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Todd Jensen writes...

A new guess for the 8 Arthurian survivors:

1. King Arthur
2. The Lady of the Lake
3. Merlin
4. Sir Percival
5. Blanchefleur (Percival's wife in Roger Lancelyn Green)
6. Lohengrin (he's Percival's son in the legends about him, so he probably counts as Arthurian)
7. Morgan le Fay
8. Nimue

Greg responds...

Seven points.

Response recorded on January 24, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

A little side-note. I happened to see the episode that you wrote for "Disney's Hercules" - I thought I'd mention it after noticing that somebody else on the list mentioned it. I quite enjoyed it - particularly the portrayal of Theseus as a sort of ancient Greek version of "Batman". I also noticed, as a side-note, that there was a certain thematic echo of "Hunter's Moon" in it (although I don't know if you'd intended it or not) where Hercules got so caught up in his efforts to wreak vengeance upon the Minotaur that he lost sight of what was really important, much the same way as Goliath in his pursuit of the Hunters.

Greg responds...

First off, Todd, thanks for the kind words.

There are certain themes that interest me, and so you'll see them revisited in my work (probably ad nauseum) over and over. The theme of, well, let's call it "What Profit Vengeance?" is one of my favorites. So I wasn't deliberately trying to echo "Hunter's Moon" so much as I was servicing a set of ideas that seemed apropos to both series.

As for the Theseus-as-Batman stuff. Well, that's a no-brainer. The Superman/Batman dynamic -- that is the teaming of a hero possessing superhuman abilities with a hero who merely makes the best possible use of his human abilities -- originated with Herakles and Theseus. (Or at any rate, it goes back that far.) So the notion of flipping that, and playing Herc/Theseus as Superman/Batman seemed wonderfully ironic and a fertile place to find comedy.

In high school, I acted in a play called THE WARRIOR'S HUSBAND. I played Theseus, and I've had a real affinity for the character ever since. In that play, Hercules was kind of a mope. (Very strong, but a mope.) The Greeks were waging war against the Amazons. Hercules was in charge, but Theseus was the real brains of the operation. Yet he's also the guy who really falls hard in love for Antiope, sister to Queen Hyppolyta. So instead of conquering -- as he had originally intended -- Theseus winds up manipulating everyone into a compromise. I like that in a hero.

Theseus is part of a sub-genre of archetypes, (an off-shoot of Trickster figures like Puck, Coyote or Odysseus/Ulysses). He's the primary example of the Archetype of "THE BASTARD", which includes such diverse characters as Shakespeare's Edmund from KING LEAR, Joan of Arc's ally Dunois and multiple characters from Arthurian legend (including Merlin, Arthur, Percival, Galahad and Mordred). There are so many parallels between Arthur and Theseus that reading Mary Stewart and Mary Renault seemed almost redundant. (Not really.)

In fact, Luach (or Lulach) is also a prime candidate for that archetype. When he was born, Gruoch was still married to Gillecomgain. But gossip around the castle hinted that the babe's true father was Macbeth. After Macbeth and Gruoch married, Macbeth adopted the boy as his own. At which point the gossip shifted to insist that Gillecomgain was the boy's father. (You can't win.) Pre-DNA testing, there would be no way for Luach to ever be certain of the truth. Maybe Macbeth didn't even know. Hell, Gruoch might not know.

Life's a bitch when you're a bastard.

Response recorded on January 19, 2000

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

Aside from the Illuminati, what did you have planned in the way of villains for PENDRAGON?

I have a few ideas, but I'm not going to list them here because of the rules.

Greg responds...

This'll have to wait 'til you know what is over.

Response recorded on January 10, 2000

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Derek! writes...

Arthurian Survivors-
1. King Arthur
2. Merlin
3. the Lady of the Lake
4. Morgan Le Fay
5. Percival
6. Nimue
7. Lancelot
8. Gwenever

Greg responds...


Six points though.

(Anyone with a basic knowledge of Algebra should be damn close to solving this contest.)

Response recorded on January 10, 2000

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lisa writes...

1.did goliath and co ever tell macbeth or demona of what happened on avalon and if so how did they react?

Greg responds...

