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Todd Jensen writes...

You mentioned once that one of the places that you would have sent King Arthur and Griff during their quest for Merlin was Tintagel. If you had gotten to do that episode, would you have been likely to include in it some fictionalized form or other of your near-religious experiences that you had there?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Maybe. I'd have to think on that.

Response recorded on April 05, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Speaking of Percival, some time ago, I was reading a book about the Grail legends which mentioned a medieval German Grail romance where the knights who guarded the Holy Grail for the Fisher King were sometimes sent out in secret to rule kingdoms whose thrones had become vacant, although under strict orders not to reveal that they came from the Grail Castle. Was this where you got the idea for the Fisher King heading the Illuminati? That behavior certainly sounds very proto-Illuminati-ish.

Greg responds...

Ben responds:

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Erin responds:

I think the question that you sent was very close.

Greg responds:

I don't think so.

Response recorded on April 01, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

I've been meaning to ask you about this ever since your little "Bastards" ramble, but never got around to it until now. You gave a list of Arthurian figures who fit this archetype: Arthur himself, Merlin, Mordred, Galahad, and Percival.

Now, Merlin, Mordred and Galahad are all definitely illegitimate in the traditional legends, and the circumstances of Uther's visit to Igraine at Tintagel would make Arthur's legitimacy a matter of controversy, so all four of them can indeed be fitted into that archetype. (I'd hesitate at calling Galahad a bastard, mind, but that's another story :)

What puzzles me, though, is your inclusion of Percival in the list. I don't recall anything in any version of the Arthurian legend that I've read about him being illegitimate. The closest that I can think of is his secret rearing by his mother away in the woods after the death of his father and older brothers to keep him from finding out about knights. Is this what led to your classification of him as a "bastard"?

Greg responds...

Erin responds:

I liked the questions because they were very animated.

Greg responds:

I like the question too. In my mind, Percival was the illegitimate son of Gawaine. (You need to reread your Lancelyn Green very carefully.) This interests me because, as I've mentioned before, I have this sense that the true Bastard archetype in Arthurian lore has not been filled by a true Bastard, but by Gawaine himself. The archetype trying to take a break from himself, and largely failing.

And now, my son Benny has woken up from his nap and is joining us.

Ben (age 3) responds:


Response recorded on April 01, 2000

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Bengali writes...

1.In Lighthouse in a Sea of Time, Macbeth said that Merlins magic was stronger than anything, exept the human heart. Was this a reference to the Lancelot/Guinevere affair or to Romeo and Juliet?

Greg responds...

Why would it be a reference to Romeo and Juliet?

It was mostly Lance and Gwen. Though other issues of the heart were also involved. Specifically, Arthur and Gwen.

Response recorded on March 25, 2000

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Bengali writes...

My guess for the the 8 arthurian survivors.

5.Lady of the Lake
6.Sir percival
8.Morgan le fay

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 25, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

You mentioned a while ago your having rather liked Goodrich's notion that Lancelot's name was really a French distortion of "Angus". If you had done the "Pendragon" spin-off and brought Lancelot into it somewhere (presumably via flashback since I get the impression that he's not one of the eight survivors), would you have used this concept?

Greg responds...

Maybe, maybe not. For starters, it's HER concept. I'm not sure legally if I could. I'd have had to look into that.

And of course, by now, you know that Lance wasn't one of the survivors, so I'm not sure how much of him we'd have ever seen.

Still, I might have used a more traditional Lance as a starting point.

Response recorded on March 24, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In a post related to (though not actually part of) the "Arthurian Survivors" contest: I thought that I'd raise the question about the three famous Arthurian artifacts, Excalibur, the Holy Grail, and the Round Table. Now, we definitely know that Excalibur still exists in the Gargoyles Universe. It seems more than likely that the Holy Grail's still around, given that you were going to send Arthur and Griff after it once they had found Merlin, and Duval's Fisher King role. But how about the Round Table? Is it still extant in the Gargoyles Universe, or has it been destroyed?

Greg responds...

It would have to be extent. Because what fun would it be if it wasn't?

And you left out the stone.

And I left out the anvil. Which I'm still considering.

Response recorded on March 22, 2000

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Kayless writes...

Hail Mr. Weisman. Or do you prefer Greg? In any case, here are my questions...

1. Just what are Arthur's powers? He can sense the Stone of Destiny when he nears it in London and is capable of defeating MacBeth in single combat (no small feet considering the latter's centuries of experience). As I recall, Arthur, though a good warrior, was never the strongest in Camelot. A master strategist and tactician yes, but Lancelot was his combat better (at least when Excalibur is taken out of the equation). Plus the Weird Sisters once said in Avalon "beware the sleeping king, his power is great" or something to that effect. So just what are his abilities? Simply heightened awareness and battle prowess or something more, as befits the once and future king?

2. I assume Arthur was born with these talents but did Merlin have a hand in helping him improve them? (I'm probably going to get a response like: 'Merlin helped him with everything' but I'm asking anyway.)

P.S. Thanks. It's always great when important T.V. folk such as yourself take time out of their busy schedule to talk to us yokels. Bob Skir who (as I'm sure you know) wrote several episodes of Gargoyles like 'Future Tense', has a similar site for Beast Machines. Thanks again for putting up with our fanboy crap. Though I suspect it does wonders for your ego. :)

Greg responds...

Greg's fine.

1. He's trained to be slightly more attuned to the mystic than most. (Sleeping for a few centuries on Avalon probably doesn't hurt.) And when you're comparing Arthur to his Knights, you need to think in terms of the equivalent to a Major League All-Star Team, with Arthur being the weary veteran catcher. Compared to Lance, he may not have been much of a swordsman, but that's like comparing Hank Aaron to, well, almost anyone. Arthur's got the stuff. And now he's had a lot of recuperative time. And, as you mentioned, he's got Excalibur. But he's human. Strictly human.

2. Merlin was a good teacher.

And, yeah, I enjoy this. (95% of the time, anyway.)

Response recorded on March 22, 2000

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The Gatekeeper writes...

Hi Greg,
First off I would like to say that I think it is great that you take the time to interact with all of us.
I'm was just reading your latest responses on Arthur and got to thinking about your Pendragon spinoff. I was just wondering if you have tried to sell the idea to any of the other networks?
Of all the spinoffs you have thought of, Pendragon would probably be the easiest to reshape into something that would not resemble Gargs and still catch the flavor of your vision and writing. (Just don't make his knights some silly robot ala Sherlock Holmes, UGH!!) Or does Disney hold the rights to Pendragon as well?
Just some thoughts, thanks for listening.

Greg responds...

My Pendragon spin-off comes directly out of Gargoyles. Disney owns it. I could start from scratch with other Arthur ideas I have, but it wouldn't be what we've discussed here at ASK GREG.

Response recorded on March 22, 2000

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Kayless writes...

The Arthurian Survivors:
1. King Arthur
2. Merlin
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. Nimue
5. Percival
6. Morgan Le Fay
7. Blanchfleur
8. The Fisher King

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 22, 2000

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