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Anonymous writes...

What does the Master Matrix and the LXM robots have to do with the Matrix that we see in Walkabout?

Greg responds...

A lot.

Response recorded on July 02, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

You said that Yama is blackmailed into joining the Squad. What does the Director hold that is able to force Yama to join the Squad?

Greg responds...

The secret of Ishimura.

Response recorded on June 29, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

1.Why does the Director hate the Illuminati?
2.How does he know of it?
3.What nationality is the Director?
4.What kind of a civil servant is he?
5.Does he know of Mr.Duval?

Greg responds...

1. Hate's a strong word.

2. Encounters.

3. American.

4. A talented one.

5. Generally.

Response recorded on June 29, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Sevarius rescue Fang from his prison in the Labyrinth?
How would they come in conflict with the Redemption Squad?

Greg responds...

He was useful.

Details, details.

Response recorded on June 29, 2001

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matt writes...

you said that the cross-generational love between Yama and Sora isn't the norm, but isn't unheard of, so:

1. are there gargoyles (esspecially among the Ishimura clan) that are against relationships between non-rookery siblings?

2. have Yama or Sora ever wondered if perhaps they are biologically closely related, like brother/sister, uncle/niece? are they ever insecure about having a non-traditional relationship?

3. will they still be able to have 3 children if they want to? obviously, Sora being younger should be able to concieve 3 times, but are male gargoyles able to fertilize an egg at any time in their life? if they have 3 eggs, Yama will be a generation older than most the other fathers in the clan...

Greg responds...

1. It's not that much of a taboo. Certainly not when the individuals are only one generation apart.

2. This isn't really an issue. As I've stated before, gargoyles have scent markers that unconsciously discourage them from an unhealthy incestuous relationship.

3. It should work out, depending on how long Yama's away from the clan.

Response recorded on June 29, 2001

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SEM writes...

Greg, saw "Walkabout" recently and had a question about Dingo's ending line about Australia having a new kind of hero. Was this intended in any way as a jab to Crocodile Dundee, who had been very popular in the previous decade? Maybe it's just because CROCODILE DUNDEE IN L.A. came out in the last few months that my mind made that kind of connection... not sure. Thanks!

Greg responds...

Well, it's not like I never saw the original Crocodile Dundee movie, so I suppose anything's possible.

But honestly, no, I don't think it was any kind of Dundee reference.

Response recorded on June 29, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Why is Paris the hq of the Redemption Squad?

Greg responds...

It's where they're based.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What other characters were suppose to join the Redemption Squad besides Robyn, Harry, Matrix, Fang, Yama and the director?

Greg responds...

The Director doesn't join the Squad.

And no one else is a permanent member.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What were the Redemption squad created to do?

Greg responds...

The dirty jobs.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

You said that in the future the Castaways and Monmouths would be in conflict with each other so who does Jon marry somebody to have kids or does he adopt kids to continue his line? If he marries who does he marry?

Greg responds...

Not answering that now.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

So have you planned a crossover with the casts of Pendragon, Bad Guys, Gargoyles and New Olympians appearing in the same episode?

Greg responds...

Sort of.

Response recorded on June 10, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

How does the Matrix armor that Dingo wears work? Does it work like the symbiotes from Spider-man ?

Greg responds...

Not familiar with the whatever from Spider-Man. (Capital M, by the way.)

Response recorded on April 09, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Did you ever plan a crossover between the Redemption Squad, Gargoyles, Pendragon and New Olympians?

Greg responds...

You mean all at once?

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Will any other existing characters that we know besides Robyn, Dingo, Yama and Fang serve a stink in the Redemption Squad?

Greg responds...

A "stink"?

Some typos are more equal than others.

Response recorded on March 29, 2001

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Bruno writes...

Hi, Greg,

About Angela: Right after the World Tour, what are her opinions about...





Greg responds...

1. He seems all right.

2. She doesn't seem to trustworthy. But at least she's not trying to kill me.

3. He seems all right.

Response recorded on March 29, 2001

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Matt "KS" Maybray writes...


This is my first time asking a question here, so be gentle...