My guess is that no one filled Macbeth in. If they had, then Macbeth would have reacted differently to Arthur in "Pendragon". It's possible that Angela told Demona about it during her "Reckoning" incarceration. But then again, maybe she didn't. I'm not sure that Angela would feel any value would come out of bringing that up.

Response recorded on January 07, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

And yet another survivors list:
1.Arthur 2.Merlin 3.Lady of the Lake 4.Perceval 5.Galahad 6.Morgana 7.Blanchfleur 8.Nimue

Greg responds...

Now we're getting somewhere.

You scored 7. (If this doesn't give it away, nothing will.)

Response recorded on January 07, 2000

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

Another shot at the Arthurian Survivors

1. Arthur
2. Merlin
3. Lady of the Lake
4. Percival
5. Morgana la Fay
6. Guinevere
7. Lancelot
8. Bedivere

Greg responds...


You scored 5.

I think I'm giving out the points just to make the thing more interesting for me.

Response recorded on January 06, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

And yet another survivors list:

Arthur, Merlin, Lady of the Lake, Perceval, Bors, Galahad, Blanchfleur, Morgana

Greg responds...

No. Boy. I never thought this contest would be so hard. I mean I knew the clan contest would be impossible, but I figured this one would have been nailed ages agot. Should I start giving points here too?

You're answer scored 6.

Response recorded on January 06, 2000

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Airwalker writes...

Do you have voice actors in mind for some of the characters in the unmade spinoffs? Do you have any in mind specifically for Katana, Nashville, Tachi, Duval, The Director, and Merlin?

Greg responds...

The Director was cast in our Animatic reel for Bad Guys. He was William Devane. And he was great as anyone who has attended a Gathering could attest to.

As for the others... No. Hadn't thought that far in advance.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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DougJoe writes...


Well, first of all, let me congratulate you on an _excellent_ series. It was very refreshing to see a daytime cartoon with such an extensive, intelligent, and well interwoven plot. The first episode I saw was at the end of an all-nighter with some friends who were helping keep me awake to study for a final exam during my 2nd semester of college. By some karmic irony, the episode was entitled _Long Way to Morning_, and it got me (and my friends) hooked. (Any time any of the gang gets to reminiscing, someone always says, in a bad Scottish accent, "Remeber the quest for the archmage...")
Anyway, on to my questions... (I don't think any of them have been asked yet...) Hopefully, I've caught you in the right mood today.

1. What is Mr. Duval's _first_ name?
2. You've told us that Mr. Duval is the Fisher King, but does his current alias give some clue as to his original identity? (For example, Fox's original name was Janine Renard. Renard is French, I believe, for fox.)
3. Somewheres in the archives you mentioned that Oberon & Titania had two children, a boy and a girl. Are they characters that we met during the course of the series (in some way or another)?

Well, I'll keep my number of questions short for now. Thanks again for your time and efforts!

Greg responds...

1. I've never given it any thought. Honest.
2. Why don't you just come out and ask who Duval is? Actually, I think this is the worst kept of all my secrets. Which should answer your question.
3. Sorry. Questions on separate topics, must be posted separately.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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DougJoe writes...

A humble guess at the Arthurian survivors...

1. Arthur
2. Merlin
3. Lady of the Lake
4. Morgan le Fay
5. Sir Percival
6. Nimue
7. Blanchfleur
8. Sir Galahad

Greg responds...

So close and yet...

Try again...

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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David G. writes...

The Immortal Seven:
I'm not sure I have this completely right, but there's some sort of contest to guess which seven characters survived from the time of Arthur's Camelot to the present day. Here are my guesses. First of all, the definants. Arthur, obviously, and, supposedly The Fisher King (Pelles).

If the Fisher King is alive, that means you're probably using Wolfram's version of the Grail, so Pervivale the Welsh is the Grail Knight.

Now we have Arthur, Pelles, and Percival.

Nimue was supposed to be trapped forever with Merlin in the Crystal Cave, and was a nymph. We can probably include both of them.

Arthur, Pelles, Percival, Merlin, Nimue. That leaves 2.

You're probalby drawing mostly from Malory, so we can make some very quick eliminations. Lancelot died as a monk. Gwenivere died as a nun. Galahad died when he saw the Grail, but that's not certain, since Percival and the Fisher King have the grail. However, Galahad only exists as a character in Malory, and only exists to find the Grail. I'm willing to leave him dead. Mordred died at the Last Battle. That kills off most of the sentimental guesses.

