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POSTINGS 2008-07 (Jul)

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brooklyn fan #1 writes...

he grag what made won't to hAVE BROOKLYB HAVE TWO KIDS WHY can't he and katana just have nashville

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 17, 2008

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Matt writes...

Gargoyle Beasts

1. Back before humans became a serious threat to gargoyle clans, like lets say 5,000 years ago, did most/all clans have beasts members?

2. Why exactly did gargoyles "domesticate" the beasts? Did they actively bring them into the clan or have the two species always kinda stuck around together?

3. We've seen a beast member among the Ishimura Clan. From dialogue we learn that the clan has lived peacefully with humans for some time. Given that beasts reproduce sooner and more than gargoyles, why is the beast population of Ishimura so much smaller than the gargoyle population?

4. Did beasts evolve from winged gargates, merely losing their wings to become more terrestrial at some point? You've said before that beasts may have vestigial wing bones or something.

Thanks Greg!

Greg responds...

1. Probably.

2. We'll have to wait and see...

3. You can't be sure it is from what you've seen.

4. Yes... or at any rate, they evolved from having that extra set of limbs.

Response recorded on July 17, 2008

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Benji writes...

Hi Greg. What's up? I know you've gotten swamped with questions about Season 2 Volume 2 and Season 3 of Gargoyles coming out to DVD, and you've been telling us all that Season 2 Volume 1 didn't sell enough copies. I have a new question however, has Disney changed their minds? The reason for this question is, I was just on Amazon.com and just happened to type in Gargoyles, and Season 2, Volume 2 and Season 3 are now listed. Right now it's currently saying the items aren't available but it's the first time I've ever seen them listed on there. Is Disney thinking about releasing the rest of the series? Maybe around Christmas time like they did the previous two releases?

Greg responds...

If and when I know anything, I'll let you know. I promise.

Response recorded on July 17, 2008

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Aldrius writes...

I was gonna post my ramble on the last three episodes of Spectacular Spider-man, but I get the feeling that the irreverent style in which I do them is mis-interpreted and not appreciated (not to sound like I'm 'bitching', mind you). So I might as well just write up ye olde fashioned review.

The Uncertainty Principle was a fantastic episode. Right from the opening scene with Green Goblin smashing into Hammerhead's car. I liked that completely incidental driver and her silenced gun. She was awesome. Which Spider-man character from the comics is she and (due to this being a non-wasteful Weissman series) when will be seeing more of her? Just kidding.

Though given the way the series is going, I wouldn't be surprised if the answer to both questions is 'yes'. But to move on, I really liked the dynamic between Tombstone and Spider-man in this episode. It's like Spider-man's got his own 6 foot tall walking slab of concrete of an amoral businessman for a side-kick. Tombstone has his own agenda, and Spider-man is part of that, but then Spider-man has his own agenda as well, and Tombstone can be part of that too, even though Spider-man is too naive to realize it. But maybe manipulating the Big Man's criminal empire is too much power and too much responsibility for the webhead.

But not too much for the goblin, of course. And what a goblin we have here. He didn't strike me as anything too special in Catalysts or Reaction (not to say he was bad). But here he was a beast. I loved the fight scenes in this episode, just to compliment you for one second, I think these are a vast improvement over any of the fight scenes in Gargoyles, and what little I've seen of Witch. There was some real energy to them, and the words meshed perfectly with the action.

Anyway, as I said, I loved the Goblin in this episode. He was both hilarious and dangerous, reminiscent of Batman: The Animated Series' Joker or Reboot's Hexadecimal. Even some very simple straightforward dialogue is brought to life by Steve Blum. (I love the part where he just expositioned who

And I of course, like everyone else, have my own theories and thoughts about the Green Goblin's identity. I think it's Norman who set Harry up to take the fall back at the mansion, but I would not be entirely surprised if it actually is Harry. Gotta keep an open mind when it comes to these things.

Then there was Persona. Another GREAT episode. If the Goblin is my favourite villain (regardless of who's behind the mask), then Black Cat is my favourite 'love interest' for Spider-man. I thought the actress did a fantastic job being sultry and dangerous. But still tough and resourceful.

I liked the Chameleon too, and the dynamic between the Black Cat and the Chameleon even though they don't have a single scene together. They're both 'using' spider-man to get what they want. Chameleon is using his identity as a cover and for some reason he's trying to incriminate him. I'm not going to pretend I understood why they were smearing Spider-man's reputation. I guess maybe, like the big man, he wanted him distracted while he pulled off his master crimes.

The quinten beck and the other guy cameos were fun too, and fitted well with the Chameleon's 'stage-esque' personality. It's all just smoke and mirrors, and the old school use of that was really fun.

I'm not a big fan of the movie-type black suit. I think the older one is a lot sleeker and looks much better on spider-man, but I liked his design regardless. You can barely see the lines, and I didn't notice any change, but apparently there was some in the latest episode.

Which brings me to just that. Group Therapy. This one was like two episode in one for me. One I loved, and one I almost couldn't stand. I loved the dynamic of the sinister six. They all had their goals, and they were all clear. But Doctor Octapus (who I found rather unmotivated in his original episode) made for a commanding and powerful presence to unite them against the spider-man. Though I'm still not sure I know WHY he's after spider-man. Though I do think the dynamic of the man who desperately wants to be noticed and lavished with attention (octapus) vs. the man who just wanted to disappear (octavius)is very clear, and maybe he just snapped. Still a great character and I love Peter McNichol.

Having said that, all the other villains' motivations were very clear. Shocker feels a sense of responsibility to the Big Man, and wants to deal wih Spider-man for him, electro wants to be normal, and sees Doctor Octapus as a way to do that, plus he just doesn't like Spider-man. Rhino is an animal, and he wants revenge, wants to prove how tough he is. Sandman just wants money, doesn't really care about Spider-man. And Vulture wants to go after Osbourn. Like Octapus, he kinda just wants to be noticed and recognized I think.

Actually, in that regard Octapus and Vulture are very similar. They care a great deal about etiquette, about manners and recognition. They're like two scientists who wanted to get the noble peace prize (and deserved it) but were denied it.

Also want to comment on how fun it was seeing all six villains get equal screentime. The villains you chose allowed for a lot of 'doubling up' (with the shocker and electro both blasting Spider-man at the same time, stuff like that) and I'm glad Octapus got the final confrontation with him, being the lead bad guy and all that.

There were two lines I found rather strange in this episode. One was 'Lizard and Goblin have knick's tickets'. Considering the Lizard was his ex-boss (maybe Peter does capatalize off of the Conners' pain with jokes!), and the Goblin was his crazy best friend, that seemed in rather poor taste, but it was still funny so that made up for it for me anyway.

The other was 'peter is twice the man you are' by Mary Jane. If she knows he is spider-man then this line is perfectly understandable but as it stands it strikes me as a rather odd comment for a sixteen year old girl to make when she barely knows Eddie (not that he wasn't being a complete creep, but I'll get to that in a second) and she's gone on one date with Peter and run into him a couple of times afterwards, at least it seems that way to me. It works in regard to the story, but it seems weird for it to be coming from Mary Jane to me.

Whereas Mary Jane almost seemed to be a bit too insightful and too wise, Eddie just seemed to be a judgmental fool to me in this episode. Jumping to every conclusion without even letting Peter speak up for himself or explain himself. It's true to life, but for the narrative it struck me as rather sudden, and it was almost as if he went from 50 to 100 on the jerkometer in a single episode. While I feel that there could have been a 75.

At least that's how it seemed to me at first, but I've watched it a second time and it actually occurs to me that he wasn't really doing anything other than being a HORRIBLE conversationalist and a crazy driver. And if it wasn't for that 'funny little plane accident' comment complete with the 'I'm a psycho' look, I wouldn't say he was that out of line. I think it's more that comment earlier about making 'Peter suffer too' that made me think that he was going to kill Mary Jane or something. But in hindsight, looking at that scene again, he was just a frustrated guy trying to make what he saw as the cause of his frustration a little jealous who might have taken it a little too far in the moment.

In hindsight, I didn't dislike the Mary Jane and Brock scene as much as I did initially, but it was still probably the weakest subplot of the 10 episodes we have had thus far.

All in all, these are probably my three favourite episodes of the lot so far, barring Eddie in 10, but we're obviously getting some episodes on that over the next two weeks, so maybe it'll be put into perspective for me.

Greg responds...

I can't take much credit for the fight scenes: that credit should go to Vic Cook, episode director Dave Bullock and their storyboard artists... and of course the animators. (Plus our composers, who plus everything.)

Response recorded on July 17, 2008

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Little Roma writes...

