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Kayless writes...

Okay, I've crawled back out from under my rock to ask you these questions. (*HISS* Natural sunlight! It burns!)They're Arthurian related. Oh joy!

1. Is Morgana more powerful than Merlin? Given that she is a full blooded Fae it stands to reason that she is, but Merlin's father is a great deal more powerful than any other fae out there (baring Mab, of course). And I tend to think of Merlin more in terms of cunning and guile (like his Stepmother Titania) rather than unsubtle displays of raw might (like dear old dad). But in a knockdown drag out Wizard's Duel who has the edge in sheer power?

2. What can Excalibur do? (I'd better make this more specific lest I get a response like: 'what can't it do?') I doubt it is simply a really sharp blade, so what other abilities does it possess?

3. What does Arthur think of 21st century footwear? Today's sneakers have got to be much more comfortable than the boots he wore back in the day. Will he acquire some nice hush puppies or some more practical hiking boots for his long journey? =p

4. How is it that Alexander is considered one of Oberon's Children when Merlin, who is literally a child of Oberon, is not? Not to malign the kid's potential or anything, but given that Oberon is a helluva lot more powerful than Alex's grandmother Titania (as far as raw energy goes) I find it hard to believe that the ¼ fae Alex can hold a candle to Merlin. And if he isn't more powerful, why is considered one of Oberon's Children? I'm probably missing some factor here so enlighten, please.

5. How old is Merlin, both biologically and chronologically? (assuming there's a difference)

6. Where did I put the remote for my T.V.? (Oh wait! This should be on another post. Sorry)

I'll stop annoying you, now. (Why linger here when there are so many other ersatz celebrities to aggravate?)

Greg responds...

1. I'm not big on quantifying power.

2. It's got power, power in its blade, in its hilt and in its scabbard. But mostly its a cool sword.

3. In general, he might get a less conspicuous wardrobe to change into.

4. Who said Alex is? Who said Merlin is not? Both are or aren't depending on how you define it.

5. Haven't worked that out yet.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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