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SEM writes...

If the series had continued, would you have shown Hudson's reading skills grow and improve, or did you feel what was shown in the series accomplished your goals?

Greg responds...

We'd certainly have touched on it.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

You said that Hudson had two biological children and would have had a third if his mate hadn't been killed. Does that mean he mated after he was biologically 25? Because if not, they could have had conceived eggs in 928 (Goliath's generation), 948 (Broadway) and 968 (Bronx's generation) since his mate was killed in 971 as you've told us.

So, was it a miscalculation on your part, or did Hudson first mate late in life?

And does Hyppolyta belong to Goliath's or to Bronx's generation?

Greg responds...

Yeah. That was a mistake. A very annoying mistake. His eldest biological child is part of Goliath's generation. (Thus Goliath, Demona, Iago, etc. are all his rookery children.) His second biological child (Broadway) is obviously part of the Trio's generation. (And he's a rookery father to all of them as well.) His third biological child, and there is a third one, hatched in the same generation as Bronx. (And he was a rookery father to all of them as well. Well, all the gargoyles, not the beasts.)

Hyppolyta was part of the generation that included--

Wait a minute. Just cuz I made a mistake, doesn't mean I have to give everything away right now.

Whew. You almost had me.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Had a good time at the Gargoyles Adult Chatroom the other day, and it got me thinking. Someone named VP (or VJ?) made the point that everything I've done after, well, "The Journey" I guess, is fanfiction. At first, I misunderstood him. For example, I thought he was confusing Katana with Sata. But he made it clear, that he meant the quote-unquote Master Plan. My initial reaction was to balk.

But I think he's got a point.

Some of this stuff was completed while I was still on the Disney Payroll in late '95, early '96, but none of it's canon in my mind. Canon, as far as I'm concerned only includes the 66 episodes running from "Awakening, Part One" through "The Journey". The other 12 Goliath Chronicles are debatable. Because the show ISN'T on the air, I think I personally am free NOT to regard them as canon. If and/or when the show does get going again in some shape or form, then a more definitive decision will have to be made at that point about those additional 12 stories.

But putting Goliath Chronicles (and Marvel Comics and Disney Adventures, etc.) aside for the moment, that still leaves us with what to do about things like:

--"Once Upon a Time There Were Three Brothers..."
--Various ASK GREG and other revelations.
--My further plans for the GARGOYLES main series itself.

Calling the work I've done on any of the above "fanfic" rankles at first, but that's largely a problem of semantics. It certainly isn't canon. At this point, legally, I have no more connection to the GARGOYLES property than any of you do. Plus, as I've said many times before, I won't be held to any of it. Hell, for all you know everything I've revealed is just one big snow-job to keep you from guessing my real plans. (It's not, but it might have been smarter of me if it was.)

I do think I'm something of an authority on the subject of Gargoyles. And I also think that if the show is ever brought back, the PTB at Disney would be likely (at least given current management) to come to me first to try and revive it. Plus I'm actively working on getting the show revived, again "in some shape or form".

But that doesn't change anything regarding the question of canon.

As many of you know, I've been working on a major revision of 2158. This is taking me longer than I thought, because -- and I shouldn't have been surprised by this, but -- it's effecting the ENTIRE chronology of the series. In addition to changing the year (and thus the title) of GARGOYLES 2158, I've already been forced to go back and make adjustments to both DARK AGES and "Once Upon A Time...Three Brothers". I now know that the last posted chapter of three brothers wound up being the last chapter of that little story period. Because "3Bros" really wound up being just a prologue to DARK AGES. And where "3Bros" leaves off is in fact right at the beginning of where DARK AGES begins.

The 2158 revamp has also necessitated minor changes in TimeDancer. And has clarified my thinking on Pendragon and Bad Guys as well.

[Thankfully, none of it has effected the Clan Contest. We should still be able to put that monster to bed soon.]

All this flux has made it difficult for me to keep certain details clear in my head. For example, at that Friday 9/1/00 chat, I revealed that Hudson had two biological children, Hyppolyta and Broadway. That was an error. Hudson had THREE biological children. (I got my dates mixed up.)

I'm hoping that the work I'm doing now will clean a lot of stuff up. I'm hoping that clarity (and my personal certainty) will return. But this flux isn't necessarily a bad thing. I know I screwed up at least a few times (Garg Universe-wise) within the 66 episodes. I tried to keep those mistakes to a minimum, but they happened. I'd like to avoid making more mistakes, even here at ASK GREG. I definitely feel like I'm getting closer to the "true" Gargoyles Universe, if that's possible and/or makes any sense.

Updates on all this should come over the next ten months. But I'm targeting Gathering 2001 for completion. I'm hoping to be able to make some big announcements there. So bear with me.

But to be fair to VP, he was right. I wouldn't call what I do "fanfiction". For starters, none of it is in the form of fiction. And so calling it that may be giving it TOO MUCH credit. But at the moment, I have no more claim to canon than anyone.