When is the second half of the second season going to come out? I've already got the first season, the first half of the second season and I'm making sure as hell to buy the comic books (both coming from the show and the Bad Guys one) but there are many episodes that I would like to watch again. Sadly they weren't on any of the DVD's that I have. Also, there is an episode where it shows re-caps of how Cold-Stone was made, but you never actually SHOWED the actual episode. What happend?

Greg responds...

The episode where Coldstone is made is on the FIRST SEASON DVD. Do you have that one?

Response recorded on July 17, 2008

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Algernon writes...

While I'm at it, more Spectacular Spider-Man.



Another great episode, admittedly I was slightly worried that the story would be a bit crammed with both the Sinister Six and the alien costume story, but once again this you guys manage to make the most out of your allotted twenty minutes.

The six themselves were played fantastically. This episode does a good job of show casing what a villainous mastermind Doc Ock truly is. It's interesting how he's apparently taken Electro under his wing. I especially liked his warped sense of chivalry regarding May and Anna. Ock may be a homicidal maniac but he is also a gentleman.

Speaking of may, I really liked that she stood up to the Six for Spidey. The whole "that awful Spider-Man" routine in the comics always made her really unlikable to me. I do hope that they don't overdo May's ill health, it's okay here but in the comics it's devolved into a borderline running gag.

I really liked how you've been developing the symbiote, very creepy and very subtle. I especially liked the way Symbiote Spidey literally beat the Six in his sleep.

The only thing that did bug me was Eddies sudden turn from a seemingly okay guy whose understandably pissed at Peter to creepy psycho. I understand how losing you clan or crippling your brother might drive you round the bend. But Eddie thinking Pete is a jerk doesn't seem quite eternal vengeance worthy to me. Still I'll reserve judgment till the current arc is over.

In short: 95% greatness and 5% "meh", still great stuff. The promo for the next episode looks creepy as hell.


Greg responds...

Obviously, the M.J./Eddie scene didn't work for a lot of people, but I can't help feeling they were bringing something to it -- knowing where Eddie's likely to wind up -- that made it into something it wasn't. I mean "eternal vengeance"? Where did that idea come from? It's not in the episode. Eddie states his desire to TAKE something from Pete. So he goes out on a DATE with the girl he thinks Pete is dating. Yes, he drives maniacally and screws up the date by being way too intense, but he doesn't go psycho. Not by any definition of psycho that I know. He's just a reckless jerk.

Still, in the end, if it doesn't work for you, it doesn't work for you. Can't bat 1.000.

Response recorded on July 17, 2008

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CON-ODYSSEY: GATHERING & CONvergence - Wednesday, July 2, 2009

CON-ODYSSEY: GATHERING & CONvergence - Wednesday, July 2, 2009

3am - Went to sleep.

12:30pm - Wake up. Yep. I was pretty tired.

2pm - Lex and her husband James and I go to Matt's for Juicy Lucys and fries.

3pm - Lex and I go to a mall (not THE mall) and grab some Cherry Garcia before...

3:55pm - We saw Wall-E. Which I thought was just great. Really liked it.

7:10pm - Went to the Guest Reception at the hotel. They served cake. But "NO FORKS!"

10pm - I was back in my room and a bit restless. Just started watching television. See even when I catch up on sleep, I wind up blowing it the next night...


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Greg Bishansky writes...

Group Therapy
In our latest misadventure, the Sinister Six comes to town.

First off, this was almost a Where's Waldo of previous characters. Let's see, who's in this episode?

Dr. Octopus; Vulture; Electro; Montana/Shock; Sandman; and Rhino. Our Sinister Six. But Hammerhead; Fancy Dan; and Ox also make appearances. I think Quentin Beck and Phineas Mason were also seen in Rikers Island.

Really, Green Goblin; Lizard; and Chameleon were the only ones missing. Goblin and Lizard apparently had Knicks tickets; I'm guessing Chameleon is a hockey fan, and hoping Black Cat is into jello wrestling ;)

Okay, first off, I loved the prison scenes. Especially Rhino and Sandman's cells. How does Rhino go to the bathroom? Kudos for the Dr. Ashley Kafka cameo. I enjoyed Electro and was glad to see he was the catalyst of their escape. I didn't expect Ox and Fancy Dan to join in the escape, but nice to see they're off with Hammerhead and I'm sure we'll see them again doing the Big Man's bidding...

... While I'm on the subject. One of the many things that annoyed me about the 90s series was that the Sinister Six.... er, "Insidious" Six (apparently, Sinister was a no no word for Fox Kids) were nothing more than Kingpin's glorified goon squad, with Doc Ock as the leading lackey. For a moment, I was afraid we'd see the same here, with Tombstone in the Kingpin's role. But, I'm glad that's not the case. While they may have coordinated, the Sinister Six is Doc Ock's show.

And what a show it was. Ock was cold, ruthless, sadistic and had all the best lines. Yup, that's the Doc Ock I know and love. I loved the dinner scene, hell, if I were locked up for a while, first thing I'd want is a four star meal at the best Italian restaurant in town. "Gentlemen, and Rhino," I loved that line.

The fight scenes were brutal. The first one, where Spidey got his ass kicked, and the second one where the Six got torn apart. Ock was just vicious, what with all the talk about impaling (heh, only character I foresee getting impaled wasn't in this episode) and peeling the symbiote off.

Finally, I'm glad the symbiote didn't make Peter over the top ruthless and vicious like the third movie and the 90s series did. While, I'm no fan of the story, I still liked the nod to the symbiote taking Peter out for a joyride.

The only thing about this episode I did not like was the Eddie Brock and Mary Jane scene. Okay, his first scene with Peter was fine. I can believe the guy drives like a maniac... he's crazy enough to tackle the Lizard. But, I just can't see the guy we have previously seen doing that to Mary Jane. I can't. Personally, I think this is an intrinsic problem with the character of Eddie that goes back all the way to his comic book debut. There is no logic at all to what he becomes. I hope I am proven wrong, and so far this show has done nothing but hit everything right as far as I'm concerned. But this here, by itself, just fell flat to me. Aw well.

Good show.

Greg responds...

What exactly did Eddie DO to Mary Jane?

He drove fast and somewhat reckless, which is how HE drives. (Any guy who jumps Electro AND the Lizard, probably is a bit of a risk-taker.) She didn't like it, asked him to stop, and he stopped.

Is he intense? Sure. Did he let his anger at Pete get in the way of his revenge on Pete, i.e. dating the girl he thinks Pete is dating? Yep.

But he didn't DO anything to her. I'm not sure I understand what seems so out of character for the guy.

Response recorded on July 16, 2008

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Algernon writes...

One more belated Spectacular Spider-Man Review



Another jam-packed episode, giving us the alien costume, Black Cat, Chameleon & our first real look at Captain Stacy. I really don't know how you do it Greg, I have to check my watch to make sure these episode are really twenty minutes long.

I think it's interesting how you've chosen to go with the classic alien version of the black costume as opposed to the Ultimate "cancer suit". Particularly since your version of Brock draws heavily on his Ultimate incarnation. This show does a good job of blending elements from Spidey's various incarnations.

This episode also introduces two new antagonists into Spidey's world. Black Cat is a lot of fun. And before anyone else says it Felicia was doing the whole "amoral-cat-burglar-with-the-hots-for-our-hero" thing back when Catwoman's schemes mostly involved using black magic to turn Superman into a house cat. The Catwoman that Black Cat supposedly ripped off didn't really exist before Frank Miller's Batman: Year One, so there.

We also meet Chameleon. I liked that you went with the more old school master of disguise version, as opposed to the more Mystique style shape shifter he's become in recent years. He's also the man behind my favorite line in the episode…

"My insectoid early warning system is tingling!"

I'd go on but there are only so many different ways to say "I liked that" without it sounding repetitive. Looking forward to the Sinister Six.

Greg responds...

I can't agree with you about Catwoman -- at all. Frank Miller did NOT invent the notion of Catwoman as "amoral-cat-burglar-with-the-hots-for-our-hero". That's just untrue. Look further back.

Which doesn't mean I don't like Black Cat. If we eliminated every counterpart character that the two big companies have in common... we'd be eliminating a lot of fun characters. (I'm just fine with there being a Sub-Mariner AND an Aquaman, thank you very much.) Those who think Black Cat shouldn't exist (after twenty years of existence) are just being... well, silly.

But Catwoman came first, and it's foolish to denigrate her in order to support Black Cat. Attacking one doesn't support the other. Never has, never will.


Response recorded on July 16, 2008

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Todd Jensen writes...

My ramble/review of the most recent episode of "The Spectacular Spider-Man".