Now I'm on my own. Morganna Le Fey is a likely survivor, as her magicks might extend her life. So, we have only one to go. The Lady of the Lake was a character, but I'm not sure she counts, since she's a Fey. I'm going to go with Palamedes, being kept immortal to pursue the Questing Beast.

Thus, the final list is Arthur, Pelles, Percival, Merlin, Nimue, Morganna, and either the Lady of the Lake, or Palamedes. (I lean toward the Lady)

Greg responds...

Well, it's a contest, so you have to decide.

But since their are eight survivors, not seven, you could include both. Or would that change your thinking?

Repost and let me know.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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HEATHER "HUDSON" writes...

heyya? OOOOPPPPPSSS!!!!!

Greg responds...

Well. Eight names. But some are incorrect.

Better luck next time.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Heather "HUDSON" writes...

here's my first try, at this thing...
I hope these are them ?

Greg responds...

Did you mean to list Lancelot twice? Or do we have a clone thing happening?

Anyway, there are eight survivors, so at mimumum, you are short two.

Better luck next time.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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lizzigoyle writes...

heyya, i've been looking at those "arthurian survivors" lists; isn't the name for "the lady of the lake" nimue ?
i thought, that i read that, in one of my many arthurian legends books

Greg responds...

Not in any of the versions I'm familiar with, though it wouldn't surprise me to see an author conflate the two characters.

Response recorded on December 29, 1999

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Jenna writes...

Greg, in the Gargoyles universe, what ever happened to Lancelot of Camelot? Did the imfamous love affair with the
Queen take place? Did he meet his demise?

Greg responds...

I'd rather not go into too many details here. For one thing it could influence the contest we're holding. But Lancelot did exist in the Gargoyles Universe. The tragic affair with Guenevere did take place. Ask me "Did he meet his demise?" again, after the contest is over.

Response recorded on December 29, 1999

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Lawrence Stone writes...

Hello Greg here are some more quistions

1) Would Demona and her new mate in the future ever have a child or childern together?
2) If Gargoyles was not canceled or it was brought back in the futuer would there be crossovers between Gargoyles and Pendragon?
3) By the time 2058 when all of Demonas grandchildren are still young will she be complety reformed?
4) How long do female gargoyles carry their eggs?
5) Could a female Gargoyle ever have twins?
6) Could a female gargoyle ever have a miscarriage while they were pregnent for their egg. Or if their egg dose not hatch is that considered a miscarrige?

Greg responds...

1. Can't reveal that.

2. This really is a separate topic, but it's short, so the answer is yes.

3. Completely?

4 - 6. Sorry, by the new rules, questions on separate topics must be submitted on separate posts. I invite you to submit these questions again. (These three can all be in one post.

Response recorded on December 16, 1999

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Tas Burrfoot writes...

Hi again Greg. Here's an Arthurian survivors list:
1. King Arthur Pendragon.
2. Merlin.
3. The Lady of the Lake.
4. Pelles, the Fisher King.
5. Morgana le Fay.
6. Sir Galahad.
7. Sir Bors.
8. Sir Percival.

Greg responds...

Nope. But nice specificity.

Response recorded on August 23, 1999

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Yet another survivors list:

1.Arthur 2.Lady of the Lake 3.Merlin 4.Perceval 5.Cundry 6.Blaise 7.Morgana 8.Nimue

Greg responds...

Nope. Try again.

Response recorded on August 23, 1999

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Aris Katsaris writes...

What would Oberon and Titania's son and daughter (thanks for providing that tidbit by the way!) feel about their half-siblings, Fox and Merlin? Indifference, annoyance, affection?

Greg responds...

Aris, I luv ya guy, but you ask HUGE questions as if they can be answered with a single word like "Indifference".

How does A relate to B?

How does A relate to Fox?

How does A relate to Merlin?

How does B relate to Fox?

How does B relate to Merlin?

And that assumes that A & B even know about Fox and Merlin. That A & B are even among the living?

When questions are that huge, I tend to give no useful information at all.

Maybe you've noticed.

Response recorded on August 22, 1999

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Todd Jensen writes...