It's been mentioned that in "Bad Guys", The Director would've been fighting against the Illuminati's Mr. Duval. Since you had planned for Duval to be Sir Percival, was the Director going to be any notable character from history, mythology, or literature? If so, then who?

In closing, I'd just like to thank you for helping create something that I've had much enjoyment from these past 7 years. There hasn't been any show quite like "Gargoyles" since (unfortunately).

Greg responds...


(Was that gentle?)

And thanks. Glad you've stuck around.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Entity writes...

Hi Greg,

In "Walkabout," you state that David and Fox really were going to follow through with the Matrix reshaping the planet. I find that pretty jaw-dropping, even if it was to be a selective reshaping. They'd have to basically take over the world in order to do it. Not like they can just do it here or there and go about their business. But onto the specific questions:

1) What in particular did David and Fox have in mind for the world's reshaping? What did they see wrong with it that they sought to righten, or alter in their favor, with the Matrix?

2) How does this goal mesh with Xanatos' pre-established personality? I thought he was already comfortable in the world as it was. And why not? Free trade had evidently benefited him quite well. He was probably the most powerful, non-governmental man on the planet, no? X doesn't seem like the type to rule an empire, like in "Future Tense" (which was a tip-off as to the falsehood of Puck's dream). Rather, he seems to simply want control and power, but in a, well, down-to-earth way.

3) Did Anastasia care?

4) Does Xanatos still have the Matrix technology?

Greg responds...

All right, your 1st paragraph premise is faulty. When did I say that? What were my exact words? Cuz I certainly didn't mean to even imply what you've written here.

1-3) These questions are moot, given the above.

4) Xanatos and Fox still have the research that led to Matrix.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Justin writes...

Hey a few more questions.
1) Who is Kai's mate?
2) By the time of the Journey how old is Kai biologically?
3) How many children have Kai and his mate produced? And what years did they hatch?
4) Have Yama and Sora had a child yet?

Thanks again

Greg responds...

1. No one that we've really met.
2. The same age as Leo and Una.
3. Biological children?
4. No. Sora's too young.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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matt writes...

when i asked if Claw will ever talk again you said, "I hope not". why do you hope that Claw will never talk again? his not being to talk is psychological not physiological, right? as in its something wrong in his head, not wrong with his physical body. what spin-offs would Claw make appearences in? would he be a main character in any of them?

Greg responds...

This isn't exactly altruistic of me, but I believe Claw is a more interesting (and in some ways more expressive and unique) character as a mute. Yes, it's psychological. And I do believe he's adjusted since the initial trauma, but part of that adjustment involves adjusting simultaneously to not speaking. I don't see him speaking again, unless it's right before his death. (And, no I don't yet know how or when he dies.)

As for spin-offs -- assuming they ever get made -- look for him to appear in Bad Guys (because of his relationship to Fang). Perhaps in New Olympians and Pendragon. But mostly in the main Gargoyles series. I see him sticking pretty close to Talon and Maggie and the Labyrinth.

Response recorded on February 22, 2001

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LSZ writes...

Is the Director's enmity primarily aimed at Duval himself, or the Illuminati?

Greg responds...

"enmity" is the wrong word.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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Vashkoda writes...

1) How does the Matrix's consciousness/mind work? Is it the collective "mind" of all the nanites, or are some nanites assigned the function of being the "brain", and direct the actions of the rest of the nanites?

2) *Must* the nanites obey the collective mind/"brain-nanites", or is it in their capactity to work apart from it?

3) Did the nanites somehow fuse themselves *into* Dingo's body, or do they just form a suit of armor around him?

Greg responds...

1) All of the above.

2) They all do. Whether they "must" or not is a different issue.

3) Just armor around him. Come to the Gathering to see the BAD GUYS Leica Reel and you'll see how Dingo and Matrix interacted.

Response recorded on November 16, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

You said something earlier on that in Bad Guys Fang's family will be introduced. My questions are

1) Did Fang ever have any kids when he was human?

2) If Fang had a child how would that child respond to his/her father since now that he is a bat winged couger man?

Greg responds...

1. not saying

2. not saying

Response recorded on November 15, 2000

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Marduk writes...