This is a minor detail, but I was astonished when Aunt May and Anna Watson were talking about Falstaff in the play that they were going to see. I can't fully explain why at present (because of the "no ideas" rule), but we were discussing "Bad Guys" a couple of days earlier in the comment room, and part of the discussion turned on Dingo's real name being Harry Monmouth (a name also borne by Prince Hal) and its implications. (Though the play that Aunt May and Anna Watson were going to see was apparently "The Merry Wives of Windsor" - which I like to think of as the Falstaffian equivalent of the "Goliath Chronicles", incidentally, except that Shakespeare wrote that one - rather than one of the Henry IV plays.) At any rate, I was surprised at the timing.

I hadn't thought at first that Peter's sleepiness, and his silence during the final battle with the Sinister Six, was due to the alien symbiote, but that made a great revelation at the end. I'm looking forward to seeing how that develops in the upcoming episodes.

J. Jonah Jameson had another human moment when he discovers that Aunt May had a heart attack (I'd suspected, incidentally, that we'd see that coming when she had a faintness spell at the start of one of the earlier episodes - I think it was the Chameleon one).

The Sinister Six definitely came across as a threat - and I liked how they were all handled with their familiar characterizations (Sand-Man is still more interested in making a big haul than in getting revenge on Spidey, for example).

Greg responds...

Thanks. We thought that episode turned out pretty well. And in Season Two, keep an eye out for the actor who played Falstaff.

Response recorded on July 16, 2008

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CON-ODYSSEY: GATHERING & CONvergence - Tuesday, July 1, 2009

CON-ODYSSEY: GATHERING & CONvergence - Tuesday, July 1, 2009

4:30am - Finally went to sleep.

9:30am - Wake-up.

11:15am - Car took me to the airport. Grabbed some McDonalds: Quarter-Pounder w/cheese, fries, coke and an apple pie.

2:15pm - Flight departs for Minneapolis. Had some tomato juice on the plane.

3:45pm - Arrived in Minneapolis.

4pm - Lex Larson, my CONvergence guest liason picked me up and took me to the Sheraton in Bloomington to check in.

5:30pm - We arrive at the amazing new (to me) Guthrie Theater. We had dinner at Cue, the restaurant there. The food was amazing. Breadsticks and bread, Salad, Flatiron Steak, potatoes, green beans...

7:30pm - We saw THE SECRET FALL OF CONSTANCE WILDE, a play about Oscar Wilde, his lover Bosie and especially his wife Constance. It was a great production. Very creative. Amazing performances... and PUPPETS!

10:30pm - Back to the hotel.


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innyj writes...

help! i need facts on medieavl gargoyles where can i go

Greg responds...

Back in time?

Response recorded on July 15, 2008

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Dennis Knipper writes...

in the state of fla does the court consider the spouses, new spouses income in their calculations in fiquiring out how much child support is owed and is the law changing under the new regulations

Greg responds...

It's a fla'd state, so do the math.

Response recorded on July 15, 2008

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Chris Velazquez writes...

During my reading of Bad Guys #3, one of the things I liked seeing the most was watching the clock tower being reconstructed (along with the absolutely psychotic expression the artist gave Robyn during the flashback of her blowing it up). Anyway, watching the clock tower being reconstructed reminded me also of Owen mentioning about being tired of overseeing the constant reconstruction of the castle due to the battles there. So, my question being, after the events of The Reckoning, is Coney Island being reconstructed? I'm quite curious about it, as Coney's quite a special place for both me and an aunt of mine (she's in her sixties of age and also a huge Gargoyles fan).

Greg responds...

I'm sure it's being rebuilt.

Response recorded on July 15, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

I just wanted to note something from one of your previous question/answer entries. Laura aka 'ad astra' asked "about Titania and Oberon's son and daughter....Have we met them in some shape or form seemingly totally unconnected?" You answered "No. Not to my knowledge. (I thought I was sure.) I know who they are, but they did not appear in the first 66 episodes."

Here's my question. Have Oberon and Titania's son or daughter (Not Fox or Merlin, I mean the son and daughter Oberon and Titania had TOGETHER) appeared in some shape or form in the current issues of the comic series?

Greg responds...

"No. Not to my knowledge. (I thought I was sure.) I know who they are, but they did not appear in the first" 8 issues.

Response recorded on July 15, 2008

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Mathew writes...

Hi everyone, just wanted to start off by saying I love the 2 current gargoyle arcs out right now and hunt for them religiously at the comic store i go to so please dont stop! Also ive noticed pretty much every comic (from Marvel and DC to Image and Star Wars comics) has come out with an "official handbook" of one sort or another to give readers a look at all the characters bios and stats. Thus i was wondering if you might have anything in the works like this or might ever consider doing a handbook as i would love to know more about not just the main characters but also the lessere knowns such as the gargoyle clans on avalon, japan, and south america, and other characters that might of only been given an episode or less in goliaths avalon travels. Well thanks again for the show and the comics and for issues yet to come!

Greg responds...

I've had a Gargoyles Encyclopedia for some time with no real way to publish it. But frankly, your best bet now is to check out the GargWiki at http://gargoyles.dracandros.com/ .

Response recorded on July 15, 2008

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She Who Shall Remain Anonymous writes...

Hi, Greg! I was wondering, which character would you say is the one the audience is supposed to identify with? I would guess Brooklyn, or maybe Elisa.

Greg responds...

I don't really write this series that way. Each episode or issue defines its own parameters.

Response recorded on July 15, 2008

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Meg writes...

-First of all, I have to say, I think if one issue of the Bad Guys mini had to be drawn by a fill-in artist, this was the right issue for it. I really like Karine Charlebois' stuff, but her pencils tend to be more technically perfect and "cleaner" than Chris Jones', and I think his darker, grittier look suited this particular issue very well, especially in the crypt scenes.
-Man, Hunter has some serious gymnastics skills. She's got to be on par with some of the Bat family over in DC.
-I love how Yama speaks so formally. It suits his character very well, I think, lends him a certain appropriate dignity.
-Oh, Dingo. You so TOTALLY have the hots for Hunter already. Don't even try to deny it. ;) Matrix shows some serious respect for Hunter, too. I'm confused, though-I can't decide if Hunter just didn't show up to training that particular day or if she's been absent for the whole month. They make it SOUND like she's been absent the whole month, but if they're training as a team that makes no sense, and it begs the question of what SHE'S been up to....
-When you see how Charles Canmore died plus the Canmore children's encounter with Demona in the catacombs, you can suddenly understand much better their obsession with her.
-On that note, I find the dynamics of the Canmore siblings very interesting. After the second issue, I wondered to myself if it wasn't that Jason fancied himself the leader, Jon was perpetually caught up in his personal self-important angst, and Robyn was the one who ACTUALLY got stuff done. Robyn certainly seems to be the heart of the sibling team, both in the past and present. Interestingly, Jason makes it sound as though the siblings didn't always act as team, as though sometimes they went their separate ways and did their own thing. I wonder if that'll be explored in the future, and whether it ever caused tension within the siblings (knowing Jason and Jon, I'm sure it did). As far as the conversation with Jon goes, the lines about Canmore money intrigue me. I want to know where that money comes from, who controls it, and whether they have any other surviving family members.
Robyn is very different with Jason and Jon. With Jason, she's strong and silent and lets him talk out his frustrations, but with Jon, she's super talkative and confrontational. Speaks volumes about her relationships with both, but actually, I find the Jason and Robyn dynamic absolutely fascinating. Jon and Robyn are more eh, but Jason and Robyn seem so COMPLICATED. He's so angry, but not, as he's rehabbing, and she won't give him anything in a clear sign she doesn't totally TRUST him; they obviously don't see eye-to-eye on a lot of things but they also obviously love each other, whereas Jason seems to care about Jon more because he HAS to. Robyn, on the other hand, clearly loves Jon a lot. And yet they are all in some ways emotionally detached from each other; I guess growing up emotionally damaged and knowing any one of you could die at any time does that to you.
-Love how Robyn is so nonchalant about blowing the police station up, even as we know she's thinking about it. Girl has some awesome self-control.
-I have some strong suspicions about who owns Bushido Concepts.
-Dingo is no lightweight, that's for sure.
-Jon is really, truly gone when Robyn shuts the door behind her. Forget Hunter's Moon III; Jon and Robyn are done and Jon has passed irrevocably the point of redemption right here when he brushes her off as inconsequential. Boy, do Jon and Demona deserve each other.
-Yama and Hunter make a great team. But I do wonder if Dingo and Matrix actually left early because they got bored, or if something more is afoot here....

BAD GUYS is definitely heating up, and I LOVED the backstory on the Canmore sibs, but I'm really ready to see the "main plot" develop, after three issues. Still, a really solid issue with tons of good nuggets of information. Can't wait for #4!