Earlier remarks of yours about "Pendragon" implied that when Arthur and Griff finally did find Merlin, he'd join up with them as some sort of regular. Did you have any plans to keep Merlin's magic from making things too easy for Arthur and Griff in that case - i.e., making sure that Merlin wouldn't become a "deus ex machina" - or in this case, a "magus ex machina". We are talking about a wizard whose very name has become a synonym for "magic", after all. (I won't ask about the details of those plans; I'm just curious as to whether you'd found a way to address the problem).

Greg responds...

As with most things, I'd deal with them on a case-by-case basis. But I also had a few ideas about how I'd play my version of the character (and his 20th/21st century persona) that would have made life a bit more interesting.

I hate Deus ex Machina. I wouldn't have made you suffer through it either.

Response recorded on August 22, 1999

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

Sorry, I didn't read the rules for the Pendragon Contest. Here are my guesses again.

1. Arthur
2. Merlin
3. Lady of the Lake
4. Percival
5. Morgana la Fay
6. Nimue
7. Igraine
8. Guinevere

Greg responds...

Ooh, sorry Greg, try again.

Response recorded on August 22, 1999

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Todd Jensen writes...

You mentioned once that Merlin is currently in his Crystal Cave. This is probably a question that can't be answered outside of getting to do "Pendragon", but in the Gargoyles Universe, did this start during Arthur's reign (as per Malory), or after he was taken away to Avalon?

Greg responds...

The former.

Response recorded on August 21, 1999

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Derek writes...

Greg- Okay, I just re read (skimmed actually) my copy of Mallory's King Arthur. So, if someone hasn't beaten me to it, here are my guesses-

Greg responds...

Sorry, Derek. Nope.

But try again soon.

Response recorded on August 21, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

1. Who created the stone Dragon that appeared in PENDRAGON?
2. Can you give us some information on Demona's two great loves? From what part of the world will these two loves come from?
3. In LIGHTHOUSE IN THE SEAS OF TIME, when those two explorers entered Merlin's cave, in the background a cauldron can be seen. Is that the Cauldron of Life?
4. What would Titania's response be to Renard's death?
5. Just how long was Talon planning on keeping Fang in a cell?
6. How does Talon feel about raising a Gargoyle/Human hybrid who looks and sounds exactly like his big sister?
7. Once you stated that as late as 2158 Puck would still be around and stuck as Owen in the mortal world. You also stated that the way Owen avoids the effects of aging is that he basically resets himself whenever he transforms from Puck to Owen. If he is stuck as Owen in 2158, then how does he avoid aging?
8. Would we have seen more of the Golem?
9. Did Angela inherit her father's stubborness and her mother's temper or her father's temper and her mother's stubborness?

Greg responds...

1. It was done by committee.

As per the new rules, you are invited to submit the rest of your questions as multiple separate posts.

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr. writes...

Greetings Greg! (Thanks for signing my Guest book on my site!)

Hmm... First a question, then the contests:

If the purpose of the Hill of the Sleeping King was to maintain Arthur Pendragon's health and age until the time of Britain's greatest need (esentially a "stasis chamber" of some sort), wouldn't the hill also be working on the Magus, since he fell on the cairn there after defeating the Weird Sisters?

Now, the contests:

Arthurian Survivors:

1. King Arthur
2. The Lady of The Lake
3. Merlin
4. Morgana le Fay
5. Lancelot
6. Galahad
7. Gwenyvere
8. Nimue

The 14 Clans

1. Scotland
2. England
3. Ishimura/Japan
4. Guatemala Rain Forest
5. Isle of Avalon
6. Manhattan/New York
7. New Olympus Island

8. India
9. Egypt/Africa
10. Amazon Rain Forest
11. Ireland
12. Ozark Mountain Range
13. Orbital Colony/Earth
14. Australia

Hope I get at least some of them right. :) Thanks for talking to us Greg! See you in the CR!

Maintain and Check Six!

Greg responds...

Hey Stephen.

As to the Arthurian survivors -- Sorry, try again.

As to the clans, you need to submit them on a SEPARATE POST to even get a response. (I gave that admonition on the first day -- so NO SLACK.)

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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Arianna writes...

Hi, Greg. I think I'll take a shot at the Arthurian survivors.

