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Anonymous writes...

Is there anymore episodes after "Angels in the Night"? I really hope so.

Greg responds...

Yep. They're called "Gargoyles: The Comic Book" Pick up an issue... PLEASE!!!!

Response recorded on January 30, 2008

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Ryan writes...

Where is my copy of Clan Building Volume 1? Amazon.com hasn't shipped it yet, and my comic book store only has one left in stock, so I am in indecision as to whether to wait for amazon or possibly take away a copy that someone else could pick up... or ending up with two copies (guess I could make it a great gift if I can afford it).

And now for two questions:
1) You tend to be able to announce on here when an issue or trade is coming out a day or two before hand - do you have any word on a release date yet for Bad Guys 2 or Gargoyles 8?

2) Having read the archives here for years, I know you have plenty of stories and plans. I'm curious about specific plots for specific issues. Assuming there are no liscencing renewal problems, how many issues have you plotted (as in, issue 8 looks to be called 'The Gate' so you probably have at least that far plotted out. Do you have basic details worked out through 12, the end of clan building, or further)?

It is great to see Gargoyles stories back in the world. You and the team are doing an amazing job. Thank you!

Greg responds...

1. Neither issue is quite finished, but both are close... though both also need approval from Disney.

2. It depends what you mean by "plotted". I have a very clear idea on the stories for Gargoyles 10-12. But I haven't plotted them in a "on this page this happens" sense yet. Same for Bad Guys 5 & 6. Beyond Gargoyles 12, I know what the next basic arc is - but I haven't worked out the specifics in any detail...

Response recorded on January 30, 2008

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Ceruleanblue writes...

Hi Greg, thanks for Gargoyles.

1. Any chance that Wendy Pini might illustrate one of the new comics?
2. Does SLG have any plans for Gargoyles action figures or statues? (I assume Disney would be involved in any merchandising as well, might make things difficult?)


Greg responds...

1. I doubt we could afford her -- and I'm sure she's way too busy, but it is lovely that she did the intro to the TPB, don't you think?

2. I don't think SLG has the license to do anything Garg-related except the comics.

Response recorded on January 25, 2008

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Rebel writes...

Hi Greg, this is something I meant to ask in my earlier comment, but I forgot to. For the comic, how much direction do you give to your artists in coming up with the designs for new canon characters?

I am specifically referring to the two new London Gargoyles at the end of #7. I know you had mentioned before that the London gargs would look like unicorns, lions, or griffins. Did you change your mind recently, or had it always been your plan to make them look like other heraldry animals, and you were just teasing us? Did David Hedgecock talk you out of it? Did the two of you decide together what animals they would resemble, or had you already decided? If you chose beforehand, did you give him specific details about their appearance, or relatively vague details and let him come up with them himself? I would be interested to know any information you can tell me about this. I find the process of creating a character's look to be very interesting.

Also, feel free to volunteer information about the development of the designs of other new characters which have appeared in the comic. Shari, the Tasmanian tiger villain in Bad Guys, Coyote's new look, etc. Whatever comes to mind.

Greg responds...

Here's my description in the script of the two characters, minus a couple of personal details that I don't choose to reveal at this time:

• [New Male Gargoyle] - Biologically age 19. [New Male Gargoyle] is a gargoyle of the London Clan. His head is modeled off a large stag (i.e. male deer) with fairly magnificent silver antlers. He should have feathered white wings. And deer-like hooves for feet, but his hands should look like normal gargoyle hands. He should be tall (and feel even taller thanks to the antlers) and slim in build. Not so slim that he looks fragile, but he's definitely not the bulky type. This is a new character, but for inspiration take a look at UNA at http://lynativerse.artchicks.org/Screencaps/GL_Una.htm.
• [New Female Gargoyle] - Biologically age 19. [New Female Gargoyle] is another gargoyle of the London Clan, this one modeled off a wild boar or sow. She has a pig-snout and tusks. She is brown. Her wings are the more traditional bat-like wings we're familiar with. Normal gargoyle hands, more pig-like feet. She's medium-height, muscled and burly - nothing fragile about [New Female Gargoyle].

As you can see, the basic choices were mine, but I give Dave full credit for bringing them to life.

Here's my descriptions of the other characters you asked about (and some you didn't)...