I made the posts about the conflict between Bad Guys and Gargoyles incase you don't remember. I'll attempted to clarify them.
At the end of Hunters Moon the Gargoyles are revealed to the public and the NYPD even have a Gargoyle Task Force set up. So it seems to me the Federal Government should respond to the situation fairly rapidly. They apperantly want the Gargs captured and send in the Redemption Squad to do it. Now the problem with this is the Redemption Sqaud hasn't been formed yet.. so if Gargoyles came back and you wanted to do this plan you would have to take a episode or two to form the RS, then have the government hire them to capture the gargoyles. But if after this happened you got a chance to do Bad Guys then you've used your pliot episode(s) up in Gargoyles and that's where I see a conflict.
So my question was if you got a chance to do more Gargoyles would some of your first new season(let's assume 13 cartoons) you spend a couple episodes developing the RS idea and then having them try and capture the Gargoyles or would you just have someone else get hired to do it and leave the RS to be developed later?

Greg responds...

Here's the problem with your question. THERE ARE TOO MANY DAMN HYPOTHETICALS IN THERE. How can I juggle so many numerous different variables, none of which might happen or some or all?

But the good news is that this time I understood what you were getting at.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Marduk writes...

Oh, my previous question is referring to when Cyclonus asked how would of the federal government reacted to the Gargoyles and you said(I found the qoute) " They'd mess in. Send in a crack team of expendable agents to capture the gargs....
I found that tidbit in the Bad Guys archive so I figured they were the team you were talking about.

Greg responds...

Yes. But that's just one of the things they'd do.

I still don't understand the conflict that you perceive.

Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Marduk writes...

Hello Greg=) I am a first time questioner here at ask Greg, but a long time lurker( I have even read the archives).
I was wondering when you were planning on forming the Redemption Squad in the gargverse. Going by your comments the Squad would be a part of the government's response to the revelation that their is such a thing as a gargoyle.
That would lead to some problems though if Bad Guys got spun off since some of your original plans for BG would have already been used.
So my question is would you use the Redemption Squad as the(this qoute is from memory) "Hired group of highly trained expendable agents" if gargoyles came back? or would you use some other group?

Greg responds...

Bad Guys wasn't ONLY a response to the "Gargoyle Problem". They were also a response to the "Illuminati Problem" and various miscellaneous situations.

Hwoever, I'm not sure what you mean when you write: "That would lead to some problems though if Bad Guys got spun off since some of your original plans for BG would have already been used." What problems? When would I have used "orginal" plans for Bad Guys?

I don't get your question. Please repost.

Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Ed writes...

After Robyn, Yama, Dingo, Matrix and Fang, would there be any new recruits to the 'Bad Guys' as the series progressed, or is it a fixed group?

Greg responds...

Others would come and go.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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Ed writes...

Did you have any further plans for the "WALKABOUT" Shaman?

Greg responds...

Yep. Particularly in Bad Guys.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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Vasy writes...

I saw posts of people tryiong to figure out what yama is and someone said it was a mountain in japanese.

In India Yama is the god of death...as well as other cultures, like china....so What were you guys thinking about when you created this character?????

Greg responds...

Haven't I answered this?

Yama = Mountain in Japanese. That's what we were thinking of.

Response recorded on September 27, 2000

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Jared Koon writes...

Hi Greg. Just thought I might give some more info on the word "yama". This comes from Kodansha's furigana Japanese Dictionary.

Yama - 1. mountain
2. speculation, venture -- As in "yama o kakeru" - to take a calculated risk. Or "yama hodo" - as much as a a mountain, amounting to a great deal.

So the main and most common meaning of "yama" is mountian, but depending on the rest of the sentence, it can mean something else.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Denis De Plaen writes...

Hello, Greg!
Here's a BAD GUYS related question:
Aside of the Illuminati, would the Redemption Squad face more mundane ennemies, like drugs cartels, terrosist groups, Mafiosi and so on?
thanks for your time, and in the hope to see you again next june.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Weird thought: Were you aware that there's also an old Hindu death-god named Yama? (it's the name that reminded him to me)

From the few stories I've read about him, he seems a bit less impartial and serious in his job than Anubis (but then again *everyone* would seem so compared to Anubis). He even did some personal favours at times...