Greg responds...

Me neither. It's been done for some time, and I'm eager for all of you to see it.

Response recorded on July 15, 2008

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CON-ODYSSEY: GATHERING & CONvergence - Monday, June 30, 2009

CON-ODYSSEY: GATHERING & CONvergence - Monday, June 30, 2009

12:30am - After the ballroom dancers went their separate ways, a few of us (Susan, Jennifer, Mara, Gore, GXB, Patrick, Karine and I) went up to Susan's room to hang out, talk, laugh, debate the virtues of Twizzlers vs. Red Vines, etc.

4am - Back to my room. Had another apple.

4:30am - Bed.

8:30am - Wake up call.

10am - Had breakfast with my cousin Alex and her friend Tobin. Orange Juice, Begniets, toast, potatos, eggs, bacon.

11:30am - Took a break, but as I understand it that one-eyed pig Edmund Tsabard had a panel with Jennifer, Karine and Mara to talk about Blue Mug Productions and show some samples. For more info, stop by BlueMugProductions.com.

1pm - Closing ceremonies. Always bittersweet.

3pm - Goodbyes. Pretty much everyone took off, except myself, Patrick and Susan and her family. Susan took Patrick and I to her house, where we met her many, many, many, many dogs and saw her many, many, many cells. Very cool.

5pm - Susan, Rob, Carly and Chloe took us to yet another great dinner. Had shrimp, clam chowder, coke, steak, lobster tail, rice, slaw. Then Rob and Chloe took Patrick and I back to the hotel.

7pm - I was back in my room. And pretty darn tired.

9pm - Sleep.

11:30pm - Knew it was too good to be true. Woke up. Had another apple. Watched some television and read some Ross Macdonald.

The end of another FANTASTIC Gathering... and yet my trip is only half over!


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kyle tonarella writes...

sorry to bug you once again but i need questions answered will be seeing green goblin in season 2 and more crime bosses such as silvermaine in the gang war storyline you said you were doing for season 2
and will we be seeing more of black cat in the series as it goes on and last but not least will the lizard return

Greg responds...

The problem with no punctuation and no grammar is that I'm not exactly sure what (if anything) you are asking. Since you didn't take the time to type out anything coherent, I'm not going to take the time to try to figure out what you were trying to say. Sorry.

Response recorded on July 14, 2008

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Kristin writes...

Gargoyles when always turn to stone to 'sleep' but Why? and what sort of effect does the removal of such sleep (such as Puck's 'human form spell on Demona) do to their bodies? Demona turned into a Gargoyle when the sun went down, but does it mean she has a human or a Gargoyle sleep cycle, or does the change 'restore' her body as if she slept?

Greg responds...

As I've noted before, Puck's magic compensates to some extent for Demona.

Response recorded on July 14, 2008

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A friend of Greg Bishansky writes...

Hello, Greg! This certainly as been a while since I came by this forum and ask you a question. But I've certainly been following your recent work as of late, your time-travel episode of the Ben-10 series, and your current work on the latest Spider Man cartoon series; which I must commend you for. The plot twist regarding Harry Osborn being the Green Goblin was certainly a nice surprise to be sure. But would also like to say how sorry I am regarding the Gargoyles DVD series, I myself would have liked to see your series be completely transferred onto DVD at last...

Now onto my question, since you did work on the time-travel episode of Ben 10; I was wondering on its continuity. After watching the first 6 episodes of the Ben 10 Alien Force series, I noticed a change in Kevin Eleven's demeanor, and doesn't seem to hold that much of a grudge against Ben Tennyson. To which the case is different for your Ben 10 episode; is it because the episode wasn't meant to be taken into the official storyline, or is it a prelude of things to come? Well, I'm very curious to hear from you on this, I know you very busy in your work, and I can only wish you the best of luck in them, especially your work on Spiderman. Take Care!

P.S. - Here's hoping we get a Gargoyles Movie in the future! ^^


Greg responds...

I'm afraid I was just a freelancer on Ben Ten, so you'd have to ask the Ben Ten folk whether or not my episode is canon or not.

Response recorded on July 14, 2008

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Algernon writes...

Sorry this took me so long, I've been up to my neck in exams. Fortunately that's all behind me now and I can finally play catch up with these reviews.


The Uncertainty Principle
First off, I liked that this was a Halloween episode. It's always been my favorite holiday and it's particularly appropriate considering who this weeks villain is.

Speaking of which, this episode really did a good job of illustrating what always made the Green Goblin such a menacing villain. Behind that apparently deranged visage there lurks a cold and calculating intellect. Steven Blum's voice work was again top notch. I especially liked the "lets see which breaks first" line, the Goblin has an appropriately ghoulish sense of humor.

On the civilian front we see Harry descent into self-destruction reach a climax. A pity that Pete's too busy trading punches with costumed lunatics to really notice. Fortunately Gwen's still there to try and save Harry from himself. I have to admit I never really cared for the comic book incarnation of miss Stacy but you guys have done a great job of investing the character with a lot of strength, nicely done. On a lighter note, was anybody else suprised by how comfortable Flash seemed in that cheerleader outfit?

As for the mystery of the Goblin, personally I think that this "revelation" still leaves too many questions unanswered. How did Harry get his hands on the goblin juice in the first place? What the heck is Norman hiding behind that secret passage? I definitely think we haven't heard the last of the Green Goblin.

Greg responds...

You definitely haven't heard the last of the Green Goblin.

Response recorded on July 14, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

who was the first women indy car driver

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 14, 2008

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CON-ODYSSEY: GATHERING & CONvergence - Sunday, June 29, 2009

CON-ODYSSEY: GATHERING & CONvergence - Sunday, June 29, 2009

1am - Returned to my room and ate an apple.

2am - Went to sleep, which for me is early.

8:30am - Wake up call.

10am - Had the Gargoyles and Bad Guys panel with Karine. Fewer questions about Gargoyles #9 then I would have thought, but it was fun.

11:30am - Gargoyles Biology and Culture panel w/Lynati & Kimberly. A perrenial favorite of mine. Not sure anything quite as revelatory as last year in Tennessee, but it was fun.

1pm - Spidey panel w/Keith, Thom and Jennifer. Again, no major revelations, but I like talking Spidey. Next year we're probably going to do a series of Spidey panels at the L.A. Gathering 2009.

2:30pm - Went for stir fry lunch with Sammy, Jennifer, Thom, Adam and Laurean. Good stuff. Afterwards, a couple of us went to Jamba Juice.

4pm - Though we were told we didn't need to get back to judge the Iron Artist competition until 4pm, by the time we arrived it was all over. The medium was macaroni and the theme was the Ultra-Pack.

4:30pm - Sat down to watch the end of the auction, and then we had our signing.

6pm - Banquet: Salad, roll, Chicken, potatoes, carrots, asparagus, tart. I sat with constaff mostly: Nikki, Seth, Sammy, Susan, Jennifer, Karine, Patrick, Greg, Rebekkah. During the Trivia Contest, Matt led his table to victory.

9pm - Masquerade. Fewer entries every year. I hope we can reverse that trend. But what was there was pretty cherce:

Best Canon:
1st: Hunter/Aaron
2nd: Shari/DTaina
3rd: Archmage+/Chip

Best Original:
1st: J.W./Jennifer Rynmoor
2nd: Gypsey/Noel Leas

Cutest Couple: Ranmaru & Arazia

Thom Adcox Memorial Award: Justin as Odin

No Gorelisa award this year.

Best in Show: Patrick Fisher as the Tourist Gargoyle

Also, Karine had a kick-ass Hunter costume.

There was dancing next. I even swing-danced Jenn-Bob right off a table.


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Peaseblossom writes...

You have created such a fantastical universe with so much depth. Kudos to you. I've heard Xanatos mention the Star of Arabia (during Her Brother's Keeper I do believe.) My question is what is the star of arabia and how did Xanatos acquire it?

Greg responds...

A story for another day...

Response recorded on July 11, 2008

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dph writes...

My Review of Bad Guys Issue #3
I loved seeing the battle continue in the present and am looking forward to learning how we got to that point. Matrix attaching himself to Dingo is always interesting.