2.Lady of the Lake
5.Morgana le Fay

Greg responds...

Sorry, Arianna, try again.

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

Arthurian Survivor Guesses:

King Arthur
Lady of the Lake
Morgana Le Fey
The Green Knight
Blanchefleur (Percival's Wife)

Greg responds...

Sorry, Airwalker try again.

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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Todd Jensen writes...

Yipes! *Eight* Arthurian survivors? This guessing game just got a little harder! :) But here are my eight guesses (and sorry for not including my original guesses from yesterday in a separate post; that was before you laid down the new rules for the guessing game).

1. King Arthur
2. The Lady of the Lake
3. Merlin
4. Sir Percival
5. Morgan le Fay
6. Guinevere
7. Nimue
8. The Grail Damsel

Greg responds...

Sorry, Todd try again.

And by the way, AND THIS GOES FOR EVERYONE -- Don't hedge your bets. Be specific or your answer won't count.

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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Aris Katsaris writes...

The eight Arthurian survivors list:
1. Arthur 2.Lady of the Lake 3.Merlin 4.Perceval 5.Blanchfleur 6.Morgana 7.Green Knight 8.Blaise

Greg responds...

Sorry, Aris. Try again.

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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The Arthurian Contest...

Officially restarting the contest...

In the Gargoyles Universe, there are eight survivors from the days of King Arthur. (I know I once said seven, but I forgot someone. Which isn't like me.)

Here are the rules. You have to name all eight correctly. Partially correct answers will receive no partial credit. I won't say you got three right and five wrong or whatever. I won't provide any hints at all beyond the following two names:

1. King Arthur
2. The Lady of the Lake

You have six more to guess. Remember, I'm looking for their Arthurian names. Yes, I've mentioned that Duval is one of the survivors, but listing him doesn't count, i.e. it doesn't count as a guess as to who Duval is, who the survivor is.

The winner will get a prize, I think. Nothing of any worth, but something. (Maybe a xerox of my recording script for Pendragon, complete with all my scribblings. That sort of thing seems to go over fairly well.)

You can guess as many times as you like. But always post it as a separate "question" to ASK GREG. Don't lump it in with other questions. And don't make multiple guesses on the same post. Just eight names. First to give me all eight correct in one post, wins.

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Lawrence Stome writes...

Hello greg this is my first time I been in asked you quistions so here they are

1) If the Timedancer series was ever made what would Brooklyn's mate look like?

2) If Pendragon was made would Author and Griff find any other Gargoyle Clans when they were looking for Merlin? And also would would Griff ever get a mate. Would she be in Griff's Clan or another?

3) Would Coldstone and Coldfire ever find out thst they have a son on Avolon?

4) In the episode Awakning part 2 Owen said that the locile claim that casle Wyvern is haunted. Was it haunted by the Massacreed Clan members?

Greg responds...

Hey Lawrence, welcome...
1. I'm not an artist. So although, I have some vague ideas, I intentionally don't want to nail that down until either (a) the time came for collaboration with an artist or (b) it became clear that the medium where the character was going to be introduced was purely a prose one.

2. Maybe, yes and I'm not sure what you mean.

3. Yes.

4. Mostly by Hakon and the Captain.

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Todd Jensen writes...

I thought that I'd better clarify an earlier question/remark that I made about Duval. I asked you earlier as to whether Duval being both Fisher King and head of the Illuminati wasn't something of a conflict of interest; you pointed out, rightly, that unless one knows what Duval's goals are (which haven't been revealed to us) that can hardly be labeled as such. You were correct about that; I hadn't used the most accurate terms for it. So I thought that I'd better clarify my question here a little more (I'm giving it separately from my other questions, just in case it gets interpreted as an idea, although I'm working hard on not making it so).

What puzzles me about Duval's double role as Fisher King and head of the Illuminati is this. The Illuminati have been involved in a lot of unscrupulous activity (deals with organized crime, running the Hotel Cabal, funding Castaway in his unholy war upon the gargoyles, and general controlling the world behind the scenes). Duval, as their leader, must bear much of the responsibility for this. But he's also apparently still the Fisher King, guardian of the Holy Grail, and I'm puzzled as to how he can still be able to fill on that role after everything that he must have done as the head of the Illuminati, which surely must have been a lot worse than - say - committing adultery with Queen Guinevere (and everyone who's read Malory knows what the Grail's attitude was towards that). That's what I don't understand. I'm not expecting any real answer to this (I know that you'd want to keep your plans about Duval and his role as Fisher King secret for now in case you ever get to do more "Gargoyles") but I did want to make it clear what puzzled me so much about Duval's dual role.