Now that I think of it, there may even exist present-day believers of Yama since I've heard that Hinduism throws almost nothing away - I suppose that could make Yama's inclusion in the Gargoyles series a bit more difficult than the inclusion of a purely mythological character...

Greg responds...

Never heard of that. It's interesting though.

I think the word "Yama" means "mountain" in Japanese. Can anyone confirm?

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Bruno writes...

Hi, Greg.

My last question (edited)

"Bruno writes...

2- Why every one of them join the group? Blackmail, redemption, who is who?

Greg responds...

2. Bruno, I don't give novel-length responses here. And if you don't know who is who then what makes you think it would be a good spin-off?

Hunter is a highly trained human (and former gargoyle hunter) who first appeared in "Hunter's Moon". She's Scotish.

Dingo is a former mercenary and member of the Pack who first appeared in "Thrill of the Hunt". He's Australian. Both Hunter and Dingo have prison sentences hanging over their heads.

Matrix is an artificial intelligence comprised of millions of nanotech robots. He/it first appeared in "Walkabout". He is a friend and ally to Dingo.

Yama is a Japanese Gargoyle from the Ishimura clan. He was banished from Ishimura after the events of "Bushido".

Fang was an American human mutated by Sevarius in "Metamorphosis". He was one of the Redemption Squad's first opponents. After being defeated, he was recruited.

recorded on 09-16-00"

A small comment about my last question: You're right. My second question about the 'Redemption Squad' was bad written. It really sounded how if I didn't knew who was Fang, Matrix, Yama, etc. But I know. The trouble is that, when I realized my mistake, I'd already posted it. My mistake. I'm sorry.
And, well, yes, I have a fairly, yet vage, idea about these guys' motivation. Except for Yama. If that's alright to you, I'll especulate a bit about him, ok?

Yama is in a quest, searching for his own honor - for both a gargoyle and a samurai (or Bushido warrior), one of the top important things in the world - then why should him join up with the Bad Guys? (and the Squad leader is Robyn Canmore, the Huntress!! Funny, huh?)
He should may had given up of his honor, but I dont't believe this. I believe that this was a voluntary action. Yama believe that "If I can teach some honor for these felons, maybe I can recover my own". And the Director may wish to have a true Good Guy in the Squad, why not?
Then I believe that he will be the group "conscience". And that, eventually, he may just leave and come back home. (But he will not make this, off course: The contrast among him and the others can make great storys.)
Well, that's it.

PS. When I watched 'Bushido', it was recordered in my VCR. But a trouble in the tape erased the sound. Yes, video but no sound in all the episode. And do you want to know? Even without sound, I could understand the story basis perfectly: The friendship among the gargoyles and humans in Ishimura, the idea of a theme park with the gargoyles, and the great final fight. The scene where Yama and Goliath argue in the 'Wyvern castle', I near could ear Goliath talking something as "It seems to me that he wants you and your clan as animals in a circus". Congratulations: These great storys survive everything, even lack of sound.

PS2. In the fight, one of the gargoyles, an old female, has a beak. Coincidence, or a descendant of Brooklin and Katana? (Sorry, silly question ^-^)

PS3. Another thing I noticed: Taro burned ALL his money with that park. For this, he could not mind with the fact that some gargoyles didn't want to be part of that. He must be paying the money losses until today. (he, he :-)

Greg responds...

Bad Guys is the title of the show. But an earlier title was "The Redemption Squad". The idea is that working for the good guys (even if you're working WITH bad guys) offers each of these characters, but particularly Hunter, Dingo and Yama, a shot at redemption. That's the carrot. But there's also a stick. In the case of Fang, Hunter and Dingo, that stick is a prison sentence. In the case of Yama it's a threat against his clan.

PS1 - cool

ps2 - lots of gargs with beaks.

ps3 - Maybe not all. Limited liability partership and all that.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Ed writes...

How would Fang come to join the Redemption Squad: I mean, would he escape the Labyrinth first or have to be broken out, as in "THE RECKONING"?

Greg responds...