Rather, I'd say that if you like the stories I did come up with on the original 66, and think you might enjoy what I'd do next -- the way you might enjoy what Christine Morgan or Christi Smith Hayden or TGS does next -- than stay tuned. I've got more to tell you and more to reveal by and by.

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Scott Iskow writes...

1. Do Brooklyn and/or Lexington have any biological siblings on Avalon? Perhaps other blood relatives?

2. Does anyone in the Garg universe know or find out that Broadway and Hudson are related?

I know that these are questions that wouldn't matter to a gargoyle, but I was curious. :)

Greg responds...

1. Probably.

2. A non-issue. So no. I don't think so. (Unless I find some dramatic purpose for it that overwhelms what I think is the coolness of no one knowing OR caring.)

Response recorded on September 05, 2000

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Angelus writes...

Hey Greg.
I've been a fan of Gargoyles since it's original run on the Disney Afternoon. My favorite character has always been Hudson. His age, wisdom, and disposition flow brilliantly into his character. Needless to say, I have built up a number of Hudson questions over the years. I've checked the v2.0 archives for these, and they are not in there...I've tried to read the original archives, but in all honesty, I've never made it through everything...sorry. Anyhow, here they are...
1) How did Hudson's mate die?
2) When did you realize Hudson was Broadway's farther?
3) Eventually Hudson would die. How would the following characters react to his death
a. Goliath
b. Angela
c. Xanatos
d. Demona
e. Robbins
f. MacBeth
g. His clone who's name escapes me right now(Sorry)
4) What would happen to Hudson's sword after his death?
5) I apologize for bringing up the Goliath Chronicles, but the Journey aside, the only episode I found even tolerable was the one where Hudson finds out he is going blind...I can't help but wonder...Was this based off of an idea of yours?
6) What gave you the idea to give Hudson more clothing then the other Gargoyles, along with the blind eye and the sword?
7)Did Renard ever meet Hudson? If so, what was his reaction? If not , what do you think it would have been?

Thank you very much for your time. I hope to write more questions soon. Take Care of yourself, and thank you for a wonderful TV show.

Greg responds...

1. I'm not revealing that now.
2. During pre-production of the series.
3. Not going there now.
4. Haven't thought about his death. Let alone his property.
5. Very indirectly. Mostly no.
6. The sword was compensation for lack of speed. The blind eye was probably an art thing first, but it made him more visually interesting and gave us fodder for stories. The extra clothes lent dignity. Which was important.
7. No.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

I recently watched my tape of "Upgrade", and that prompted a fresh question on my part. In this episode, Goliath finally fills the SIC position, left vacant ever since Demona parted ways from the clan in "Awakening". What interested me was that Goliath took so long to finally think about appointing a second-in-command. "Upgrade" is 25 episodes after "Awakening Part Five", and in terms of the series' internal chronology, probably over a year later, but only now does Goliath finally get around to start looking for somebody to fill the second-in-command slot, after Hudson tells him that he needs a designated successor in case some enemy of the clan does kill or permanently incapacitate him.

So why did Goliath take so long to start looking for a new SIC? Was it anything to do with the fact that Demona had been the last one?

Greg responds...

Not really. Mostly, I don't think that anyone was qualified at first. Brooklyn emerged as a leader. He didn't start out as one.

I think Goliath was de facto counting on Hudson to be his second.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Melissa writes...

Hey Greg,
I just have to say(write--whatever)that I started watching the show since the first episode aired on television, and I miss watching it alot. I don't get Toon Disney from my cable provider so I only get to watch it seldom.
I just had a question about Hudson. If Hudson got the Scottish accent from interacting with the humans on a regular basis, then why wasn't he named like Goliath was for the same reason?
I appreciate you answering all our questions in your free time!

Greg responds...

He may have had a name at one point. But it didn't stick.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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Ambrosia writes...

Hi, Greg!
Do you know if Hudson and his mate had any more biological children other than Broadway? I know all the younger rookeries are their children and that they wouldn't consider Broadway and ?? any more their children than the others, but I was just wondering if they had another egg?

Greg responds...

Probably had a couple others over the decades.

Response recorded on August 21, 2000

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JADE writes...

Hi Greg,
Um, just one question. I heard a rumor that Hudson was Broadways father, is that true?

Greg responds...

Biologically, it's true.

Response recorded on August 19, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

You recently mentioned in your "Leader of the Pack" ramble about Hudson's good eye for deductions and strong tracking skills. It occurred to me that this is almost a parallel to Broadway's gift for strong perception (manifested in such cases in the series as his understanding not to call Angela "Angie" before she shouted "STOP CALLING ME 'ANGIE'!" and his recognizing what Elisa was up to in "Protection"). Are these similar traits of the two gargoyles what gave you the idea for Hudson being Broadway's biological father?

Greg responds...

They didn't hurt. Probably contributed. But I'd be lying if I said it was that conscious a decision.

The fact of Broadway and Hudson's (largely unimportant) biological relationship just seemed right to me. Another message broadcast from the Gargoyles Universe, I guess.

Response recorded on August 18, 2000

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