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Does Elisa speak more than one language and if she does then what language would it be?
I would guess that Elisa speaks Spanish and English. (Actually, I'm sure about that second one.)
How does Diane Maza feel about the fact that it was her advice that finally helped Derek decide to work for Xanatos?
Probably pretty lousy. Wouldn't you think?
Though of course her advice was sound based on the info she had at the time.
How does Talon feel about raising a Gargoyle/Human hybrid who looks and sounds exactly like his big sister?
(What did you expect me to say?)
In THE CAGE, while I understand Talon was eager to look for any excuse to blame Goliath for his troubles, how could he take in Xanatos' story so easily? I mean, he heard the whole presentation in METAMORPHASIS, he knew Xanatos financed everything, how could he be so willing to ignore that?
You're asking this from the man who had Demona say "What have I... What have THEY done to you?"
Never underestimate the power of denial, pal.
Okay, this is turning into lots of little posts instead of one big one. But anyway, here are the next few:
1. Would Goliath and Elisa's "relationship" ever have become public knowledge? I mean, would someone have figured it out sooner or later and gone to the media with it?
2. If so, how will history remember Elisa Maza, "gargoyle-lover"?
3. Will others have followed in her example by, say, 2158? (not necessarily with a main character or anything, just in general)
4. What does 'protected minority' mean?
Thanks again!
1. Maybe. Probably. But WAY down the line if at all.
2. Looking back from when?
3. Here and there, but not too often. We want to keep some things unique.
4. It will be a legal term both well-meaning and condescending, both necessary and a stumbling block. Otherwise, I'd say it's fairly self-explanatory.
You keep brining up that Elisa will deny her love for the big guy becuase she wants to have a normal life. But will her life ever be normal again? I mean just knowing about the gargoyles could potentially mess up somebodies life (Vinnie). Broadway will probably always try to come over for dinner, and she'll always have them on her mind. In a sence they have ruined her life so why should she deny the feelings that she odviously have and go with what she knows she wants?
There's normal and there's normal.
There's having wonderful, strange friends and adventures.
And there's losing out on the chance to have a family on the order of the kind of family her parents had. The kind she always dreamed of having.
The two notions aren't mutually exclusive until you throw her love for Goliath into the equation.
Ultimately, she won't be able to deny her feelings for him. But that doesn't mean she hasn't tried.
How do Talon and Maggie feel about the fact that the Gargoyles are living back at the castle?
Maggie may actually feel hopeful. Talan mistrustful at best, downright bitter at worst. I had hoped to do a story exploring this in the third season and find out the answers for myself.
Obviously, it didn't work out that way, so honestly, since I haven't fully examined the question in my own head (let alone on paper or film) the real answer is: "I don't know."
Something that I've wondered about "Metamorphosis" for some time, and finally remembered to ask here. Why did Xanatos choose Derek as one of his victims for the Mutates project? The reason why I'm wondering this is because unlike Maggie (whose folks were presumably all back in Ohio), Derek had family living in New York who would notice his disappearance and investigate - and indeed did. And in particular, Elisa was already definitely not a member of the David Xanatos Fan Club even before the events in "Her Brother's Keeper" and "Metamorphosis", and Xanatos was surely aware of this. It must have been pretty obvious that he'd be in real trouble with her if she ever found out that he'd turned her brother into a winged panther.
Obviously Xanatos must have felt there to be some practical benefit to turning Derek into a Mutate that was enough to outweigh the disadvantage of making even more of an enemy out of Elisa. What I'm curious about is: what was that practical benefit that was strong enough for Xanatos to take the risk?
First off, Derek had qualities that Maggie, Fang and Claw did not.
Simply put if you are creating your own race of gargoyles, you might consider that you need your own equivalent of Goliath too lead them. Even, literally, to teach them how to fly.
Secondly, I don't think he really feared making an EVEN bigger enemy out of Elisa. That ship had sailed. Rather, I think he felt, particularly if he succeeded -- as he very nearly did -- in keeping Derek/Talon in his employ, that having Derek as a Mutate-bodyguard would be a very effective deterrent against anything Elisa might do. Using Derek was a huge potential bonanza. And the downside (to Xanatos at least) was minimal.
He never really suffered for it.
Great question, by the way.
Two quick questions:
1) While we saw what happened to Goliath and Fox when they wore the Eye of Odin, I was always curious as to what the Eye would have transformed Elisa and Demona into if they had happened to be the ones who wore the Eye. Have you ever had any thoughts on this?
2) Along these lines while we have all seen Demona's evil side of her nature countless times, Elisa was always the personification of law and justice in every episode. Could Elisa have her own dark side to her personality, as was alluded to in a Gargoyles episode and in a earlier question to Ask Greg? And if so, what form would this take do you think, as a vigilante, or a rogue cop, a human Demona, or even a female version of Tony Draco or Xanatos? What circumstances do you think could ever bring out Elisa's criminal side. For that matter, Elisa and Demona always seemed to have as much in common as not, as they are both strong, intelligent, powerful women. Do you think that they could ever put aside their differences to become allies or even friends?
1. No. Not really.
2. This is a big question, with a lot of little questions inside it....
I'm sure Elisa has a dark side. I think we all do.
All your suggestions for her dark side, however, seem to simplistic to me. It would have to come out of circumstances. She'd have to really be pushed over the edge. I'm not going to speculate on those circumstances here. That would be like writing a novel-length piece of fan-fiction that amounted to being the equivalent of a MARVEL WHAT IF? story. A lot of work to no purpose. Yes, Elisa has a dark side. Even a selfish side. We've seen that over and over, I believe. She isn't perfect. But do I think she'd ever permanently go over to the dark side. No. Not while I was in charge of her destiny. (Assuming I ever was.)
As for Elisa & Demona... who knows what might happen down the line. But Demona has a long road to travel before she's ready to fight on the side of the angels again. A very long road. I'm not sure Elisa's got the lifespan to stick it out.
Hi Greg,
I'd like to know more about Diane & Peter Maza. How'd they meet? When did they fall in love? Was their relationship met with resistance from their respective families (with the whole interracial aspect & all)?
These are all good questions, but this isn't the forum for a novel-length response.
So briefly, they met in NYC after Peter had joined the NYPD. Diane was at Columbia. I have some notions for a flashback story that details their first meeting, etc. But I'm not going to go into that now. As to the when, well if you use "Cloud Fathers" as a marker, and count back based on Elisa's age (she being the oldest of the Maza siblings) that should give you a rough idea.
As to resistance, well Peter was already estranged from his family. So resistance from them was a non-issue. As to Diane's family, I'd assume that different individual members reacted in different ways. Like life.
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