Not telling. But it involves Sevarius.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Re the Falstaff "villain/antagonist" business... Thanks for correcting me on this one. You're right; the two terms have different connotations to them.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Bruno writes...

Hi, Greg, I have some questions about 'Bad Guys'. I believe that this should have been the best of all the spin-offs. But I had searched at the Big and at the 'Bad Guys' archives and I'm puzzled whit some things:

1- The 'Redemption Squad' formation: Robyn Canmore, Dingo, Matrix, Fang, Yama and the leader Director. Rigth, or someone more or less?

2- Why every one of them join the group? Blackmail, redemption, who is who?

3- How is the relationship between the Director and they? Friendly or 'shut up and obey me'?

4- Why is the Squad created? They're a Task Force? Working for who?

Sorry if anything is already answered. Go on whit your amazing work!

Greg responds...

1. Hunter (Robyn Canmore) is the field leader. She reports to the Director, i.e. her boss. But I wouldn't call him the leader. Otherwise, yeah, Hunter, Dingo, Matrix, Yama and Fang.

2. Bruno, I don't give novel-length responses here. And if you don't know who is who then what makes you think it would be a good spin-off?

Hunter is a highly trained human (and former gargoyle hunter) who first appeared in "Hunter's Moon". She's Scotish.

Dingo is a former mercenary and member of the Pack who first appeared in "Thrill of the Hunt". He's Australian. Both Hunter and Dingo have prison sentences hanging over their heads.

Matrix is an artificial intelligence comprised of millions of nanotech robots. He/it first appeared in "Walkabout". He is a friend and ally to Dingo.

Yama is a Japanese Gargoyle from the Ishimura clan. He was banished from Ishimura after the events of "Bushido".

Fang was an American human mutated by Sevarius in "Metamorphosis". He was one of the Redemption Squad's first opponents. After being defeated, he was recruited.

3. Shut up and obey me said in a friendly style.

4. The Director.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Lexy writes...

(Questions on Yama and Sora)

1) In "Bad Guys" you had planned on Yama being part of the crew. But I doubt that will occure exactly that way if the regular "Gargoyles" series ever comes back. So..
Did you plan on having Yama try to redeem himself in some other way?

2) You mentioned that Sora was going to be one of the females included in the Manhattan Rookery. Why did she go all the way there to lay her egg? Was it do to some clause in Bushido? (I personally don't think that gargs have a hang up on dishonor being passed down ..but thought I'd ask)

Greg responds...

1. No. If any garg-related series ever came back, I'd find a way to incorporate Bad Guys into it.

2. I categorically did not say that. I said they'd all be laying eggs around the same time. Not the same place.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Jackal's Love writes...

G'day Greg

Would any of the spinoffs featured the Pack (or at least members of the Pack) as villains?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

Sure. Most. Let's see...

Bad Guys
Gargoyles 2158 (revised)

for sure...

And I wouldn't be surprised if we also saw them in

New Olympians

But I would be surprised if they showed up in

Dark Ages

Response recorded on September 14, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

I was just reading your latest batch of answers for "Ask Greg", and was amused to notice that you had planned to include a new villain in "Bad Guys" named Falstaff. What particularly got me about it was that you'd earlier mentioned that you'd planned for Dingo's real name to be "Harry Monmouth", an aka of Prince Hal, and that made it seem all the more appropriate to me that you'd have a Falstaff in "Bad Guys" (although I doubt that it would be the original Falstaff, assuming that he even existed in the Gargoyles Universe - sounds to me more like an analogue a la the Coldtrio to the characters in "Othello" or Terry and Sphinx to Romeo and Juliet).

Greg responds...

I never said Falstaff would be a villain. (Or at least I didn't mean to.) The word I used (or meant to use) was antagonist.

Response recorded on September 12, 2000

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LSZ writes...

1) Who would the main villains and antagonists of BAD GUYS be?
2) Would any of them start out as unique BAD GUYS-only villains we never saw before in any of the other series?

Greg responds...

1. Illuminati. Sevarius would be in there. Matrix. Fang. The Director. Castaway. The Gargoyles. Falstaff. A bunch more...

2. Yep.

Response recorded on September 02, 2000

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Sixshot writes...