• COYOTE 5.0 - This is only SORT OF a new character. Basically, there have been four Coyote robots that preceded this one. They all have a lot in common thematically, but they're all different too. And lucky you get to design the new one! To see Coyotes 1-4, check out: http://gargoyles.dracandros.com/Coyote_%28robot%29 or the episodes "Leader of the Pack" (for Coyote 1.0) and "Upgrade" (for Coyote 2.0) both on the Season Two, Volume One DVD. (Coyotes 3.0 & 4.0 aren't out on DVD yet.) Note the basic color scheme and the coyote-head motif. And the fact that all the later robots have a circular VID-SCREEN that displays an image of a robotic head. The head appears to be half-Xanatos and half-robot-skull. This version of the robot will have the large Coyote Diamond inside its chest cavity… with lasers shooting into it. We may want a transparent cover for that, so we can see the Diamond even after the cavity is closed. Or not. In either case, Coyote 5.0 should be BIG.
• SHARI - Arabic female, age 18. A pretty, goth-teen runaway type. She wears a lot of chains, necklaces, pendants, etc. around her neck. [Shari was also visually inspired by a real person, and I provided Dave with a photo as reference.]
• DETECTIVE CEDRIC HARRIS - African-American male.
• DETECTIVE TRI CHUNG - Chinese-Vietnamese male.
• TERRY CHUNG - Asian-American boy, age 12. He's wearing a GOLIATH Halloween costume.
• AMBASSADOR CHUNG - Terry's mother, age 42. She's a short Asian-American woman, wearing a white evening gown and carrying a white, feathered mask on a stick.
• QUINCY HEMINGS - He appears to be about 60. African-American. Gray hair, trim build. He's dressed in a white tuxedo jacket with epaulets and gold buttons. White gloves, a red bow tie, black pants. He has for decades been the "Chief Steward" at the White House, a job loosely based on the job of Chief Usher. See http://www.whitehousehistory.org/06/subs/06_a07.html for info on Chief Ushers.
• TASMANIAN TIGER - (Age 24.) The Tasmanian Tiger is a somewhat clichéd costumed super-villain. His garb is inspired by the extinct Tasmanian Tiger (a.k.a. the Thylacine), and he's flanked by two actual (cloned) THYLACINES (Benjamin & Natasha). (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thylacine.) His costume is largely form fitting with black tiger stripes and a cowl with Tiger ears and clawed gauntlets. On his chest is a symbol with two interlocking letter Ts. (Similar to the interlocking Ds on Daredevil's costume: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Daredevil41.jpg.) The Tasmanian Tiger also carries a large blaster weapon.
• BENJAMIN - A male Thylacine, one of Tasmanian Tiger's trained pets. To see how wide a thylacine's jaw can open, check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Tasmanian_tiger.gif.
• NATASHA - A female Thylacine; the Tiger's other trained pet.

As you can see, sometimes I gave quite a bit of detail, sometime I pretty much left nearly the entire design to Dave or Karine or Nir's imagination. Usually, the artist does a design and sends it to me. We might do a bit of back and forth on it... but honestly, looking at the above list, with the exception of Quincy (who started out looking a bit too old and jowly for my tastes), I feel like the artists hit all of these characters on the first time out.

Response recorded on January 17, 2008

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Diego González V. writes...

Hi Greg,

First, I want to thank you very much for give us a great, gorgeous show!!!

So now, my question... Any plans to do an international release of the SLG comic? I would like so much to see the comic in my local comic shop. I know this is more an SLG business than yours, btw, I want to know if you know something about this :)

I mean, it would be just great to read the comic in my native language, spanish (more accurately, "en chileno", hehehe)

Greetings from Chile, South America.
Diego González V., a fan who learned a lot of english thanks to Gargoyles and fanart about the show! So again, thank you :D

Greg responds...

I have no information on this, but if I had to guess, I'd say sales would have to be upped considerably on the English version to make taking a chance on a Spanish version worthwhile.

And I guess this is as good a time as any to issue ... a concern.

Sales on the book have dropped with every issue, which is depressing enough in and of itself. But if the trend continues, then SLG will have no choice but to let the license go when it next comes up for renewal. We're still one of their best-selling books (if not THE best), but most SLG books don't come with a massive license fee draining money away. We should be good finishing out Clan-Building (i.e. issue #12) and Redemption (i.e. Bad Guys issue #6), but there's no guarantee we'll continue beyond that if sales don't pick up -- or at the very least level off.

This is NOT me saying that all of you need to go out and buy multiple copies and/or spend money you don't have. As usual, this is me saying don't be complacent about SPREADING THE WORD!!!! Please.

Response recorded on January 17, 2008

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Latest Update

Okay, here's what I know as of right now.

