empire), and Guatemala (beyond ancient Rome's very knowledge). Obviously, the gargoyles in those regions didn't see or hear the Roman Magus when he cast the spell, but were affected by him. (I assume that it was probably a very unusual, even unique case, though of course, I doubt that you feel ready yet to explain it to us). A small mystery that I thought that I'd mention here.

Greg responds...

Mortal sorcery, yes. Not fae magic.

As for the modesty spell. Well, uh, hey, um, well, that was one darn POWERFUL magus. (Must have had the backing of ALL of Rome's Standard's and Practice's Executives.)

But seriously, he had help. The Archmage wasn't the first guy to combine magical artifacts.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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matt writes...

okay, you told us to stop asking detail questions about the Puck created world in "Future Tense" cuz there were no details and Puck didn't work any harder than he had to so what about Maria Chavez's daughter? why was she included in Puck's ruse? i don't think Goliath had much of a relationship with Chavez and might not have known her, in fact, i don't see it as very likely that Goliath even saw that picture! so why did Puck include that detail? (lets see you get yourself out of this one. :) )

Greg responds...

Goliath would recognize Chavez. Thus the importance of the photograph in "the daughter's" cart. If Goliath had made an effort, Puck would have given young Ms. Chavez more of a personality, with a sob story about her mother to further discomfit our boy.

(How was that? Amateur.)

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Corrine Blaquen writes...

Family Xanatos:

1. What are the middle names of David and Fox?
2. Will Alexander ever get a foxhead tattoo like his mom, as he did in FUTURE TENSE?

Greg responds...

1. Alexander and Alexandra.

2. You never know.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Dexter writes...

Why is Angela so DAMN sexy? Oh I love her SO much! Dude, do you think she'd go for a blonde-haired punk? I mean, her own dad even went for a human, so maybe there's hope for me yet. Hmm...I bet you're gonna give me a smart-ass remark like "she's taken" or something cuz "gargoyles mate for life" BUT Demona proved that it is not true! Go me! Long live the beautiful Angela!

Greg responds...

Hey, good luck, man. More power to you.

[Poor slob.]

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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(The Guppi) writes...

Does the Holy Grail have anything to do with the Golden Cup Bakery? [*LOL*] :>

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Joxter writes...

If I were to ask you "Who is Nought", would you then reply "Who isn't?" as indicated at the top of the page?

Greg responds...

I might, I guess. But since I did that before, I'd try to do something else clever instead.

(Uh, Joxter, you are really hard up for a question, aren't you?)

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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matt writes...

what happened to the Pack helicopter that Lex remodeled in"Her Brother's Keeper"? i can think of lots of times the gargs could have used although, i suppose they didn't have anywhere to keep it or the fuel, etc. to support it. so where did it go?

Greg responds...

They turned it into a planter.

Response recorded on January 17, 2001

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Amberyle writes...

I've read that human blood is red because of the iron in our blood and the oxygen it carries react to each other. I assume that would be the case for gargoyles too, but what about the fey? Since iron is thier weakness, they probably don't have any in thier blood. So, what color blood would they have?

Greg responds...

Red because of all the food dye they consume. :)

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

One thought of my own about the "fate/free will" argument. Somebody cited Demona in "Vows" as an example of this, arguing that because her future self who visits her in 975 is evil, Demona's doomed to become evil herself regardless of what she does.

Actually, my own thoughts on this was that the seeds of Demona's future character are already present even before Demona-1995 meets her. After all, she's already working for the Archmage, and stealing for him, suggesting that she'd started down that path already.

Greg responds...


I'm not saying Demona didn't influence Demona. But Demona had a choice. And so did Demona. She chose to do certain things despite Goliath's warnings and so did Demona. :)

Response recorded on December 01, 2000

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Siren writes...

So Greg, which came first...The gargoyle or the egg?

Greg responds...

I did.

Response recorded on December 01, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Another "rambling" on my part, this time on Future Tense and its relationship to the actual events in the gargoyles' lives after the Avalon World Tour. As we all know, one of the big questions in the fandom is how much the events in "Future Tense" reflect the actual future in the Gargoyles Universe, thanks both to the fulfillment of two of them (in a way) before "The Journey" and Puck's little "Was it a dream or a prophecy?" remark (although I think that that line of his was done just to tease Goliath).

Now, two "prophecies" in "Future Tense" were fulfilled. Xanatos and Fox did have a son named Alexander Fox Xanatos, and the clock tower was destroyed. But I'm not so certain that either of these are quite so significant. As Owen, Puck would obviously know what the Xanatoses were planning to name their baby, after all. As for the clock tower, the destruction of the gargoyles' home would be a natural part of any "gloom-and-doom" scenario for them (not to mention that in the "Future Tense Universe", the clock tower would more likely have been destroyed by Xanatos or Lexington masquerading as Xanatos, rather than by the Canmores - whose existence Puck might not even have been aware of at that point).

