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Anonymous writes...

1.Who is Morgana Le Fay's BIOLOGICAL father?
2.Have we met him?
3.If not do you plan to introduce him into the show?

Greg responds...

I'm not telling at this time.

Response recorded on June 12, 2003

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Anonymous writes...

Who created the stone dragon in the episode Pendragon?

Greg responds...

I'm not telling. See previous post as to why.

Response recorded on June 10, 2003

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Anonymous writes...

Who created the iron knights that guarded the Hollow Hill?

Greg responds...

You mean who forged the armor? Cause I have no idea.

If you mean who enchanted the armor, that's a different question, and I know the answer to that, (and if you take a look at the Pendragon archive... you could probably figure it out), but I'm not in the mood to tell you.

General note, no offense, but I'm less likely to reveal info to an "Anonymous" poster. I'm more likely to reveal stuff to someone who I've gotten to know -- either at one of the Gatherings or through consistent intelligent posts. Just a fact of life.

Response recorded on June 10, 2003

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Todd Jensen writes...

A question that suddenly occurred to me about "Lighthouse in the Sea of Time". When Macbeth mentions how Merlin's magic was "stronger than everything, except the human heart.", I think that we easily recognize it as a reference to the Arthur-Guinevere-Lancelot triangle.

But I suddenly found myself wondering if Merlin's entrapment by Nimue is also alluded to there. After all, the traditional way that Merlin's imprisonment by Nimue is handled in the legends is as Merlin's magic and wisdom proving no match for his love - or infatuation - for Nimue. Did you have that in mind as well where that line of Macbeth's was concerned?

Greg responds...

Yes. All of the above, plus more. (Including Arthur's love for Mordred, Gawain's love of his brothers, etc.)

Response recorded on June 06, 2003

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Todd Jensen writes...

Something that I've occasionally wondered about "Pendragon". Unlike the rest of the spin-offs (except maybe "New Olympians", which had connections to Greek mythology in its core concept in that the New Olympians are descended from the gods and monsters of classical myth), which were primarily based on the elements of the Gargoyles Universe ("Dark Ages" and "Gargoyles 2198" with the Wyvern clan's past and future, "Timedancer" with Brooklyn, and "Bad Guys" with some of the gargoyles' former antagonists), "Pendragon" appears based more on a "pre-existing mythology" (the Arthurian cycle), involving the return of King Arthur to the modern world. Of the five major characters that we know of in the projected spin-off (Arthur, Griff, Blanchefleur, Merlin, and Duval/Percival), all of them except for Griff are figures from the legend (though Percival is here the head of the Illuminati, a "Gargoyles" rather than Arthurian element). We do know that Griff would probably have stuck around as one of Arthur's knights for the duration of the series (and of their lives), and that a gargoyle clan would spring up at New Camelot when Arthur finally founds it (though I doubt that that would happen for a good long while in the spin-off if it had ever been made), but aside from that, the focus seems more on the Arthurian survivors (though we don't know as yet how large a role you'd planned for the other four survivors - the Lady of the Lake, Morgana, Nimue, and the Green Knight - in the series).

Did you primarily imagine "Pendragon" as more of a "return of Arthur" story that simply happened to be set in the Gargoyles Universe, or would "Gargoyles Universe" elements (as in, elements specifically created in the series, such as the gargoyles) have played about an equal role with the Arthurian aspects of it?

Greg responds...

I don't have a quota in mind. But I guess the answer is both.

Certainly, it was a "Return of the King" story set in the present of the Gargoyles Universe.

But I think one of the strengths of the Gargoyles Universe is its interconnectivity. So elements, like the Illuminati, the Gargoyles and Macbeth would have definitely entered into stories of the Questing Beast and the Holy Grail, and vice versa, etc.

Response recorded on May 16, 2003

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Oberon writes...

In you mind did Merlin have any particular religion back in medeival times. I ask this because many books and movies say he was a druid, but many others said he was a Cristian.

Greg responds...

I don't see him as either, per se. Though influenced by both.

Response recorded on April 24, 2003

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DPH writes...

What is your opinion of Arthur Pendragon's legacy in the gargoyles universe before he re-awakened?

What is your opinion of Arthur Pendragon's legacy after he really died in the gargoyles universe?

Greg responds...

1. Uh... I'm in favor of it?

2. Okay, let me just admit I don't understand the question.

Response recorded on April 16, 2003

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Anonymous writes...

What does Merlin, Blanchefleur and Duval look like in 1997?

Greg responds...

I think I'll reserve comment on this, since I wouldn't want to needlessly tie the hands of any artist who might someday get to draw them, should the opportunity arise. I have some definite ideas, but none I'm ready to reveal at this time.

Response recorded on February 28, 2003

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DPH writes...

Since I read the archive and didn't see any mention of this, I'd thought I ask these two questions:

1)Did Arthur Pendragon have an alliance with the London clan before he was taken to Avalon?

2)If so, did any written/non-oral records of that alliance surive to 1996?

Greg responds...

1. Gargoyles played a major roll in Arthurian "History" in the gargoyles universe. I'm not ready to be more specific at this time.

2. Well, there's the Scrolls of Merlin just for starters. And I'd imagine that the London Clan managed to preserve some cool things.

Response recorded on August 16, 2002

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matt writes...

when Arthur begins his quest for Excalibur and to find Merlin, how does he know if Merlin is still alive or if Excalibur still exists? are Excalibur and Merlin so powerful that they will always be around?

Greg responds...

He certainly thinks so.

Response recorded on August 13, 2002

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