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Anonymous writes...

How many sentient races (excluding those native to our Solar System) are there in the galaxy? Hundred? Thousand?

Greg responds...

Fewer than 100.

Response recorded on October 17, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What are Space-Spawn ships made out of? Metal? If so what kind of metal?

Greg responds...

Haven't worked this out, in part again, to keep open to what my theoretical collaborators might bring to the design of Space-Spawn technology.

Response recorded on October 17, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Who is more powerful? Oberon or a Space-Spawn planetbuster?

Greg responds...

See, now, the Hulk is more powerful because the madder he gets, the stronger he gets. But the Thing can still beat him if he keeps his wits about him.

(This does seem familiar, doesn't it?)

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

1.Have you givens names to all the races involved in the galactic war yet?
2.What role do the other races involved in the war play in the war?

Greg responds...

1. No. Not all. Just the major ones.
2. I'm not telling.

Response recorded on September 09, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

1.Did the N'kai develop faster than light travel or did they get it from someone else?
2.Are the N'kai the oldest race in the galaxy? If not who is?

Greg responds...

1. They developed it.
2. It's a big galaxy. But they are old.

Response recorded on September 09, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Alien technology

1.Seriously what is Nokkar's spaceship made out of? metal?
2.Do the N'kai and Space-Spawn have anti-gravity technology?
3.How exactly does the Space-Spawn planetbuster work? Does it destroy the Earth like the Death Star or does it just make the surface uninhabitabele? Does Nokkar's race have planetbuster technology?

Greg responds...

Seriously, I don't feel like telling you.

Response recorded on September 09, 2001

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Aris Katsaris writes...

You wrote: "Sentient races are few and far between in the Gargoyles Universe. Not commonplace."

I have to say that I found this somewhat funny (both haha-funny and weird-funny). You've placed the origins of *four* sentient races on a single planet, but say that sentient races are nonetheless few and far between...

[As a sidenote I have to say that this seems like a distinction between science fiction and fantasy - most fantasy does indeed place many sentient species on the same planet - science fiction tends to be more conservative in this regard...]

So... is there any special reason/explanation that Earth gave birth to so many sentient species or is it just an amazing statistical fluke?

Greg responds...

My explanation is that habitable planets are few and far between.

And four isn't that big a number in the grand scheme of things.

The statement you quoted is relative. I meant, don't expect to see a scene with 100s of alien species walking around.

But mostly, the reason is I want to keep the galaxy semi-quantifiable. Instead of constantly bringing in more and more random elements, I'd like to, in essence, create political situations and play with them. I'm not sure that's clear. But as you may have gathered, I like things defined so that the storylines have boundaries to push and bend and break. If you constantly feel like ANYTHING can happen, then I believe it hurts the drama.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

In the Gargoyles universe, which alian race was it that came down in area 51?

Greg responds...

I think it was mostly celebrities, drug dealers and super-models.

Oh, wait. That's Studio 54 not Area 51.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What is more powerful Oberon or a Space-Spawn planebuster?

Greg responds...

What is a planebuster?

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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matt writes...

ok, the Space-Spawn have the power to destroy a planet:

1. have they had this ability for a while? like more than 100 or a 1000 earth years?

2. do they have many such planet destroying devices or just one or two? are they common parts of Space-Spawn military groups?

3. if they tried to destroy the Earth would it completly blow up the planet like a Star Wars Death Star or Titan AE kinda thing or would it just kinda melt the surface, boil the oceans, kill all life way of destroying the planet?

4. if they did blow up the Earth what would happen to Avalon?

5. in 2198, do any of the races on Earth have anything that could stop the Earth from being destroyed if the Space-Spawn wanted to?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know.

2. It's not a unique device, but not common either.

3. Blow it up.

4. Gone.

5. Potentially, but not with any guarantees.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Given the Space Spawn's reputation in 2198, am I right that Nokkar will have a bad rep to for just being from space? Or will he not have revieled himself to the public yet, and just work in secreat at HQ? What has his chain of Easter Island friends turned into by this point?

Greg responds...

Nokkar's still largely a secret in February, 2198. I'm not saying more than that right now.

Response recorded on August 14, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What is the N'kai's homeworld called? Where exactly is it in the galaxy? If you can't be very specific could you tell us by which stars it's located by?

Greg responds...

Haven't bothered naming it yet, to be honest.

It's in the Milky Way Galaxy and I haven't pinned it down more specifically than that.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

1.In 2198 which side is winning the war the N'kai, the third unknown race or the Space-Spawn?
2a. What is the role of the third race?
2b.Are they allied with one of the two sides we presently know of or are they a 3rd side trying to expand their borders at the expense of their neighbors?