Then, we flash back to two weeks ago in Paris, where the team has been training for a month. Dingo's right, the team wasn't exactly slackers, but on the other hand, I have to wonder how much dependency Dingo had placed on Matrix in battle. I appreciate the use of the different font for Matrix's speech. It seems appropriate in its own way. It's interesting to see the depth of emotion in the memory of Hunter. Despite being black & white, I clearly see and feel the emotions in the expressions of the Canmore children following the defeat of their father. Seeing them head into the catacombs after Demona makes sense and I am looking forward to seeing how that confrontation ended. It's nice to see that Dingo has done his homework and learned that he's not the only one who has to be careful in New York, New York. The team landing on top of a hotel is again laying more pipework for how connected Hunter's boss really is. It's nice to see the briefing on Sevarius and confirmation on Sevarius's activities. I'm beginning to suspect that Hunter's boss is no ordinary person. All the info that Hunter has repeated from her boss leads me to the conclusion that the boss belongs to the one of the most exclusive groups on the entire planet. I confess that I never really thought Sevarius raising capital to achieve some end. It's nice to see what the team is doing on their time off. That Robyn Canmore could get inside a prison without anyone going after her says a lot about her boss. One would think all the staff around Jason would have committed to memory the face of his siblings for future purposes. I appreciate the humor in the names of the player in hockey game, even though only one name caught my eye right away. That both Jason and Robyn recognized Jon right away makes me wonder how Jon Canmore is going to stay out of jail. Robyn's confrontation with Jon was interesting and makes me wonder if she's ever going to report Jon Castaway's little secret to her boss. I'm a little surprised to see that Dingo and Matrix left early to go after Sevarius on their own. I wonder if Robyn Canmore will be able to see that what she encountered isn't a gargoyle but a mutate.

Greg responds...

Answers forthcoming in issue #4... more questions too.

Response recorded on July 11, 2008

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Chip writes...

I was just curious...is there anything that happens on the Gargoyles Timeline on March 23 (of any year)?

Greg responds...

Check the archives.

Response recorded on July 11, 2008

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Greg Bishansky writes...

For GargWiki purposes, what are the dates of the events of Bad Guys #1 and #2?

Greg responds...

Strangers: November 5th, 1996 & January 5th, 1997.

The Lost: November 8th, 1996 & January 5th, 1997.

And while we're at it...

Estranged: September 28th, 1980; December 22nd, 1996; December 31st, 1996 & January 5th, 1997

Response recorded on July 11, 2008

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KingCobra_582 writes...

Gargoyles: Bad Guys #3


Like last time, I'll just keep my review simple and to the point. There were so many good things (beside the fact that it came out so soon after #2 did) about it.

It starts off like the last 2 issues did. A present day (well, if present day was still 1996) battle that jumps back into flashback mode. This time, it's Robyn's turn, and she does it well. Never thought I'd say this, but her presence alone made this a great issue.

Great way to start the next bit of action. Go back REALLY far, to 1980 and in Paris. Having seen Hunter's Moon Part 3 too many times to count, I knew what was coming, but thanks for adding more to it. I was in suspense when young Robyn and Jon encounters Demona.

For some reason, Matrix just being a puddle on his hotel bed cracked me up. I dunno why.

I loved the interaction between the Canmore siblings, especially between Robyn and Jason. That line about Jason trying to work his 'ass off'. Hell, I never would've expected THAT to get Disney's approval. Nice little surprise.

And while I'm thinking about it, nice little touches with the 'hockey players' (Bader, Spiner, Bennett, Belushi, Tagawa, Devane, Cummings, Cumming, and Cleverdon) there as well. Gave me a few chuckles. Very amusing.

The scene with Robyn and Jon, though, I didn't like so much. It wasn't a bad scene, and I definitely felt their bond ("If the hunter's not hunting demons... I've got no time for her.") breaking. The expression on Robyn's face spoke volumes. And the panel(s) with the closing/closed Quarrymen door? How symbolic. The problem I had with it was how short it was. Could've been longer.

I can just imagine Jon's reaction to his own sister working with a Gargoyle.

Hmmm, what does their mission have to do with Sevarius, exactly?

And, for that matter, why is Fang attacking them?

So many questions, so few answers.

Great story, good plot developments, and nice usage of flashbacks. Definitely the best BG issue yet. Can't wait for issue #4.

End review.

See you at the Gathering next month.

Greg responds...

The Jon/Robyn scene couldn't have been longer -- without losing something else. Tough choices had to be made.

Response recorded on July 11, 2008

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CON-ODYSSEY: GATHERING & CONvergence - Saturday, June 28, 2009

CON-ODYSSEY: GATHERING & CONvergence - Saturday, June 28, 2009

2:00am - Back to my hotel room.

4:00am - Finally went to sleep.

8:30am - Wake up call. I showered, etc., and went down to the ConSuite, where I had a Danish and OJ at the tail end of the staff meeting.

10:00am - We held our second set of auditions.

11:30am - Over a catered lunch of a French Dip Sandwich, Broccoli Soup and fruit, Keith, Thom, Jennifer and I cast the Radio Play.

2:00pm - I was interviewed for an article by Alan.

3:00pm - The Gathering Players had their one and only rehearsal.

5:00pm - The Radio Play. This year's script was a chronological retelling of Chapters VII, VIII & IX of Clan-Building (i.e. "The Rock", "Rock & Roll" and "Rock of Ages"). I think the performers were terrific, but I don't think the script worked chronologically. Oh, well... A highlight was the massive rainstorm that nearly overwhelmed Shari's storytelling. Here was the cast:

NARRATOR - Greg Weisman
MACBETH - Erik Mambu
SHARI - Jennifer L. Anderson
COLDSTEEL - Eric Tribou
LEXINGTON - Thom Adcox
STONE OF DESTINY - Justin Summerhill
HUDSON - Jordan Mann
DAVID XANATOS - Jaret Morlan
CONSTANCE/COCO - Laurean Leigh
STAGHART/AMP - Seth Jackson
GRIFF - Chip
THAILOG - Keith David
COLDFIRE - Sarah the Great
GOLIATH - Keith David
COYOTE 5.0 - Jaret Morlan
PEREDUR - Seth Jackson
ELISA MAZA - Phoenix Talon
JAY SATO - John/Flanker
BLANCHEFLEUR - Laurean Leigh
DUVAL - John/Flanker
FOX - Phoenix Talon
BROADWAY - Lucas McClain
HOLY GRAIL - Lucas McClain
LUNETTE - Phoenix Talon
MAGGIE THE CAT - Sarah the Great
TALON - Revel

7:00pm - Dinner at Pete's, w/Josh, Susan, Nicole, Eric, Greg, Rebekkah, Patrick, Laurean, Keith, Thom, John, Sammy, Seth, Jennifer, Nikki, Karine and me. Fantastic meal: Iceberg wedge salad, amazing bread, NY Strip Steak, Garlic Mash Potatos, Creamed Spinach, mushrooms, Berries. Raced back to be on time for...

10:00pm - The Blue Mug. Fairly raunchy this year. (Though not with every single question.) Teased Blue Mug Productions a bit. At some point, I took a bathroom break. Discovered that the self-flushing urinals in the hotel SCREAMED like the Green Goblin's pumpkin bombs! Freaked me out! Later Nikki gave me a colored sketch of a Green Goblin screaming urinal.


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Blaise writes...


I suppose I should get my negative points out of the way first--or rather, my one big negative point: there just weren't enough pages.
Like everyone else, I just wanted to see so much more of the Canmore siblings. What we got was good, don't get me wrong, but it just doesn't feel like enough. Oh well....

I was a little surprised that we didn't pick up the "Now" teaser with Yama being saved from his predicament (that's probably kicking off the NEXT issue), but when I saw Robyn was a focus, I knew her danger would be the new "present cliffhanger."

Back to the main story in the past. We get a cross-section glimpse of the Redemption Squad's hideout beneath the Eiffel Tower. Some pad--even comes complete with its own "danger room." I loved Matrix as a little helicopter. I also enjoyed Yama's statements about appreciating the "discipline of training" but being more interested in reclaiming honor.

Yeah, seeing Charles Canmore's mangled body in a pool of his own blood (even if from a high-angle distance shot) was a bit of an eyebrow-raiser. Actually, there were a fair amount of more "mature" elements here that would never have made it into the TV show. I mean, Robyn calls Dingo a "damn fool" and Jason says "ass" not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES inside of two pages. The edge seems a lot sharper in this series.

I'm glad we finally got to see the lost "catacombs sequence" (modified to take place after Charles's death). Kudos to Chris Jones on Robyn's "terrified" expression--the panel of her face surrounded by tumbling skulls is especially memorable.

Dingo's been doing his homework. Robyn now has a very scary (rather than scared) expression on her face in the flashback to her blowing up the Clock Tower.

"Casablanca Hotel"...okay, there's got to be some significance to this, but color me clueless.

Wow, when Robyn says "Briefing in ten," she really means "in ten." We get a little slide show about Sevarius (including a shot of Wolf the mutate). Apparently his "Fred" disguise didn't fool...whoever the hell was spying on him. More and more we're getting additional pipe laying regarding the true boss here.
Given Yama's reaction to "Bushido Concepts" I can probably guess who's head of that company (and it's nice that we finally know the name). Also, the origin of the two thylacines is explained (or at least hinted at).

