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Harvester of Eyes writes...

Thoughts on the Spectacular Spider-Man episode "The Uncertainty Principle."

Wow. So many good scenes in this episode. I'll do my best to keep my thoughts following some sort of coherent pattern.

First off, I'm very impressed with the Green Goblin so far. I was a little stunned to learn Steve Blum was doing his voice (my reaction was probably the same as my reaction way back when I first learned Mark Hammill voiced the Joker), but it fits the character well. I love all his gadgets, and I'm glad to see that he has the charged gloves again (something I missed from the movie). I also love the sound effects his pumpkin bomb explosions make. Like sick, mutilated laughter, which is very appropriate.

I also love the way that his mind works. Blackmailing Tombstone was never his intent. He was simply trying to get his two main enemies into the same room to eliminate them.

"Anyone else getting deja vu? Oh well, let's run with it!" Great watching Spidey and the Goblin interact.

It's kind of funny how the Goblin keeps making Spider-Man and Tombstone work together. And wow... Tombstone took three blades in the back. Makes me wonder what exactly he had done to himself. Also thought it was interesting the way Spider-Man saved himself from going splat. Reminds me of an old episode of the first cartoon where he fought the Sandman, but what he did in this series is much cooler.

As far as the ending is concerned, I loved the confrontation between Harry and his father. Norman raised a good point. Tombstone probably wouldn't have let Harry live if the Goblin's identity were revealed, but I can't help but wonder if anything else was going through his mind. Norman is a ruthless man who never apologizes. And as far as unmasking the Goblin is concerned, I'm convinced there's another angle, but I'll avoid delving into "ideas masquerading as questions," and won't get into specifics.

Still, it was a good character moment for Norman. We also got a nice character moment from Jonah. It's fun seeing hard men have moments of softness. I particularly liked how Jonah's actions bit him on the rear, forcing him to swallow his pride again (the first time being in the episode "Catalysts," when he was forced to give Spider-Man credit for stopping the Goblin). I like his voice a lot better than in the 90s cartoon. Ed Asner was good, but he wasn't a perfect fit. I like what Daran Norris does with it.

It was also nice to see a cameo from the Black Cat. Wonder if she'll be popping up again.

Greg responds...

She does pop.

Response recorded on June 17, 2008

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