Greg responds...

1. The Space-Spawn.

2a. Not going to tell you.

2b. Not going to tell you.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

We call ourselves humans and the gargs call themselves the gargoyles what exactly is the name the Space-Spawn call themselves?

Greg responds...

What makes you think it isn't "Space-Spawn"?

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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Kalafarski writes...

At the time the space-spawn (is that the name they call themselves?) take control of Earth, who is winning the war?

Maybe that's a little ambiguous.
1. Which side controls the most territory?
2. Which side has the greatest numbers?
3. If they were so inclined, does Nokkar's race have the resources to reconquer Earth?

Greg responds...

The Space-Spawn are clearly winning.
1. Space Spawn.

2. This is immaterial.

3. Without it getting destroyed in the process? Hmmm. I doubt it.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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JEB writes...

Is Nokkar wearing a suit of armor or is he a cyborg? If the latter, is that part of why he's lived so long?

Greg responds...

He's not a cyborg.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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JEB writes...

How far will Earth have gone into space exploration by 2198? Will we have left our solar system?

Greg responds...

No. Well, do you mean manned space exploration?

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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JEB writes...

If all things are true in the Gargoyles Universe, then are UFOs (and all related phenomena, including abductions) really appearing there?

Greg responds...

In one form or another.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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JEB writes...

The Anonymous question about Nokkar's race's proximity to being a First One is a Babylon 5 reference. The First Ones are several fairly ancient and powerful alien races (the Shadows and the Vorlons being the main examples in the series). So, his question could be rephrased as, "Does Nokkar's race qualify as ancient and powerful in the universe?"

Just clearing that up. (I hope.)

Greg responds...

Ancient and fairly powerful. Age and power all being relative in this context.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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JEB writes...

Are the Space-Spawn from within our galaxy (the Milky Way) or do they hail from another galaxy? If the latter, do they rule a substantial portion of their home galaxy?

Greg responds...

At this time, everything I've created for the Gargoyles Universe takes place within the Milky Way Galaxy (at least through 2198).

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

Okay, we've asked you this question before, and you've never really given a strait answer. Nothing says you will now, but here goes:

1) What happens to the stone sleep cycle of gargs in space?

I know the sleep is a biological process that's triggered by the sun. So, would they keep their normal cycle of 12 hours, or would the cycle change.

If you dont want to answer that question:

2) Have you yet figured out what happens to gargoyles in space, and you just dont want to tell us, or are you waiting for divine inspiration? :)

Greg responds...

1. Don't know. Haven't tried it.

2. I'm not sure about divine. But there's a reason why Zafiro and Demona are the one's who join Nokkar, Guardian and LXM on 'the away mission' in space.

Response recorded on July 20, 2001

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zakhur writes...

Apart from world domination, what do the Space spawn aquire from invading earth, by their standerds we would be a pretty primitive world even by 2198, what was so special in earth, or was it more, like just because they could do it?

Greg responds...

It was just more territory, as their empire expanded. We weren't considered special particularly. Leastways not at first.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

Just saw and recorded Sentinal, an episiode I origanally didn't like very much, when I thought aliens and Olimpians were too fantastic. But now that I've read the layout for the new spin off, and I can see where all this space spawn stuff is heading, I found it much more intreging!
Some questions though:
1)When Nokar first appeared and toke Elisa away, why did he just knock out Bronx and wait till latter to catch him all over again?
2)Nokar had a bunch of small rat like droids running about his ship, what were their purpose?
3)Why did Elisa chose the name tiny for Goliath?
4)A)When Goliath destroyed the control panal, which in turn destroyed that big central thing, how much did that hurt the space ship? It was still able to rise outa the ground and fire that cannon. B)Will Nokar be able to repair it?
5)A)How is Nokar getting on with his new friends? B)Has he made any more?
Thats all for this fun Ep. Nice work!

Greg responds...

1. His priority was getting Elisa to safety.

2. Multi-fold.

3. She was being sarcastic. (Sloth, why did you think?)

4a. Some.
4b. Yes.

5a. Not saying.
5b. Not saying.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Has the Space-Spawn or the third race involved in the war ever visited Earth before 2001? If so when?

Greg responds...

The Space-Spawn have not. They first arrive in 2198.

I'm not confirming or denying the rest.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Are all three races involved in the galactic war bipeds?

Greg responds...

Not telling.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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