Two "prophecies" that seem to be on their way to fulfillment in the future, based on your earlier MasterPlan comments, are the Ultra-Pack and the forty-year separation of Brooklyn and Goliath (brought about by the Avalon World Tour in the "Future Tense Universe", by Brooklyn's Timedancer adventures in the actual Gargoyles Universe). The first of these, of course, can again be easily explained: the Pack getting upgraded again does strike me as something that anyone who had paid close enough attention to their past career could have expected. The 40 years timedancing is a bit more of a poser, but I imagine that if you make enough statements about the future, a few are going to turn out correct, and the only real similarity is the "40 years" element (and the number forty has long held a certain symbolic significance, anyway - the rain that caused Noah's Flood lasted for forty days, the Israelites under Moses spent forty years wandering in the wilderness, etc.).

(The irony is that Brooklyn's Timedancing adventures would have to be the consequence of Puck's whole "Future Tense" vision to begin with, since they came about because Goliath threw the Phoenix Gate away into the Time-stream, which he did because of the "Future Tense" vision; a good case of a self-fulfilling prophecy).

(I've also spotted a possible fifth "twisted fulfillment" of a "Future Tense" event in the outline for "Gargoyles 2198" that you posted, but I'll wait until after the contest is over before naming it and asking you if you'd intended it as such - you can, of course, in the interim, have the fun of guessing which part of "Gargoyles 2198" I had in mind when I wrote this paragraph :)

And, of course, the way that things were going by the end of the series (at least by the end of "The Journey"), I think that we can safely conclude that Xanatos isn't going to declare war on the gargoyles, kill Hudson at the cost of his own life, drive the surviving members of the clan into the Labyrinth, and take over New York (to be succeeded after his death by a traitorous Lexington using him for a facade).

At least, that's my own two cents' worth on the relevance of "Future Tense" to the future of the Gargoyles Universe.

Greg responds...

Sounds pretty good. But you're forgetting one thing.

Response recorded on November 13, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

What do the New Olympians do for entertainment?

Greg responds...

Bungi Jump.

Response recorded on November 13, 2000

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Warrioress writes...

Do Kate Mulgrew and Laura San Giacomo know what Titiania whispered to Fox???


Greg responds...

Ask them.

Response recorded on November 10, 2000

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LSZ writes...

What new villains and antagonists that we've never seen earlier in other series would appear in Pendragon?

Greg responds...

There's the amazing NEW GUY. He's terrifying.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Puck writes...

Are gargoyles realy real?

Greg responds...

You mispelled "really".

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Faieq writes...

Also another question, how did Demona buy her house? Obviously she can't go up to a real estate agent and ask if she could have a tour of the house.

Greg responds...

Stolen goods.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Faieq writes...

I just recently saw 'The Mirror' and when Demona's two 'hired help' went to deliver Titania's mirror, the thin one said 'Who lives here Dracula's daughter?' and the fat one responds by saying, 'Relax, I've done this before.'
My question is what was he delivering, if he was delivering anything, before?

Greg responds...

Stolen goods.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

What did the fay evolve from?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Emmle> My personal theory is that Titania said that Alex's diapers needed changing. Fox, never having changed nappies before, had the sudden urge to cry out: "Eaagh! *You* take him! Avalon's the place for him!"

(And, Todd, this is a joke - not a story idea: please don't delete it :-)

Anyway, I'd prefer if Greg never gives clues or reveals this particular bit of info in Ask Greg. Let's keep this tidbit a true mystery, the Thing That Will Remain Hidden even when all else is revealed.... :-)

Greg responds...

Oh, well if that's what you want, then the answer is...

Hey, was that you're plan all along? To appeal to my sense of perversion?

Response recorded on November 02, 2000

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Emmle writes...

please, please, give us hint as to what Titania whispered to Fox.

Greg responds...

Why do you want to know?

Response recorded on November 02, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

what are Oberon's five favorite movies?

Greg responds...

Anything with Groucho Marx. :)

Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Lexy writes...

Hey Greg.

I would just like to say that, after looking over your latest contest, you are a _very_ brave/devoted man. Thanks for another contest to keep us busy!

Why did Lex start a business?

Greg responds...

Because it was there.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Ed writes...

Given the nature of your recent clues, I think it's time for a slightly cheeky twist on an old question:
In "THE GATHERING", how many words did Titania whisper to Fox? :)

Greg responds...

Do you mean how many letters?

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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The Gatekeeper writes...

Just a comment on the 2198 contest.
I logged in this morning, saw the contest, then I checked the asked queue. WOW. This is going to take a while to sort through. My thoughts went right to "Welcome to Wheel of Fortune!"
Anyway, Greg, may I buy a vowel?

Greg responds...

Sure. I'm selling "E"s for $219.99.

A's, I's and O's are a bargain at three for $300.00

U's are $29.50

Y's and W's are free if you buy over five hundred dollars worth.