First off, the reprint of Gargoyles #6 should be in stores tomorrow (11/14/07). You SHOULD be able to exchange first printing copies for the reprint if you'd like. Notice the emphasis on SHOULD. Let me quote a recent e-mail from SLG publisher Dan Vado in answer to my question as to whether local stores know about this:

"The store issue is a tough one. They have been as informed as they possibly can be, that is we paid to have notices sent to them, there will be an item on their invoice and there was a mention in the weekly newsletter from Diamond Comics as well as from me personally in my retailer newsletter and on a retailer message board. That being said, I was on a conference call with two retailers yesterday, two who buy direct form me regualrly and are among those stores I would count as hard core supporters, and they had no clue they were getting new copies this week or about the replacement issue. So, as I have been mentioning to fans, the best thing to do if the retailer looks at them like they were crazy is to not bother them or get angry with them, just tear off the cover [of their old printing copy] and send it to us [at SLG] and we will replace the book directly. This is why we have not sent copies to Amazon yet and why it has not been on our website yet."

So, not a perfect world, but I really do think it's as good as it gets given the situation.

Next up, Bad Guys #1. This SHOULD be out by the end of this month. Unfortunately, because of Thanksgiving, that's not a lock. But if it's not out the last week of November, it will be out the first week of December. (In any case, it's ALL finished -- and approved.)

After that, expect Gargoyles #7 approximately three weeks after Bad Guys #1 hits the stores -- which SHOULD still put it in December -- unless Christmas messes that up, in which case it should be out the first week in January. The book is also ALL finished, but has not yet been approved.

After that, the Gargoyles Clan-Building Volume #1 Trade Paperback. Galleys are being reviewed now, but it should be out in late December or early January. We may delay it a week or two so that it isn't coming out the EXACT same week as BG1 or G7. Then again we may not.

After that, um, I guess Bad Guys #2, which is currently being finished by Karine.

After that Gargoyles #8, which is being pencilled by David.

After that Bad Guys #3, which is being scripted now by me.

After that Gargoyles #9, which has ALREADY been scripted by me. Uh... how did that happen?

Anyway, that's all I know at this time.


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Piemaster113 writes...

Greg, I am A huge fan of both W.I.T.C.H. and Gargolyes, the best shows on TV. I'm glad they are at least runing reruns of them both, and I hope that'll continue for a long time. I am also a huge fan of Disney World, een going at least once a year since I was 3. Do you belive that there will ever be any continuation of either seires on TV? and even if not I want to thank you for you work on two incredible shows.

Greg responds...

WITCH continues on in comics, and now Gargoyles does too.

Response recorded on November 07, 2007

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W. C. Reaf writes...

Hi Greg

I help run an animation society at my university (it's in the UK so I can't organised a trip to the gathering and charge it to the Uni :( ) and I've just started showing the first season Gargoyles and everyone's loving it. I'm making a few new fans and rekindling some old ones.

I've also just got some brilliant news; my local comic show is getting in the 'Bad Guys' comics (unfortunately they can't get the main Gargoyles book for some reason). So I'll try to get as many people reading that book as I can.

So I have two questions for you:

1) Is there anything about the first season, or the show in general, that you'd like to mention to new fans just getting into it?

2) Since we can't feasibly watch all of the second season is there any episodes from that season that you'd recommend we watch? Bear in mind I've already got plans to show 'The Mirror' and 'City Of Stone 1-4' once we've finished watching season 1.

Have a good day.

Greg responds...

First off -- I gotta say it just makes NO sense that a shop that can carry Bad Guys wouldn't also have access to Gargoyles itself. So really, I'd question that big time.

1. Nope. Just enjoy. I think the show stands up pretty well on its own. And then if they are curious and want MORE info, they can always come here or to the S8 comment room, etc.

2. Well, frankly, I'd start with the beginning of the season and go through as many episodes as you can in order. It doesn't seem useful to watch 'em out of order... and I like 'em all. Plus that might encourage some dvd sales, when people want more.

Response recorded on November 02, 2007

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Moeen writes...

I've noticed that the price for the comic has now moved up (at least for this issue) to #3.95. Was this because Gordon Purcell was the artist, or is there some other reason?

Greg responds...

It has nothing to do with Gordon at all. I'm sure the reason is all about cost of production relative to return on investment.

Response recorded on October 31, 2007

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TiniTinyTony writes...

Since Gargoyles #6 was a month late, it has been said by someone in the Comment Room who e-mailed SLG that Bad Guys #1 would also be pushed back a month and be released in November instead of October.

Therefore, going by the schedule you posted on Mon, March 05, 2007, should we just add one month to the months that you listed then?

The only reason I ask is so I can inform my local comic book supplier, in turn, giving him enough time to order the comics ahead of time, so I receive my copies when they are scheduled to be released by Diamond. Thank you.

Greg responds...

I don't have definitive answers nor any desire to speculate. There should be SOMETHING available for purchase every month from now on... I hope.

Response recorded on October 31, 2007

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