Greg responds...

I understand your confusion, Todd. Maybe this will help: Everything has its price.

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Todd Jensen writes...

Phew! Nice to have this thing back! Now for some questions that I've been waiting a long time to ask.

1. In "The Journey", during his recruitment speech, Castaway, while playing upon the fears of the citizens in his audience, lists two specific ones: that the gargoyles might attack them while they sleep and that they might kidnap their children. Recently, I found myself realizing something about these fears. Gargoyles obviously fear humans attacking them while they are in their stone sleep, and Demona believed in "The Reckoning" that Princess Katharine and the Magus had kidnapped the eggs. So, were you deliberately going for a notion of "humans and gargoyles fear each other for parallel reasons" when you wrote this scene, or am I just reading too much into it?

2. My new guesses for the 7 Arthurian survivors:

a. King Arthur
b. Merlin
c. The Lady of the Lake (so far, the obvious ones :)
d. Sir Percival
e. The Grail Damsel (since she's got a different name in practically every version of the Arthurian/Grail legends, I figured I'd better just put down her position to make it clearer whom I meant)
f. Morgan le Fay
g. Nimue

3. One of the most intriguing aspects of the gargoyles in the series, to me, was their initial lack of personal names, something that worked particularly well with me since it made them seem even more "their own unique culture" (I particularly liked the scene where Hudson was asking why humans have to name everything in "Awakening Part Three"). What inspired you and the other members of the production team to come up with this idea?

Greg responds...

Hey Todd,

1. I don't think you're reading too much in, but you need to keep in mind that I was breathing gargoyles at the time. It filled my thoughts. Whether I was conscious of those specifics parallels, doesn't answer whether they were intentional or not. Does that help?

2. We're up to eight now. Plus guesses need to be on their own post. Note: it's best to be as specific as possible. Bet hedging is no way to win a silly contest.

3. Originally, desperation. We had a hell of a time getting names approved. Coming up with a rationale for waiting until the twentieth century to name most of our characters was an inspiration I was grateful my boss went for. Fortunately, he saw that it solved all our problems. Gave us young characters with names that had a more contemporary, yet fun feel. Allowed Goliath to stand out from the crowd more. Made Demona's name less silly and more chilling. Etc. Making Gargoyles a unique culture was the solution to a difficult problem. One of the many things, that just made the show feel "right".

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Entity writes...

Glad you're back, Mr. Weisman! Here are a few questions I've pondered over:

1) If the series had ever shown Merlin, how do you envision his physical appearence? Would he have been along the lines of the white-bearded Disney version from "Sword in the Stone", or the younger, clean-shaven version from "Excalibur" or "Merlin" (the mini-series)?

2) I heard somewhere that you'd written an early screenplay for the GARGOYLES theatrical movie, which was basically "Awakenings" cleaned up around the edges, but that it was rejected on account of being "too cartoonish". Would you be able (and willing) to share with us that screenplay?

3) You mentioned that "Hunter's Moon" was originally going to be a video release (which would explain why so much of Part 1 seemed like a reintroduction to the series). If it had been released on video as planned, would it have been longer than only one hour (3 twenty-minute episodes)? I ask because that seems kind of short for a video, and because out of all the other chapters of the series, "Hunter's Moon" is the only one for which you've revealed full-fledged scenes that didn't make it into the final cut.

Greg responds...

Hi Entity,
1. Not telling this now. Had very specific plans though.

2. Michael Reaves and I wrote a pitch and then a treatment (actually two), not a screenplay. And it would be irresponsible to share it at this point, since the movie is still in development at Touchstone Pictures.

3. The decision not to make it a video came before the script (and maybe before the final draft outline) was written. It would have been at least a bit longer... we certainly wouldn't have had to cut the Jason/Elisa clock tower scene. But beyond that, it's too hypothetical a question for me to answer. We never were given the opportunity to explore that avenue in any real way.

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