Make checks payable to--

Response recorded on October 05, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Does Mab have any redeeming qualities?

Greg responds...

Sure. Fresh breath.

Response recorded on October 05, 2000

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Faieq writes...

In the Gargoyles Universe, how much truth is there in fortune cookies?

Greg responds...

All cookies are true. Especially Peanut Butter cookies.

(This is my favorite question this month.)

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Demona Taina writes...

Okay. I finally got around to ask this. [clears throat]

Do gargoyles need to go to the bathroom?

I figure, not. Since gargoyles turn to stone, stone should absorb everything and use it for energy. It would absorb the sun's rays and the energy the gargoyle got from the food he ate that night. Stone should use everything for energy..

Then again, I could be wrong, so I decided to ask Greg Weisman himself. [bows] So. Do they need to go to the bathroom or not? And if so, do they have to sneak into the police station to do so? :P

Greg responds...

There's a bathroom in the clock tower. But I've never checked to see if it's been used.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

1. Are you willing to tell us what spell Demona has left from the Gimora?

2. If so, what spell is it??


Greg responds...

1. From the "Gimora"? Sure. It's a cool spell for making grapes outta raisons.

2. See above.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Gengar! writes...

Does goliath ever go to the bathroom

Greg responds...

Some decorum, please.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Heidi Doeing writes...

I don't think, despite your multiple attempts to evade the question, that anyone will stop until the real answer is given:
What did Anastacia whisper to Fox?

( ;) just thought I'd try again)

Greg responds...

You misspelled Anastasia.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Ed writes...

After clones, mutates and superviruses, what on earth could Sevarius possibly cook up next?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Faieq writes...

I heard about your "Hobgoblins of little minds" episode that you never got round to making. I found this in the big archives, and I was wondering what it was and what was about. I've searched the old and new archives and can't find anything on it except a little post where someone asks about in Possession, why Iago soul went from Brooklyn's body to Coldsteel through the torso, but Desdemona and Othello went through the mouths of the robots.
You responded by saying:
"Not an error. Two ways of visualizing the same basic event. Neither are wrong, but don't read too much significance into it. "A petty consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds" -- Ralph Waldo Emerson ;)
Someday someone should ask me about the "HOBGOBLIN OF LITTLE MINDS" episode that I never got around to doing."
Well is now a good time to ask about the "Hobgoblin of little minds.
Why didn't I just ask you that in the first place?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure why. Get back to me on that.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Kalafarski writes...

Finding myself lost in that massive "Old Ask Greg Archive," I stumbled across a mention of a missing World Tour episode featuring Coldstone in the Himalayas. What would've happened there?

Greg responds...

An entire story.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Mary Mack writes...

More of my idle curiosity...
The oldest known legend about vampires comes from ancient Greece, where they were known as Vrykolakes-- uncorrupted human corpses inhabited by the spirit of a demon.
That's something nifty I know about vampire mythology... Will you tell me something nifty you know about vampires in the Gargoyles' universe?

Greg responds...

They have soulful eyes.

Response recorded on September 14, 2000

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jenna writes...


Who is older- Broadway or Hippolyta?

Greg responds...

Broadway's over a thousand at this point. Hippolyta's dead. So that's a tough one.

Response recorded on September 14, 2000

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Matthew Smith writes...

Is it more than a coincidence that Hakon and his descendant Wolf both just happen to be enemies of Goliath? i mean it is a pretty big coincidence isn't it?

Greg responds...

Not in my universe, pal.

(More like destiny.)

Response recorded on September 14, 2000

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

Hi Greg, I wasted no time. The chat just ended.

So, care to talk about Hyppolyta?

Greg responds...

C'mon, Greg, I can't make it that easy.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Sixshot writes...

Did everyone survive the crash of Fortress I or there were casualties?

Greg responds...

I'm not saying until the families can be notified.

Response recorded on September 06, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Just thought that I might tell you that I was very amused (LOL), in fact, by your answer to the question about whether pigs can fly in the Gargoyles Universe ("I've got the bacon, do you have the catapult?") - particularly since I'd never imagined firing pigs from a catapult as a means of accomplishing that feat.

Greg responds...

Then you don't watch enough Monty Python.

Response recorded on September 02, 2000

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Michael Williams writes...

Will the season continue in the future?

Greg responds...

Like fall, spring, winter and summer? I hope so.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Sixshot writes...

Let's ask this differently. Did Kate Mulgrew actually whisper something, a line or a statement, or did she just pretend to whisper? Did the line or statement appeared on the text of the voice cast or not? Beside you, does anyone else know what Titanis did whispered? What about the voice cast?

Will the line or statement meant to be revealed on future episodes of Gargoyles?

That's about it! I hope you add more to the speculations than the actual answer, it's funnier that way!

Greg responds...

It's funnier which way? Cuz I want to be funny. And it's hard.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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