It's interesting to compare and contrast the members in their various rooms. Yama's the only one (besides the absent Robyn) with his curtains open to let in the sun. I noticed he was still facing inward, as per his customs. I also noticed he removed most of his clothing, something we have not seen him do before. I believe this is because the clothes in question are actually his Redemption Squad uniform, and as such, he does not yet consider them as "his" clothes. Meanwhile Matrix is a puddle, and Dingo's watching celebrity hockey while surrounded by empty bottles (just what was he drinking--beer or root beer?).

The conversation with Jason went well. I actually like the description of the whole "ass-for-legs bargain" he made with God, as well as the parallel shots of Jason hugging Robyn in the past with Robyn hugging Jason in the present. Jason's canny enough to realize that Robyn's now working for someone, so good on him.

Mr. Greg Weisman, you are just having too darn much fun with the voice-actor names. ;-)
I especially liked the bit about Cumming (John Castaway's voice from "The Journey") being blindsided by Cleverdon (Jon's voice in "Hunter's Moon"--as well as Castaway's voice in his other two TGC appearances).

I share Robyn's surprise at her fugitive brother appearing on TV, bold as you please (and I liked the shocked looks on her and Jason's faces). Robyn actually chastises John for calling the gargoyles demons--something I found very interesting. Even stranger, though, is that John doesn't outright...well, "demonize" her for doing so. He's confrontational, yes, but he's...well, he's not the raving lunatic we got in his last two TGC appearances, that's for sure. The contrast between his adult self's determination to kill all gargoyles and his child self's plea to "forget the gargoyles" was well done. And I loved his "I'm not Jonny Canmore/I'm John Castaway now" bit. As I read this, I heard him speaking in his original Scottish voice up until this line, at which point he shifted into his Castaway voice for the remainder of the scene.

I must say, John's got some very good ears on him. I, too, can appreciate the irony of Robyn holding a conversation with a gargoyle while in the same room as John Castaway. He also seems to have a reaction to hearing Robyn referred to as "Hunter." It's sad the way he just casually disregards her at the end. The Quarrymen door closing on a picture of a young and happy Robyn and Jon is especially poignant.

"Ding-bat"? Never heard Dingo called that before. I like it. :D

You'd think Robyn would have learned that when you're searching for something underground, you do NOT split up! I do find it a little funny, though, that so far the one member of the team she seems to have the best (or at least the easiest) working relationship with is the gargoyle.

The final page where Robyn's "current" predicament with Fang echoes her past one with Demona is just cool. I don't think we've seen Hunter with that terrified of an expression on her face (her adult, masked face, anyway).

Three last notes: 1) Chris Jones did an excellent job with the art, leaving me with only a few nits (Jason's face looked a little off to me in one panel), but overall showing solid work. 2) I agree with whoever said that the cover for this one looks like it came from the desk of the Director--who apparently prefers to use "-eisman" brand legal pads. It looks like that mug shot of Robyn was taken fairly soon after the final battle of "Hunter's Moon." And 3) Demona may finally get her first line in the comic canon here, but she's always obscured in shadow. Still, it just shows what a strong presence she holds via the impression she leaves.

Having such a short wait between issues #2 and #3 has kind of spoiled me, because now I don't want to wait for issue #4.

Greg responds...

Whiskey. Bourbon. Scotch. Vodka. (Those are little hotel bottles from the mini-bar.)

Response recorded on July 10, 2008

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Matt writes...

My Review For Bad Guys #3, "Estranged"...

I greatly enjoyed this issue. We really got into Hunter as a character and it was a lot of fun and very interesting. In "The Lost", we got this great broken romance between Yama and Sora, now we see what love and conflict can do between siblings. I couldn't help but think of my family as Hunter was reminiscing and encountering her own. Like the Canmore kids, I too am the product of a boy-girl-boy birth order (as is my friend Ryan who is going to attending the Gathering with me in a month or so). I can appreciate how the relationship between Jon and Robyn changed from their childhood into their adulthood as it is very much like my relationship with my sister. I don't want to get too personal with this review, but suffice to say that "Estranged", much to my surprise, got me thinking about my siblings and made me get a little sad and made me want to call them up and chat. A very poignant and touching issue. Kudos to Greg on the great writing.

- I think the cover by Greg Guler and Robby Bevard is the best Bad Guys cover to date. It seems to be the most dynamic, I guess. And the coloring is gorgeous.

- And lets not forget the main artist for this issue. Christopher Jones does a great job filling in for Karine Charlebois. I particularly liked how he drew Hunter throughout the issue, most especially during the scene with Castaway. Hunter's silent and sad stare after John tells her he has no time for her is just breathtaking. Great stuff. I hope we see Christopher's work again either in Gargoyles or in a spinoff book.

- So, on to the story itself. We start back in the future at "Robot Island". Part of me was expecting to find out what Yama's fate would be after the cliffhanger (so to speak) from last issue, but instead we go back to see what Hunter, Dingo and Matrix are up to. Hunter does some more of her crazy-fun acrobatics and takes out a 'bot only to be snatched like teammate Yama was. Guess we'll have to wait and see how they both escape now.

- But we are off for a flashback in Paris mixed in with a flash(way)back in Paris. One of the best things about the Gargoyles comics has been the leeway we've seen on certain words and visuals. This issue contains a couple creepy glimpses of Charles Canmore that probably would never have been seen in the television series. We also have Jason throwing the word "ass" around a bit, which seemed so natural and realistic and is only remarkable because such language would've never gotten on the air. One more reason I often wonder if Gargoyles is more suited for comics.

- I like the extension on the Notre Dame scene from what we saw in "Hunter's Moon". The body of their father, the journey into the Catacombs, The Demon crawling across piles of human skulls attacking children. You can feel the creepiness and understand why these kids were so traumatized into devoting their life towards hunting gargoyles.

- The mission briefing scene was great. The thing about Sevarius is that in most shows/comics he would be a useful plot device. Fun and all, sure, but just there to enable the plot. But Gargoyles makes him more than just the "mad scientist type". He is a person with his own goals and motivations and all his work for others in the series has really been to raise cash for his own schemes. As for what he is up to, again, we'll have to wait and see...

- The Celebrity Hockey bit was fun. I laughed out loud in particular at "Puck's recovered by Spiner... Bennett checks him... loose puck!" Greg sure knows how to have fun.

- There were a lot of great little things that I loved in "Estranged". Yama's impatience to restore honor. Matrix as a mini-Redemption helicopter. Demona calling the Canmore kids "little hunters". The Clocktower in mid-restoration. The mention of Bushido Concepts and the Thylacines. Dingo relaxing in his hotel room. Yama sleeping in his underwear with his clothes and weapons neatly placed aside. And of course all the neat parallels throughout the issue ending in the great cliffhanger ending with Fang and Hunter. Great stuff. Very much looking forward to "Louse".

Greg responds...

I'm assuming you're the youngest sibling...?

As you probably know, I'm the oldest sibling of three. Robyn is the middle kid and Jon is the youngest. (Though other than the names, they don't have much in common with the Canmores.) But I'm glad it got you thinking. That's always a good result.

Kudos to Chris Jones from me as well. Chris one of CONvergence's "Triumverate of Seven" did great work. Hoping to work with him again soon.

"Louse" ups the ante. Hope you like it.

Response recorded on July 10, 2008

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Arthur Jr. writes...

Hey Greg, I have a bunch of questions for you that are Spider-Man-related:

1. If "The Spectacular Spider" is successful, will there be any plans for a season where Spider-Man will meet other heroes and even help them face off against some of their enemies in the episode he first encounters them in?
2. Why use Montana of The Enforcers as the Shocker instead of Herman Schultz? That's what I've been wondering.
3. If Kingpin isn't going to be included in the show, what will this mean if there are plans for Silvermane, Owl, and Caesar Cicero since Kingpin is much powerful than them? I didn't mention Hammerhead since the series has him a servant of Tombstone and I'm not familiar with Top Man (whom Hammerhead succeeds over)!

Greg responds...

1. We have no interest in making the show "Guest Star of the Week". Down the road, if legal issues can be worked out, I'd be interested in maybe doing one guest star per season.

2. I've answered this already.

3. I don't understand the question.

Response recorded on July 10, 2008

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Todd Jensen writes...

My thoughts on "Bad Guys" #3, which I bought yesterday.

First, I immediately recognized the Canmore trio's pursuit of Demona to the Parisian catacombs from the Hunter's Moon radio play at the 2001 Gathering. First Coco and Amp, now this - you definitely know how to hang on to the ideas that you weren't able to immediately use and bring them in eventually!

