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Not a question, just an exclimation;
ARHhhhhh!.....I only just found out/started reading your excellent Gargoyles comics recently and Disney are pulling the licence already. I got a load more to read, which is a blessing, but I still feel cursed by my timeing.
If the sales are good, yet Disney licence costs too much for them to admin, it seems to me someone has got a serious bureaucracy problem.
-sigh- Oh well, thanks for the fantastic series resurection, and I only hope and pray it happens again soon!
Me too.
I've been a huge fan of Gargoyles since I was a little girl and I have felt Disney shot itself in the foot for never really appreciating this amazing, revolutionary series. My question is does Greg think Disney has lost it's drive for quality and dedication to good animation and ideas in recent years? And is there anyway to negotiate with Disney to jump start this series for present generations? Thanks so much Greg! Your work gave me history and adventure in my childhood!
Check the archives.
Hello. I have enjoyed "The Spectacular Spider-Man", and my favourite episode is "Group Therapy". Here are a few of my questions:
1) Any plans for a body-switching episode between Spidey and MJ (just kiddin!)?
2) Will Randy Robertson become Rocket Racer and Montana become Big Wheel?
3) Why was Charles Napier replaced by Jeff Bennett as Montana?
4) And, considering the Master Planner arc in Season Two, will there be a homage to Amazing Spider-Man #33?
1, 2 & 4. No comment.
3. Charles Napier was NEVER Montana. Check the credits. Jeff Bennett played the character from episode 1. I don't know where the Napier rumor came from.
Anyways, I finally got around to continuing The Spectacular Spider-Man reviews starting with Persona.
- Whether it was the animated series from the 90s or the original comic or the movie I enjoyed The Alien Costume Saga. Whether it's the effect that the costume had on him or the various designs of the costume I haven't decided.
- What I like about this version of the story is the blending of the other versions of the story (Playing his conscience, improving his physical attributes and the control over him as seen in the next episode).
- Between the goop comment (as well as her other wiity dialogue), the kitty sense and the kissing scene at the end, you just can't go with this Black Cat.
- Have to say that the Chameleon's disguises are impressive. His "Spider Sense" and quips are priceless. As for Quentin Beck and Phineas Mason, they're okay, but as for them returning. Well, I don't think they could fight Spidey on their own. Beck for one, would be better off getting a fishbowl (For putting some fish in of course).
I assume you meant to say "you just can't go [wrong] with this Black Cat." At least I hope that's what you meant to say.
What was Mace Malone's number in the Society?
Mace Malone was somewhere in the high 20s before he died.
Yeah hi i was just wondering if you know when the rest of the series comes out on DVD, and do you have any idea where i could get it i already have season 1 and season 2 volume 1 but yeah just wondering.
BVHE has no current plans for an additional realease.
Hey. I just wanted to say great job with the Spectacular Spider-Man. I saw most of the first season. I haven't seen the second season though. I'm not sure if there is one or not though. Now that I think 'bout it...
I haven't really checked in the site in awhile. I was obssesed with Gargoyles from, like, last June - October, but then it kinda died down. I did get the first vol. of season 2 though for Christmas. It's very good. I 'specially like the Audio Commentary for city of stone. I'm just wondering since I remember hearing that you said Macbeth went to america...
Does Macbeth travel most of the world? Like, does he go to other countries such as China and Australia? Or is that something you dont' know/aren't willing to say at the moment?
There is a second season in the works, but you couldn't have seen it yet.
I'm sure Macbeth -- over the course of his very long life -- is quite the world-traveler.
Well, I sadly can't buy the individual comic issues anymore. Since Disney won't let SLG publish any after 9/31, I'll have to wait for the trades. I can't afford to buy each issue twice.
I do have a question about the Labyrinth Clan, who are sort of topical:
We know that gargates gain energy by absorbing heat or sunlight during the day, and that if a gargoyle were deprived of this for enough nights in a row, she would eventually start feeling some kind of negative effects.
Given this, what will happen to the clones as they continue to sleep underground every day? It's dark and probably cold and damp down there.
Um, there are no individual issues anymore, I'm afraid.
I'm not sure it's all that cold in the Labyrinth.
Are there any plans for Keith David to do any voicework in season 2 of Spectacular Spider-Man? Ever since I started watching the Gargoyles repeats on Toon Disney + bought the season 1 DVD I've fallen in love with his voice, and it seems like now I hear it everywhere.
Keith was not available the one time we tried to get him.
Greg Weisman response: There were no legal reasons for Montana becoming Shocker.
What does that mean? That part I don't understand....Unless you originally planned to Herman appear as him. Firefly became Phosphorus in "The Batman."
The Avengers in Season Three were actually false rumors.
I do appreciate how you did the latest Spider-Man series. Any sneak peek at who the gang war is between?
I'm not sure what's not clear... other than the fact that you're quoting me out of context. I wasn't forced to make Montana into Shocker by lawyers. That was a creative choice on my part. I don't know what that has to do with Firefly or the Avengers.
And, no, I'm not going to spoil things here... at least nothing that hasn't already been spoiled.
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