In the Bad Guys spin-off, only Yama is a Gargoyle and the main cast the in the New Olympians spin-off are not Gargoyles. How will the episodes take place, most during the day or during the night?

Greg responds...

Mostly, but not exclusively, at night.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

Does the Director know that Duval is Percival?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Would the Matrix still be functional by the time of Future Gargoyles series?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Axem Gold writes...

1) If and when you get to do tose Gargoyle Episodes and Spinoffs do you plan to do crossovers like the following:
Gargoyles: 2158/Timedancer
Dark Ages/Timedancer
Pendragon/Bad Guys

2) Would you still include the Previously On Gargoyles segments when necessary?

Greg responds...

1. 2158(revised) and TimeDancer, definitely.

Dark Ages and TimeDancer, probably.

Pendragon/Bad Guys. Probably, eventually.

Pendragon/Gargoyles. Definitely.

Bad Guys/Gargoyles. Definitely.

New Olympians/Gargoyles. Definitely.

New Olympians/Pendragon/Bad Guys - Eventually.

2. Probably.

Response recorded on August 18, 2000

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Cyclonus writes...


I've been wondering this. How would the Federal government have reacted to the Gargoyles? Would they try to take any actions? The government, not the Illuminati.

Greg responds...

They'd mess in. Send in a crack team of expendable agents to capture the gargs...

Response recorded on August 02, 2000

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Graymonk writes...

Hello again Mr. Weisman,

Thankyou in advance for your response to my Clan contest entry, This time around I simply have a few "Bad Guys" questions.

1) Do Yama and Sora have a biological child or unhatched egg?
1b) If they do have a child would they recognize it as being their flesh and blood the way Goliath has recognized Angela or do they view all of the Ishimura clan's eggs as their children?

2) Would Demona and/or Sevariushave appeared in "Bad Guys"

3) Is Mr. Duval aware that the Director exists?
3b) If yes, does he know that the Director is his enemy?

4) Would they Redemption squad have encountered any mythical/magical creatures or figures? (for example; Children of Oberon, sorcerers, vampires, New Olympus, Gargoyle clans besides Ishimura or Manhattan)

Greg responds...

1. Yes.
1b. The latter.

2. Sevarius would have appeared in the pilot at least. Demona, I'm not sure. But probably, eventually.

3. Yes.
3b. Yes.

4. Probably.

Response recorded on July 30, 2000

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Dark One's worshippers writes...

Good day mr. Weisman!

If Bad Guys were made, how do you think people, new comers not the Gargoyles fans, would have reacted to Robyn's appointment as leader of the Redemption Squad?

To my knowledge, I haven't seen a action-oriented cartoon where a woman take the lead role (But knowing Robyn, it would really have been cool!)

Greg responds...

I never thought twice about it. I think it would have worked great. And I think that given the way we planned on telling the first story, even new-comers would have accepted it. I mean hey, it's not like we're still living in the eighties. Having a woman in charge is old hat.

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Why would Yama and Fang not get along in BAD GUYS?

Greg responds...

They'd grate on each other a lot at first. Yama is a garg trying to reclaim his honor. Fang doesn't care much for honor. He's just trying to save his own hide. But eventually underneath it all they'd actually become friends -- close friends -- though neither would admit it.

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Faieq writes...

1)Will any of the Canmores/Castaways ever take up the Hunter's mask again?
2)If yes, how long will they have it for, a night, a month?

Greg responds...

1. Yes. Robyn in BAD GUYS.
2. Years.

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Matt writes...

Hello I'm a really big fan of Gargoyles, I watch the show all the time.

Well here's my Q.

Is there anywhere on the web that your spin-offs are in print, or are they only at the gatherings?

Greg responds...

Pretty much only at the Gathering. But you can get a lot of info on them by checking the following ASK GREG archives...

Bad Guys
Dark Ages
Gargoyles 2158
New Olympians

Response recorded on June 30, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

What sort of antagonist do you picture Duval as being? Do you see him as a very malevolent figure, like Thailog and the Archmage, or a more "greyish" enemy, like Macbeth?

Greg responds...

Both. (And that's not meant to be a smart-ass response.)

Response recorded on June 23, 2000

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