The catacombs flashback was well-handled - especially the way you compared and contrasted the Canmores' actions and interactions with each other in 1980 and the present. Also, Demona was truly nightmarish in those scenes.

Dingo turns the tables on Hunter when he reveals that he's discovered what *she's* wanted for in New York! (And I liked the glimpse of the clock tower being repaired.)

So Sevarius was behind those thylacines back in #1? Not that I'm surprised; I suspected that Anton would have something to do with them. After everything else that he's already done, bringing extinct animals back from the zoological graveyard, "Jurassic Park" style, would be just his kind of thing.

I also enjoyed the meetings between Robyn/Hunter and her brothers: Jason rebuilding his life, Castaway heading into the darkness. I'd especially looked forward to seeing more of Castaway, after his appearance in #3. His television commercial was well-done; he makes himself seem like a friendly, reasonable, reassuring man who just wants to help frightened people. He might be a madman, but he's a shrewd madman.

You mentioned once that the Director in "Bad Guys" was in opposition to the Illuminati; while that's still canon-in-training at the moment, there were a couple of moments in the comic that tied in with that. Hunter and Castaway both wonder about the other person's backer in exactly the same way ("I know it's not Canmore money"), and the name of the Hotel Casablanca echoes that of the Hotel Cabal.

The Celebrity Hockey scene was great! Lots of in-jokes there; among the best were "Puck's recovered by Spiner, Bennett checks him", and "Cumming is blindsided by Cleverdon!" You must have had a ball writing it.

Yama's description of Dingo being "bored" was another great moment.

And we end on a real cliffhanger (all the better because it ties in with the demons - both external and internal - in Hunter's past). Now I'm looking forward to #4 (and #9 of "Gargoyles", too).

Greg responds...

Never waste anything. That's my motto.

Response recorded on July 10, 2008

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Bad Guys #3
Again, my scattered thoughts instead of a review.

I was expecting to learn how Robyn was recruited, and I'm still hoping to see it in a future issue. She's understandably not telling her brothers who she works for or how they found her, but this is the first indication I've seen that she is not the ultimate moving force of the Redemption Squad -- both on the cover and within the issue. We also see a little more about her thoughts about gargoyles. She isn't reading a script the Director gave her nor working under his/her orders, when she speaks with Castaway. She doesn't think of gargoyles as demons anymore, though that does not at all mean she has no prejudice or dislike for them, or that she'd willingly work with one if the Director wasn't blackmailing her. The details of hers and Jason's change of heart, which was only vaguely shown in Hunter's Moon, is not elaborated on. I still wish to know what managed to turn around the very strong convictions and emotions they had. She and Jason do not discuss gargoyles or hunting at all.

Castaway essentially disowns her. I expected him to maybe try and convince her to join him, or something. It seems he already realizes she has abandoned the hunt against gargoyles. What a twisted and messed up man. He is deliberately pushing away the last people who care about him and can help him through hatred and fear (and secret guilt), but he is digging his own emotional hole. When he speaks of "feeling alone in a world that terrifies you" he's really talking about his own feelings.

Robyn's flashback is very dramatic and truly shows how terrifying the experience was for her. I think she must have been traumatized by this, not just from losing her father but also Demona's attack on her. Very well done.

At the end it looks like she thinks Fang is a gargoyle. And when she discusses Sevarius, there's no indication that she knows about the Labyrinth mutates. Dingo doesn't know about them, but the Director must if he's planning to recruit Fang. Or maybe Fang isn't part of the plan yet?

The hotel room scenes are nice characterizations. Matrix is just a puddle on the bed, which looks hilariously out of place, and I doubt that it actually sleeps. Yama takes off his clothes and weapons to sleep, which surprises me. I would expect that he'd consider these things his and would sleep with them. Then there's Dingo, staying up (after working out all night?) watching Celebrity Hockey, and by the empty bottles he's either drunk or hopped up on caffeine.

Jason seems to be in denial still about being paralyzed. After getting his spine completely severed, he can't possibly use his legs again.

I really love the exchange when Robyn finds out that Dingo left. He was "bored". Hehe. This I think is part of his and Robyn's difficulty getting along with each other, and possibly deliberately antagonizing each other. I see it also in the opening when she refuses to either give him orders or tell him her battle plan.

When Robyn exclaims "That's what I get for recruiting a" I wonder what the end of that sentence is. TV star? Actor? Felon? Man? Australian? Robot? Moron? Idiot? Superhero? Maybe finishing her sentence could become a contest.

Greg responds...

Haven't had a contest here in a while... hmmm... let me think about it.

Response recorded on July 10, 2008

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CON-ODYSSEY: GATHERING & CONvergence - Friday, June 27, 2009

CON-ODYSSEY: GATHERING & CONvergence - Friday, June 27, 2009

10:30am - Wake-up call gets me up. I slept for nearly twelve hours. Guess I was tired.

11:30am - I head up to the con to collect my box of RadioPlay scripts. Say hi to some people. Tour the dealer's/art room, which is a work in progress at this point.

12:00pm - My first panel of the con(s). Thom and I hold the Voice Acting Seminar that we've done in previous years. Phoenix gets up to play Demona and does a great job. We also do the Griff, Leo, Una, Goliath scene and a couple different runs at a Peter Parker, Spider-Man, Symbiote, Uncle Ben scene. Everyone does pretty darn well.

1:30pm - First round of auditions for the Radio Play, w/Keith, Thom, Josh and Jennifer helping with the casting and Sammy manning the door. Vox stops by to give me the crochet'd Goliath she made for me. It's pretty amazing, as is the Hunter she's made for Karine and all the rest. Tthe one that makes me laugh the most is the Owen... which was the last to sell. No accounting for taste.

3:00pm - Mug-A-Guest. I remember having fun, though none of the questions stand out in my memory at the moment.

5:00pm - Opening Ceremony. (It's been pointed out to me that it's a Ceremony not multiple Ceremonies.) We opened with a full hour plus of music videos. Susan then stepped up to offer opening remarks and intros. Jen pitched G2009 in Los Angeles (check out gatheringofthegargoyles.com). Susan thanked her staff, including Nikki, Jennifer, Greg and Patrick (who am I forgetting?). Then I went up to do my schpiel and show the now-familiar pieces: the pitch, the promo, the New Olympian and Dark Ages pitches, the Bad Guys reel (much of which is now canon thanks to the comic) and "The Last". The fans have made great progress on "The Last" - but there's still more work to be done. If you're interested in helping, contact Vashkoda.

After opening ceremony, it was time for a Blue Mug Productions Dinner. Edmund Tsabard, was out whoring, so I sat in with Jennifer, Mara and Karine (who has since had to bow out of the project, much to our sorrow). We got a lot done/decided in preparation for the Monday panel. Plus the food was great: Edimame, Rangoon, Dumplings, Miso soup, Shrimp Pad Thai. Then a stop at Ben & Jerry's after dinner for a Banana/fudge/Cherry Garcia sundae.

I stopped by my room to call home, then came back downstairs to the bar (Indigo... I think the restaurant I mentioned yesterday was called Blue or something). Later a small group of us (Susan, Jen, Mara, Karine, Seth, Sammy, Rebecca, Gore, BrooklynX, Patrick, Thom & John) went up to Susan's room to hang out and laugh.


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Chip writes...

IF, and I emphasize the "if", Gargoyles: Bad Guys is collected into a Trade Paper Back would it be colored or remain in the black & white?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 09, 2008

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CON-ODYSSEY: GATHERING & CONvergence - Thursday, June 26, 2009

CON-ODYSSEY: GATHERING & CONvergence - Thursday, June 26, 2009

5:00am - I stop watching Dexter with three episodes left to finish the season. (Still have one left as I write this.) Time to start my day and take a shower.

6:20am - Jennifer, Rebecca and Thom Adcox arrive to pick me up. They're early and I'm not quite packed. But I hussle and we head to the airport. In the parking lot we meet up with Seth and Sammy and take a shuttle to the airport, where we meet up with Josh Silver... and my kids Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Leakley (how weird is that?). I buy a water and a Snickers and a can of Pringles, saving the latter for the plane.

10:00am - The plane leaves for Chicago a mere half hour late. I have tomato juice and Pringles on the plane. I read the L.A. Times, and then continue reading THE ARCHER FILES - The complete short Lew Archer stories by Ross Macdonald, edited by Tom Nolan. Good stuff. I'm sitting with Jennifer and Thom and across from Rebecca and Mrs. Leakley. Josh, Seth and Sammy are further back. Thom sleeps through most of the plane ride.

4:00pm - We land... but are kept aboard waiting for a gate for an hour.

