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Did the two animated suits of armor that guarded Arthur's sleeping place on Avalon belong to anybody prior to their being put there (as in, say, having been worn by Arthur's knights), or were they specially constructed for the purpose of guarding him and used only for that purpose?
Honestly, I haven't thought about it. But I'm sure there's a story behind how they got there.
Hello Greg:)
*checks out the latest Contest guesses* yup, just as I thought, I wouln't have said anything original;) But I _did_ happen to think up some more Q's at work. Exciting hey?
1) You said that there was a rather large gargoyle clan somewhere outside of London. That we just happened to only see Grif, Una, and Leo.
What is their purpose for staying at that store?
2) Do they keep in correspondence with the rest of the clan?
3) How often do they visit?
4) For question one. Was it the clans' idea for the shop or just Una, Grif, and Leo's?
5) When Grif vanshied with Goliath and was missing for all that time, did the clan try and search for him? Where they even informed? (duh but still)
6) Did Una and Leo continue to stay at that store in the hope that Grif would return someday? Or was it just some job that they were assigned and Grif or no they stayed??
7) About Grif and Una. I dont know if someone asked this or not before. I don't recall seeing it. So sorry in advance if this is old news:P But Una seemed to like him a lot. I guess I dont know if they were actually an item or not. Where they? Or was it just Una that felt that way? Or did I totally screw it up again like the whole Angela Gabe thing and she's alone or with Leo for crying out loud??
8) In the event that the answer was "Ya _duh_ they are an item. Haven't you been paying attention in here?". Then will the age differnce that they now have do any damage to the relationship?
Ok, thats enough on that topic. Thanks Greg!;)
1. To earn money. To pay taxes on the land, etc.
2. Yes, constantly. By telephone and e-mail. Also it's not that far away, so I'm sure they glide out there all the time.
3. All the time.
4. The shop has been there for centuries.
5. Of course. You shouldn't look at this as if Leo & Una are some kind of separate entity from the rest of the clan. They're the breadwinners. (And no one said they're the only two who work at the store, they're simply the ones who do it most often.) They live at the estate most of the time, but when working late (or early at the store) have quarters upstairs where they can retire for a cup of tea or turn to stone or whatever.
6. The store belongs to the clan. I'm not saying they didn't occasionally wish that Griff would fly in a window one day, but basically they assumed that he and Goliath perished during the Battle of Britain.
7. No, you're right. Una was in love with Griff, and he cared for her. They weren't mates -- at least not yet -- but that's the direction they were heading. Now, of course, she and Leo are mates. But that partly resulted from shared grief over Griff's seeming death.
8. I think the fact that in the interum, she mated with Leo will have a larger effect than the age difference. That and the fact, that Griff is back off traveling the world with Arthur
About Merlin...
1. Does he use human magic or fae, or perhaps a combination of the two? If he does use human spells wouldn't that be mixing magics, given his half fae status? (The same applying if he uses a combination of spells)
2. Merlin's age various from source to source. About how much older than Arthur is he?
3. How would you describe Merlin's personality? Eccentric but wise and kindly like in T. H. White's story, or a wry, enigmatic codger like in the movie Excalibur?
1. He can use either, but he has to be careful not to mix. Or if he does mix, to mix very carefully.
2. We talking chronilogically or biologically?
3. Neither.
In your opinion, is much of Merlin's status as "the greatest wizard of all time" thanks (from the perspective of the Gargoyles Universe) to his being a biological son of Oberon's? Given how much magic Oberon must have in him, it does seem logical that an offspring of his, even a halfling, would have more magic to inherit than a halfling child of any other fay, or a fully-human wizard.
Merlin was certainly born with a lot of magical potential. But potential can be squandered. (Just look at my life over the last four years.) Merlin worked to become a great wizard.
Hello I'm a really big fan of Gargoyles, I watch the show all the time.
Well here's my Q.
Is there anywhere on the web that your spin-offs are in print, or are they only at the gatherings?
Pretty much only at the Gathering. But you can get a lot of info on them by checking the following ASK GREG archives...
Bad Guys
Dark Ages
Gargoyles 2158
New Olympians
Re your answer to my "Round Table" question:
You're right; I'd forgotten about the Stone of Destiny in its "Sword in the Stone" phase. Well, since your answer reminded me of that, I thought I'd ask a couple of Stone of Destiny questions now:
1. You mentioned having planned to include an episode reflecting the Stone's real-life return to Scotland in the "Pendragon" spin-off. Would the episode have been set during the actual return itself, or afterwards with the Stone already back in Scotland at the beginning of the story?
2. If you had done the episode, would you have explained in it how the Stone of Destiny got to be wherever the young Arthur pulled the sword out of it to become King the first time around (given that in actual history, it would have been in either Ireland or Dalriada at the time, rather than, say, London - where the traditional stories locate the Sword in the Stone)?
1. The former for sure. The latter if I came up with something.
2. Eventually all would be explained. But I'm not sure how much room for flashbacks I'd have in any one given episode.
What is Morgana la Fay's current relationship with Arthur? Does she still hate him?
Hasn't seen him in awhile. A long while.
What would have Duval's physical cost to using the Grail have been?
I don't want to say now.
1. Did you ever have a love-interest planned for Arthur?
2. If so, care to talk about her?
1. Perhaps more than one.
2. Not at this time.
Which of the eight Arthurian survivors would have been the female acquantance that would have accompanied Arthur on his quests?
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