A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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There's a pretty comprehensive review of Clan-Building here:
This guy really knows the series.
Where is my copy of Clan Building Volume 1? Amazon.com hasn't shipped it yet, and my comic book store only has one left in stock, so I am in indecision as to whether to wait for amazon or possibly take away a copy that someone else could pick up... or ending up with two copies (guess I could make it a great gift if I can afford it).
And now for two questions:
1) You tend to be able to announce on here when an issue or trade is coming out a day or two before hand - do you have any word on a release date yet for Bad Guys 2 or Gargoyles 8?
2) Having read the archives here for years, I know you have plenty of stories and plans. I'm curious about specific plots for specific issues. Assuming there are no liscencing renewal problems, how many issues have you plotted (as in, issue 8 looks to be called 'The Gate' so you probably have at least that far plotted out. Do you have basic details worked out through 12, the end of clan building, or further)?
It is great to see Gargoyles stories back in the world. You and the team are doing an amazing job. Thank you!
1. Neither issue is quite finished, but both are close... though both also need approval from Disney.
2. It depends what you mean by "plotted". I have a very clear idea on the stories for Gargoyles 10-12. But I haven't plotted them in a "on this page this happens" sense yet. Same for Bad Guys 5 & 6. Beyond Gargoyles 12, I know what the next basic arc is - but I haven't worked out the specifics in any detail...