5:00pm - We finally disembark, meeting up with Keith David (who was flying in from New York) in baggage claim.

5:45pm - I didn't check any bags, but others did, and it takes 45 minutes for the bags to come out. We meet up with Patrick, Susan and Rob outside and pile into three cars. I think Josh and Keith went with Susan. Jennifer, Sammy and Seth went with Rob. Thom, Rebecca and I went with Patrick. Traffic was a nightmare.

7:30pm - We finally arrive at the lovely Hotel Orrington in Evanston, Illinois, just outside Chicago. This is a great area for a con, with lots of walking distance food nearby. I go up to my very nice room, where cheese and grapes are waiting for me. Then it's back downstairs for Dinner at the hotel's restaurant (Indigo?). I'll probably forget someone, but I think it was me, Karine, Jen, Greg Bishansky, Thom, Keith, Maelee, Josh, Dionne, Ruby, Susan, Rebecca, Patrick, Seth and Sammy. Also saw Ellen, Fan, Nikki, Jenn-Bob, etc. I had Sushi, Tempura, pork dumplings, Beef asparagus rolls and a couple cokes.

10:00pm - I went back to my room, leaving dinner early, exhausted. I called home, did just a bit of channel flipping, and...

11:00pm - Crashed.


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Greg Bishansky writes...

"Bad Guys" #3, "Estranged" picks up where #2 left off and brings us to the familiar territory of the "Gargoyles Universe" version of Manhattan. It's a comfortable setting that we know quite well, and still manages to not detract from the more global setting this book is going for.

Hunter gets a lot of, much needed, fleshing out. For us long time fans, we already knew who she was and where she came from. But for new readers, or those who've been gone for a while, this is something they needed. Especially with Season Two Volume Two not yet on the horizon. While the plot doesn't move at the pace the first two issues did, this issue is all about character development, and that is not a bad thing. Hunter was my favorite member of the team ever since I first saw the leica reel back in 1998.

I loved the flashback, and watching them chase the demon into the Paris catacombs. Very creepy and atmospheric. It also sets up her relationship with her two brothers quite well. Although, I think a brief flashback to Jon accidentally crippling Jason was needed to give newbies more of a glimpse into Jon... whoops, I mean John's pathos.

The scene with Hunter and Jason was touching, and Jason's attitude was commendable. Yeah, he's not happy to be paralyzed, but he's not whining about it. He cowboyed up and is making the best of it.

Hunter and John Castaway, I loved. But the scene was way too short, I wanted more. But then, I get the feeling Hunter did to. But, she got called away. Like a professional, the mission comes first. I do look forward to their next meeting, assuming there is one.

Let's see, who's playing Celebrity Hockey on TV? Why it's (Sheena) Easton, (Diedrich) Bader, (Brent) Spinder, (Jeff) Bennett, (Jim) Belushi, (Cary-Hiroyuki) Tagawa, (William) Devane, (Jim) Cummings, and (Scott) Cleverdon. Or rather, the voice actors for Hunter, Jason, Puck, Matrix (leica reel), Fang, Yama (leica reel), the Director (leica reel), Dingo, and John Castaway. Except for Puck and the Director, everyone of those characters appear in this issue.

Finally, we begin to see the plot thicken. We know Castaway is being funded by the Illuminati, but we get a very strong hint that Hunter has a boss, too. Someone's backing her, and as Castaway said, it's not Canmore money.

Good issue. Looking forward to the next one.

Greg responds...

Thanks. You forgot Alan Cumming though.

Response recorded on July 09, 2008

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Chip writes...

More of a note to Matt than a question. My copies of BG#3 have Robyn's birthdate listed as June 19th, not Feb 20th.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 09, 2008

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Chip writes...

Review for Bad Guys #3: Estranged.

Ironically my store still hasn't gotten Issue #2: The Lost. Good thing I got a copy from another store.

I was hoping to find out what happened to Yama at the beginning of this issue, but no, just some cool panels of Robyn blowing stuff up. AWESOME!

Then we flashback, not to two months ago...but two weeks, some time has past. We see Yama and Dingo work well together...sort of, and Matrix makes a mini-Redemption Helecopter. His statement about Hunter being logical is ironic considering her EMOTIONAL trip down memory lane. Oddly enough...the artist in the background if front of Notre Dame looks just like a fanfic character of mine...weird.

I enjoyed more on the Canmore's past...it helped flesh them out and let me get to know them better. Also...give it up for Demona's first line in the comics...she's appeared before, but she never spoke till now.

On to NYC, and Dingo's gone and done his homework. *Pause for evil laugh*
Welcome to the Casablanca Hotel...I wonder if it's near the Hotel Cabal. Well...Sevarius explains how the Tasmanian Tiger got Thylacines...they were clones. And Sevarius didn't artificially age them because their coloring (as far as I could tell in black and white) was normal. So TT must have raised them from pups.

Bushido Concepts? That HAS to be Taro's company. Wonder what Vinnie's up to? I just realized...While we're at it what was Sevarius doing for Taro?!?! I can think of several possibilities and I don't like any of them.

And we get to see Yama in stone sleep for the first time in the comics. Robyn goes and sees her brothers (That hockey game made me laugh out loud in the comic shop, the storekeep stopped and asked what was so funny) Jason...who's definitely gotten himself some perspective...and Jon. Who's lost his mind, and disowned his family. I can see why the Monmouths and Castaways will still be fueding in the future. I just love that the Hunter...the mantle that was used for gargoyle genecide...now fights on the same side as gargoyles and even protects them. Poetic Justice.

More irony from Yama...if Jon had any idea who was at the other end of that radio. And Dingo was..."bored". That also made me laugh.

And Fang's assult on Hunter echoing Demona's attack on Robyn...that was just well done. I can't wait for Issue #4...I don't doubt it will leave me breathless. I also can't wait for Gargoyles #9 & 10. Especially 10! Greg Gular as guest artist WOO-WHO!!!



Greg responds...

That artist in front of Notre Dame looks a lot like Alicea to me, which would be QUITE the coincidence. For more info on her (if you're 18 or over) check out BlueMugProductions.com.

Response recorded on July 09, 2008

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Matt writes...

I know you've said the covers of the comics are not canon, but I thought I'd ask this anyway.

The cover of Bad Guys #3 lists Robyn Canmore's birthday as February 20th. Is this accurate?

Kinda pointless, I know. Just wondering.

Greg responds...

No, it doesn't. Look again.

Response recorded on July 09, 2008

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Mary C. writes...

Hi Mr. Greg! Long time fan, first time submitter :) I don't have a question for you this time, but I wanted to share some info I though you'd find cool. I've seen alot of comments about G:BG issue #1 and the Tasmanian Tiger and is real life extinct companions. Today I found this article online about scientists transplanting a tasmanian tiger gene to a mouse. It's funny how odd things like this always seem to pop up at a relevant time, here's the link to the Yahoo article for ya: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080520/sc_afp/scienceanimaldnaaustralia;_ylt=An3qxdBHbEV4ht9_yAJgwcd4hMgF

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 09, 2008

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CON-ODYSSEY GATHERING & CONvergence - Wednesday, June 25, 2009

And so begins my conjournal, which I'll serialize over the next few days...

I was gone for nearly two weeks to attend two terrific conventions. I had a great time at both, and really the best aspect of both was just hanging out with people, fellow pros and fans. I'll try to be complete, but I'm bound to make mistakes, skip over some people, etc. So I beg your forgiveness and indulgence in advance.

Wednesday, June 25, 2009
Still a work day for me... as I tried to frantically get everything done and ready for my trip.

10:30am - I had an Attended Edit of Spectacular Spider-Man episodes 125 and 126 with our editor Terry over at Studiopolis. This is the point where we take our voice recordings and edit it into a natural pause tape that the board artists and timers can use to get the feel of the flow of dialogue. Last two episodes of the second season are now completed on the writing and voice side before I leave. (Note: I find out today 7/9 that the board artists and directors never got these dialogue reels. GRRRRRR.)

12:00pm - I arrive at my office at Sony's Apple Building, i.e. the grim warehouse where we produce Spidey. I'm trying to clear the decks, since I don't plan on bringing my computer on the trip and/or checking e-mail.

7:00pm - I stop by Golden Apple to pick up a few comics before I go. Some Amazing Spider-Man (Brand New Day) and Justice League, which I buy for work-related reasons and Angel, which I buy for Whedon geek-out reasons.

8:00pm - I get home and sleep for a couple of hours.

10:00pm - I say good night to the kids and Beth. Then I do some more prep work for the conventions. Printing out my itinerary, etc. Then I watch a bunch of episodes of Season Two of Dexter (even better than Season One). No point in going to sleep tonight - I have to get up too early...


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