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Karney writes...

Hey, Greg.
I just wanted to know what kind of stuff you read as a kid that got you interested in the whole mythological genre. Are there any good books you recommend, and are there any you read as a kid that you just couldn't put down?

Greg responds...

D'aulaire's Norse Gods and Giants and D'aulaire's Greek Myths started me on the path to loving mythology. Mary Renault's The King Must Die and The Bull from the Sea were also influential, as was Mary Stewart's tetralogy about Merlin, King Arthur and Mordred. Also Roger Lancelyn Green's King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table. There were many others, too. But those got me started.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Dan Stenrud writes...

Thanks for taking the time for our questions! I was just watching "The New Olympians" episode of Gargoyles and as the camera pans the city there is a satellite dish on one of the buildings. I understand if you don't have an answer, but are they receiving signals from our (human's) satellites or do they have one of their own?

Greg responds...

I don't recall. Sorry.

Response recorded on July 26, 2012

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

February 14th...

On New Olympus, Taurus apprehends the murderer Proteus.